By David Futrelle
Everybody’s favorite racist, lady-hating philosopher-impersonator has found a new target for his wrath: wine moms.
Well, he’s right about one thing: Women do indeed drink more wine than men — 57% percent of the total, according to the Wine MArket Council. And female drinking has increased dramatically in recent years.
But if Stefan were truly interested in pointing out the problems caused by parental drinking — as he insists he is — he wouldn’t just point his finger at mothers. While women drink more wine, men drink more alcohol in general; they’re twice as likely to binge drink and nearly twice as likely to be alcoholics. Wine mom, meet Booze dad.
But don’t worry, moms and moms-to-be! Stefan still wants you to have more babies, at least if you’re not a Muslim immigrant. Or someone with a job. Shortly after he posted his attack on wine moms, he posted these helpful tips for The Ladies:
So chop chop, Ladies, start popping out those babies as fast as you can. Just don’t pop open any bottles of wine when the little buggers have you at wits end.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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It was in Wyrd Sisters. First footnote.
Dear Stefan Molyneux:
Does the phrase ‘more for me’ mean anything to you? Just asking.
Added: yay Voodoo Ranger. Love that too.
Stef only has one child. He and his wife aren’t even replacing themselves. Sounds like White Genocide(TM) to me.
Lucky for him, then, that he, as a middle aged man, is so hot and popular with the ladies. /s
Why do women in their 40s and 50s still have student loans to pay, but men in their 40s and 50s are wealthy? Or is he talking about women in their 30s? Why am I trying to make sense of any of this?
I think he’s suggesting that women won’t be as successful in careers.
Or he accidentally acknowledged the wage gap. Sometimes reality leaks into the minds of conservatives.
95% positive the quaffing quote was Wyrd Sisters. Sometimes it even lands in your mouth.
And Stefan needs to shut his. I’m barren, menopausal, still paying off my loans, never chucked out any kids, and the man who loves me and wants me to be happy knows damn well I’m happy I never did. He’s happy he never had any, either.
@Bekabot: re: more for me.
No, they never do. Possibly they never will
Wine?! Stefan, you lightweight!
Deffo Wyrd Sisters. I seem to remember it as a footnote explanation of the late King Verence I’s quaffing habits.
So now I’m wondering which would be worse: Shaira or Stefan’s dream world.
I’m also thinking that we should tell him that women have two arms. With any luck he will then decide that two arms are unmanly, decide to grow a third, fail, and resort to cutting one off and insisting that only beta cucks have two.
@Sheila Crosby
It might be better to tell him that women communicate with words. Then he’ll never speak again.
@ Alan re the Vagina Museum:
Why do women have hen parties, but men have stag parties? Why not hen and cock parties or doe and stag parties?
Actually, what’s with the male obsession with belittling women as birds? Chicks, hens, biddies, ducky, birds?
@Prith kDar
If I had to guess, I’d say it’s because those birds are often considered to be weak birds (you never hear men call women “eagles” or “condors”), so it’s another way to infantilize and delegitimize women.
Thinking about women and booze I can remember back in the ’70s when some older bars still had a woman’s entrance. It probably wasn’t in use anymore by then. Not that I would know, I was just a kid.
Obviously they never ran up against any of those birds when they were enraged. I mean, swans are seen as ‘girly’ birds and those muthas have nasty tempers and wingstrikes that can break bones.
@Prith kDar
Oh wow, are you in for a treat!!!! In Manitoba and Ontario, you DO have stag and doe parties! These parties are to apparently help pay for the wedding. Wiki article on it.
In Alberta, they have stag and stagette parties, which are more like bachelor parties with drinking and friends and fun.
I don’t have a wiki link, and it seems that these are also called ‘jack and jill’ parties, but where i grew up they were firmly stab and stagette.
You could go white water rafting, or paintballing, haha.
They are also using ‘bachelor/bachelorette’, which i’ve also heard. Maybe it flipped between bachelorette and stagette?
I’ve only heard of hen parties through british media.
@ tim gueguen – there used to be a bar in town with a women’s entrance when i was growing up, in the 90s! It wasn’t used, but it was an oooold building. (For the area)
I’ve never heard of a “doe” party. But it’s not just that those are “weak” birds, but why birds? A hen party in the US at least is middle-aged or older women just talking together. Biddies are older, nosy women. Chicks and birds are young, attractive women. Ducks or ducky is neutral to negative, like “hon,” depending on whether you’ve earned the familiarity to call someone that.
There are lots of small mammals that would fit the weak or cute categories, but you don’t hear people calling women squirrels or chipmunks or voles or mice (though someone could be “mousey”). Why aren’t women talking together say, “crickets”?
I’m not lobbying for new derogatory terms for women – we’ve got too many as it is. I’m just thinking it’s odd that so many are birds.
AFAIK in mid 20th century Finland bars wouldn’t let in unaccompanied women, because it might look like the place was supporting hookups/prostitution. An establishment serving drinks had to appear “classy” and tight-laced or risk losing their alcohol license. Any seediness or rowdiness or “trashiness” was unacceptable because it would prove that alcohol destroys the moral of common people.
(Somewhat confusingly, the word “bar” was used for lunch cafeterias/diners, whereas alcohol was only sold in fancier places called “restaurants”. Most of the latter were essentially drinking bars, but they had to pretend otherwise and were legally required to only serve drinks with food – even just a stale sandwich.)
One more for Molymeme’s mommy issues.
Sweetheart, you can’t just drop a preview-less YouTube link and expect people to think you’re here in good faith. Especially since you called Dave a “fat fuck mangina loser” in the Peterson thread.
Why don’t you briefly outline what information you want for us, in text? That’s what most other people here seem to be doing.
I went and actually watched some of that video, and what do you know it’s just another dude saying male feminists are hypocrits (I got news for you, Kim : we actually do acknowledge that some male feminists are shit, and call them out on it) and redpillers are the ones with Real Respect for women.
Protip, trolls : trying to worm your way into a legitimate concern of feminist circles to create division won’t work when those circles are already prepared to face those concerns. Yes, bad allies exist, and no you don’t get to frame the conversation we’re having about them.
Nobody waited for your green light to start weeding them out, and in fact every goddamn “ex-feminist” red piller is exactly that, a creep who got called out and dropped the pretense.
Why you drink the wine ?