By David Futrelle
Twenty women have accused opera singer Placido Domingo of sexual harassment and, in at least one case, of outright sexual assault. In Quillette, reactionary propagandist Heather MacDonald argues that, regardless of the truth or falsity of their accusations, these women are simply too unimportant to be allowed to derail the career of “an artist of Domingo’s stature.”
MacDonald, a Manhattan Institute fellow whose politics lie in the general vicinity of the so-called “Intellectual Dark Web,” devotes a good deal of her essay to glorifying the talents of the “Three Tenors” alum — praising his “warm, soaring voice” and his “remarkable pitch control” and declaring him “one of classical music’s greatest ambassadors and impresarios.”
Never mind that, according to an Associated Press investigation, Domingo’s reputation as a predator was such an open secret in the profession that staffers went through elaborate machinations to try to ensure he he was never alone with a woman. MacDonald treats Domingo’s mostly anonymous accusers with a deep disdain, dismissing these “females” as “small-time soloists” and “disgruntled bit players.”
MacDonald seems to have no trouble imagining that at least some of the accusations are true; she just can’t bring herself to care. The alleged incidents took place long ago, she repeatedly notes, and besides, it’s not like the now-elderly singer is going to keep harassing and groping women in his vicinity.
At one point, astoundingly, she posits that he might well have felt a professional obligation to act out the part of a sex-obsessed lothario.
“As the object of so much sexual attention” from fans, she writes,
Domingo could have been forgiven for thinking that his own advances were part of the mix. He clearly belongs to the “Latin Lover” prototype, a good-natured, charming seducer from the old Hollywood era. Learning to deal with such types used to be part of a woman’s skill set.
But MacDonald’s most outrageous argument, one that makes clear her profound elitism and lack of empathy for whole classes of human beings she clearly considers disposable, is that Domingo is too important to accuse.
It is a grotesque inversion of the proper hierarchy between public accomplishment and private sexual behavior to sacrifice an artist of Domingo’s stature for the sake of 20 disgruntled bit players, laboriously harvested from thousands of professional interactions characterized by graciousness and consideration.
How dare these unimportant women sully the reputation of such a star — especially because he only (allegedly) harassed a small percentage of those he interacted with. Which is a bit like saying we should ignore a serial killer’s crimes because most days he wasn’t killing anyone at all.
Put simply, the discomfort of these belated accusers decades ago is not worth Domingo’s head.
Harassing and groping is evidently a-OK if you have perfect pitch control.
Civilization rests on the realm of public achievement in ideas, politics, and art. The private realm of Eros should be subordinate to the public realm; how someone behaves in or getting to the bedroom is irrelevant to his achievements in the public square, absent criminality.
Do I need to point out that sexual assault is a criminal offense?
If we discovered that James Madison, say, was a skirt-chaser, that fact should have no bearing on his achievements as a political theorist and statesman.
The flaws of even the most eminent of thinkers are highly relevant to our assessment of their legacies. Historians have long wrestled with the fact that many of America’s “founding fathers” were both champions of freedom (for white people) while at the same time owning and, in the case of Thomas Jefferson, raping slaves.
Yes, as MacDonald argues, “Domingo brought beauty into the world.” He also seems to have brought great ugliness into the lives of many women around him. No amount of talent can absolve a sexual predator.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Wow. When McDonald writes of “bit players”, she describes herself.
I’ll try that. Thank you for the suggestion. He might still try to spin that into “class, class, class” but it’s definitely worth a try.
Yeah, honestly I’m not optimistic about his reaction. But best of luck.
For me, class-first analysis simply can’t explain the American experience, where immigrants (eg Irish, Poles, Greeks) arrived with basically nothing and within a century were accepted as potential members of the status-quo-favoring political elite.
For black folk, the equivalent time would be from 1865, yet they still are not generally acceptable. The US wasn’t even pretending to try until about the 1960s, a time period longer than it took immigrants to be fully accepted.
Class-first analysis can explain the immigrant experience. It can explain the black experience. It cannot explain how those two experiences happened basically next to each other. There are essentially no immigrant equivalents of the burning of Black Wall Street in the 1910s, yet the black community suffered some similar kind of deliberate setback essentially every decade (up until at least the 1980s if you count red lining, or the 1990s if you count the crack epidemic).
YMMV, but that history is what pushed my out of my privileged, class-first, noblesse oblige style leftism.
Scheer lost.
And the fascist-adjacent PPC came out of it with zip. Bupkis. Nada.
Nice,so who did win?
The Liberals will form a minority government. How long it will hold up remains to be seen.
The PPC did so poorly that even its formerly popular founder, Quebec MP Maxime Bernier, lost his seat. Guess he should have stayed a Conservative instead of forming a vanity party.
I’ve got a good citation for you, might have to wait til tomorrow to find it.
It might be worth asking how he expects oppressed people to show class solidarity with him if he won’t show solidarity with oppressed groups.
Dirtbag leftism is a self-defeating ideology peddled by people who want systemic change but don’t want to change their own behaviors.
@tim gueguen
Any status updates on what’s happening with the NDP at this time, if anything?
Oh dear, civilization is crumbling.
Good grief, it’s like someone watched that Harry Enfield “women: know your limits” sketch for research.
These sorts of workshops are bought in from external consultants, and in my experience HR departments have rather poor bullshit filters, so it’s easy to sell them any old crap in a training package.
In unrelated news, I’ve just been made redundant from my job, so I suppose I should be looking for a grift!
@tim gueguen
If JT has any political savvy (questionable), he’ll read the tea leaves and understand that he can’t play coy about critical issues and needs to start walking the walk. Pharmacare. Green New Deal. I found a group on Twitter called Iron and Earth, which is a group for oil sands workers looking to transition to green jobs. They look legitimate as far as I can find, but I know little about them. If they are, it’s exactly the kind of group that cuts into the Tory support base among oil and gas workers. Convince them they don’t need to be wedded to Kinder Morgan or Conoco-Phillips and all the Tories have is right-wing idpol.
There’s opportunity here, but only if the Liberals seize it.
Thank you to everyone for the suggestions. I’ll try to talk about those next time I see him.
I think some of them (most of them?) don’t even want systemic change. They just want to say they do so they can feel edgy and cool. It’s why the mask slips so easily.
Class undoubtably is part of oppression, but to say it’s the main focus is ridiculous.
CONTENT WARNING: Discussions of institutionalised violence, kidnapping of children, ignored missing and murdered women, and forced sterilisation. All of Indigenous people in Canada.
Here’s a concrete example. In Canada, indigenous women make up 4% of the population in Canada. (Source)
Yet they make up 10% of the Missing and Murdered women. (Source)
But wait! I can imagine him crying. They are in a lower class!
Here’s an excerpt from an article
If it was solely class, why is this particular group of people affected like this? What isnthe unifying theme, besides their ethnicity? (There is a LARGE number of seperate cultures being lumped in here, btw)
Simplifying it all down to ‘class’ ignores so much. It oppression were class based, it wouldn’t have been just indigenous kids who were kidnapped and put in abusive schools. Indigenous communities wouldn’t be the ones suffering from intergenerational trauma of the 60s scoop and residential schools etc. Indigenous women wouldn’t make up such a large number of missing and murdered people.
Here’s a final point. I want your friend to find a *solely class based explanation* for the fact that indigenous women are *still being forcebly sterilized*.
Here’s the wikipedia article on it. How does a ‘class’ based understanding of oppression deal with eugenics?
Tl;dr – yes, class plays *a part*. But there are other factors as well.
Be wary of anyone who says “it’s all about x“, for any value of x.
Holy fuck! I knew it was recent history, but it’s not even history! Why isn’t this outrage better known? Wait, don’t bother answering that question.
And if anyone wants yet another perfect example of what we’ve been discussing.
This thread is a fucking doozy
It is very disturbing that this happened at all, and even more so that it was continued until so recently. I was aware of the sterilization of indigenous people, but I thought it had ended decades ago. I’ll show this information to the skidmarxist in my life. Thank you for the notes.
I have to admit, for people who claim to care about the working class, these skidmarxists are classist as fuck. It’s pretty obvious they don’t actually care, they just want to look like they do while being edgelords.
Historically in the US race has been much more important than class in terms of legally structuralised oppression, and significantly more so in economically structured oppression. There’s a wonderful book that perfectly describes it with citations, but apparently copies go for $1000 and up. IIRC I got it from interlibrary loan, the title is “Labor’s Untold Story”, the 1955 one, not the 2018 one.
For some odd reason, the reference to Latin Lovers is putting me in mind of an old interview Entertainment Tonight did with actor Ricardo Montalbán, probably best known today for his roles as the original Mr. Rourke on Fantasy Island and the original Kahn in the Star Trek franchise. The interviewer asked him who was the greatest Latin Lover he ever knew, and and without hesitation (that I recall anyway) said – his father.
The elder Montalbán loved only one woman – Ricardo’s mother – all his adult life, never cheated on her, or anything like that. In the younger man’s mind, that made him one of the greatest Latin Lovers ever. And a quick look at Montalbán’s Wiki page indicates that he followed in his father’s footsteps regarding loving his wife.
Just thought a different take on how to define a good Latin Lover might be good now, given the bad example under discussion in the OP.
Boom. Mike drop. That’s always what I keep in the back of my mind whenever class reductionists rear their ugly heads.
In case folks missed it, a pair of New York Proud Boys were sentenced to four years in prison today.
The website and group looks promising.
I just wish the name wasn’t something that immediately triggered my “oh god is this a ‘blood and soil’ Nazi dogwhistle?” suspicion.
Hopefully I’m just being oversensitive and I wish the group luck with their progressive goals. Worker-driven initiatives are something we could use more of.
RE: The Canadian Election
I’m kind of disappointed that Canada overwhelmingly chose the Liberals in the face of their many scandals, broken promises, Trudeau’s attacks on Indigenous children and his fucking blackface. They might be better than Sheer, but that’s a low effing bar to clear. I had much higher hopes that the NDP would be able to gain some more momentum.
Well, I suppose I can at least hope that being forced to work with the NDP to maintain their power will mean that at least some of the Liberals progressive talking points will be more than just talk.
Hopefully the rest of the Proud Boys and their fascist ilk join them there soon. Maybe Gavin McInnes can share a cell with Jacob Wohl if they both get arrested. The “Godfather of hipsterdom” and the denizen of hipster coffee shops.
OT: Pickup artist gets jail time for being pickup artist: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-50137960
Apparently he will change his “entrenched” behavior. Anyone want to make a bet he doesn’t?