alt-right daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies evil fat fatties literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim white dudes comparing themselves to slaves white supremacy

The Daily Stormer wants all fat people put in starvation camps

No fat chicks in the Daily Stormer’s fascist utopia

By David Futrelle

The Daily Stormer is expansive in its hatreds. The site’s writers (and readers) not only hate Jews, black people, women, and LGBTQ folks; they also, in keeping with Nazi tradition, despise anyone they see as somehow defective, especially if they can be blamed for their alleged defects.

And so it’s hardly surprising that Stormers hate fat people. What is perhaps a little surprising is the vehemence of their hatred.

In a couple of recent posts on the site, the Stormer writer who calls himself Pomidor Quixote launches an outright war on fat people. In the first, he cites a study of rats to “prove” that the children of fat mothers age more quickly, concluding that parenting-while-fat is “a form of child abuse that has devastating health and social consequences,”

And he’s just getting started:

Allowing overweight people to reproduce is really no different than allowing meth addicts to become parents.

Unless they fix their serious addiction problems first, they shouldn’t be anywhere near children.

This is all horrible, but there is a rather striking irony to Quixote’s sideways swipe at meth addicts, given that a recent book has shown that meth was used as a performance-enhancing drug by the Nazis, and many soldiers ended up addicts.

In his second recent post on the fat menace, “Quixote” takes his argument (such as it is) even further. Citing an OECD study (as summarized by Bloomberg), he concludes that

The obese are not being as productive as normal people, so they’re not contributing the same as normal people.

Yet they are responsible for governments spending hundreds of billions of dollars trying to keep them alive.

Why are governments trying to keep the obese alive if the obese can’t even perform properly?

Because we don’t kill people, or let them die, because, statistically speaking, they’re slightly less productive than skinny people due to taking more sick days.

Also, as a fat person, I have to say that I really haven’t noticed the government doing much of anything to keep me alive.

We know how to force them to lose weight, but for some reason these fat monsters are given the freedom to decide what to eat despite having proved time and time again that they’re incapable of making choices that would result in them losing the weight.

Diets, broadly speaking, don’t work; the overwhelming majority of those who lose weight through dieting end up gaining the weight back. And this sort of yo-yo dieting can have far worse effects on health than being overweight.

Quixote continues, each new sentence more unhinged than the last:

Why are productive, slim people paying for the freedom of the obese?

It’s a kind of slavery.

These monsters are enslaving healthy humans!

Nazi that he is, Quixote concludes with a very on-brand “solution.” He wants fat people rounded up and put in “starvation camps.”

[T]he problem with fat creatures isn’t really a lack of education about food and exercise. They know that if they ate less, they’d lose weight or at least stop getting fatter. They know that eating a lot causes them to gain weight.

It’s a kind of addiction and everything points to them not being able to handle it on their own.

They have to be put in starvation camps and given only water and a bit of salt until they lose all the excess weight.

Setting aside the moral depravity of this, er, “solution,” starvation camps aren’t exactly what you might call practical. For one thing, according to the OECD study Quixote himself cites, more than half the adults in OECD countries (that is, most of the developed world) are classified as overweight or obese.

In the US, 72% of adults are overweight, and 40% are obese, according to the CDC. To fulfill Quixote’s cruel fantasy, you’d have to lock up something like 160 million people — quite a responsibility for the remaining 60 million adults.

Quixote also seems to have forgotten that Nazis themselves aren’t immune to the alleged “addiction” of being overweight. Indeed, while Quixote may be, for all I know, perfectly svelte, there are plenty of fat Nazis, and some of them — like the fugitive from justice known as Azzmador — have even written for the Daily Stormer.

Hell, Hermann Göring was famously fat. Would Quixote have sent him to the starvation camps too? Somehow I think not.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

I’d like to see him try it. Fat people, as the adage goes, are hard to kidnap.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Yeah, this is definitely a “Be careful what you wish for” situation. Pomidor Quixote might find himself on the way to a starvation camp if the authorities were especially aggressive.

5 years ago

Unfortunately, if anything this is probably one of the least unpopular opinions they’ve put forward. Somehow, there are people across the political spectrum who would never agree with each other about anything… except that fat people are icky. I’ve even seen people in very lefty online spaces with good understandings of intersectional issues say that fat people are “bad comrades” because they’re “not doing their part”. SMH

Just to get it out there:
There are fat people who eat a lot, and there are fat people who eat very little. There are fat people who don’t exercise, and there are fat marathon runners. There are fat people with and without mental health issues, with and without eating disorders, with and without physical disabilities. And all of them are exactly as deserving of human decency, understanding and kindness as anyone else on this planet, not to mention food, shelter, clothing, decent medical care (which very few ever get, even those who’d be able to afford it), and anything else you want to put in a list of human rights.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Somehow I think that rounding up all day people and keeping them in camps would be just a tad more expensive than the amount they’re allegedly draining from the system now.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago


That’s why they should be made to perform cheap labor while in the camps. Those camps aren’t going to pay for themselves, and if the big (titty) demons of this world want to force the normal people to take drastic measures to right the scales, as it were, then they should pay their way. Possibly forcible removal of property would be a good way to start, it would pay for the immediate deportation costs to the fat camps, and then the forced labor. Preferably hard manual labor because that would help them lose weight the fastest. If some people die from it… well… you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, as the fatties should well know. Maybe even some of the most hopeless cases should be donated to medical study, or just put down for their own sake, you know, as a humanist measure. To spare them the agonizing long death from hard labor because fatties just can’t keep up with work with no food like a normal person could. Then some of the other fatties could be detailed to cleaning up the mess, a sondercommando if you will, and… hmmm… yes this is sounding very on-brand for Nazis, isn’t it?

I wish unspecified unpleasantries upon this fellow along with some historical perspective that might hit home.

Savanah M Gray
Savanah M Gray
5 years ago

Putting the fat people in starvation camps would take pretty much all of the Nazis. How would they enforce this when all but a handful are the “fat guys” they’re speaking of? Is this just another example of supremacist self-loathing? I think it is!

5 years ago

Well, this explains the uptick in fat shaming & harassment I’m seeing.

The best part of this BS is — sit down for this giant surprise — their lack of understanding of SCIENCE. Without going into the whole meggilah, they have zero understanding of the science of body weight, nutrition, or how fat cells work.

Which is no surprise. They’re not interested in science. They’re just interested in who they can hate today.

(FWIW, since Voat has become home to reddit’s former FatPeopleHate sub, it’s now full of white rights bullshit on top of the fat hate. They actually drove off some people, which was hilarious.)

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago

You wanna face winter with skin and bone?

I’d say there’s a reason, even if it ain’t perfect
That the reason for the buffer is of natural select
If it didn’t help a one, then would we be kickin’ now?
There’s more of us than there are of them, so tell me, tell me how

How a cinched waist or bare muscle tone
Is gonna get you through the night
With the bone-chillin’ breeze, you’re just gonna freeze
Or get cut down by a blight
Well there’s only one way that we’d be here today
We got a stock against the storm
Do you want humanity to stay warm?

You gonna face a famine roarin’ like a fire?

Sometimes, turning seasons turns the soil awful sour
Often, that sticks around with appeal to higher power
If you burn all you got, there’s nothing left for when
It gets worse, call it a curse, so tell me, tell me, what then?

You think it’s pretty when you see the ribs clearly?
How ’bout you try that on for size?
Oh, the hunger and pain, it’ll drive you insane
So wouldn’t it be wise
To say the ones with the energy stored
Might be ’round for cause and effect?
Or does that run against your project?

And this may not be sent from above
But I’d say, there’s just more to love

I don’t believe you know the word
It’s not like you haven’t heard it
But you never even tried
To step aside
And somethin’ tells me you won’t

Still stickin’ with birds of a feather
A bunch of seagulls, and fairly fair-weather
And you never even tried
To know the tide
Still something that you don’t

It’s that you won’t even care
It’s that you decline to empathize
Tell yourself and friends all of these lies
And you know
And you know
We all know

I’ll just be over here
Rather fat and rather queer
Just to boot
No astute observation you need

You never even met me, and I’m in your ire
Suppose that shows the garbage fire
You’re in
Guess your own words you’ll heed

You won’t hear me until you gotta breathe

We’ll be around even if you hate us
A you problem for sure
And it’s only a detriment
If a bloodline is called pure
Stick around, take a seat, we’ll watch you try and compete
And fail to those that you insist can’t be blessed

But sure, just tell yourself we’re worthless

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

Why are productive, slim people paying for the freedom of the obese?

It’s a kind of slavery.

These monsters are enslaving healthy humans!

And your solution is . . . to enslave fat people in your prison camps? And speaking of monsters: you’d like to starve them to death?

Yeah, you’re brilliant.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

This Quixote guy reminds me of a guy I dated in college. He was a good-looking guy with some charm, and he was also messed up in a callous way. This guy had a pattern of dating a woman for a few weeks and then dropping her like a hot potato. I told myself to be very, very careful not to fall in love with him.

We had a few dates. On our last date he told me that the death penalty should be used more often. Fascist, I said to myself.

And I realized that I was in no danger whatsoever of falling in love with him.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
5 years ago

Oh that OECD study…

Grr. Rant ahead.

There is no actual scientific direct link between body size and mortality. There is no actual scientific link between body size and so called ‘fat diseases’ like type 2 diabetes.

There is correlation. We haven’t found causation.

We have also found that high stress is correlated to so called ‘fat diseases’ regardless of body size.

And that increasing fat storage is also a defensive response to high stress.

So, what causes high stress? Poverty, and all that it entails. Which is why poor people are usually fatter than rich people.

Another thing that causes stress? Fat shaming.

And stress, with the high level of cortisol that comes with it, ACTUALLY INCREASES overall mortality.

And I hate how people keep harping on about the ‘bad diet’ of fast food and junk food.

So, you want people to cook for themselves, with fresh ingredients?


Someone working minimum wage certainly doesn’t have either.

I am fat. Due to 20 years of a hormonal issue not getting diagnosed. My rapid weight gain was brushed aside with ‘eat less, move more’. That my body was in the process of destroying my thyroid and losing weight through ‘eat less, move more’ is factually impossible? Brushed aside.

My misanthropy wasn’t inborn, it was learned.

5 years ago

Whatever this guy’s problem is, there’s a cure for it.

Coincidentally, it involves him undergoing precisely the “treatment” he presumes to prescribe for others.

5 years ago

+1 to Knitting Car Lady’s comment. I say this as a physician – weight is not a marker of health.

I would like to point out the term “addict” is stigmatizing and the preferred term is usually people who use drugs, which shifts away from unfairly pathologizing some kinds of drug use. I use amphetamines for my ADHD – it controls the anxiety I had all my life until diagnosis – and no one has ever called me an addict.

5 years ago

I would be grateful for suggestions/links if anyone has ’em handy:

good reading to give someone who needs to learn to stop nagging/wanting to nag their adult child about their weight.

Something short, with links to studies/evidence* (and ideally left-wing/socialist-inclined) would work well on this parent. Many thanks for any suggestions!

(*anything in Spanish, French or English would be great)

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

@Knitting Cat Lady

Hey hey! You’re in the mishandled thyroid problem club with me! If you’ve got the right dose now, don’t ever let them change it just because your tests are “bad”, go based on clinical results/how you feel only. I stupidly let myself get bullied (when younger) into halving my dose to produce “better” test results by an asshole GP who didn’t like my endocrinologist’s dosage’s test results, and then had an immediate and severe health crisis. A month into it I came back going, “help, I am having these problems!” And he said, straight to my face, “well, your tests come back fine, so we should look for a psychological root to your problems.”

I wish the story had a happy ending, but it really didn’t. The best that could be said is that I didn’t die from the resulting surgery and when I went on permanent medical leave from my degree program, I was supposed to have to pay back the money due to conditions in the original tuition/stipend contract, but I didn’t have to, I think because the medical center knew I could sue the bejesus out of them if I wanted to and didn’t want to provoke me into it.

5 years ago

While I consider that having less obese people would be good, that guy don’t make sense even if the lone goal is to have less obese peoples.

Outside of all the physiology / moral argument that have been done already, there’s also the perennial problem of people thinking a super heavy sentence deter people. It don’t do that. If the sentence is out of whack with the importance of the infraction, then it don’t deter anyone. So, even if for some stupid reason we think being overweight is a personal failing, the answer isn’t to overkill that by sentencing them to long term prison sentences.

And, as said above and will be said below, a lot of overweight people are so because of external factors, and even so, it’s infinitely easier to prevent than to remove.

Of course, if thoses nazis didn’t have anyone to hate, they would make them. So they aren’t interested in preventing obesity as much as creating some to be able to heap abuse on them.

5 years ago

Ur-fascism is a fascinating idea, isn’t it? Its the way you can actually watch it being played out verbatim, over and over again.

Fatties! They’re stupid, lazy, greedy, weak and worthless! Simultaneously they’re part of a vast and all-powerful conspiracy to crush us and take all our resources and we can’t do anything about it because of reasons!

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
5 years ago

@Big Titty Demon

(We have the big titty thing in common as well)

My medical team is rather, shall we say, aggressive in my treatment.

They target my dose so I end up in the hyperthyroid side of normal range.

Highest dose I had so far? 250 µg. Now I’m back to 200 µg.

And last year my employer offered free thyroid ultrasound screening. The doctor was positively giddy when doing mine.

‘Oh, this a perfect, classical Hashimoto’s thyroid! You see the few dark spots? Those are functional thyroid tissue. The bright white spots are calcification. The rest is scar tissue.’

At least have my blood relatives have Hashimoto’s or some other kind of thyroid thing, so I’d say there is definitely a genetic component.

My mum TOLD many medical professionals to please look at my thyroid. To no avail…

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
5 years ago

Also, regarding resources for parents:

Look for heavyweightheart, ok2befat, and bigfatscience on tumbler.

ok2befat also has a yt channel.

All reasearch heavy and leftist.

5 years ago

Thank you Knitting Cat!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

I’m so tired of the “obesity is an individual moral failing” narrative, when there are so many complex environmental contributors that we’re only just beginning to unravel. BPA, for example, is ubiquitous, and it’s been shown to disrupt metabolism and promote weight gain. How does this guy account for the fact that mice, marmosets, and vervet monkeys have also gotten fatter over the past thirty years?

I also marvel at the “kill everyone who isn’t a perfect specimen of humanity” narrative, coming from a group not noted for high levels of intelligence or chiseled physiques.

5 years ago

Based on his rather “creative” online output, I harbor severe doubts that someone whose moniker is an unholy mashup of Senor Pomidor and Don Quixote is contributing more to society than the average fat person.

Also, no, we are not going to put people into starvation camps, because (a) most of us are not monsters, (b) those of us who are monsters will do nothing that is so certain to wreck the economy that enriches them.

5 years ago

I’m another member of the “fat due to medical issues” camp. I gained 50 pounds after my kidney transplant, due to the steroids in my anti-rejection meds, and it’s never going to go away because I have to keep taking those meds even though my transplant has failed after nine years.

I have, of course, actually had a conservative tell me that “While I don’t know your story, I’m sure that your diet and exercise choices contributed to your kidney failure.”

5 years ago

Soooo… literally this Simpsons clip:

They do realize that was meant to show how terrible the experience of Kamp Krusty was, right?

5 years ago


I have to keep taking those meds even though my transplant has failed after nine years.

Could you get the transplant removed if it has failed? I don’t know much about organ transplants, so this is just an idea that might be impossible.

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