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Men are oppressed by cartoon women driving guys around in cars, incel insists

Cartoon women: Destroying men by driving them places

By David Futrelle

Over on, one prolific commenter is losing it over a dire new threat to men: cartoon girls and women driving guys around in cars, thus “driver’s licence mogging” them. (That is, out-alpha-ing guys without driver’s licenses.)

[Serious] Being driver licence mogged by anime girls
Today at 7:11 AM

JoinedNov 2, 2018
Today at 7:11 AM
This has become so common. There are plenty of ''sensei'' animations out there. Most likely some beta guy falls in love with the teacher and eventually for some reason the female is driving him, like he is some toddler and she is his mother. It is absolutely pathetic. What has men become to that they even think about something like this? That they are able to draw and animate something like this? I would rather kill myself.
Just like ''Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai''. I only watched a YouTube video of it. I immediately recognized the content. Then it was clear to me that the male protagonist will be driver licence mogged by the female teacher at some point. I skipped the video a bit and there it was. My fear I had, has become reality.
Why is this keep happening? I am absolute sure that they want to destroy men completely. This universe is there only to mock me.

In a followup comment, he blamed the current epidemic of “women driving men around on tv shows” on … Playboy magazine.

It started slowly with Playboy. They put some naked female next to a car. Eventually this female was inside of that car. At this point the situation will become more cucked over time. Then they spread this on media, movies and series. You cannot escape it. It was visible everywhere. Female teenage driving everywhere while the male protagonist is on the passenger seat like a little cuck.

It must be so tiring to be this oppressed by imaginary things all the time.

H/T — Thanks to BrazilianSigma in r/IncelTears for spotting this one.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

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The heralds of doom. Doooom

5 years ago

So, if your ambulance driver is a woman, you may as well die on the way.

Got it.

5 years ago

Jeez, man, you don’t want women driving you around? Fine by me. I’ll get driven around quite happily.

5 years ago
5 years ago

Just out of curiosity, why are all these incels obsessed with anime? I’ve never watched much so I don’t know much about it, but what is it that draws them in so much? There are just so many incels and other alt-right trolls with anime avatars and who seem to really like anime.

Also, if life is so hard for men, shouldn’t they be glad to be driven by women? It’s one less thing for them to do. /s

5 years ago

Basically all these alt-right subcultures grew out of 4chan, which started out as an anime fansite. So getting radicalised is often combined with getting into anime.

5 years ago

Basically all these subcultures spawned on 4chan, which started out as an anime discussion board. So radicalisation is combined with getting into anime.

5 years ago


As somebody who was formerly in the 4chan scene before getting smart, when you’re kind of weird and have social problems, it’s easy to just lose yourself in your interests and in discussing them with others, even just anons.

Plus if you don’t really have any idea how things outside your experience works, it’s easy to take what you see in your favorite choice of media as what’s true. Which explains a lot of the weirdass stuff incels believe: they take porn comics as gospel about sexual and relationship matters, instead of the overexaggerated erotic stuff they’re meant to be.

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

So Dick is only Dastardly because of Penelope Pitstop?

Prith kDar
Prith kDar
5 years ago

Hey, don’t blame anime. Anime is just anything Japanese creatives can think up and get funded. It’s like blaming bald eagles for sTrumpian “patriots” fetishizing them. Just like eagles are beautiful and inspirational, but can be savage, and eat carrion, some anime is beautiful and uplifting, some of it is just plain fun, some of it is exploitative, sexist trash. Guess which content the incels and mgtows are most attracted to…

Also, a lot of them come to anime through gaming, and while, like anime, gaming is a vast entertainment medium containing multitudes, it’s also the home of a lot of misogyny and Gamergate.

5 years ago

@Dalillama, doomcup
Thank you for the explanations. That explains a lot about the far right.

@Prith kDar
I’m not blaming anime, and I’m sorry if what I said seemed like I was blaming it. I know that anime isn’t the cause, I was merely curious why the incels and other far rightists were into it. I know that there are also lots of good people interested in anime, and a few of my close friends like it. I’m not trying to criticize a whole form of media or its fanbase.

5 years ago

Which sucks for guys like me and all other decent anime fans when you have such craven ilk infiltrating and appropriating both our fan communities and our favorite series with their hate mongering bs.

It’s disappointing and infuriating that, as a fan of Strike Witches; I have to contend with the fact that one of my surprisingly pro-feminist, pro-women series with strong female characters who save the world and whom men rely one to fight the supernatural aliens and whom have some cute and heartwarming Yuri moments of believable character interaction; that the series fandom has a small but vocal number of jerks who are militantly anti-yuri and deny that two of the few biggest lesbian characters in the series “only like each other as friends” (despite the creator of strike witches saying outright that they are more like “a boyfriend and girlfriend who can’t convey their feelings for each other), Misogynists who write crappy, dime a dozen “Gary Stu” fanfics that steals the witches thunder and relegates the girls to shallow comfort battalions of incompetence than they actual are, and Incels who think Trevor Maloney and his Warlock project to replace the witches “Was a great idea” (despite the series tone showing how dickish and dangerous that idea was) and complaining that only witches can actually use magic and asking “where are male magic users” when the series is branded as a “magical girl” series where humanity relies explicitly on the fact that only girls can awaken to having and using magic to defend them from the supernatural aliens .

Only sliver lining that the majority of the fanbase loath this ilk and denounce them for their toxic nonsense. Still ticks me off to no end though.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

Why does riding as a passenger automatically mean you’re a toddler? You could just as well be a VIP going to the opera in a stretch limousine.
Or a mastermind bank robber in a getaway car. Or a hero getting a ticker tape parade. Or a star relief pitcher getting driven out to the mound to save the game.

It’s not their wrists that are narrow, it’s their imaginations.

It started slowly with Playboy. They put some naked female next to a car. Eventually this female was inside of that car.

Women are wily that way. We take off our clothes and stand next to Congress, and next thing you know we’re inside and have a filibuster-proof majority. It’s just that easy.

5 years ago

What, and I cannot stress this enough, the fuck? The world is full of legitimate things to stress about; I can’t imagine getting enraged by woman drivers in cartoons.


Plus if you don’t really have any idea how things outside your experience works, it’s easy to take what you see in your favorite choice of media as what’s true.

Uh-huh. I was just thinking that I’d rather be driven by Maggie from R.O.D. The TV than Batou from Ghost in the Shell, which reminds me that I believe that under the British Museum there’s a secret bunker which houses the British Library special forces, who protect the UK against literature-based attacks using agents with the power to summon and control paper.

(I must watch Read or Die and R.O.D The TV again. Glorious nonsense.)

Also: imagine believing that Playbook had a sinister feminist agenda.

5 years ago


The modern Japanese culture isn’t prudish when it comes to sexual themes, or at least not nearly as much as the North American and European culture, all the while being significantly more conservative when it comes to women’s right, familly and gender roles. It translate a lot into anime/manga with many of them focusing a lot of their attention to produce fanservice to a young male audience with little experience with actual women. This type of fanservice naturally attracts sexually frustrated young men as it sells them an idealised vision of women they find flattering all the while providing some escapism and/or power fantasy for them. The resident of the manosphere are often fans of manga/anime, but they consume those aimed at young men and boys, not so much those aimed at a more general public or (gasp) women and girls.

Handsome :Punkle Stan: Jack


5 years ago


Which sucks for guys like me and all other decent anime fans when you have such craven ilk infiltrating and appropriating both our fan communities and our favorite series with their hate mongering bs.

Sorry you have to deal with that. Sounds a bit like GamerGate in that a few obnoxious people ruin it for everyone else.
I’m guessing similar to GamerGate a lot of the troublemakers are also not real fans and are entryists looking to stir up shit, which always sucks.

Mabret the Virile Maiden
Mabret the Virile Maiden
5 years ago

Sounds a bit like GamerGate in that a few obnoxious people ruin it for everyone else.
I’m guessing similar to GamerGate a lot of the troublemakers are also not real fans and are entryists looking to stir up shit, which always sucks.

I’ll have to make a small correction. Gamergate was always a misogynistic hate mob, from the day it congealed in the sewer that is 4chan.

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

Of all the imaginary problems to get ragingly angry about. Sheesh.

5 years ago


I’m not sure I’d say Gamergaters are “not real fans”. If nothing else, they seem to enjoy watching and talking about anime, even if they often don’t understand it. (Personally, I’m not one for gatekeeping anyway).

Some people watch Strike Witches for the history jokes. Others watch it for the dogfights. And still others watch it for the underage girls flying about in their undies carrying heavy weapons.

They might be shit fans, but they’re still fans 🙁

5 years ago

Yes, I know it was a misogynistic hate movement. I meant that GamerGaters ruined (or at least tried to ruin) gaming for other people. I harbor no delusions that GamerGate was anything but a hate movement. Sorry if my comment implied that it was anything else.

When I said they weren’t fans, I was talking about people like Milo Yiannopoulos or Sargon of Akkad and the like, who were not gamers but pretended to be gamers to get an audience for their hate.

5 years ago


Ah, fair enough. Those slimeballs can precisely go get bent.

Though I’d argue that they wouldn’t have found a receptive audience if those tendencies didn’t already exist in the fandom in the first place.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago


I was just thinking that I’d rather be driven by Maggie from R.O.D. The TV than Batou from Ghost in the Shell

Bayou might still be safer than the Major — while driving, she’s probably also lurking in a VR chat-room as part of an ongoing investigation.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
5 years ago

I think the game industry has a particular key difference from the anime industry in that the game industry seems particularly hellbent on attracting precisely the kinds of consumers who will stake their identities on being a Consumer of Games, the types of people who fell into GamerGate in the first place. I play video games, and my habits and sub-interests as such seem to be different from the mainstream norm, but also I’m so turned off by “the game industry.” I saw a subway ad for EGLX this year and I honestly can’t imagine looking at that ad and being convinced to go. When did appearances by “influencers” become a selling point for these things? So now I feel stuck because saying “I play games but everybody does, so…” isn’t quite accurate, but neither are the ideas and worldviews implied by claiming to be a “gamer.”

For similar reasons, I say I’m interested in “current events” instead of “politics.”

5 years ago

“This universe is there only to mock me.”

Well, if you insist on being ridiculous, you shall be mocked. It’s practically a law of physics, didn’t you know?

Srsly, though: Next time I pick a man up in my car, I’m gonna say “Get in, loser, I’m here to cuck you!”

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