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MGTOWs: We’re just men supporting one another! Also MGTOWs: Women should be put in stocks and whipped

By David Futrelle

Found on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today:

Women are a liability to society if not kept in check
I'm genuinely starting to find alot of women repulsive.
Women are made of FAIL and AIDS

Oh, and this, with 36 upvotes:

Do hypergahoes have any idea how disgusting they look? (self.MGTOW)

submitted 1 day ago by TigPlaze

Christ, the blatant golddigging is totally rampant these days. When I witness a woman going after a dude to exploit money and resources from him, I'm filled with total disgust. I feel like she ought to be totally shamed in public by being stripped, whipped, hair shaved off, and then put in stocks. No, I wouldn't actually do that. It's just what my disgust for them makes me feel. Do these women who act like hypergahoes have any clue how disgusting they are?

Also found on the MGTOW subreddit today:

This is one of the least toxic subreddits on this site. It's just a bunch of men supporting one another, and sharing their incredible stories of being independent. I've seen so much support, yet in society eyes that's a big no no for men... Support is reserved for women, men are suppose to bottle it up until they hit 40, and commit suicide...

The MGTOW subreddit is “just a bunch of men supporting one another” in roughly the same way Ku Klux Klan members burning a cross on someone’s lawn are just a bunch of white people supporting one another.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
5 years ago

Just go your own way already!

5 years ago

@Scolar Visari
To Jupiter, maybe?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The coexisting MGTOW theories that women want to gold dig and that women want men to commit suicide don’t really track. How can men buy us fancy gifts and take us to fancy restaurants and then pay a life time of alimony and child support if they’re dead?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

“[We’re] just a bunch of men supporting one another”

Suuuuuuuure, like the Proud Boys are “just a drinking club.” Jog on, dipshit.

5 years ago

“Hypergahoes” = women who won’t have sex with sorry-ass me-me-MEEEEEEE!

But sure, just go your own way already. Preferably without giving vent to your irrational bitterness beforehand.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

“I’ve seen so much support, yet in society eyes that’s a big no-no for men… Support is reserved for women, men are supposed to bottle it up

So close! But alas, no cigar …

5 years ago

@weirdwoodtreehugger: This is where you say “women can’t win” and those guys reply “it’s not about winning”.

Scolar Visari
Scolar Visari
5 years ago

If you can find the money, I’m good. It’d be like pigeon island, but less Lord of the Flies and more did anyone bring oxygen?

5 years ago

@Scolar Visari
Nobody would bring any oxygen, of course. These types aren’t known for thinking things through. I feel like they’d end up a bit like this:

They’d be feeling like these lines:

So now this ship is sinking
I don’t know what to do
Too many wrong decisions
You didn’t think this through

5 years ago

@Bina what if they happen to be sex addicts and just happen to be assholes about it? What should one do about men like this at that point?

5 years ago


“Hypergahoes” = women who won’t have sex with sorry-ass me-me-MEEEEEEE!

I love that he was so proud of his neologism that he used it twice.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Hey, this is off topic, but does anyone know if this site is legit?

I have an old ipod nano and want to transfer the music to my computer. This looks like a straightforward way, but I just want to make sure it’s not a virus and there’s not a better way. Anyone got opinions about the best way to get songs from an ipod into a laptop?

5 years ago

They get that toxic masculinity is killing them… and then blame women.

Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
Troubelle: Moonbeam Malcontent, Bard of the New Movement
5 years ago


Man, I read ‘aho’ and immediately get Danganronpa flashbacks. Ah, the killer of chapter 1, we hardly knew ye…

reggie, the neighbour's cat and rare mutant
reggie, the neighbour's cat and rare mutant
5 years ago


Obviously their ghosts are going to be buying us gifts. Jobs in the ghost world pay really well, i hear.

5 years ago

The site and software seem to be legit, as EaseUS is a real company with good reviews on other tech sites. However, the page you linked to is about transferring from the iPod Touch. You can try it with the Nano, but I’m not certain it will work, since they’re different devices with different operating systems.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

sharing their incredible stories of being independent

…through non-stop perseverating on women.

I don’t understand all the complaining about gold-digging, when they’re the ones insisting that relationships be transactional. Man trades resources for sex, woman trades sex for resources, and anything else is soy orbiting. Supposedly men’s craving for youth and women’s craving for wealth is immutably baked into us by millions of years of evolution, but when women follow the script, they’re being deceitful and evil.

a woman going after a dude to exploit money and resources from him

Whereas it’s perfectly fine for dudes to go after young teenaged women, so they can exploit their youth and inexperience.

Just like Trump and the contractors he stiffs, they want their end of the bargain without giving anything in return.

@WWTH – I don’t know much about EaseUS. Their marketing and customer service seem to be a little dodgy. They cherry pick reviews, and several users have complained that the company upsells disk recovery and refuses to issue refunds under any circumstance.

I used CopyTrans to transfer my iTunes to a laptop and had a good experience with it. It will also back up your iPhone contacts, messages, and bookmarks.

5 years ago

At first, I read ‘hypergahoes’ as ‘Galapagos’, as in the islands. I wasn’t giving it 100% of my attention; probably any attention is too much.

@WWTH: I don’t know if that site is legit, but I’m in much the same situation with an 8 year old iPod. I replaced the battery. It worked for a week, then died again. It’s tragic that electronics costing several hundred dollars are now considered disposable.

I’m on my 4th Kindle since 2011. To be fair, I did drop one of them.

5 years ago

Honestly thought the spelling should have been Hypergalactic hoes.

5 years ago

I read “money and resources” and still think they’re talking about some RTS game. “Watch out for the females stealing your vespene gas! “

5 years ago


I read “money and resources” and still think they’re talking about some RTS game. “Watch out for the females stealing your vespene gas! “

I think the exact same thing every time they talk about “resources.”

5 years ago

@Allandrel, Cheesynougats
Usually I picture a tabletop game like Agricola.

5 years ago

Settlers of Catan. Those women just want your lumber and grain.

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

Time to reference Hesiod: “that thot is just after your grain?”

5 years ago

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee wrote on
October 13, 2019 at 1:46 am:

I have an old ipod nano and want to transfer the music to my computer. […] Anyone got opinions about the best way to get songs from an ipod into a laptop?

As I understand it, non-iPod-Touch iPods (including the Nano) can be accessed like portable hard drives, allowing you to access the music on it directly, though the file names get mangled.

Here’s a guide that shows how to copy
the files off the iPod and un-mangle the filenames. Only requires that you install iTunes; no other programs needed:

Disclaimer: I do not own an iPod, this is just what I got off Google.