By David Futrelle
Found on the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit today:

Oh, and this, with 36 upvotes:

Also found on the MGTOW subreddit today:

The MGTOW subreddit is “just a bunch of men supporting one another” in roughly the same way Ku Klux Klan members burning a cross on someone’s lawn are just a bunch of white people supporting one another.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I do want my fiance resources. Asshole found diamonds in minecraft before me.
@reggie, the neighbour’s cat and rare mutant:
but would’nt that be in ghost currency? Not sure what the current exchange rate is?
Oh, wait, us feeemales would’ve inherited our ill-gotten gold…er…resources.
Yeah, right, move along, mgtows, though you don’t move nearly fast enough.
Hell, a glacier moves faster–especially now that global warming’s “helping” things along.
@Moggie. Obligatory “wood for sheep” joke.
Play African Diamond. Go to Chad. Snatch the jewels.
Leave Chad’s jewels alone!
@Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Indeed, and thus this only lends further credence to the theory that in reality, deep down; they want women to be sex slaves; nothing more; because they believe women exist solely to be property, chattel and resources for men; not people with their own wants, desires or autonomy.
To go without saying: it proves how abhorrent they and their ilk are.
Well said! This is exactly what they are like.
Naglfar-That would be perfect! How about Io? I’m sure they would love it there.
Is Io the one with all the volcanoes? If so, then it sounds like a great place for them.
Lainy, go find your own diamonds. Then shell your fiance’s base for refusing to share.
Wow, as a man, i did not know i had to suicide at 40. Do i still have the choice of the mean or is loneshadowdragon makes it for me too ?
@rv97 –
The comment rv97 was replying to was this one:
So not sure where ‘sex addicts’ came from? We could find some sort of, oh, I don’t know… arm chair diagnosis? For most things covered in this blog. We don’t, because excusing shitty behaviour with medical bullshit absolves people from their own responsibilities, and also throws people with these medical problems under the bus.
So no, I am not willing to entertain that this person *might* be a sex addict, nor am I willing to entertain any other excuse.
This person is a jerk. Their opinions are the opinions of a jerk, their actions are that of a jerk, and this original post is the post of a jerk.
What should we do with men like this? I mean, if you have the spoons to point out ways to actually better themselves, maybe you could do that? I, currently, am just going to sigh at how close they were. I don’t have the energy to go and argue with them.
I mean, I guess I am arguing with you, not that you are like the OP, just that you have some not great opinons… So this is what I do. Apparently.
Mission failed. We’ll get em next time.