alt-right anti-Semitism antifeminism crackpottery cringe Dunning–Kruger effect empathy deficit entitled babies evil sexy ladies immigrants irony alert makeup is a lie men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA not a cult oppressed white men pedophiles oh sorry ephebophiles racism sexual harassment Stefan Molyneux

Stefan Molyneux says his YouTube career is in a “death spiral.” I may bust out crying.

Stefan has had a “brutal year”

By David Futrelle

Stefan Molyneux is having a bad time. In a recent YouTube video, the white nationalist philosopher-impersonator chronicles what he calls his “brutal year,” with YouTube views dropping precipitously — due, he says, to alleged unspecified YouTube machinations against him —and his other moneymaking attempts failing. He throws himself on the mercy of his 929,000 YouTube supporters, begging for donations and promising half-seriously to write a new book on whatever subject they collectively demand.

How exactly an internet famous sort-of-cult leader with 929,000 YouTube subscribers and 434,700 Twitter followers could be hurting for money is a little beyond my comprehension (a point also raised by this caustic critic); despite the decline in viewership his videos still get tens if not hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. What on earth is he spending his viewers’ donations on? Certainly not high-dollar hairdos.

I’ll leave it to the financial analysts to figure out what exactly Stefan is doing wrong. Instead, I’ll focus on the thing he says he’s doing to try to set things right: being extra tweety on Twitter. Having learned that horrendously obnoxious tweets can garner you a good deal of attention — including from this little blog of mine — he’s taken to pooping them out on a regular basis.

Let’s take a look at some of his most recent work, starting with this particularly spicy take on feminism.

Regular readers may recall that the gunman who tried to massacre Jews in a German synagogue on Yom Kippur made this exact same, er, “argument” before he began the rampage that left two dead.

Apparently, in Stef’s busy brain. every woman who has a job is a nail in the coffin of the white race.

Stef has some similarly hot takes on leftism, suggesting that leftists support feminism because they’re child molesters.

He also has thoughts — rather a lot of thoughts — on high heels and makeup, which he apparently feels are a sort of sexual assault upon the purity of men. (This has long been a favorite topic of his.)

Huh. Stefan does not perform physical labor for a living; perhaps he should start wearing heels himself.

While Stefan continues to denigrate non-white refugees and post racist nonsense about IQ (see these posts for numerous past examples), he insists he’s not a white supremacist and suggests that even calling him one is itself, wait for it, racist against white people. 

In recent days, Stef has caused a bit of a kerfuffle by suggesting that women should have no say on military matters because they’re not subject to the draft. (Never mind that men aren’t either, at least in the US, where there is selective service registration but no actual draft.)

Of course, Stef also feels that women have no business being soldiers, in part because they make male soldiers horny.

Also, they’re dumber.

Stefan also returns to a favorite argument of his, claiming that women are basically the root of all the evil that men do because, well, they gave birth to these evil men and most likely raised them.

I can only hope that the coming year will be even more brutal to Stefan than the last one.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

How exactly an internet famous sort-of-cult leader with 929,000 YouTube subscribers and 434,700 Twitter followers could be hurting for money is a little beyond my comprehension

comment image

Edit- Damn, can’t seem to get the image to embed.

Stef has caused a bit of a kerfuffle by suggesting that women should have no say on military matters because they’re not subject to the draft

Which is a really stupid point coming from a guy who keeps talking about “improving your own country first!!”

He’s Canadian, and Canada doesn’t have a draft at all. By his logic, no one should get a say in military matters.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

It’s all projection on the right, as usual. He claims that feminism is about reducing white babies because the anti-choice movement is about (at least partially) upholding white supremacy. In his mind, pro-choice has to be a mirror image.

5 years ago

In recent days, Stef has caused a bit of a kerfuffle by suggesting that women should have no say on military matters because they’re not subject to the draft. (Never mind that men aren’t either, at least in the US, where there is selective service registration but no actual draft.)

Also never mind Stef is Canadian and we don’t have a draft OR selective service.

5 years ago

Probably just faux victimhood as a fundraising effort, but it is nice to think that maybe this white supremacist shithead has real financial trouble.

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

A thought I had on election signs, after a walk through much of the town:

Lawn signs telegraph the voting preferences of the land-owning class, an unrepresentative sample.

Bearing this out: I’ve seen many Conservative signs, a handful of NDP signs, and some signs for two of the independent candidates here, plus a single lonely Green sign. Not one Liberal sign anywhere in the area, so far as I can tell.

According to Wikipedia, the town proper voted strongly Liberal in the last federal election, though the riding as a whole has a large amount of rural land and smaller towns (3 digit and below populations) and overall leans Conservative.

The big town goes Liberal, but has no Liberal lawn signs.

Maybe the big question here though is why there’s more NDP support than Liberal support in the suburbs, while the Liberal support seems pretty much contained to the renters around town …

5 years ago

High heels, tights, wigs, frilly blouses- you know, the stuff George Washington used to wear.

5 years ago

George Washington was just trying to signal that he was in heat. Because humans can go into heat.

5 years ago

@dust bunny:

Heels supposedly change your posture in a way that supposedly pushes your ass out.

Does that explain Donald Trump’s posture?

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

Someone on Twitter described Trump as standing like the front half of a centaur. There’s definitely something weird going on there. He tilts forward and frequently uses the podium to brace himself.

He does wear shoe lifts, probably for the extra height needed to match last year’s glowing physical. They might be throwing off his balance.

5 years ago

@Buttercup Q. Skullpants

He does wear shoe lifts, probably for the extra height needed to match last year’s glowing physical. They might be throwing off his balance.

It’s the bone spurs. They make him taller and tilt him forward. That’s not how bone spurs work in reality, but when has that ever stopped him?

5 years ago

Lipstick, makeup and high heels are specifically designed to simulate female sexual arousal and mating display.

Imagine how women would feel if men showed up to work with loose pants and giant boners sticking out all day.

That’s life for men in the business world.


These would be the men writing the dress policy, presumably, the policy that lets them fire women who don’t dress up the way those men want them to dress up.

Relevant article, from a notoriously socialist and feminist british newspaper: Employers can force women to wear high heels as Government rejects campaign to ban the practice (admittedly a couple of years old now, so maybe things have improved? nah, who am I kidding)

Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
Rhuu - apparently an illiterati
5 years ago

Re: Scheer – he’s gone and found himself as a verifiable hypocrite, what with his fear mongering over dual citizenships. (He has canadian/american citizenship.)

Harper was all

In 2015, former prime minister Stephen Harper said about Liberal and NDP rivals Stéphane Dion and Thomas Mulcair’s Canadian and French citizenships, “I’m a Canadian and only a Canadian,” while Scheer sat silent.

Then Scheer was all

In 2005, Scheer knew he had an American passport, lapsed or otherwise, when he questioned Michaëlle Jean’s legitimacy to become governor-general in a blog. “Would it bother you if instead of French citizenship, she held a U.S. citizenship?”

He was paying American taxes when he was elected to lead the party two years ago and he only began the process of denouncing his American citizenship two months ago — something that nobody is asking him to do.

So that’s pretty not good. (Source)

He also has claimed that he was an insurance broker for years, and he never ever was. That’s actually illegal!

Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer completed just one of four required courses to become an insurance broker, according to the Insurance Brokers Association of Saskatchewan.

Scheer has faced questions over suggestions that he sold insurance before being elected as the 25-year-old MP for Regina-Qu’Appelle. Scheer has repeatedly held up his time at a Regina insurance company, as well as his previous job as a waiter, as evidence of his understanding of small businesses and the private sector.

But in a statement released Monday, Insurance Brokers Association of Saskatchewan (IBAS) CEO Derek Lothian confirmed Scheer was on the path to becoming a licensed insurance broker, and had completed just one of four courses to obtain that certification.

I don’t know if he actually sold insurance, or was just a gopher at the office and has tried to dress up his work experience as greater than it was, but whatever happened he was never a broker and shouldn’t have said he was.


The people’s party (not capitalising that, FUCK YOU bERNIER) has also apparently used a*founding member* of a federal neo nazi party for security. This might actually fall under the purview of this here blog!

Darik Horn has appeared at events next to the People’s Party of Canada Leader, who is rallying votes in the lead-up to the Oct. 21 election. Horn was with Bernier at a Sept. 24 Toronto Star editorial board meeting and was at Bernier’s side in Hamilton on Sept. 30 for an interview with celebrity YouTuber Dave Rubin that devolved into heated protests, counterprotests and arrests.

Horn began supporting the PPC after volunteering for white nationalist Faith Goldy’s failed 2018 mayoral bid in Toronto and has described himself as a PPC “super volunteer.” He joined the Canadian Nationalist Party (CNP) in May and was one of the 250 people who signed in support of giving the organization official party status, according to documents filed with Elections Canada.


The CNP specifically advocates to maintain a demographic majority of European heritage in Canada and wants to rewrite the constitution to replace multiculturalism with “ethnic nationalism.” They would cap immigration at 100,000 people per year.


As for other things the fans of the people’s party have done – how about doxxing protestors, and then sending enough death threats to their families business that they had no choice but to close? (They have since announced that they would reopen, which is good. I wish them all the luck and protection they need, being Syrian refugees in Canada.)

The family said it started receiving the threats — which Toronto police are set to investigate — after their eldest son protested outside a September event in Hamilton featuring People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier.

The event became a source of controversy when people protesting Bernier’s presence were seen physically blocking and verbally abusing Dorothy Marston, a senior trying to enter the venue.


Son i think did participate in blocking her, but didn’t yell. But frankly, why does someone get a pass from supporting the Respectable nazi party, because they are older and use a walker?

Here’s an article where we find out that she was a social worker for 40 years, because of course she has been. She’s also not racist, but was interested in hearing from bernier because

while they’ve been able to learn about the other major party leaders through the media they felt Bernier was “being ignored.”

Here’s a little more

Marston said she isn’t sure who she’ll vote for and that she’s still trying to learn more about the PPC, though she thinks Bernier cares about the country and offers new ideas compared to the other party leaders.

The senior says she’s aware Bernier’s comments on immigration have upset people, but said she also has questions about who should be able to come to Canada.

She says, in her opinion, immigration has been largely positive, but “maybe we shouldn’t open the floodgates.”

“I look at the Middle East and it frightens me, because there’s no democracy … and the fighting in Syria and the values are different than ours,” she said.

Marston, who was a social worker for 40 years, says she’s not a racist or a Nazi.

“I don’t care what colour, what race, nothing. What people think, that to me is what’s important.”

This has been a great election, so far. /S

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
5 years ago

Maybe it’s morbid coincidence but what the hell is up with social workers and support for anti-immigration policy?

5 years ago

Hello. I have a question. I would like you to awnser this without running into a circular argument.

Why is a power imbalance in a sexual relation always wrong?

5 years ago

Yeah, well, it’s been a crapass year here, too. First, my boyfriend’s ‘special crop’ lands him in jail. I ask him to decide what’s most important to him. Hint: It wasn’t me. Then, my PTSD from the cancer four years ago flares up, resulting in the worst depression in as many years, lasting for as many months and it’s not done yet. Then, I finally get the apartment, but uprooting yourself and moving from your home of 13 years is never easy, nor cheap; I’m skint broke. And then, some I thought was my best friend turns around and subjects me to a frivolous lawsuit – because she wants money for drugs.

I’d spew out groundless hatred over the internet to cope with these hardships, too, but I have knitting to do.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

I’ve too observed in the past that many of the signifiers for femininity in cultures are actually signifiers of affluence (like long nails, which are evidence of not having to work with one’s hands) and, oh, sweet Cthulhu (may It eat me first) does this mean I’m a pseudo-philosophical chud like Stefan Molyneux?! ???

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

I’m still split between the NDP and Greens. I might consider voting Liberal if Trudeau swore on his honour and the Canadian flag to push through Electoral reform. Though I’m not sure he’d have the numbers this time around (if the Liberals win).

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ cat mara

signifiers of affluence

Like the Roman preference for very pale skin for women; to show they didn’t have to work in the fields.

The toga though is possibly the best exemplar of that attitude. It’s a garment that makes it nigh on impossible to carry out any task. You need to be accompanied by staff just to pick something up

The most extreme demonstration though may be the salutatio. That was a formal reception where the hosts would wear the most impractical clothing possible to demonstrate their wealth.

The most affluent would also dress their families and even slaves in the same way. The idea being to convey the message “We’re so minted even our slaves don’t need to work

5 years ago

Who was the wealthy Roman who displayed his riches by serving his guests on gold and silver plates and having them chucked out of the dining hall into the Tiber after use? Croesus, maybe?

He cheated, though – he actually had nets hidden just below the surface of the water beforehand, and had his slaves haul all the plates back in after the guests had left.

Display matters more than anything else, it seems (the femininity displays like impractical nails, clothing or bound-foot-size that would make most work impossible being markers of somebody else’s wealth, in many cases, rather than the woman’s own)

5 years ago

Speaking of slaves, you may enjoy this thread about Cassius Marcellus Clay, anti-slavery activist and video game protagonist made flesh.

5 years ago

Was it the same Bowie knife all those times? Or did he have multiple Bowie knives?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago


Like the Roman preference for very pale skin for women; to show they didn’t have to work in the fields.

That wasn’t just the Romans, it persisted well into the modern era and led to such horrible practices as women using lead-based cosmetics that damaged their health and reduced their lifespans.

And it changed in the matter of a few generations when sun holidays and all-year-round tans became a thing. Because what better way to show off that you can afford to jet off to foreign climes, and also have the necessary free time to take such trips in?

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

BTW, Natalie Wynn has just put up a new video that coincidentally is tangentially related to this (i.e., signifiers of affluence and opulence)

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ opposablethumbs

Indeed. Sometimes it worked the other way. Despite being the wealthiest person in Rome, Crassus liked to do his ‘man of the people’ thing. So he lived in an ostensibly modest house in the middle of a terrace of similar houses.

The whole thing though was a facade in every sense. The terrace was a false front to a palatial villa.

5 years ago

The big town goes Liberal, but has no Liberal lawn signs.

Maybe the big question here though is why there’s more NDP support than Liberal support in the suburbs, while the Liberal support seems pretty much contained to the renters around town …

It’s also possible that the demographics have changed. The Liberal government in Ontario was incredibly unpopular (the animus may be slightly diminished by a year of Ford’s miserably incompetent rule, idk), and Trudeau’s Liberals aren’t much better. It’s possible that the progressives in your area have decided to support the NDP rather than the do nothing centrists Liberals.