By David Futrelle
Stefan Molyneux is having a bad time. In a recent YouTube video, the white nationalist philosopher-impersonator chronicles what he calls his “brutal year,” with YouTube views dropping precipitously — due, he says, to alleged unspecified YouTube machinations against him —and his other moneymaking attempts failing. He throws himself on the mercy of his 929,000 YouTube supporters, begging for donations and promising half-seriously to write a new book on whatever subject they collectively demand.
How exactly an internet famous sort-of-cult leader with 929,000 YouTube subscribers and 434,700 Twitter followers could be hurting for money is a little beyond my comprehension (a point also raised by this caustic critic); despite the decline in viewership his videos still get tens if not hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. What on earth is he spending his viewers’ donations on? Certainly not high-dollar hairdos.
I’ll leave it to the financial analysts to figure out what exactly Stefan is doing wrong. Instead, I’ll focus on the thing he says he’s doing to try to set things right: being extra tweety on Twitter. Having learned that horrendously obnoxious tweets can garner you a good deal of attention — including from this little blog of mine — he’s taken to pooping them out on a regular basis.
Let’s take a look at some of his most recent work, starting with this particularly spicy take on feminism.
Regular readers may recall that the gunman who tried to massacre Jews in a German synagogue on Yom Kippur made this exact same, er, “argument” before he began the rampage that left two dead.
Apparently, in Stef’s busy brain. every woman who has a job is a nail in the coffin of the white race.
Stef has some similarly hot takes on leftism, suggesting that leftists support feminism because they’re child molesters.
He also has thoughts — rather a lot of thoughts — on high heels and makeup, which he apparently feels are a sort of sexual assault upon the purity of men. (This has long been a favorite topic of his.)
Huh. Stefan does not perform physical labor for a living; perhaps he should start wearing heels himself.
While Stefan continues to denigrate non-white refugees and post racist nonsense about IQ (see these posts for numerous past examples), he insists he’s not a white supremacist and suggests that even calling him one is itself, wait for it, racist against white people.
In recent days, Stef has caused a bit of a kerfuffle by suggesting that women should have no say on military matters because they’re not subject to the draft. (Never mind that men aren’t either, at least in the US, where there is selective service registration but no actual draft.)
Of course, Stef also feels that women have no business being soldiers, in part because they make male soldiers horny.
Also, they’re dumber.
Stefan also returns to a favorite argument of his, claiming that women are basically the root of all the evil that men do because, well, they gave birth to these evil men and most likely raised them.
I can only hope that the coming year will be even more brutal to Stefan than the last one.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Lieutenant! Deploy the nano-violins!
I really, really hope that Maxime Bernier’s People’s Propaganda Party of Canada party bites the dust this election. Or at least splits the Conservative vote. That might help Stefan have an even worse year. 🙂
Why can’t we send people like him to Saudi Arabia and force them to communicate in Arabic? It would be nice needing to use Google Translate to understand them.
So Jenna Marbles’ latest video is her taking a nap in honor of 20 million subscribers. Like, it’s seriously 10 and a half minutes of her just lying on a couch snuggling with her dogs. It’s entertaining enough but it was also a bit boring, negl.
I would rather watch that for all eternity than watch a single second of any of Stefan’s videos.
I’ve heard Stefan talk about how he thinks makeup makes women look like they are ovulating, but heels? No women that I’ve ever met have grown 3 inches taller for a specific part of their cycle.
I have no sympathy for Stefan. He has every kind of privilege and he is not anywhere near as financially bereft as he pretends to be. I hope YouTube and Twitter can ban him. Unlikely, but I can dream.
Actually high heels imply that one rides horses in a professional capacity, usually as cavalry or cowhands.
“Prone to pregnancy.” Them wimmens, always catching babies.
love the fact that he gets real pissy about declining birth rates and then says women can’t be in the military because they’re “prone to pregnancy” ,,,, so women should have more babies ,,, and then you frame pregnancy as a disease or some sort of moral failure ,,,, sir your misogyny is showing and your vibes are disgusting
Just for shits and giggles a list of convicted Republican pedophiles. Both sides have some, Republicans have a lot more. Make of that what you will.
Heels supposedly change your posture in a way that supposedly pushes your ass out. And like everyone knows bending over is a HUMAN FEMALE MATING DISPLAY which is why it’s inppropriate for women to pick up pennies they dropped, or toddlers.
Not sure if this is actually true for the posture and ass part, I don’t understand heels and it sounds plausible.
@dust bunny
I did not know that. Sounds a bit dubious, but could be possible.
I looked at the list. Of course, when I scrolled down I found a Republican who posted a (much shorter) list of Democrats who are supposedly pedophiles, then implored the original poster to commit suicide, and claimed that there were more Democratic sex offenders despite that list being much shorter. Republicans never change.
The reason I heard for high heels becoming popular was different: that explanation had something to do with the way high heels angle the foot, putting the calf muscles under tension and thus making the wearer’s legs look more toned.
I also remember reading somewhere that high heeled shoes started as a fashion among men, sometime in the 16th/17th centuries IIRC, and they were taken to such absurd extremes that the dandies who wore them had to have a servant walk alongside them to help keep their balance! It’s possible that face-planting into an average 16/17C European city street, with its generous decoration of animal and human faeces, tubercular spit, vomit, and offal from the nearby shambles, one time too many was enough to stop the fashion in its tracks (no pun intended)
Fishy Goat: Bernier is polling 3% across Canada. He’s not directly going to get anything done.
I hope he reels in nobody, but if he must get voters, I hope it’s the most deplorable part of the Bloc.
I really should vote in this election but I don’t know who I should vote for. all I do know who I’m not voting for; Christian Heritage Party, peoples party of Canada and conservative. That only leave Liberal and New Democrats. I know there has been allegations of corruption against Trudeau but I haven’t looked into that so I don’t know if there is any truth to it or not.
Except for me. Men keep throwing those kids at me, and I keep throwing ’em back!
As for Stef’s channel dying, here’s how I feel about that…
@Fabe: the “corruption” was intervening in a criminal matter on behalf of a large corporation. It was shady but as far as I know there is no hint of Trudeau or anyone else financially benefiting from it. And of course being too cosy with corporations would be a plank of the Tory platform if they actually had one.
The NDP platform is a lot more progressive than it was in the last election but while Singh is growing on me he still seems to be a bit of a lightweight. Which of course Trudeau is as well.
So in conclusion I still haven’t decided which of the two to vote for either. My riding is probably a safe Liberal seat anyway.
Ok have any other parties had PMs do similar or any thing else questionable?
Re: High heels
High heels were invented to fit over a stirrup in a way that allows a rider to stand up in the saddle, in order to shoot people, hit people, or rope livestock (or people). The principal early wearers were cavalry troopers, who were dashing and glamorous and at least moderately well off (you had to provide your own horse and kit in those days, and cavalry horses ain’t cheap). So civilians imitated them, some taking it to absurd levels (as indeed some folks still do). They didn’t become principally women’s fashion until the 20th century, around the time the West was fenced in and horse cavalry became nothing but machinegun fodder. They do push the leg into a position that highlights the calf muscles, and also force the wearer’s hips to sway. Which gait also used to be associated with cowboys and cavalarymen.
The usual thing to do in Canadian elections is “vote for whichever candidate in your riding is most likely to win among the non-Tories, then pray the Tories don’t get a majority and that whoever forms government finally gets rid of FPTP”. A minority Lib/NDP coalition government is probably our best hope there.
This coming Canadian federal election has been a dumpster fire. I want to support the NDP, but it seems like they’re being progressively infiltrated by alleged autism advocacy groups that not only don’t have much autistic representation but also promote behaviourist models of raising autistic children (the common term is ABA or “applied behavioural analysis” but I tend to want to emphasize the concept at the core of ABA that makes it controversial). It just goes to show how the NDP isn’t really as much of a progressive organization as they like to think they are, at least these days. It goes to show how there isn’t any political will to discuss real disability justice. But also it makes sense that this society would want to treat neurodivergence as something to be diagnosed and (mostly) suppressed, because the alternative is that anybody could claim to need such-and-such help, and we can’t have that! (See also: means testing and “merit”-based employment)
It’s something to think about when contemplating how a far-right party has “only” 3% of the vote, even if they don’t have a realistic chance at any of the levers of power.
I didn’t know that high heels were originally worn by horse riders, but that makes sense. I used to ride horses and when I did, I wore boots with a half inch separated heel, but I didn’t really make the connection between that and typical high heels until now. Thank you for explaining it.
And with a double Single Finger Salute, I wish with god speed Stefan Molyneux reaches the destination he so richly deserves. Jello Biafra, the floor is yours.
And women’s hemlines became short enough for there to be any point in wearing footwear that emphasizes one’s calf muscles.
Napalm Death also did a good cover of that song:
@Fabe: Mulroney claimed receiving $250k in cash in a hotel room was a legitimate business transaction, though he had left office at that point. There is also this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airbus_affair.
Harper was mostly old-fashioned cronyism, though there was the senate expenses scandal and he seems to have gotten a good amount of money from the oil industry — including the Kochs — for his leadership bids (which aren’t subject to the same rules as actual elections). And there was a whole lot of lying, including being found in contempt of parliament, and attempting to subvert parliamentary democracy.