By David Futrelle
Stefan Molyneux is having a bad time. In a recent YouTube video, the white nationalist philosopher-impersonator chronicles what he calls his “brutal year,” with YouTube views dropping precipitously — due, he says, to alleged unspecified YouTube machinations against him —and his other moneymaking attempts failing. He throws himself on the mercy of his 929,000 YouTube supporters, begging for donations and promising half-seriously to write a new book on whatever subject they collectively demand.
How exactly an internet famous sort-of-cult leader with 929,000 YouTube subscribers and 434,700 Twitter followers could be hurting for money is a little beyond my comprehension (a point also raised by this caustic critic); despite the decline in viewership his videos still get tens if not hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. What on earth is he spending his viewers’ donations on? Certainly not high-dollar hairdos.
I’ll leave it to the financial analysts to figure out what exactly Stefan is doing wrong. Instead, I’ll focus on the thing he says he’s doing to try to set things right: being extra tweety on Twitter. Having learned that horrendously obnoxious tweets can garner you a good deal of attention — including from this little blog of mine — he’s taken to pooping them out on a regular basis.
Let’s take a look at some of his most recent work, starting with this particularly spicy take on feminism.
Regular readers may recall that the gunman who tried to massacre Jews in a German synagogue on Yom Kippur made this exact same, er, “argument” before he began the rampage that left two dead.
Apparently, in Stef’s busy brain. every woman who has a job is a nail in the coffin of the white race.
Stef has some similarly hot takes on leftism, suggesting that leftists support feminism because they’re child molesters.
He also has thoughts — rather a lot of thoughts — on high heels and makeup, which he apparently feels are a sort of sexual assault upon the purity of men. (This has long been a favorite topic of his.)
Huh. Stefan does not perform physical labor for a living; perhaps he should start wearing heels himself.
While Stefan continues to denigrate non-white refugees and post racist nonsense about IQ (see these posts for numerous past examples), he insists he’s not a white supremacist and suggests that even calling him one is itself, wait for it, racist against white people.
In recent days, Stef has caused a bit of a kerfuffle by suggesting that women should have no say on military matters because they’re not subject to the draft. (Never mind that men aren’t either, at least in the US, where there is selective service registration but no actual draft.)
Of course, Stef also feels that women have no business being soldiers, in part because they make male soldiers horny.
Also, they’re dumber.
Stefan also returns to a favorite argument of his, claiming that women are basically the root of all the evil that men do because, well, they gave birth to these evil men and most likely raised them.
I can only hope that the coming year will be even more brutal to Stefan than the last one.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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The Conservatives will take a large majority of the votes in my riding no matter what, which means it doesn’t matter in the least who I vote for. Not the greatest feeling.
@Catalpa: That’s not what polling data indicates. For this riding it’s Con, then Lib, with NDP a distant third. And I doubt it’s the rural parts that are generating the Lib support.
Seriously what is up with Canadian bigots and conservatives pretending that they live in the US and are subject to US laws? Or better yet, condensing to actual USians about what US law says?
A little funny for a person coming from a country that pronounces “Z” “Zed” to pretend that they know more about life and law in the US than USians.
Ah. That’s too bad. 🙁
“Zed” is how every non-U.S. English-speaking country pronounces it, I’m pretty sure. An exception apparently is when saying “Dragon Ball Z” even though it’s a Japanese show and I have some news about how they pronounce it…
But in all seriousness, I want to say they probably just really want to be “American” (here referring to white racists’ fever dream of a white ethnostate) so it makes sense for them to ‘splain America to “fake” Americans. OTOH I don’t want to give Canada too much credit with the common narrative that most of the population is so close to the border so it’s racist Americans’ fault that there are Canadian racists. I suspect Canadian progressives know deep down that the colonies that became Canada were founded on the same white supremacist basis as the ones that became the U.S. At the same time, we have some things over the U.S. and those things are important (e.g. more than two parties, more affordable healthcare, actual gun safety measures).
The US has significantly more population than Canada, and so has more marks for grifters to take advantage of.
Also, American news and media are ubiquitous and a lot of people seem to assume that they are the norm, even when the people live in different countries. (You would not believe how many conversations I, a Canadian, have had about the First Amendment, like it’s somehow relevant here.)
One of the things I really admire about Tlingit culture is that the way to display your wealth was to hold a feast where literally everyone was invited and got a useful gift. Not a costly, ornamental “look how rich I am” gift, but something that would help out in their life.
If I ever host a party again I should do that. Granted, I’m not sure what I’d give away, but I’m not planning on hosting any parties anytime soon anyway so it doesn’t seem like a big issue now.
I’ve hosted a few parties and although I’m not really into partying, I’ve enjoyed the few that I hosted, mainly because that gave me control so I could avoid the aspects that I don’t like of other parties and so I could control the guest list.
Miranda rights and pleading the fifth are two other US-only legal concepts that some people also seem to believe apply here, presumably because of pop culture.
““Zed” is how every non-U.S. English-speaking country pronounces it, I’m pretty sure.”
Yeah more or less, but if you’re going to talk over a person about their own law and culture based upon television shows, then you should probably at least know more than what can be learned from watching a single episode of Sesame Street. Even if there are similarities in law and culture between the two countries.
I suppose at the very least watching Sesame Street would teach these asses that the US is and always has been far from a white ethnostate.
Wait wait wait guys….he promises to write a book on whatever his donors wish. This could be a great opportunity
“Burning pain, and sweet honey. A scientific exploration of sticking my dick into a beehive” – what would that be worth paying for?
Allandrel: yeah, potlatches are a neat concept— as I understand it, they were also a check-and-balance mechanism to keep one family from hoarding all the wealth— once you reach a certain economic level, you’re expected to make your next move: trading material capital for social capital by giving it all away (afterwards, you’d be broke, but boy would you have status, plus you’d get some of it back at subsequent potlatches because everybody would owe you a nice present.)
It’s also amusing the way that Canadians latch on to American concepts, such as “illegal immigrants” when they’re actually talking about irregular border crossers (essentially asylum seekers from the US who have to resort to crossing first, then applying for asylum because of the Safe Third Country Agreement). They’re eager to scapegoat these people for the ills of the nation.
I personally would like to know how Stephan thinks “White Privilege” is somehow a “despicable and de-humanizing phrase”…. because that line of logic and reasoning, to me: seems like a major stretch.