
The Angry Four Inch: Incel Redditor unleashes epic rant after a doctor tells him that small dicks are fine

Some even prefer smaller bananas

By David Futrelle

The AskDoctors subreddit is designed to be a place that people can ask doctors the sorts of questions they might ask some doctor they’ve managed to corner at a dinner party — “hey doc, does this look infected to you?” The topics currently under discussion in the subreddit include “White stuff coming out where stitches were,” “How do you treat a stab wound?” and “Severe farts.”

A couple of days ago, one angry incel called GreekSymmetrics decided to ask a rather different sort of question, demanding to know “Why are modern urologists/endocrinologists so misandristic and ignorant?”

GreekSymmetrics was apparently furious at his doctors for telling him that his somewhat smaller than average penis was no big deal.

Hold up, you might say. Wouldn’t a heterosexual dude with a smaller dick be glad to hear that small dicks are normal and that most women don’t really care about penis size, as numerous surveys have shown?

But no. Incels are so devoted to their victim status that they’ve convinced themselves that every alleged physical imperfection they have is a HUGE deal that will prevent them forever from winning over the girl of their dreams.

And they get pretty testy about it, as GreekSymmetrics’ long rant males clear. Brace yourself, because here it comes.

Claiming that a 4 Inch length 2 Inch girth penis is normal and totally acceptable….

Just lol at any "doctor" who denies the importance of sexual dimorphism

since when did emotions and gynocentric/liberal ideologies became more valued than Cold rational Facts?

A guy with a 4 Inch length and 2 Inch girth penis will get terrified and socially belittled by almost every sexual Encounters, he might find a Woman for a Long term relationship were emotional and financial support primarily matters, but sexually wise he will never be a raw satisfaction, he will never be able to have truly satisfying ONS, he will be the typical long term relationship provider who's considered by over 30 women when their sexual wild years are over


No sex toys, creativity, communication or Position will ever be able to compensate for the lack of a well sized dimorphic human male penis

Thats literally just a meme created by the feministic 68s Generation who tried to make sex into a eloquent science

for hundred thousands of years humans relied on the typical Basic primitive in and out game during sex (of Course only strong men with a relatively large penis had Access to sex, weak unmasculine men were simply wiped out of the genepool), but now suddenly in the 20th century a Generation of "sexual experts" wants to tell us that Women's sexuality is far more than just Basic Penetration, and that women actually hate Basic vaginal sex because they are magical complex sexual beings who prefer a intuitive sensual romantic twink who can effectively hit her 230830248 errogenous spots over a strong primitive masculine man


But no no no, penis size and masculine dimorphism doesnt matter, every Woman is a lesbian anyways

It's About personality, humans especially women are complex individual beings who have a complex individual sexuality, women dont want brutish vaginal Penetration with a large thick penis, no no they want a feministic feminine man with a small penis who's totally fine in making himself to a submissive lesbian by only Performing oral sex

Women dont want to be dominated, it just happens so that 98% of women want a Partner who's taller then themselves teehee


Such Arguments are basically Nothing else than human narcissism in a nutshell, this whole "Sexual dimorphism does not matter women want nice Kind husbands" nonsense is just a direct proof that most humans on this earth totally lack self awareness

Claiming that women and men are both complex individuals, and that Basic primitive natural dimorphic traits dont matter since it's all About "Personality and communication"

We are one evolutionary stage higher than a caveman… And we still Claim that humans are non-primitive morally superior individual beings….


This here basically describes 95% of all modern urological/endocrinological "doctors"


btw if you want to get some urological and sexual Facts from A REAL RATIONAL BASED urologist/andrologist then visit the Website of the austrian urologist"Dr Georg Pfau" he's an extremely based doctors who doesnt care About liberalistic or feministic Moral constructs but only About Cold rational facts

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.

Now you might find yourself wondering about one of GreekSymmetrics’ claims: if small-dicked men were eliminated from the gene pool during caveman days, why are there still men with smal dicks? Don’t worry! He answered this crucial question in a followup comment:

The small penis gene hasnt evaporated because since the modern civilization women began to accept weaker unmasculine men with lots of resources and Money, of course they werent sexually satisfyed by them, but they received a stable home and income from them which why they gave birth to their Kids as a exchange …

​This is precisely observeable if you take a look how the jaw size and facial masculinity of men declined when marriage came into Play at the times of the modernization

​I would try to verify this experimentally, but my calipers are in the shop.

H/T — r/Cringetopia, via r/TheBluePill.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

A lot of words were used, statistically some of them should have been good. Oh well

5 years ago

Bloody hell, dude. It’s not your penis that’s the problem, it’s the giant dick that it’s attached to.

5 years ago

So this is where Incels admit that they’re lying, they’re not after long term relationships and they are just mad they cannot have as much casual sex as they want?

It’s mind blowing that you consider yourself a victim because people are interested in pursuing long term commitment with you!

Also, from my casual sex days…I do not recall ever having asked a man about his penis size before sex. It’s almost as if that is not how it works…

I guess whatever he needs to tell himself to avoid facing up to the fact his horrendous personality and attitudes are what are offputting.

5 years ago

This comment from Lady_EtherealDoom is golden:

The only thing you’ve castrated is a worthwhile personality because “oh no ma dick is smoll” so it’s women’s fault that women think you’re a creep.

5 years ago

So, maybe some TMI warning as I discuss some sexual exploits!

As a (mostly) straight chic, I’ve had both good and bad sex with dudes over the years. And some of the best sex I’ve had was with “below average” guys in terms of dick size. They also happened to be guys that tried to make sex fun (different positions, dirty talk, indulging in some of my kinks) and (and this is the important bit) they actively cared about my enjoyment.

The worst sex I ever had was with an extremely well endowed dude who honestly thought pumping in and out as hard as he could was great. When we started having sex, I asked if he was gonna use his hands at all, and his answer was a befuddled “What for?” That night was actually painful and I spent more time keeping his from…fully penetrating that actually enjoying myself. That was the first and last time we had sex.

So, no Mr. GreekSymmentrics, your possible partner’s dissatisfaction does not come from penis size, it comes from you treating women like interchangeable vaginas that have no passions, kinks, or opinions of their own.

5 years ago

XKCD has a comic for just about any topic
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5 years ago

I mean as someone who’s partner does have a large penis, it’s the creativity, positions, oral sex, and dirty talk are what make our sex lives fun. I prefer a large penis but if you don’t know what to do with it, it’s a waist. kind of like having a gourmet kitchen but no idea how to cook. In that situation you want the Gordon Ramsey of small dicks.

5 years ago

umm, dude? You keep using that word “dimorphic.” It does not mean what you seem to think it means.

From, IIRC, the Greek (ironically), and means “two forms.” The phrase “sexually dimorphic “ refers to species in which the average body size of one sex is larger than the average size of the other sex. You know, like spiders, or gorillas… or humans. It has precisely nothing to do with penis size, or penis size preference.

5 years ago

I have a question. Is it me, or do women tend to tolerate it better when they have small breasts compared to when guys have small penises? I think what this has to say is that women don’t seem to be hooked on sex as much IMO, but I’m not sure. I also believe that guys who don’t really care about penis size tend to be in relationships where sex doesn’t matter or have conservative attitudes towards sex themselves.

5 years ago

Something about this guy is weak and underdeveloped, all right.

Unfortunately, it’s his personality.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

You keep using that word “dimorphic.” It does not mean what you seem to think it means.

From, IIRC, the Greek (ironically), and means “two forms.”

A Chadly penis vs. a non-Chadly penis? A reason to wake up in the morning vs. no reason to? An exciting, fun-filled, easy-peasy life vs. the life of an incel?


Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

OT but a brand-new book about Silicon Valley and the alt-right might be of interest to Mammotheers; Amanda Marcotte interviews the author

Trolls have taken over our democracy. Silicon Valley helped
Andrew Marantz, in his new book, “Antisocial,” explores how techno-utopianism decayed into alt-right madness
Amanda Marcotte

New Yorker writer Andrew Marantz put his sanity on the line in order to take a deep dive into two parallel worlds: the reactionary universe of the alt-right, and the technological triumphalist paradigm of Silicon Valley. The latter is responsible for selling us a utopian vision of the internet that would (supposedly) bind humanity, yet which instead has stoked political division and created, indirectly, the alt-right. In “Antisocial: Online Extremists, Techno-Utopians, and the Hijacking of the American Conversation,” Marantz offers readers an explanation as to how social networks created by idealist techies were co-opted by a rat’s nest of bigots, trolls, and fascists, who exploited the supposed “neutrality” of platforms to spread hate.

5 years ago

The ideal response to GreekSymmetrics.

5 years ago

Wasn’t even posted in the real AskDocs sub. Probably tried posting it there but most likely go auto-deleted by the bot.

5 years ago

Yeah… it… it isn’t his dick keeping him from getting laid. It’s him. It’s 100% him and his attitude.

Nobody likes a whiner.

5 years ago


Bloody hell, dude. It’s not your penis that’s the problem, it’s the giant dick that it’s attached to.

Maybe his dick is short because he put 3/4 of it into his personality.

Also, isn’t 4 inches relatively normal penis size? I think the average size for an American man is something like 5 inches and change, so it’s a little below average, but not abnormally small or anything.

5 years ago

Because I apparently love cringing in discomfort, I decided to seek out this “Dr. Georg Pfau” and found this exchange on a looksmaxxing* forum.

Based on that forum post, I gather that Dr. Pfau is an Austrian “men’s doctor” who, among other things, advocates for testosterone supplementation in most men.

(He also has a website, which is in German, which I cannot read)

The discussion then devolves into how large a “normal sized” testicle should be (apparently, the size of a chicken’s egg, a claim met with substantial incredulity by most of the other posters, somewhat counterintuitively).

@David you can have this for free, if you want

*looksmaxxing (n.) a “cope”, or coping technique, that incels** engage in, involving maximizing their physical attractiveness within the limits*** of their natural physical form

**Or other men who feel that they are not getting enough of the sexual attention from women that they deserve

***Such as skeletal dimensions, including but not limited to wrist circumference and canthal tilt

5 years ago

It’s not just his personality. Surely some women will be repelled by his random use of capital letters?

Another Laura
Another Laura
5 years ago

Hey, RV97 – I usually just lurk here, but someone needs to tell you that women’s satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their breasts has NOTHING to do with their interest in sex. For instance, my own breast size was slight to moderate, reaching a C cup only during my brief breastfeeding days, but my interest in sex began with puberty, ran me ragged until I was in my 30s, and even since menopause has been a nice, steady even force in my life, though it certainly gets me in less trouble than it did when I was younger.
My understanding is that’s how most of us work, whether we’re big or small breasted women or large or small dicked men.
Maybe you should try reading something factually based about sex instead of getting your ideas about women and sex from really-old men’s magazines. I can’t imagine that even modern porn suggests that small breasted women aren’t that interested in sex.

Another Laura
Another Laura
5 years ago

Coming back to add that sex has more to do with hormones and brains than the arrangement of fatty tissue in one’s mammary glands. (Tried but I was too late to get in the edit window. Sorry!)

varalys the dark
5 years ago

Someone has some adorable ideas about lesbians if he think all we do is oral.

5 years ago


In biology “sexual dimorphism” means something that is different between biological sexes. Not just body size, but things like color, teeth, etc.

I’m agreeing that he doesn’t know what it means. What exactly IS the relationship between lesbians and sexual dimorphism? Does he think that all lesbians actually have pensies? Does he think that all lesbians don’t have penetrative sex? Does he even think? We may never know.

Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
Lumipuna (nee Arctic Ape)
5 years ago


Also, from my casual sex days…I do not recall ever having asked a man about his penis size before sex. It’s almost as if that is not how it works…

Well of course not. You can just select a man with masculine frame and chiseled jaw angles, and without fail, a large penis will follow.

I prefer a large penis but if you don’t know what to do with it, it’s a waist. kind of like having a gourmet kitchen but no idea how to cook. In that situation you want the Gordon Ramsey of small dicks.

“Do you like your sexual satisfaction raw, medium or well done?”


Also, isn’t 4 inches relatively normal penis size?

Well, it certainly stands out from most clitorides (that is, if you only want sexual dimorphism).

5 years ago

@Another Laura
OK, but I wonder if women can have a similarly intense dissatisfaction for having small breasts. I know that for practical reasons, women with big breasts have it bad and do have discomfort from it, but that’s about it as far as I know.

5 years ago

I have a question. Is it me, or do women tend to tolerate it better when they have small breasts compared to when guys have small penises? I think what this has to say is that women don’t seem to be hooked on sex as much IMO, but I’m not sure

I think Laura beat me to this but RV97 – sex and sexual satisfaction has nothing to do with breast size. Nothing whatsoever.

As for women tolerating small breasts better well some probably just don’t care about breast size but there are clearly those who are significantly bothered enough to get surgery. But even then it has nothing to do with sexual satisfaction.

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