
Mailbag: Calling self-identified incels incels is oppression. And so is laughing

Speedy delivery!

By David Futrelle

In today’s mailbag — well, technically, today’s comment moderation queue — a self-described Russian socialist informs me that describing the people who congregate on the forum (now as incels is oppression.

Russian socialist here.
It’s kinda funny how western mainstream left uses word incel (involuntary celibate) to attack everyone who don’t like them.

He’s responding to a post of mine about people who identify themselves as incels, and who post on a forum run by self-identified incels with incel in its title.

Fun fact: all of tras people and homosexuals are in fact involuntary celibates, because they cannot to produce children normally.

Celibacy means abstaining from sex. It’s not a fancy word for “infertile.” Also, trans men can get pregnant and have babies if they have working uteruses, same as cis women.

And there is a lot of unlucky women what are also incels.

This is true — and indeed the term was invented by a “involuntarily celibate” woman — though at this point I can’t imagine many women still use the word “incels” to describe themselves, considering what male incels have done to the term’s reputation.

Using word incel against alt-right is like using N-word against Alt-right. You can try to justify it, yet you are still a bad person for doing so.

Incels call themselves incels. Calling them what they call themselves as is not oppression.

You know what is oppression — at least according to someone else who tried to post a comment on an incel-related post on this blog today? Laughing. Not just laughing at incel illogic. Laughing period.

“SJWs” do ruin comedy. And that’s a good thing.

Not true and also not true.

You know what laughter is? It’s the sound our monkey ancestors used to make as an “all clear” signal to tell other members of the tribe something was safe, like if they thought a rustling in the bushes was a predator but it turned out to be the wind.

Nah. If it ever mean that, and I rather doubt it did, it doesn’t mean that now. Laughter cam mean a lot of things. I laugh at trolls who say ridiculous things. Babies laugh playing peek-a-boo.

In today’s world nobody is safe except the predators. Every pleasure comes at the expense of somebody else’s pain. If somebody has it in them to laugh, to be happy, to feel safe, they’re an oppressor.

Nobody deserves to laugh until everyone can.

Wow. If this person isn’t straight-up trolling, they really woke up on the wrong side of everything today. Everyone laughs. Even the most oppressed people on earth laugh; indeed, many oppressed cultures have rich traditions of humor. You know who doesn’t have much of a sense of humor? People who decide that they’re oppressed despite not being oppressed. Like incels and Men’s Rights Activists and Jordan Peterson fans.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Miri Rabinowitz
Miri Rabinowitz
5 years ago

Honestly this reminds me of terfs saying that terf is a slur.

5 years ago

Celibacy means abstaining from sex. It’s not a fancy word for “infertile.” Also, trans men can get pregnant and have babies if they have working uteruses, same as cis women.

Also, some cis people are infertile, either by birth, disease, or surgery. I know plenty of people who are sterile but have sex. In fact, some of them chose to be sterilized by vasectomy or tube tying so they could have sex without having children.

Even the most oppressed people on earth laugh; indeed, many oppressed cultures have rich traditions of humor.

As a Jew (and someone who enjoys and occasionally participates in the rich tradition of Jewish comedy), I feel like for many oppressed cultures humor is a coping mechanism.

Sort of related: I’ve heard about trans men getting pregnant, but doesn’t taking additional testosterone interfere with ovulation and pregnancy? How does this work?

Tabby Lavalamp
Tabby Lavalamp
5 years ago

Using word incel against alt-right is like using N-word against Alt-right. You can try to justify it, yet you are still a bad person for doing so.

I agree with the troll. You are a bad person if you’re calling the alt-right the n-word.

(I know, I know, it’s obviously not his first language, but he’s so full of it I don’t feel bad about it this time.)

5 years ago

@Tabby Lavalamp

I was wondering if that was just my brain playing sillybuggers with me. Who’s calling the alt-right the n-word?

5 years ago


I was wondering if that was just my brain playing sillybuggers with me. Who’s calling the alt-right the n-word?

Well the only example that comes to mind at the moment of people calling the alt-right the n-word would at this time be found in Sargon of Akkad, a smug, psudorational, psudointellectual, fascist and right wing neo-reactionary enabling, conspiracy peddling, anti-femnist, alt-right entry point.

In that instance he tried to call a group of alt-righters and whit supremacist’s as the “n-word” as well as homophobic slurs, among other nonsense and ugliness. I have heard how some Conservatives and Republicans claim that “he’s a classic liberal who talks sense” but as I have seen of that argument it just means “a socially Conservative grifter who is too much a coward to actually self identify Conservative and who wants to drag left wingers into the mud”.

My Republican friend watches his stuff and while my Republican friend is, despite some of our disagreements on a few of the obvious subjects, a half way decent, semi-moderate guy; the fact he is suckered by Sargon of Akkad and his obvious horribleness and nonsense is disheartening.

But as far as the Incel in denial goes; “even a stopped clock is right twice a day”; but it doesn’t make that clock any less a broken potato.

5 years ago

I’ve been under the impression that trans men stop taking testosterone for the duration of pregnancy. It’s possible to become pregnant while taking testosterone (lack of menstruation alone doesn’t make you infertile), but you’re supposed to stop taking testosterone immediately if you find out you’re pregnant and would like to keep the child.

This is what I’ve heard concerning those once a month / fortnight type of testosterone treatments. I don’t know if it’s different if you take the stuff that’s effective for longer periods of time.

5 years ago

Re: trans masc pregnancy

Testosterone is not perfect birth control, and neither is feminine HRT. There are people in my circles who have gotten pregnant *by accident* while on T, with trans fem partners who were on HRT and had fully suppressed T levels.

This is important, and people should be aware of it.

Re: the OP

If somebody has it in them to laugh, to be happy, to feel safe, they’re an oppressor.

This kind of zero-sum edgelord thinking can be a sign of depression, but it can also be a sign of being a predator. Guess which I think is more likely for Mr. Incel-Apologist Brocialist above.

5 years ago

I apologize in advance, but my English prof/copyeditor’s soul demands justice.

David Futrelle wrote:

Incels call themselves incels. Calling them what they call themselves as is not oppression.

David Futrelle wrote:

Nah. If it ever mean[t] that, and I rather doubt it did, it doesn’t mean that now. Laughter cam[n] mean a lot of things.

…I’m so sorry.

5 years ago


Sargon of Akkad, a smug, psudorational, psudointellectual, fascist and right wing neo-reactionary enabling, conspiracy peddling, anti-femnist, alt-right entry point.

Well put. And a partridge in a pear tree.

I have heard how some Conservatives and Republicans claim that “he’s a classic liberal who talks sense” but as I have seen of that argument it just means “a socially Conservative grifter who is too much a coward to actually self identify Conservative and who wants to drag left wingers into the mud”.

Most self-identified ‘classical liberals’ that I know are right-libertarians who like to pretend they’re progressive while supporting conservatives exclusively. Much like other libertarians, they are total hypocrites. As well, it seems many of them like to say they are “the real liberals” and accuse actual liberals and people on the left of being fake.

That would make sense. The reason I was wondering is I know that cis women with high testosterone (such as from PCOS other other causes) often have trouble getting pregnant.

I was under the impression that people on HRT become sterile, so I didn’t know that. I recall hearing somewhere that trans women who want to have biological children should bank sperm before starting HRT, so I imagine that sterility is still a possible outcome.

5 years ago


Yeah, no, people on HRT can become sterile but AFAIK usually don’t. Sperm banking is to make things easier, accidental pregnancies still happen sometimes regardless. Shutting down human gonads completely is hard. (And trans women really need to be aware of this IMO, because for us it’s a responsibility thing re: not harming others.)

5 years ago

“Nobody deserves to laugh until everyone can.”
That’s so emo it makes How Soon Is Now? sound like the Monkees theme.

Malice W Underland
5 years ago

Re. the N-word: I think they mean Nazi. Poor alt-right dears; it must be so upsetting to be compared to a group of racist, sexist, homophobic, authority-worshipping reactionaries.

5 years ago

Yeah, I don’t know whether the alt-right is trying to rebrand “Nazi” as “the n-word”, but it wouldn’t surprise me. It’s the sort of shitty tactic I expect from them.

5 years ago

You know what laughter is? It’s the sound our monkey ancestors used to make as an “all clear” signal to tell other members of the tribe something was safe, like if they thought a rustling in the bushes was a predator but it turned out to be the wind.

That’s some nice evo-psych bullshit right there. Also, I guess this person has never seen dogs, or otters, or plenty of other animals laughing. It doesn’t have to be loud and vocal to be an expression of fun or joy. And frankly, most humor has nothing to do with the relief of realizing a fear is unfounded. It’s not even very good evo-psych.

5 years ago

Equating inceldom with the alt-right seems like a self-own. If incels were simply “involuntary celibates”, wouldn’t we expect incel spaces to contain people from across the entire political spectrum?

5 years ago

As a Jew (and someone who enjoys and occasionally participates in the rich tradition of Jewish comedy), I feel like for many oppressed cultures humor is a coping mechanism.

You know what they say: tragedy + time = comedy, and the Jewish people have had plenty of both.

OT, since I know we have some Mammotheers that are fans of My Little Pony Wizards of the Coast has created a set of My Little Pony Magic the Gathering cards (called Ponies: the Galloping) to commemorate the final season of the show and support the Extra Life charity. It’s $50 for the three-card set with $30 of the proceeds going to the Seattle Children’s Hospital.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

The only political label that’s a bigger red flag than ‘classical liberal’ is ‘ancap.’ No one good ever identifies as those things.

Anyway, do all pleasures come at someone else’s expense, or just sexual pleasures? Who’s being harmed if it’s late spring, the lilacs are blooming and I take pleasure in the sight and smell of the flowers? Who’s being harmed if my cat snuggles with me and purrs and I take pleasure in the sound and her soft fur?

5 years ago

Joyless socialists are the worst. Like that twitter personality who claimed all movies and TV shows are fascist propaganda and enjoying them means you aren’t a real leftist.

5 years ago

re: “Everyone laughs. Even the most oppressed people on earth laugh;”

Hmm. Although I ultimately can’t argue that point, I can say that many of us can hold off laughing, voluntarily or involuntarily, for a very long time.

I hadn’t laughed at all in the months after Crooked Donald’s installation as POtuS. But *many months later*, the divine Melissa McCarthy opened Saturday Night Live as Sean “Spicy” Spicer and I felt joy again. I vividly remember my face hurting from smiling and laughing after all of those months doing neither. The next day I went to YouTube and found the sketch and watched it infinity times. It never got less funny.

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago
5 years ago


Cats are, like, the ultimate disproof of zero-sum thinking. I love cats.


90% of the time that kind of reflexive negativity and criticism is part of an abusive complex, IMO. They like to implode other people’s joy because it expands their personal power over others.

5 years ago

Good to know. Thank you for correcting my misunderstanding.

(This is in response to the comment about HRT, not the one about cats)

I know the exact sketch you’re talking about. I will say, for me SNL made life a lot better during the first few months of Trump. I was much more depressed than usual, and I binge watched lots of comedy. Mostly SNL, but I also enjoyed other sources like The Daily Show with Trevor Noah.

5 years ago

*deep breath*


And unclinch

5 years ago

Nobody deserves to laugh until everyone can.

I would guess this is a troll trying to mock socialism or communism by deliberate misinterpretation.

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