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By David Futrelle
Here’s a new one, courtesy of one irredeemably “blackpilled” Tweeter.

My feelings about this, er, unique claim may perhaps best be conveyed with the following gif:

I mean, where to even start. How on earth does gay marriage have anything to do with the “regulation” of the heterosexual marriage, er, “market?” It’s not like striaght women are suddenly going gay so they can marry their female BFFs. The women getting gay married weren’t going to date you anyway, dudes.
Also: Chad is not hoarding all the women. Marriage rates started dropping decades before gay marriage was a thing. Even in the marriage-crazed 50s no one was guaranteed a spouse, and many of those who eagerly married in those years divorced a decade or two later.
Here, also from Twitter, are some infinitely more plausible explanations for the existence of incels.

Much more sensible explanations.
H/T — @vardex23, for bringing this lovely take to my attention
To be honest, as a gay man, that’s not really how I hear that question when I get it. In my experience, people who ask that are really trying to ask who’s the “man” and who’s the “woman” in bed.
That is, they’re not asking about the division of housework, or who’s the “boss” when it comes to spending money — they’re really trying to find a “polite” way to ask whose penis is going into whose butthole when we have sex.
Accordingly, my answer is usually some (not always polite) form of NOYB.