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By David Futrelle
Have you all got your MGTOW Bingo cards out? Good, because I’ve found a little screed in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit that I’d like to share with you and I’m pretty sure that you’l be able to fill those cards right up.
Yesterday, a MGTOWcalling himself Forevery0ung12 graced the MGTOW subreddit with a wall-o-text purporting to explain “Why women are incapable to lead men, corporations and turn into tyrants.”
Well, all women but one, that is. We’ll get to her in a moment. But first let’s hear Mr. Forevery’s case against all the other women in the worlld.
The reason why women are tyrants is because they have authority without responsibility. It’s inherent that they are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions. Therefore women with any authority or power will be tyrants.
By contrast, I guess, all men always behave completely responsibly at all times.
Forevery continues:
Give a 12 year old girl power over you and see how that ends. Just look at spoiled children how they behave. Women are children, they stop developing physically at 16 and mentally between the start and end of puberty. Ask yourself what a child will do and you will start to read women like a book.
We’ve got the equivalent of a 12-year-old boy running the US right now, and that’s not working out too well.
Men are capable of ruling and being kings, women always are either controlled heavily by counsel or turn to tyrants.
This is why women shouldn’t vote or have anything to do with politics, and certainly not rule.
Ah, women’s suffrage! One of the burning issues of 2019 1919.
Womens only purpose in life has always been to bear children, take care of infants and toddlers to the age of 5 and do monotonous tasks such as sewing or picking berries. Ever wondered why women are obsessed with monotonous tasks such as sewing, crosswords and the like? Because they evolved to.
Yeah, it’s not like men are ever obsessed with activities that others might find highly monotonous.
Women were made for making babies and taking care of the helpless and men were made to do EVERYTHING else, that is why women are only good at things that are correlated with child birth, flexibility being one of them.
Huh. Just off the top of my head, I’d say that this doesn’t seem very “correlated with child birth.” Though I suppose if she had done this routine while in labor the baby would’ve popped right out.
Another one is distinguishing color, which was helpful for finding and picking berries and the like in the hunting gathering phase of humanity (this is the only thing that isn’t directly correlated to child birth that I can think of).
This is honestly the only example of women being competent at something other than making babies that you can think of? Apparently you’re not very good at thinking of things, dude.
But hey, at least he doesn’t hate women.
Women are inferior to men, but hating them for simply being children is silly. … Women, like children, should be taken care of, but in the current climate the state does that for us through our money and crucify men so we’re incapable of doing our jobs without putting our lives on the line.
Apparently the men you see at work sitting on their asses at desks all day are secretly alligator wranglers protecting their offices from the constant threat of reptilian invasion.
This doesn’t benefit men nor women, but women are the majority of voters and very short sighted and this cannot end until men take womens rights away or they lose them naturally when we run out of money.
But don’t worry, ladies! Forevery does think there are a few exceptional women who maybe should be allowed to do shit like men. Except that he sort of thinks that they are already men, kind of.
There are some exceptions however and that is women at the very end of the bell curve with extreme male brains and high IQ. They develop some characteristics of men but the vast majority of them are not interested in men, but either other women or asexual.
He’s able to think of one whole example of this: the allegedly sort-of-manly woman who’s the CEO of computer chip giant Advanced Micro Devices.
A good example of this is Lisa Su, the CEO of AMD. Sure, gotten alot of credit for shit she hasn’t done but to be frank, she’s one of the most successful CEOs at this time. Doesn’t mean that she is as capable as a man, just that she is one in a 1000 with extreme male brain. I don’t think she has children, but she does have a husband. This doesn’t make her a nawalt [not all women are like that] however, she just inherited by mutation some features of men.
I guess men can’t do genetics. Or at least this one dude called Forevery0ung12 can’t: if you acquire a characteristic through genetic mutation, by definition you aren’t inheriting it. (You can inherent your parent’s mutations, though.)
At least I think that’s how it works, though admittedly to these guys I’m probably a mushy female-brained man who can’t logick right.
I find it incorrect to compare Trump to a child. I have never met any children as awful as he is. Most children I know are much better.
And yes, some 12 year old boys are jerks, but none that I’ve ever met are anywhere near as awful as Trump.
Although there was one boy who bullied me throughout middle school and high school who in retrospect was quite a bit like Trump. I haven’t seen him since I was 16, but I’m almost positive he’s MAGA scum now.
Thanks, David. Now I have a mental image of a pregnant Simone Biles twirling around in the air, then a baby shooting out of her and sailing in a graceful arc across the arena to land in the lap of an astonished onlooker.
Naglfar – 12 year old boys are selectively jerks; they can rein it in when they need to.
MsEdgyNation – If she doesn’t catch the baby herself, it’s a .5 deduction.
I don’t suppose this dude has any science to back up his assertion that women’s cognitive development stops at age 12? Because I studied a little bit of neuroscience in college and he’s definitely wrong about that.
Oh wait. My professor was a feeeeemaaaale. I guess she was just teaching us silly little girly fantasies!
“Extreme male brain” is the new “no true Scotsman”.
Because everyone knows kids don’t need adult care once they turn 6.
I swear, listening to these guys go on is like listening to preschoolers earnestly explain how to cook a Thanksgiving turkey, or something else they clearly have no idea how to do, except it’s much less adorable coming from an adult.
I think the main problem with pregnant gymnastic is how you need to wait 9 months between each training. And at the olympics, they better get well synchronized !
I think “extreme male brain” is a term used by semi-crank neuroscientist Simon Baron Cohen to describe people on the autism spectrum.
As far as I can tell he is about the only prominent neuroscientist who thinks there are significant brain differences between men and women so not surprised the manosphere has latched on to him.
Fixed that for you. He’s a full crank.
The thing is, the whole extreme male brain theory is a total disconnect from any reality I’ve observed. I know a lot of autistic people, myself included, and none of them seem to fit that model. Maybe some people on the spectrum are hypermasculine, but none of the people I know are. This is just my experience, so maybe I just haven’t seen a representative sample.
The only people I’ve ever heard say the extreme male brain thing are that idiot Simon Baron Cohen and Mercedes Carrera, a convicted child abuser, so maybe it’s not the most accurate theory.
Love to see this cockdrip explaining his thesis to Angela Merkel, Jacinda Ardern, Erna Solberg, Katrín Jakobsdóttir, and Mette Frederiksen.
@Naglfar: I agree that his views on autism and gender differences in brains are crankery (and so does most of his field).
I was mostly hedging in my labelling in case he has made some non-crank contributions to the field of which I am unaware.
I don’t think he has, but I could be wrong. Generally, even if someone has some legitimate work but is best known for BS, I call them a crank. For example, Jordan Peterson at one point published some legitimate research while teaching at Harvard, but I don’t think that means he shouldn’t be called out for what he is, or that he should be trusted in his evo-psych BS.
Holy fucking projection, Batman!
Anyway, a single Greta Thunberg is worth a thousand of this chud.
Is Simon Baron Cohen related to Sacha Baron Cohen?
Cousins, apparently.
OT, but if anyone wants a nice positive story, here’s Megan Fox talking about how she supports her son’s love of wearing dresses.
Always nice to see parents not trying to force gender conformity. The kid seems like quite a character and he’s super adorable.
“Extreme male brain” sounds like a riff on the old “galaxy brain” meme. I’m assuming the progression goes:
Normie brain
Edgelord brain
Redpill brain
Extreme male brain
I can’t think of a task less monotonous than taking care of a five-year old, or a task more monotonous than the office-work he thinks is best suited for men. But I may have an extreme female brain, because I like doing puzzles a lot. Maybe I’m balancing out Lisa Su! I’m helping!
But, um, mutations are heritable. I mean, all of our genes are mutations of something else.
@Michael Suttkus, II
I like puzzles too. But I never thought of it as a gendered thing, just a thing I like to do.
It’s funny that he seems to think there’s a difference between tyrants and kings. A large percentage of kings throughout history were tyrants.
Hambeast said: If she doesn’t catch the baby herself, it’s a .5 deduction.
Well, only if the baby can’t stick the landing.
Baby catching seems more like a rhythmic gymnastics thing than an artistic gymnastics thing.
And I just realized that the world rhythmic championships were a few days ago. I know what I’m watching this weekend!
Dude’s projecting harder than an IMAX theater.
Also, “we’ve got the equivalent of a 12-year-old boy running the US right now[.]” — I think that’s a bit generous, he’s more like a 2-year-old boy.
(Apologies if this double-posts!)
These rants always read as if the OP’s mother just poked her head in the door and asked if he’d finished his math homework yet.
Tyrant: “Turn off the computer for two minutes and take out the trash, please.”
Not Tyrant: “This group of subhumans that I despise shouldn’t have the same basic rights as me.”
Funny how when you look back through history, the vast majority of tyrants have been male, with only a rare few women sprinkled in (Elizabeth Bathory, Bloody Mary, Elena Ceaucescu). One suspects the sort of “tyrant” he’s referring to are the moms, teachers, and social workers who want him to improve himself, acquire a work ethic, and think of other people once in awhile. And the prospective girlfriends who have standards for behavior, which get interpreted as unreasonable requirements. How dare women make him do things!
This might actually be true, given that MGTOWs see the world in black and white. Nuance is totally lost on them.