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By David Futrelle
Have you all got your MGTOW Bingo cards out? Good, because I’ve found a little screed in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit that I’d like to share with you and I’m pretty sure that you’l be able to fill those cards right up.
Yesterday, a MGTOWcalling himself Forevery0ung12 graced the MGTOW subreddit with a wall-o-text purporting to explain “Why women are incapable to lead men, corporations and turn into tyrants.”
Well, all women but one, that is. We’ll get to her in a moment. But first let’s hear Mr. Forevery’s case against all the other women in the worlld.
The reason why women are tyrants is because they have authority without responsibility. It’s inherent that they are incapable of taking responsibility for their actions. Therefore women with any authority or power will be tyrants.
By contrast, I guess, all men always behave completely responsibly at all times.
Forevery continues:
Give a 12 year old girl power over you and see how that ends. Just look at spoiled children how they behave. Women are children, they stop developing physically at 16 and mentally between the start and end of puberty. Ask yourself what a child will do and you will start to read women like a book.
We’ve got the equivalent of a 12-year-old boy running the US right now, and that’s not working out too well.
Men are capable of ruling and being kings, women always are either controlled heavily by counsel or turn to tyrants.
This is why women shouldn’t vote or have anything to do with politics, and certainly not rule.
Ah, women’s suffrage! One of the burning issues of 2019 1919.
Womens only purpose in life has always been to bear children, take care of infants and toddlers to the age of 5 and do monotonous tasks such as sewing or picking berries. Ever wondered why women are obsessed with monotonous tasks such as sewing, crosswords and the like? Because they evolved to.
Yeah, it’s not like men are ever obsessed with activities that others might find highly monotonous.
Women were made for making babies and taking care of the helpless and men were made to do EVERYTHING else, that is why women are only good at things that are correlated with child birth, flexibility being one of them.
Huh. Just off the top of my head, I’d say that this doesn’t seem very “correlated with child birth.” Though I suppose if she had done this routine while in labor the baby would’ve popped right out.
Another one is distinguishing color, which was helpful for finding and picking berries and the like in the hunting gathering phase of humanity (this is the only thing that isn’t directly correlated to child birth that I can think of).
This is honestly the only example of women being competent at something other than making babies that you can think of? Apparently you’re not very good at thinking of things, dude.
But hey, at least he doesn’t hate women.
Women are inferior to men, but hating them for simply being children is silly. … Women, like children, should be taken care of, but in the current climate the state does that for us through our money and crucify men so we’re incapable of doing our jobs without putting our lives on the line.
Apparently the men you see at work sitting on their asses at desks all day are secretly alligator wranglers protecting their offices from the constant threat of reptilian invasion.
This doesn’t benefit men nor women, but women are the majority of voters and very short sighted and this cannot end until men take womens rights away or they lose them naturally when we run out of money.
But don’t worry, ladies! Forevery does think there are a few exceptional women who maybe should be allowed to do shit like men. Except that he sort of thinks that they are already men, kind of.
There are some exceptions however and that is women at the very end of the bell curve with extreme male brains and high IQ. They develop some characteristics of men but the vast majority of them are not interested in men, but either other women or asexual.
He’s able to think of one whole example of this: the allegedly sort-of-manly woman who’s the CEO of computer chip giant Advanced Micro Devices.
A good example of this is Lisa Su, the CEO of AMD. Sure, gotten alot of credit for shit she hasn’t done but to be frank, she’s one of the most successful CEOs at this time. Doesn’t mean that she is as capable as a man, just that she is one in a 1000 with extreme male brain. I don’t think she has children, but she does have a husband. This doesn’t make her a nawalt [not all women are like that] however, she just inherited by mutation some features of men.
I guess men can’t do genetics. Or at least this one dude called Forevery0ung12 can’t: if you acquire a characteristic through genetic mutation, by definition you aren’t inheriting it. (You can inherent your parent’s mutations, though.)
At least I think that’s how it works, though admittedly to these guys I’m probably a mushy female-brained man who can’t logick right.
I am offended at the Trump comparison on behalf of my 12 year old son!
It is. Especially in the mid-range of the visible spectrum, women can distinguish far more colour shades than men.
Been known since the 60s – and many towering edifices of evopsych BS have been built on that fact.
I heard somewhere that women also have a better sense of smell. I’m sure the evo-psych fans have something to say about that too.
Is this a universal thing? I know men are more often color blind (as in having only two color receptor pigments instead of the usual three) and some women are tetrachromats (having four functionally different pigments).
I don’t think the two are connected. Colorblindness is more common in people who are assigned male at birth because the most common form of colorblindness is X-linked recessive, so someone with XY chromosomes only needs to have 1 copy of the colorblind allele on that one X chromosome to be colorblind, while someone with XX (or for that matter XXY or XXX or any other genotype with more than 1 X) chromosomes needs to have copies on all the X chromosomes, as non-colorblind alleles on another X chromosome will override colorblind alleles on others.
I meant that, to my knowledge, most men do have a functional allele for that particular pigment you refer to (in reference to colorblindness), so their color perception ability should be similar to most* women.
*if you have two X chromosomes, you might have alleles for two clearly functionally different forms of that pigment, which gives you better than usual color perception ability but I think this isn’t very common?
So if there’s some other issue, I’m curious for references.
Oh. I thought you were suggesting something else. Sorry if what I said was something you already knew.
No problem, this whole thing is just my habitual nitpicking 🙂
Best evidence is that the “women are better at perceiving colours” thing is cultural thing: caring about colours is positioned as a feminine thing, so women are encouraged in it and get more practice. Caring about words is also commonly seen as feminine, and knowing more words for colours does genuinely help you distinguish them.
Women are obsessed with crosswords? Aren’t most crossword writers/editors men?
Can’t speak for other women, but my grandmother was obsessed with crosswords. She would spend hours each evening filling them out.
I’ve never seen the appeal. I like Scrabble but that’s the reverse. Crosswords to me are just not very interesting.
My dad was obsessed. And yes, most crossword writers are indeed male. Not that the MGTOW makes any sense, but that statement was just weird.
For anyone interested: xkcd did a large color-names survey, and didn’t find a big difference in colors distinguished by male vs female respondents.
Results are here: https://blog.xkcd.com/2010/05/03/color-survey-results/
I think there are two types of monotony. There’s the monotony of tasks we don’t enjoy, which are what we usually think of when we say something is monotonous. Essentially, things that are boring. However, there’s a second kind monotony, which is things that are relaxing in their simplicity. For example, I know that objectively speaking, spending hours painting plastic miniatures should be a highly monotonous task, yet I could easily waste a whole day doing it if I so inclined. Sometimes it’s nice to do something simple and repetitive to let our brains disengage for a while.
Reminds me of when I was poking a racist asshat on Pharyngula who, when pressed on rich Asian nations vs. poor Western nations, just reclassified Japan and Korea as Western.
This “extreme male brain” stuff reminds me of “that’s mighty white of you”, which used to be something people actually said.
I find the “extreme male brain” thing terribly funny, because that’s how many people have tried to describe autism.
And yet, despite being male and my autism supposedly giving me an “extreme male brain,” I have always been super bad at performing masculinity.
It’s almost like this gender stuff is a load of crap.
Not only that, but it seems that a very large number of autistic people are trans or non-binary like me. Not exactly extremely male there.
My limited experience with other spectrum individuals leads me to believe that like myself, many are androgynous. Not all, obviously, but quite a few that I’ve met are.
Studies indicate that autistic people are ~8 times more likely to be gender variant than cis people. Or at any rate 8 times more likely to acknowledge it.
Interesting how they seem to exempt AMD and their current CEO. I guess the subreddit /r/ayymd and various places dedicated to meme-ing the company seemed to have made a name for themselves. Also, as someone who has kept up on this a little bit, I guess AMD seemed to have made a name for themselves despite being many times smaller than a company like Intel.
I think some of it is done out of resentment towards how they believe tech companies are bowing down to political correctness (AMD did this too, just several years late): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyD_Q8RZh_M
I could be bullshitting here, but I guess it’s because Lisa Su looks less like a typically attractive woman to them compared to a dirtbag like Susan Wojcicki, the CEO that allows far-right shitstains to thrive on YouTube and cares more about money than consumers’ interests (they’d consider her unattractive too I reckon because of her age, and otherwise too “woke”). I argue there’s a bit of racism in here motivating this specific case.
Su here has appeared “fairer” to consumers, where those who want to buy AMD hardware do not have to replace their motherboards for four years as of around 2016 if they want to upgrade their CPUs annually. Wojcicki fucks over consumers by somehow simultaneously maintaining a “woke” reputation, but giving the far right a platform, thus drawing the ire of everyone except advertisers and some people on the right.
The problem is capitalism and how most people worldwide still hold repressive values. Capitalism or market fundamentalism excuses what’s “natural” even if completely reprehensible, and often for a profit. People believe oppressing women is “natural” because that’s how it’s supposed to be according to religious scriptures, or that’s how it works between animals.
And that kind of notion, on it’s face, doesn’t really pan out either; since in the animal kingdom, the definition of what’s “natural”, is at best: varied and extensive, if not outright arbitrary most of the time. Their are animals where females of a given species are the one’s in charge and males the subservient ones, and others still where it’s purely egalitarian between the males and females…. or the fact their could be possibility for males to become female and vice-versa.
As for humans though; due to the distinct nature of our being thanks to our path of evolution of our species; our so called “nature” can change on a whim, is hugely varied and is completely arbitrary. Our “nature” is in fact malleable like plastic, or of the animal kingdom it is the most malleable in the shortest amount of time; we are a species of change and reinvention, often by our very own wills.
Than again, I could just be wondering though a weird line of philosophical thought; but it kind of makes a biological organism think, ya know?
@Tactical Progressive
I think it’s a fear of straying from human norms that’s primarily motivating this, plus, a system that allows men to abuse power too, since they’re regarded as more important based on what they’re thought to contribute to.
Interesting. The two biggest factors that I can think of for this are that, first, in order to be diagnosed as autistic, one first needs access to psychiatric help. And thus is more likely to become aware of gender variance than someone without help.
The second is that because autistic people tend (stereotypically) not to understand social conventions very well, or give them as much importance as non-autistic people do, we are more likely to be open about gender variance.
So much like the supposed increase in autism, I personally think that the percentages of occurrence (don’t know the right term) are not any different, just the percentages of known occurrence.
I think it also has to do with not fitting into social norms in general, and gender is another thing that I don’t really pay much attention to fitting into. I’m not publicly out about my gender identity (non-binary), but I would say that that has more to do with the fact that if I was out, I would constantly be having to explain it to people who don’t understand.
I agree. The amount of it is the same, I would imagine that simply more people are getting diagnosed.