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By David Futrelle
Professional troll Milo Yiannopoulos — reportedly heavily in debt and with his once enormous social media presence whittled down to a small account on Telegram — is apparently trying to raise a fashy furry army.
Last month, evidently hungering for some attention and possibly casting about for a new grift, Milo announced that he would be attending Midwest FurFest this year as a snow leopard, an announcement which (predictably) caused more than a little outrage in the furry community — and which probably would have stirred up similar outrage in the snow leopard community, if snow leopards had access to the internet and could work computers with their big furry paws.
Today, the Midwest FurFest organizers announced that they were refunding Milo’s ticket, banning him from the event and all their future events. “Hate is not welcome at Midwest FurFest,” an organizer said in a official statement.
In a post on Telegram, Milo says he’s planning to crash the convention along with some of his “friends.”
He followed this up by suggesting that the organizers were a bunch of pedophiles.
Then he revealed what might be his real reason he’s interested in hanging out amongst furries, other than garnering more media attention for himself: He means to win Wimbleton.
No, sorry, that’s a Monty Python reference. The real reason, I suspect, is that Milo wants the relatively small contingent of fascist (and fascist-adjacent) furries to break off from the rest of the furry community and, presumably, follow him as their new furry ruler.
At least that’s how I read this Telegram post:
Who knows what’s going to develop from all this. The only thing that’s clear is that it will be a real shitshow, as is everything Milo touches.
H/T — Left Coast Right Watch for tweeting about Milo’s plans to crash the convention
What do the real furries think about this? I assume they’re for the most part not fans of Milo.
I was also curious, is there a large overlap between furries and adult MLP fans (bronies/pegasisters)? Because I have a few friends that are both, and I was wondering if that was common.
Hmm, I wonder if any of his creditors would be willing to sell some of that debt on. Be fun to buy five grand’s worth then try to bankrupt him next time he’s in the UK. His major backers couldn’t afford to have that happen; they’d get nothing. So they’d have to keep bailing him out. If you could buy the debt at a discount this could be nice way of earning money from his rich right wing sponsors.
Ugh. Not that I’d mind the small contingent of hateful furries being dragged as far off from the rest of us as possible, but it won’t be as simple as Jackass here thinks to just waltz in and crash it. In a world that’s hated us for decades, he’d be far from the first to think of trying to pull such a stunt and furcon organizers (especially on the scale of MFF) are pretty serious about security because of it. Nevermind when they’re threatened publicly beforehand.
I guess it’ll be amusing to watch him fail. I will be hoping for the safety of everyone attending though… This particular con has been the target of chemical attacks before, and it’ll be far less amusing if that’s along the lines of what this dolt and his loser buddies have in mind.
I was going to ask, did they ever find out who was behind that chlorine incident? The news outlets never seemed to follow up on the initial story.
I was unaware that there was that much hatred against furries. And with the kinds of people that hang with Milo, something like that is definitely possible again.
Good on that convention to boot out Milo. Keep up the good work and stay safe.
I was hearing about this last night from some friends. And I’m already booked for the convention in question, too; it’s their 20th year, so it’s going to be a big bash.
Most of the ones I know are definitely not fans of Milo. Then again, the group I hang out with tend to be a somewhat self-selected bunch, as happens with social groups. (And some of my friends are definitely the ‘targets’ in the sort of thing Milo would rile up.)
There is a fairly large overlap with the MLP fandom as well, as well as members on both sides who dislike that overlap. (As a friend of mine noted, anybody who complains about the MLP ‘invasion’ is forgetting the number of times this has happened before. There are a LOT of folks with Sonic the Hedgehog characters too.)
His fursona is more tapeworm than a poor snow leopard anyway
@Moon Custafer
As far as I know, that’s still unfortunately a cold case. 🙁
There has defintely been a small but visible creeping of alt-righty antifeminist Nazi type into furdom in recent years (hence I guess why scum like this smells new followers). The vast majority of furries want nothing to do with it.
As to your other question, furry/MLP overlap is plenty common (even small scale cons like those I attend host brony panels and have MLP-dedicated booths)
Fun fact: in the fifty years since that Monty Python sketch no Englishman has won Wimbledon but a Scotsman has won twice.
I don’t go to conventions, but I am adjacent to the fandom enough that I can say good riddance. I hope security does their job in keeping the attendants safe.
Oh FFS, this year my niece really wants to go (she’s 11) and now I have to worry about Milo Yanniclingingtorelevencebyhisfingernails? There’s only room in this fandom for one alt right asshole gay furry, and 2 the Ranting Gryphon has already taken that spot.
Please, let this creature’s 15 minutes of fame, end at last.
@Jenora and Sarity
Thank you for answering my questions.
I thought his time was over after the pedophilia thing, but now he’s back. Not sure how he’s still around with this much debt. You’d think the people he owes (not sure who) would be wanting some payment about now.
Kind of funny that he’s been banned from all the social media and complains about it. Hopefully as soon as he gets out of the White House (which hopefully will be soon) Trump will get the same treatment.
After his involvement in the New Paws hoax, he’s got a lot of nerve trying to cozy up to furries.
So Milo wants to become a fur-her.
Thank you I’ll be her all week.
As I noted in the other thread, there’s a certain deliberateness to the fact that this came up just a few days after the hotel room lottery for the con had closed and everybody who had a hotel room had paid a deposit for their room, as well as the membership they had to buy before entering the lottery. Waiting until everybody was invested before pulling this.
(Yes, they hold a lottery for the hotel rooms. The con had over ten thousand attendees last year, making it the largest such con in North America, and they take up a chunk of the convention centre near O’Hare as well as multiple hotels. When the number of people attending is far higher than the number of available rooms in the area, a lottery avoids the problem of scalpers.)
@TB Tabby:
I had managed to miss that the first time around. Gah, just adds another level of awful. Of course, Milo joined Gamergate after having trashed gamers in the past, so it’s not like he had any principles to lose.
With respect to Nazi furries, there’s always this article from Nerd & Tie back in 2017:
The Bizarre Fall of Rocky Mountain Fur Con
Someone in the comments notes that the neo-nazi Furry Raiders group were also infamous for deliberately overbooking hotel rooms and then releasing them at the last minute to screw with the convention’s hotel relations.
Ha! Good riddance!
*makes rude gesture with both hands*
Antifascist furries are gonna kick his ass and it’s going to be amazing
I hope there’ll be footage of Security throwing Milo out, and his subsequent tantrum . . .
Well, well, well, that is interesting. There is indeed a very vocal Nazi contingent in furry fandom that’s been around a while.. as mentioned, the Furry Raiders, a bunch of neonazi assholes. Armbands and all (though usually they have a pawprint instead of a swastika.) And a few others who have personality clashes with the popufurs involved in the Raiders. Originally, of course, the leader “Foxler” (ha. ha.) said he dressed like an SS trooper and made armbands for “irony” but as with most internet “irony” from the alt right, they soon showed it was meant anything but ironically.
What’s really hilarious about Milo’s accusation that the organizers are pedos is that a number of the Nazifurs are involved in babyfur roleplay and have questionably underage art, and a few have actually been arrested for possession of real child pornography in recent years, and investigated for other stuff much more sinister than just drug charges. Milo’s really scraping the dregs of the barrel for company, here.
I have a feeling as soon as he finds out what these awful people are actually like, based on what I’ve heard from people who have visited or lived with the Nazifurs in their own homes, even he might turn tail and run. That would be the SMART thing to do. If not, he’s an even bigger sicko than I ever imagined.
This really is the weirdest timeline.
You need to imagine the *jazz hands* at the end. This is the pretentious version of ironic racism, and Milo isn’t nearly creative enough to pull this off. It just makes him seem extra sad.
I am confused about what lies and slander Milo is referring to. No one says anything negative about Milo that he hasn’t bragged about himself at some point in the past.
Anyone feel like making a Milo meltdown bingo card?
@footprints in wet clay
What is babyfur roleplay? Is it like AB/DL roleplay with adults playing as babies? Or is it actual pedophilia with actual babies?
Indeed. He did trip rather spectacularly over past pedophilia apologetics not too long ago.
Him of all people accusing others of pedophilia is the pot calling the kettle black.