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By David Futrelle
I‘m both fascinated and horrified by the “Misogynatomy” tag on the BadWomensAnatomy subreddit, a glimpse into some of the deeply weird (and completely wrong) things woman-hating men (and even a few women and non-binary folks) believe about cis women’s bodies.
Here are a few items from the Misogynatomy Files I’ve come across recently that made me die a little inside.
Women with six-pack abs can’t be women any more
In a thread on asking whether or not muscular women are sexually appealing to others in the forum, one commenter puts themselves firmly in the “no” camp.
If you’re a girl and your boobs have turned into pecks and you have defined abs, you’re not a woman anymore.
Fuck off Social Justice Warriors
Er, I’m pretty sure the word you’re looking for there is “pecs,” not “pecks,’ unless you’re talking about bird ladies.
Ironically, the commenter (who identifies as non-binary) has an anime girl as their avatar; apparently to be a Real Women you need not only to be free of unsightly washboard abs; you also have to have eyes the size of dinner plates.
Buff women have huge clits that look like cigar ends
After a personal trainer put a video of herself squatting a whole man up on Twitter, she received this unsolicited bad-anatomy lesson from a self-described cynic.
The bad anatomy instructor offered a fuller explanation for this assertion in a followup tweet.
Weirdly, Chaun offered no citations to back up his claims.
Lesbians stop being lesbians during ovulation, when they all want to be “railed” by Chad. Also there are no lesbians above the age of 30
Men Going Their Own Way have a lot of very peculiar ideas about lesbians, many of which are on full display in this thread discussing a study showing that a surprising number of teenage lesbians get pregnant.
Rachel Maddow, do you have any thoughts on this?
And then there’s
The dude who thinks that his biological mother is not his biological mother because his dad accidentally implanted another woman’s egg in her uterus with his dick, wait what?
I don’t even know what to say to this one. It’s one of the strangest things I’ve ever read. (And I basically read strange things all day for a living.)
If you can’t read that tiny type, here’s the quote in bigger letters.
I don’t look like my mom at all. My dad was a musician for awhile and probably got loads of pussy. Is it possible while a man is fucking a female for an egg in the ovaries to become loose and fall in to his peehole? Then when he goes to have sex with another woman he squirts his semen and the egg into the woman’s ovaries and that foreign egge basically becomes the one that is fertilized inside of her? I’m pretty sure I was born out of my mom because she told me that my brother and I were both C-section babies. Having a different mom that I was supposed to have couldn’t contributed to my inceldoom, too, right?
Jesse from Breaking Bad, do you have any thoughts on this?
Now, I should say that I was unable to track this quote down to its original source — reportedly it was from the Braincels subreddit. So I can’t vouch for its authenticity. But it sure sounds like genuine incel logic to me. If it’s not, kudos to whoever wrote it for their dead-on incel impersonation.
Anyway, have a nice weekend, everyone, and try not to have any weird nightmares about penis ovipositors and glowing, ever-growing cigar clits.
PS: Huge thanks to everyone who’s donated in the pledge drive! If you haven’t yet, click here!
H/T — Twitter’s Clayton Cubitt, for tweeting a bunch of pictures of very buff Victorian ladies, one of whom I borrowed for the graphic up top.
Am I a ghost? Did I die? How have I not noticed that I stopped existing three years ago? This is quite amazing actually. Now I finally have an excuse to skip family gatherings.
Wow? No lesbians over 30 you say? Well, did someone inform Allison Bechdel or Rachel Madow of this fact? Or all those middle-aged lesbians I saw the last time I was at Dore Alley.
I’m sorry, the “beta side” of the menstrual cycle? What?
But the egg dude is totally right. There was this one time I picked my nose right after masturbating and accidentally planted an egg up there. Then I went swimming and there must have been sperm in the water, because my nose got really swollen and I am sure I am about to give birth— or maybe I just have a cold. Who knows? Biology is hard.
It’s unlikely they’ll care about my opinion, but I find women with washboard abs to be quite good looking, much as I feel about men with abs. Though overall I care very little about appearance and much more about personality and intellect, which is another thing that separates me from the MGTOWs.
On girls lifting grown men, when my younger sister, who is the more athletic one in the family, was 10 she was very proud of herself that she could lift my father (who was a bit on the skinny side but still an average size man).
The egg dude is a great demonstration of why we need better sex ed courses. Even I, who never had sex ed past 5th grade, knew better than the egg thing.
Maybe everyone died in 2016 and this is hell. That would explain a lot.
@Mexican Hot Chocolate
Someone tell Ellen Degeneres!
Also, has anyone noticed how much the “no lesbians over 30” thing sounds like Logan’s Run? I’d better warn my neighbor that she’s only got 6 years left.
I know for a fact plenty of men like muscular women. Unfortunately a great many of them are still sexist pieces of shit hardly any different from the usual assholes covered by We Hunted the Mammoth.
As a gymnastics fan, I find the notion that women with 6 pack abs can’t be feminine super ridiculous.
My sister did gymnastics for years. She never had a six pack, but she was pretty well muscled. Definitely more muscle than I ever had.
Since you are evidently still living, the only logical answer is you completely stopped aging at 29.
Welcome to immortality, I guess.
…But according to manospherian logic, 29 is already way past the wall, so what good does that do me? I mean, it won’t matter most of the time, but what will I do when a beta cycle, whatever that is, comes on and Chad doesn’t want me? Eternal misery! (faints dramatically)
You do have the right name for immortality. Ms Harker, I presume? 😛
Eh, you’ll be fine. Chad don’t believe in that wall or post wall nonsense – he fucks who he wishes. That is strictly a beta worry. . 😛
I thought women became lesbians because they’re homely spinsters who can’t get a man, so they have to settle for women. Sexist creeps need to make up their minds.
I clicked for pictures of lesbians with six pack abs and I’m gonna have to wait for my brain to quit short-circuiting before reading.
No, no, of course it did. That’s the most logical explanation for your involuntary celibacy.
It couldn’t be your loathsomeness.
When I was at school, we definitely believed that men had six packs and women had four packs and this was an anatomical difference in musculature, but we were mistaken, and also we were fourteen.
Everyone knows the high pregnancy rate among teen lesbians is due to the fact that women are constantly laying fertilized eggs everywhere. The eggs can live for months on chairs and weightlifting benches, waiting for the right host.
When you see a woman with a six pack, it’s really multiple gestational pouches.
Something tells me this guy’s mom is also secretly wondering if he’s really her biological child.
Regarding pregnant lesbians, I don’t know if that statistic is true (rather doubting it seeing as MGTOWs rarely say anything true) but if it is true I would be somewhat curious as to the explanation. My guess would be rape by men, but I’m not sure.
Okay, so I’m extremely hesitant to say anything that could be construed as challenging someone’s identity, but I guess a line has been crossed for me.
There’s someone out there identifying as non-binary who is spending time on the internet policing bodies to determine who is eligible to be considered one gender or another?
That does NOT sound right. I mean, people have capacity for all kinds of weird-ass internal contradictions, but that’s just … so. wrong.
I honestly don’t understand how this person could say these things while also identifying as NB without **seriously** failing to understand gender generally and NB gender specifically. How do you accept, as this person does, that other people get to decide your gender for you based on what they think about your body and also maintain that non-binary gender is something that you, personally, get to choose to identify with.
I mean, it’s not up to you, right? Isn’t that up to the people who are looking at your body and deciding if you can be non-binary or not? Don’t they know better than you what your gender is?
I just can’t even.
So, this person who believes his dad somehow implanted another woman’s egg into the woman who’s ostensibly his mom? His official mom of record is a cuck?
Equal rights for cuckhood, I guess.
@Crip Dyke
I currently identify as non-binary and I agree with your statement. I am not publicly out (it’s illegal where I live), and only a small group of people know that I identify as non-binary, but among that group the most common reaction has been that I look like my assigned at birth gender, so I am that gender. Gender is not based on appearance, and I would especially expect a non-binary Redditor to understand that. Plenty of people do look at my body and tell me what gender they think I am (and I try to look androgynous but usually tend to look a little to one side), and I imagine other NB people have the same issue.
That Redditor is just an asshole. Though it doesn’t surprise me that some non-binary people are hypocrites, as some people in all groups are, it sure does seem strange that one would say this.
In Massachusetts? I’m genuinely surprised.
Googles it
Oh, for fuck’s sake. Republicans, stop being such petty assholes.
Wow, the artist of ‘Grrlpower comic’s is going to be disappointed to learn all his superheroines are just more dudes. Well, except Sydney jr., since she’s a nerd, with a nerd build, despite having powers.
Yup. This is the state where in our last election there was a ballot question by conservatives that was deceptively worded in order to repeal bathroom rights for trans people, which had previously been considered settled. Thankfully, the question was overwhelming voted to maintain trans bathroom rights.
Massachusetts may have been the first state to legalize gay marriage, but there’s a lot of anti trans sentiment here, mostly from conservatives (though there are definitely some TERFs as well).
I know where Chaun the Cynical got his ideas.
There is a species of porn which can be described as “female bodybuilders with large clitorises.” Originally, as best I can tell, this was sold simply as “female bodybuilders,” but when the fact that many of these women had large clitorises got noticed, the distributors decided to make that one of the selling points. Really: it is quite common to see these videos advertised with lines like “the biggest muscles…the biggest clits!”
Chaun’s error was in assuming that it was the bodybuilding in and of itself that enlarged the clitorises. Rather, this is a side effect of steroid use–a fact widely enough known that he has no excuse for not knowing it (and, even if he can be excused for his ignorance, he is a jerk in the way he expresses it).