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By David Futrelle
I‘m both fascinated and horrified by the “Misogynatomy” tag on the BadWomensAnatomy subreddit, a glimpse into some of the deeply weird (and completely wrong) things woman-hating men (and even a few women and non-binary folks) believe about cis women’s bodies.
Here are a few items from the Misogynatomy Files I’ve come across recently that made me die a little inside.
Women with six-pack abs can’t be women any more
In a thread on MyAnimeList.com asking whether or not muscular women are sexually appealing to others in the forum, one commenter puts themselves firmly in the “no” camp.
If you’re a girl and your boobs have turned into pecks and you have defined abs, you’re not a woman anymore.
Fuck off Social Justice Warriors
Er, I’m pretty sure the word you’re looking for there is “pecs,” not “pecks,’ unless you’re talking about bird ladies.
Ironically, the commenter (who identifies as non-binary) has an anime girl as their avatar; apparently to be a Real Women you need not only to be free of unsightly washboard abs; you also have to have eyes the size of dinner plates.
Buff women have huge clits that look like cigar ends
After a personal trainer put a video of herself squatting a whole man up on Twitter, she received this unsolicited bad-anatomy lesson from a self-described cynic.
The bad anatomy instructor offered a fuller explanation for this assertion in a followup tweet.
Weirdly, Chaun offered no citations to back up his claims.
Lesbians stop being lesbians during ovulation, when they all want to be “railed” by Chad. Also there are no lesbians above the age of 30
Men Going Their Own Way have a lot of very peculiar ideas about lesbians, many of which are on full display in this thread discussing a study showing that a surprising number of teenage lesbians get pregnant.
![[–]ZlayerXZ 45 points 1 month ago
No bro this make perfect sense. You see lesbian, are just lesbian during their beta side of their reproductive cycle, all women (lesbian/straight/whatever) during ovulation want to be railed by the alpha savage, lesbian are lesbian till ovulation began.
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[–]Sir_manalot 26 points 1 month ago
This, women have been put above beta men via underhanded means.
So lesbians are women trying out a alpha fux, lesbo bux strategy. Which makes sense, as women are more empathetic (not sympathetic) and have an easier time getting money at first (changes later).
It is also why lesbians tend to treat each other like shit, because they see each other as betas. And why many lesbians become straight later on (when men start making more money).
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[–]magicmikefx 4 points 1 month ago
Lol alpha fux lesbo bux makes sense
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[–]NathanHollister 7 points 1 month ago
Agree, with this caveat: I believe they actually become straight when their biological clock starts to tick are 28-30 I.E. they realize it's their last chance to have kids before the wall.](https://i2.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/2019-09-13_16-26-40.png?fit=482%2C1024)
Rachel Maddow, do you have any thoughts on this?

And then there’s
The dude who thinks that his biological mother is not his biological mother because his dad accidentally implanted another woman’s egg in her uterus with his dick, wait what?
I don’t even know what to say to this one. It’s one of the strangest things I’ve ever read. (And I basically read strange things all day for a living.)

If you can’t read that tiny type, here’s the quote in bigger letters.
I don’t look like my mom at all. My dad was a musician for awhile and probably got loads of pussy. Is it possible while a man is fucking a female for an egg in the ovaries to become loose and fall in to his peehole? Then when he goes to have sex with another woman he squirts his semen and the egg into the woman’s ovaries and that foreign egge basically becomes the one that is fertilized inside of her? I’m pretty sure I was born out of my mom because she told me that my brother and I were both C-section babies. Having a different mom that I was supposed to have couldn’t contributed to my inceldoom, too, right?
Jesse from Breaking Bad, do you have any thoughts on this?

Now, I should say that I was unable to track this quote down to its original source — reportedly it was from the Braincels subreddit. So I can’t vouch for its authenticity. But it sure sounds like genuine incel logic to me. If it’s not, kudos to whoever wrote it for their dead-on incel impersonation.
Anyway, have a nice weekend, everyone, and try not to have any weird nightmares about penis ovipositors and glowing, ever-growing cigar clits.
PS: Huge thanks to everyone who’s donated in the pledge drive! If you haven’t yet, click here!
H/T — Twitter’s Clayton Cubitt, for tweeting a bunch of pictures of very buff Victorian ladies, one of whom I borrowed for the graphic up top.
The twitter feed of the woman doing squats with her friend on her back is an hilarious and tragic microcosm of male anxiety at the realisation that some women are actually stronger or just as strong as men who practice sports and go to the gym often.
I like muscular women. I like muscular men. There is a limit though, body builders don’t do it for me. Though, you know, more power to them if they love it. I tend to worry about the starvation tactics required for those hyperdefines muscles and abs (which is also a muscle, but sure). It’s kinda messed up that we tend to idealise a look that basically says “yeah, I’m buff, but I’m also slowly dying of starvation and I cannot keep this up for more than a few hours every day”.
Like, a couple of weeks back, people were bodyshaming Jason Momoa of all people for supposedly letting himself go. And people wonder why so many people have body image issues.
“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”
@Cat Mara
The thing about TERFs is, although their attitudes and actions generally bear little or no resemblance to feminism, the fact that they cloak their rhetoric in a veneer allows their propaganda to reach people who would never listen to conservatives. I know some otherwise liberal people who are rather transphobic because they bought into the lies that TERFs tell.
Frankly, TERFs aren’t even feminists. They don’t do anything to improve life for any women, they actively hurt trans women (and maybe trans men, I don’t know how TERFs feel about them) and also hurt some cis women (I’ve heard TERFs attack cis women who have PCOS or who are otherwise more masculine). In fact, I’ve noticed a lot of TERFs seem to push gender essentialist and stereotype ideas that are downright antifeminist.
My male anxiety when watching the video could be summed up as “please look after your back and knees”.
Signed, someone who lives with chronic pain.
As a trans man, TERFs tend to see us as either “gender traitors” or poor, misguided waifs led astray by the evil trans rights activists. Guess which one is applied to masculine trans men and which is applied to the gnc trans men.
@Naglfar: When TERFs deign to notice trans men at all, I believe their attitude is something along the lines of, “oh, they are just misguided butch lesbians who have been brainwashed by the trans agenda into thinking they have to become men!” That’s the patronising take; the other is to call them gender traitors.
RE: Male anxiety. OT, but I sometimes watch competitive eating videos. Molly Schuyler is now the top-ranked competitive eater in the world. I can’t help but notice the negativity in the comments on her videos.
It’s so threatening to some people that a woman is number 1 at anything, even something as trivial as stuffing her face.
As a trans dude on a medical dose of testosterone (i.e., more than you get through exercise, intended to masculinise the body to the degree hormones can), a clitoris can sometimes increase in length for some trans guys on T. I know from first-hand experience. (TMI, sorry.) But it takes a long-ass time, and it’s not universal. It’s one of the reasons the micropenis/tiny dick jokes can be hard for trans guys, because our downstairs business can, in fact, look like that. Our masculinity is already constantly doubted and denied, and that horseshit doesn’t help, especially from people who are ostensibly supportive of trans folk.
But knowing a lot of incredibly athletic, muscular, fit cis women, and having dated a few in my day, none of them reported that kind of bodily change. It’s like they remain estrogen dominant despite being very fit or something.
And considering every pro ballerina I know has super defined abs and are basically all muscle, willpower, and calluses, yet perform the height of constructed femininity daily, I think they’re a suitable counterpoint to this bullshit gendered anatomy. Oksana Bondareva has a six pack and pecs, and nobody is calling her a dude. (Though if she left Russia and came out as trans, unlikely as that would be, I’d happily welcome her into our trans ballet ranks!)
Such women are already automatically better than those misogynists and many men by default. They’re freer to express themselves how they want compared to the other demographics I mentioned. They can be pretty and strong; for those guys, they’re mutually fucking exclusive.
I know, right?
Which is what makes me think that maybe there’s a reddit thing I don’t know about where people claim to be NB not because that’s how they experience life but because they’re trying to fuck with the libs or something?
Sure, this could be a hypocritical, NB jerkface, but the basic stance is so contrary to even the concept of self-identification (even before we get to the idea that “binary” doesn’t adequately describe human genders) that I have a hard time reconciling how someone could be hypocritical in this precise, exact way.
I can honestly say that while I’ve encountered way too many transsexual folks who were willing (in the 90s) to police who was “real” or “primary” transsexual person and who was a “secondary” transsexual person who wasn’t “really” the gender with which they identify, they at least had a consistent take: the medical community determines your gender, and if they determined your gender at birth, that’s what you are unless the medical community determines that was a mistake. (This has, thankfully, been greatly reduced over time though it still occurs every once in a while.)
But I’ve never met a NB person who actually policed others’ identities based on one body type or another making any particular gender invalid. I’ve never seen it, not even one time.
I wonder if the person was actually nonbinary, or if they were something like “gender free,” a bullshit label TERFs used for a while to false-flag people into breaking rules against misgendering people.
I don’t know. His little philosophy strikes too close to home with how Michelle Obama was treated for years, just because she has pronounced arm muscles. She was constantly alluded to as being a transgender man.
There’s nothing wrong, in and of itself, with being a transgender man, as there are plenty of black men who are transgender, but they were doing it to shame and insult her, which is a callback to the idea that Black women are not feminine enough, and/or not really women.
There’s a long, and nasty, racist history of pitting Black women against White femininity, and claiming black women were not women. Serena Williams and other Black female athletes, including the runner Caster S., have also been shamed in this manner. I’m willing to bet money that somewhere, down under the foundations of the op’s delusions, is racism against black women.
Just FYI, a transgender man is someone who has transitioned to being a man. What the racist assholes claim about Michelle Obama is that she is a transgender woman. I know they often use the term “transgender man” to say this, but unless we’re directly quoting them we shouldn’t legitimize that phrasing by using it ourselves.
@Crip Dyke
That could be it. Like those jerks who say they identify as attack helicopters to mock trans people.
Sadly, truscum do still exist, but I doubt one would ever say they were non-binary seeing as they think non-binary people don’t exist.
Haven’t seen that before, but it wouldn’t surprise me. TERFs pull every dirty trick and then some.
Er, no… boobs can’t “turn into” pecs, all humans have pectoral muscles, but women’s are largely hidden behind the breasts in women who are not body builders. A loss of body fat in a body builder would include breast fat; they would decrease not “turn into.”
Takes a real weirdo to see that video and immediately start thinking about her lady junk. Simply being fit is probably not going to affect that, nor does that woman look like she does any steroids or whatever… And like their larger counterpart, the penis, clitorises vary in size anyhow.
Just on the topic of muscular women, one thing I kinda like about the furry fandom is that a lot of the characters created reflect not only the individual artists’ sense of themselves, but also their own inner fantasies and desires. That kind of breadth brings it a lot of diversity not only in the superficial character designs (like ears, tails, fur patterns etc.) but also in body types. There’s female characters with the bodybuilder body type (I have a couple of draught horse characters that conform to that) and male characters that are slender and lithe (I also have a character like that), and every gender-body combination in between. There’s a certain freedom to being able to craft your own rules for the biology of fictional characters and I enjoy seeing the range of imagination at play on any furry art site.
So, these are probably kind of dumb questions, but I don’t know the answer since I don’t know much about furry fandom, and your post made me wonder. How do people know what animal they are? Is it like a gender identity? Does anyone have very unusual animals like nudibranchs or deep sea creatures? Also, what about people who are animals that don’t have fur, like fish? Are they still called furries or is there another name?
Great, now I’m suddenly thinking up puns between mouse (Lat. Mus) and muscle (derived from the former).
I’ve been also wondering this, since I feel very “animalistic” just for being my human self.
People tend to come to their sense of their “fursona”. The one I display in my avatar is a Mountain Lion, as it’s fierce, usually solitary and all over Canada.
And yeah, there’s plenty of unusual speciation. Fictional species abound as well, like dragons. Those with reptilian avatars typically call themselves “scalies”.
While we’re on the subject of furries, I just found out about this.
TL;DR: Milo Yiannopoulos has decided to try his entryism on the furry fandom, the convention is not happy.
As for how people ‘know’ what animal they are… it’s a rather individual thing. Some take the spiritual approach, some take a fanfic approach based off an existing property (My Little Pony, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.), some just go by old stereotypes or deliberately play against them. And, of course, the fandom has built up a lot of its own internal stereotypes over the years.
I’m one of the older crowd, having found out about the fandom at the end of the 1980s when the comics black and white boom was starting to go bust. Started off with something of a fanfic character that mutated into something more my own.
You also get folks who want a visually unique character, and at that point you get a lot of hybrids and unusual patterns as well. Often much to the annoyance of artists who get a long and detailed list of things that need to be on the character. And it’s harder to be unique as the fandom grows.
(As for body build types, Jenora is a dancer, athletic in build, and I get annoyed with some artists that can’t seem to draw anything smaller than a D cup. My other main character, Sara, is somewhat more solidly built. Village blacksmith solid. Then again, she started as a superhero.)
And I’d heard about that bit with Milo blowing up over the weekend. The fact that this happened AFTER the lottery period for the hotel room blocks means that a lot of the attendees had already put down a significant amount of money as a deposit (first night at the hotel, and needed to buy a membership first) and so were already invested. That made sure there was no way for the convention to respond that wouldn’t cause a flame war. He seems to love nothing more than causing a shitstorm.
My mistake. I did mean transgender woman!