The time has arrived once again for that several-times-yearly ritual of the pledge drive, where I come to you, loyal readers, with hat in hand to ask for the donations that will keep me, and this blog, running. And this pledge drive, like the last, is an urgent one.
At the time of the last pledge drive, seven months ago, I was in pretty dire straits, facing a financial crisis that could have left me unable to pay my rent and other basic expenses. You all came through in a huge way; I was and still am humbled by your generosity. It was incredibly heartening to discover how much We Hunted the Mammoth means to you. And it’s heartening as well to see how many more of you have begun contributing between pledge drives, many monthly. A very large thank you to all of you!
Unfortunately, I’m not out of the woods yet, and many of the same issues make this pledge drive nearly as urgent as the last one. The main reason? For most of the nine years of its existence, I heavily subsidized this blog out of my 401(k) savings. But those savings are gone. And I’m still burdened with oversized medical bills and ongoing medical expenses. I’m working on ramping up freelance work, but it’s taking longer than I’d hoped.
If you want to keep this blog (and its owner) running smoothly, please, please donate if you possibly can; or (if you already donate), send along a little (or a lot) more than usual.
Here’s that button again.
You don’t need a PayPal account to donate using this button; credit cards are fine. And if you want to avoid PayPal altogether, email me at [email protected] and I’ll let you know how. I will also be putting up a long-awaited Patreon page soon as well. THANKS!
If you can’t afford a donation right now, there are of course many other ways to support the blog. I love getting tips from readers. I love it when people share my posts on social media or pass them along to friends. If you have other ideas or special talents you can offer, let me know!
Once again, thank you so much for your support!
I love your blog. That is all. Donated.
Thank you!
I’ll donate as soon as I can (which will probably be in a couple of months). You do extremely good work on this site.
I have donated. Thanks, David, for your fine work. All best wishes and hello to the kitties.
Done. Only wish it could be more.
Done. 🙂
I know it sucks to ask for help, so thanks for being open with us and giving us a chance to help instead of trying to deal with it on your own. And thanks for wading through the mucky-muck for us. 🙂
Done. Wish it could be more but I’m still waiting for some payments on the reno of dad’s house to clear before I can become a paid landlady. Should be November if all goes well. Then, I can be a monthly donor!
I read here every day, first thing in the morning. Can’t seem to deal with a newsfeed at this time of day, LOL.
Donated! I’ve only been reading a few months, but it has really opened my eyes to the danger out there.
Keep up the good work!
I love your blog so much. And appreciate it.
Monthly donation – activated. It’s not much, but I still hope it helps.
Keep up the good work, and greetings from Croatia!
Done. Best wishes, David.
David, have you considered setting up a Patreon?
Whoops, just read the last paragraph of your post. *sigh*
Happily donated a bit, won’t be able to set up a monthly donation right now but if my circumstances it will certainly be the case. Your content has been incredible and I hope you do well in your career 🙂
I’m already a monthly donor, but I’ve got some extra money so I sent some. Please keep up the good work!
I’ve given a symbolic quantity because I’m in an unsure position economically. Also, handling money through the internet scares me a bit.
Donated! Thank you for all that you do, David.
Thanks, everyone — whatever the size of the donation! (And JAckson, no worries!)
I’ve just put up an update. We’re getting there!
Here you go ? by the way, my cat says hi. His name is Cappy, so named for his habit of hoarding bottle caps. Oh, and his butt smells like cheese doodles.