By David Futrelle
What’s the point of life? More specifically, what’s the point of living if you’re some old lady random dudes on the internet don’t want to bone?
That was more or less the question that one intrepid Man Going His Own Way put to his colleagues in the MGTOW subreddit not long ago. “I’m genuinely interested in what the purpose of old woman is,” wrote Governator.
Let’s assume that the granny in question is way past any thoughts of sex. She has some kids, some grandchildren, no husband or a husband who can’t get his willy up, some property, a proper job.
What’s her MO? Let’s assume that she is unhappy and bitter – what could be the reasons?
I don’t know, maybe she’s bitter she ended up with a grandson like you?
Any way to point her to a proper purpose in life?
Reason: a relative of mine.
As you might imagine, Governator’s pals had some thoughts on the matter.
“Baking cookies for the grandchildren,” wrote one. Teaching grandchildren skills they don’t need “like sucking eggs or darning socks,” wrote another, and serving as “a cheap babysitter.”
“They help and guide others with their decades of experience and wisdom. Sometimes.” wrote another MGTOW Redditor a bit more generous in his appreciation of old women than his MGTOW buddies.
Others weren’t sure the old gals had any reason to exist. “There isn’t a purpose,” wrote yooshio.
Old women aren’t women…they are simply old little girls.
They waste the resources they’ve accumulated throughout a lifetime…most likely procured from a man they’ve manipulated and nagged.
There is an overriding behavior I’ve noticed and that’s: manipulation.
It never stops.
My thesis is that character trait truly is genetic.
Another commenter seemed a little bit like he was working out some issues he has with his own female relatives.
Their life purpose is the same as ours: control. Men seek control and power through overt physical means with the world around them. Women seek it through covert means with the people around them. She will demand all her children and grandchildren communicate with her constantly so she can use guilt and withholding approval to control what they do, say, think, etc. Anyone who dares to withhold information or defy her will immediately become the black sheep of the family and have their social safety net torn away until they get back on granny’s plantation.
Hmm. Dr. Lechter, do you have any questions?

A commenter called user_miki couldn’t seem to get past the fact that some older ladies are out there having sex.
Before the madness an old lady had a vital social purpose.They advised young girls how to become women and what marriage is like and what men to seek for marriage.Don’t whore around, wait until marry to open up your legs,how to cook and be a good wife, aso. Now the old grannies are the first sluts after the sexual revolution.
Dude, if you’re interested, there are porn sites for that.
All of this raises a question: what is the point of MGTOWs?
I mean, even the most generous of MGTOWs seem to think that the value of old women stems entirely from what they do for others — whether baking cookies or dispensing wisdom. MGTOWs, meanwhile, are all about not doing things for others, about living their lives with as little responsibility towards anyone else as possible. They don’t simply advocate avoiding women. Some talk about dropping out of society altogether.
Basically, the only way they “give back” to society, in their own perverse way, is by urging other men to become MGTOWs like them.
So if MGTOWs do nothing for the world except make other MGTOWs who will also do nothing for the world, doesn’t that make them — by their own logic — worthless?
Just a thought.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Eric Roberts is also in Sorbo’s new film. Looking at Roberts IMDB entry, and seeing how much he’s working of late, I assume you could have him appear in your movie too, as long as you sent him a cheque that didn’t bounce.
White seems to be another member of the “Women are more emotional than men? Has he actually met any men?” club.
Since David posted a shot of The Golden Girls here’s something most of you probably haven’t seen. Back in the ’80s and early ’90s Bea Arthur did ads for Canada’s Shoppers Drug Mart chain:
Arthur was later replaced by Michael Tucker and Jill Eikenberry, well known at the time for their roles on L.A. Law. Why American actors? Beats me.
Chiming in here on male chefs: when I was a teenager, many, many moons ago, I babysat for a sous chef and his surgical nurse wife.
To say he was the epitome of a Prima Donna is an understatement. I mean, seriously, has Chef White never watched the British sitcom Chef ?
I wish I could believe that, but, despite its awesome firepower, the US military doesn’t have a good track record against less heavily armed irregular opponents. You’ll notice that lunch is long past in Afghanistan, for example. And that’s when their opponents are regarded as an irredeemable other, rather than their own brothers, friends, neighbours. I don’t think armed revolution is likely, but, if it happened, I suspect it wouldn’t be a cakewalk, even though the government would win in the end.
As for this film: mmm, mixing God and guns seems irresponsible. Don’t films aimed squarely at American Christians (which seems to be the case with this one) often get lots of church-organised screenings? You could have churches bussing congregations to watch god-fearing conservatives wipe out godless liberals. That’s Rwanda-level yikes.
Afghanistan has a long history of armed resistance against invasion… recently against the soviets between 1970 and 1980, where they were well equipped and trained by nato countries, especially the US. Remember that those involved in the resistance weren’t just grumpy regressives complaining about tax and funny colored people, but were genuinely fighting for their freedom, with all of the serious organisation that implies. The Taleban grew out of the anti-soviet resistance. Their leaders actually did guerilla warfare for real. Many of the people who fight for the taleban are an actual national military.
Not to dismiss the risk that the regressive and violent right pose, but they are not an army, and they have not faced hardship, and they are not equipped to fight an actual army, even at the level of the national guard. Unless they manage to instigate an actual civil war, the white uprising seems unlikely to be very successful.
@ moggie & pie
Well Afghanistan has long been called “the graveyard of empires” so it’s not like people haven’t been warned.
@Moggie, Pie
Even if they do start a civil war, the last time angry white people started a civil war in America it didn’t end well for them.
The US government, and in particular, military and law enforcement is on the side of the armed right wing extremists. That’s why, despite their persecution complex, they feel comfortable openly threatening political violence. The military could easily take down a Nazi compound with a drone strike, but it won’t. It’ll be concentration camps for peaceful dissenters on the left instead if we ever get to the point in which the right tries to start a civil war.
You’re right. I more meant from a theoretical standpoint of power, the military is much stronger than random conservative terrorists with assault weapons. I recognize that if there were a right wing uprising Trump would openly support it (or at least refuse to condemn it) and would distract by talking about antifa. I am very scared of a right wing uprising, which is yet another reason we need gun control. Every gun is a terrorist attack waiting to happen.
If they’re encouraging other men to become MGTOWs, make that less than worthless.
(By their own logic, of course; I reject the notion that a person’s worth depends on eir productivity.)
To be honest, I don’t know what point old women is.
As I don’t know what point any other human is. I have the pointed impression that the only actual goal human can have is the one they set up for themselves.
@Naglfar : if we want to be perfectly realist, gun control have few things to do with preventing terrorist attack. Except if you believe white nationalists to be exceptionally lazy and incompetent, which they might be, but might also be overly optimistic. Overwhelmingly, what neuter terrorism, guerillas, and the like is peace efforts, not trying to take away everything that can be a weapon.
What gun control do lower easily is A – domestic accidents, B – suicides, and C – at least some type of assassinations and mass shootings.
Gun control does prevent terrorist attacks. There is a reason that the US has more mass shootings than any other country, and mass shootings are definitely a form of terrorism.
Even if they’re not lazy, the availability of guns makes terrorism much easier, so taking away guns would reduce the number of attacks. I don’t think your average Nazi has the dedication to do guerrilla warfare or make bombs.
And how would we make peace with these white nationalists? The only way they will settle is if other groups are killed. We tried appeasing the original Nazis, and it didn’t work then.
White supremacist mass shootings definitely qualify as domestic terrorism.
@Nagflar : if you redefine terrorist attack to include mass shooting, then sure. I disagree with that ; for me they look more like thoses assholes that kill their family then suicide themselves. Some specific one might be actual terrorists, but mass shooting is rife with example where the guy was just an asshole determined to not die alone.
Of course, I do agree they are politicized as a way to enforce the statu quo.
And, yes, I think you are *WAY* too optimistic if you think that it will reduce terrorism or that white peoples aren’t dedicated enough to smuggle guns, make explosives, or do guerilla warfare. A big warning sign is how gun control did not help the irish during the troubles, and they pretty much killed each other on a religion and nationalism basis, which is quite close to what motivate white supremacists. In fact, I would argue we need to make them surrender their weapon, not try to seize thoses same weapons, because only the first one can really help.
As for “how to make peace with the white nationalists”, that’s a question impossible to answer as long as they are effectively in power and not really at war with the consensus. Nobody negociate if there isn’t pushback, and it’s a key difference between the current USA and the various white terrorism example in Europa, be it the basques, the irish troubles, or the corses.
@ ohlmann
I would have to disagree. PIRA were substantially inhibited in obtaining firearms. They had to resort to complex deals with NORAID in the US and the Gadaffi regime. Whilst some firearms, especially AR-18s got through there were many intercepts and infiltrations by the services. Note that the PLO were asked for assistance but refused because of the risk of Mossad interference and thus merely offered training facilities.
There were of course some shootings; but there’s a reason the Troubles are synonymous with bombings. The distastefully named drink isn’t an ‘Irish Shooting Spree’.
A cursory bit of research shows we’ve had five fatal terrorist shootings on the mainland since 1981; and one since the handgun ban. Jo Cox; who was murdered with a homemade single shot firearm.
Terrorism is defined as violence against civilians for political means. So yes, I would say mass shootings by white supremacists such as the El Paso and Poway shootings definitely should be considered terrorism.
People will do those things, but it is established that there are fewer mass shootings in countries where guns are regulated.
How would we make them surrender? It seems unlikely they ever would, and there’s a lobbying industry that convinced them not to.
As somebody from Canada, can I just say how jarring it is to see Great Britain referred to as ‘the mainland’? I mean, we have islands here larger than Great Britain, even if they’re pretty sparsely populated.
(According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_islands_by_area Canada has three of the top ten largest islands, with Baffin Island at #4, Victoria Island at #8, and Ellesmere Island at #10; while Great Britain is #9. I grew up on Vancouver Island which is #43, and #11 just within Canada. Canada has a lot of large islands.)
(And yes, there’s a Victoria Island (two actually), then there’s the city of Victoria which is on Vancouver Island, then there’s the city of Vancouver which is on the mainland. It gets confusing.)
@ jenora
Are you familiar with this related cliche?
I hadn’t seen it expressed in exactly that way before, but I think anybody with a passing knowledge of British politics (even from watching Spitting Image) would be familiar with the attitude in question.
(Granted, parts of Spitting Image have aged even worse than usual for topical political shows. Some of their takes on Thatcher produced somewhat transphobic splash damage.)
@ jenora
The real Thatcher took lessons to drop her voice an octave. There’s probably a Spare Rib article to be had there.
(Is Spare Rib still going?)
Couldn’t tell you if Spare Rib was still going or not.
Not surprised Thatcher took voice lessons. Being seen as ‘important’ and ‘respectable’ were obviously significant things for her, even as she took an axe to the foundations of civil society.
As opposed to Johnson, who deliberately cultivates a buffoonish persona so people will underestimate him. Except that he’s seriously overestimated himself, so it kind of cancels out.
“Those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it. Yet those who DO study history are doomed to stand by helplessly while everyone else repeats it.
I’ve been lately reading random stuff about Indonesia, a country of nearly 2 million square km based entirely on islands. I contemplated the fact that they have three islands larger than Finland (or, at least twice the size of Britain) – and that’s without the parts of Borneo and New Guinea that don’t belong in Indonesia.
Ohlmann wrote:
Also, shootings by gangsters and random angry nitwits. I gather these are fairly common in US, though they rarely make headlines. And US cops kill a lot of people because they often feel justified to shoot first when dealing with abovementioned groups.
Missed this one.
The point of old women? As absolutely anyone from Yorkshire can tell you – it’s to keep the old men in line.
Indonesia is a rather interesting place geographically. I can’t go there, but I’ve heard Bali is nice to visit. I also find it interesting that aside from the main islands, there are thousands of unnamed and uninhabited islands which one could maybe take up residence on.
As an American, I can say that shootings by actual gangsters, as in organized crime, aren’t particularly common anymore, but shootings by random angry nitwits are a regular occurrence.
I’m not getting the joke, as I’ve never been to Yorkshire. Are there lots of unruly old men there?
Pretty much all of them. 😛
If you get some time (and want a giggle) look up “Last of the Summer Wine.”
It’s … pretty accurate. Could almost have been written about the village I grew up in.