alt-lite alt-right daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies eugenics incels literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape culture rape is good actually

Nazis Going Their Own Way: The Daily Stormer embraces celibacy because women are worse than dogs, apparently

No more women for Nazis!

By David Futrelle

Andrew Anglin of the The Daily Stormer used to give his mostly-male readers Nazi dating tips. (Rule Number 1: Don’t talk too much about Hitler on the first date.)

But Anglin seems to have soured on the fairer sex, and lately he’s been starting to sound like the Nazi version of a MGTOW — a Nazi Going His Own Way. Instead of offering dating tips, he’s offering warnings, urging his followers to always be wary around women lest they STEAL YOUR SOUL.

In an — *ahem* — “humorous” post on the Stormer today, (archived here) Anglin waggishly announces that he’s going to dispel the myth that “women are like dogs.” Because, you see, women are actually WORSE than dogs.

“Women are so far below dogs,” he contends,

that to compare a woman to a dog is an extreme form of white knight cuckoldry. Anyone who has ever been around both a woman and a dog will not make this comparison, so anyone you find comparing a woman to a noble dog you can mark as an absolute virgin.

A woman can be more appropriately compared to an intestinal parasite.

Weird, because that’s what most people who’ve heard of Anglin think of him.

And while Anglin used to encourage his followers to at least enjoy sex with these allegedly filthy creatures, he now seems to be promoting a sort of voluntary (?) celibacy.

Having sex is overrated and mostly boring. Certainly, it is less enjoyable than video games or going to the gym.

And it is actually the only and single thing that a woman has to offer, and what does she demand in return?

Your human soul.

His concludes with something so horrible you may just want to skip right past it. (Alas, this is a fairly standard “argument” for him.)

Women deserve to be beaten and raped, NOT treated like they are humans, because they are NOT humans.

So, yes, Anglin has managed to come up with an answer to the “female question” that’s somehow even worse than the standard neo-Nazi one. Most contemporary Nazi men, like Hitler himself back in the day, prefer to keep women largely confined to the private sphere — a.k.a.  Kinder, Küche, Kirche (children, the kitchen, and the church). They tend to see every white women as a potential white baby factory, pumping out product — the children talked about in the neo-Nazi catachism known as “the 14 words.” (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”)

But Anglin, evidently single, doesn’t want a TradWife or even a TradGirlfriend. That. at least, is a little bit of good news for the women of the world. Go your own way, young man, and go as far as possible away, until you fall off the edge of the earth.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I’ve seen incels argue, I’m not convinced in jest, that everything was going fine for Hitler until he married Ava; and that she was the one who drove him to suicide.

From what I know, things definitely were not going fine for Hitler. For one, he only married Eva after going into the Führerbunker (they had cohabited for 14 years) and by that point things were over anyway. Two, he was experiencing drug withdrawal and possibly the early symptoms of Parkinson’s, in addition to losing the war and watching Germany fall apart. So yeah, I don’t think Eva caused him to kill himself. I think it was his own cowardice and inability to own his actions.

Sheila Crosby
Sheila Crosby
5 years ago

He’s the poster child for how to turn your sexual dry patch into a desert.

Me to my adult son: He did Nazi that coming.
Son: Or himself either.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

@Alan Robertshaw

I’ve seen incels argue, I’m not convinced in jest, that everything was going fine for Hitler until he married Ava; and that she was the one who drove him to suicide.

Interesting theory. Adolf and Eva were married for less than 40 hours.

Was it that Eva Braun, known for her good looks and her devotion to her man, was so powerful?

Or was it that Adolf Hitler, known for the murder of many millions of people, was so weak?

Scholarincels have such fascinating discussions.

5 years ago

Eva Braun had attempted suicide at least twice before, during her relationship with Hitler. And Geli Raubal, who Hitler described at one point as the only woman he ever really loved, did commit suicide. Seems like he wasn’t a pleasant guy to live around. Shocking, I know.

5 years ago


Interesting theory. Adolf and Eva were married for less than 40 hours.

But you can’t deny that those few hours were hell!

The idea sounds like a pitch for a lousy 1970s sitcom, with Eva as stereotypical nagging wife and Adolf as henpecked husband.

Eva: Adolf! Why must we live in this shitty little apartment! There’s never enough storage space! We need more lebensraum!
Adolf: *lightbulb*

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

… and speaking of nazis and their women problems… the Child Goddess Of The Igno-Right… calls out the dumpster-fire

oh, will it never END

Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
Sinkable John : Pansy Ass Pinko, Regicidal Beast-of-Burden
5 years ago

It’s kinda getting just painful now watching Anglin perpetually tryna out-nazi himself. Like, dude, just… I dunno, fake your own death and start over or whatever but you can’t keep doing this forever, at some point the act of breathing is gonna become too mainstream for you and you’ll just die of asphyxia to own the libs.

5 years ago

Moggie wrote on
August 27, 2019 at 7:26 am:


Interesting theory. Adolf and Eva were married for less than 40 hours.

But you can’t deny that those few hours were hell!

The idea sounds like a pitch for a lousy 1970s sitcom, with Eva as stereotypical nagging wife and Adolf as henpecked husband.

Eva: Adolf! Why must we live in this shitty little apartment! There’s never enough storage space! We need more lebensraum!

Adolf: *lightbulb*

Heil, Honey, I’m Home exists.

5 years ago


Heil, Honey, I’m Home exists.

Dear God no
*checks wikipedia*
Ha, cancelled after one episode. That’s pretty unusual for British TV.

5 years ago

…is this just Anglin’s way of announcing that he’s embraced the Gorean “””””lifestyle”””””?

5 years ago

Moggie wrote on
August 27, 2019 at 8:30 am:


Heil, Honey, I’m Home exists.

Dear God no

*checks wikipedia*

Ha, cancelled after one episode. That’s pretty unusual for British TV.

It was also described as “perhaps the world’s most tasteless situation comedy.” Maybe, just maybe, it’s a bad idea to make sitcoms about Nazis.

Katamount wrote on
August 27, 2019 at 8:34 am:

…is this just Anglin’s way of announcing that he’s embraced the Gorean “””””lifestyle”””””?

Aren’t Goreans the ones who are super extreme BDSM lifestylers? Mr Anglin would probably like the idea of female submission, but it seems like now he wants to disassociate from women completely rather than dominate them.
I have no problem with consensual BDSM, but I highly doubt that Nazis care about consent. And that doesn’t change the fact that Norman and Gor are deeply misogynistic.

5 years ago

Eva: Adolf! Why must we live in this shitty little apartment! There’s never enough storage space! We need more lebensraum!
Adolf: *lightbulb*

I laughed my ass off at this. Another reason I’m going to hell.

Poor Moggie
Poor Moggie
5 years ago

Moggie, that sit-com pitch is a real thing. It’s called, and I kid you not, “Heil Hitler, I’m Home.”

Here is the delightful theme song.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

Maybe, just maybe, it’s a bad idea to make sitcoms about Nazis.

The writers of Stalag 17 sued the producers of Hogan’s Heroes for infringement but were unsuccessful, due to a “striking difference in the dramatic mood of the two works.”

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

@Sinkable John:

It always hurts watching nazis do anything

Wandering Jewterus
Wandering Jewterus
5 years ago

Having sex is overrated and mostly boring.

This is a self-own of epic proportions. Either that, or Anglin has recently developed telepathy (or he’s simply telepathetic) and he’s parroting the words his sexual partners must have been thinking at the time.

Wandering Jewterus
Wandering Jewterus
5 years ago

It always hurts watching nazis do anything

Except maybe falling off bikes. Hell, I could watch Nazis fall off bikes all day.

I’m hoping my Canadian peeps get this obscure reference.

5 years ago

Wandering Jewterus: I do not get the reference. I must be a failed Canadian. Sorry!

Personally I hate watching anyone get hurt. I get a bit sketched out at people who do enjoy it. It’s why I can’t practice martial arts: even though it’s consensual and I don’t care about getting hurt myself, I can’t watch sparring (makes it hard to learn) nor can I really spar.

5 years ago

Naglfar: Or he could investigate whether the Oort cloud has mineable resources.

5 years ago

Knitting Cat Lady

August 27, 2019 at 2:52 am

So, when pick up artists get to a certain age the women they could reasonably impress with their sex skills are turned off by their age. And the women who wouldn’t be turned off by their age would very likely expect more sex skills than a pick up artist has to offer. Word travels.

And when older pick up artists notice that the women they can’t get laid any more they go the sour grape route. Or turn religious fundie.

Is that how it works?

I think they are so genuinely convinced of the men age like wine thing (I love the hilarious totally-not-made-up stories on MGTOW reddit of ex-girlfriends pathetically coming crawling back when they’ve “hit the wall”, as the storytellers SMV has obviously skyrocketed in their matured years) that the revelation that beautiful young women are disinclined to sleep with misogynistic, BANG-reading bores who are pushing forty is a horrible shock to them.

Wandering Jewterus
Wandering Jewterus
5 years ago


Wandering Jewterus: I do not get the reference. I must be a failed Canadian. Sorry!

Nobody who so readily apologizes can be a ‘failed’ Canadian, so no worries, numerobis.

Like I said, it’s an obscure reference.

As for actually watching people get hurt, I’m right there with you. I love the strategy and positioning of MMA from an academic standpoint, but watching it always squicks me out. I must lack the gene that allows one to get pleasure from watching two people beat each other into unrecognizable lumps of bloody meat.

5 years ago

Ok please stop telling Nazis to go into space. That never ends well. That’s how you get space-Nazis with lasers and secret bases.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

re: sitcoms about nazis….

After the end of M.A.S.H. on U.S television, TV writers had a major brain-fart and decided to update the idea… into a situation comedy about VietNam War…. Called “The Six-O’Clock Follies” (after the disparaging sobriquet for the U.S. Army daily briefings)

It lasted a mercifully short (one show?) time in 1980. Maybe “too soon” after the end of the U.S> involvement in SouthEast Asia… or maybe that joke ain’t NEVER gonna be funny….

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

Aren’t Goreans the ones who are super extreme BDSM lifestylers?

Personally I’d describe them as misogynistic, authoritarian wannabes.

5 years ago


Personally I’d describe them as misogynistic, authoritarian wannabes.

Nazis probably love this subculture then, with all the female submission and (presumably) fascism.