alt-lite alt-right daily stormer empathy deficit entitled babies eugenics incels literal nazis men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny rape culture rape is good actually

Nazis Going Their Own Way: The Daily Stormer embraces celibacy because women are worse than dogs, apparently

No more women for Nazis!

By David Futrelle

Andrew Anglin of the The Daily Stormer used to give his mostly-male readers Nazi dating tips. (Rule Number 1: Don’t talk too much about Hitler on the first date.)

But Anglin seems to have soured on the fairer sex, and lately he’s been starting to sound like the Nazi version of a MGTOW — a Nazi Going His Own Way. Instead of offering dating tips, he’s offering warnings, urging his followers to always be wary around women lest they STEAL YOUR SOUL.

In an — *ahem* — “humorous” post on the Stormer today, (archived here) Anglin waggishly announces that he’s going to dispel the myth that “women are like dogs.” Because, you see, women are actually WORSE than dogs.

“Women are so far below dogs,” he contends,

that to compare a woman to a dog is an extreme form of white knight cuckoldry. Anyone who has ever been around both a woman and a dog will not make this comparison, so anyone you find comparing a woman to a noble dog you can mark as an absolute virgin.

A woman can be more appropriately compared to an intestinal parasite.

Weird, because that’s what most people who’ve heard of Anglin think of him.

And while Anglin used to encourage his followers to at least enjoy sex with these allegedly filthy creatures, he now seems to be promoting a sort of voluntary (?) celibacy.

Having sex is overrated and mostly boring. Certainly, it is less enjoyable than video games or going to the gym.

And it is actually the only and single thing that a woman has to offer, and what does she demand in return?

Your human soul.

His concludes with something so horrible you may just want to skip right past it. (Alas, this is a fairly standard “argument” for him.)

Women deserve to be beaten and raped, NOT treated like they are humans, because they are NOT humans.

So, yes, Anglin has managed to come up with an answer to the “female question” that’s somehow even worse than the standard neo-Nazi one. Most contemporary Nazi men, like Hitler himself back in the day, prefer to keep women largely confined to the private sphere — a.k.a.  Kinder, Küche, Kirche (children, the kitchen, and the church). They tend to see every white women as a potential white baby factory, pumping out product — the children talked about in the neo-Nazi catachism known as “the 14 words.” (“We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”)

But Anglin, evidently single, doesn’t want a TradWife or even a TradGirlfriend. That. at least, is a little bit of good news for the women of the world. Go your own way, young man, and go as far as possible away, until you fall off the edge of the earth.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

Shall I compare thee to a dog intestinal parasite Summer’s day…

5 years ago

Perhaps he could go his own way to Mars? That might be far enough.

5 years ago

IIRC, Anglin is 35 years old now. Isn’t that about the age Roosh started switching from “Real Men ought to f*ck every halfway attractive woman they see whether the woman wants it or not” to “Real Men ought to avoid women lest they steal our precious bodily fluids and corrupt our purity of essence”?

5 years ago

@C.A. Collins
He needs to go at least past the asteroid belt for us to be safe. I vote that in order to find if there is life on Europa, we send him there one way.
Roosh is now a Christian fundamentalist, so maybe that’s what’s next for Andrew. He’d fit right in with all the other intolerant fundies in America.

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
5 years ago

But even Hitler had a girlfriend…AND several dogs. Anglin’s just mad because EVEN the Nazi fraulein’s probably won’t go near him.

5 years ago

Mexican Hot Chocolate wrote on
August 26, 2019 at 7:21 pm:

But even Hitler had a girlfriend…AND several dogs. Anglin’s just mad because EVEN the Nazi fraulein’s probably won’t go near him.

Yes, but imagine how much more Hitler could have accomplished if Eva Braun wasn’t there to hold him back…


5 years ago

to compare a woman to a dog is an extreme form of white knight cuckoldry

This is a new usage of cuckoldry to me. How does it even apply here? I assume the white knight is the cuckold, and the woman he’s comparing to the dog is probably the woman allegedly cheating on him, but who is she cheating with? But she can’t be cheating on him because he’s a virgin apparently, because according to Anglin only a virgin would describe a woman in this way. Unless we’re expanding cuckoldry to include “friend-zoned” dudes (or “beta orbiters” if you prefer) whose desired partners have never returned their feelings. But then that still leaves the question of who…..

….you know what, this is never going to make sense. Cuck is just the default insult with this crowd and it’s lost all meaning.

5 years ago

kupo wrote on
August 26, 2019 at 7:41 pm:

to compare a woman to a dog is an extreme form of white knight cuckoldry

This is a new usage of cuckoldry to me. How does it even apply here? I assume the white knight is the cuckold, and the woman he’s comparing to the dog is probably the woman allegedly cheating on him, but who is she cheating with? But she can’t be cheating on him because he’s a virgin apparently, because according to Anglin only a virgin would describe a woman in this way. Unless we’re expanding cuckoldry to include “friend-zoned” dudes (or “beta orbiters” if you prefer) whose desired partners have never returned their feelings. But then that still leaves the question of who…..

….you know what, this is never going to make sense. Cuck is just the default insult with this crowd and it’s lost all meaning.

“Cuck” is now basically the manospherean equivalent of “race-traitor”, used against men who are seen as unwilling to embrace their male birthright in its (unmitigatedly awful) totality.

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

I’m so glad I’m a cat person.

Katherine the Adequate
Katherine the Adequate
5 years ago

If each and every one of them embraced celibacy and stayed away from the sperm banks, the world would be a much better place.

5 years ago

They complain about a fictitious white genocide and going extinct all the time. Do they not realize that if they are celibate they will, by definition, not produce another generation?
Please nobody tell them. If the Nazis stop reproducing, there won’t be any in the future and they’ll stop being a problem.

5 years ago

Unfortunately, Nazis reproduce memetically, not genetically.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I encourage Anglin and all the Daily Stormer commenters to go move to that MGTOWish prison colony planet from Alien 3.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago


So if all women (and all vagina-havers) aren’t human… then what exactly are these things we call babies? Some bizarre hybrid? We’ve been doing that long enough we should’ve created a whole new species by now. Speaking of which… since we’re not human, wouldn’t procreating with any of us be some kind of white genocide?

5 years ago

Given that the shortened version of MGTOW tends to be pronounced “Mig-toe”, I fear that NGTOW (Nazis Going Their Own Way), is a phrase that steers too close to sounding like something Anglin would enjoy saying.

I’d say that it was a shame, if I actually believed that any of the bastards would actually go away. But like their MGTOW brethren, I expect that they will mainly spend their time being venomously bitter instead of going their own way.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

A woman can be more appropriately compared to an intestinal parasite.

I wonder if this might have anything to do with a federal judge ordering him to pay Tanya Gersh $14 million a few days ago?

Having sex is overrated and mostly boring.

And here we have grapes that have been steeping for 35 years in lemon juice, horseradish, malic acid, and pulverized Warheads.

5 years ago

I’m happy Nazis don’t want to breed. Meanwhile, my kiddy relatives are trilingual – English, French, and Arabic. I suspect another language will be added soon. I doubt white nationalism can last much longer. Uh oh – promoting globalism, lol! The world is too big and wonderful to hate. As a young woman I lived in a foreign country. It was difficult and wonderful. Life is too good to live in a tiny box – and I’m very introverted.

5 years ago

Given that the shortened version of MGTOW tends to be pronounced “Mig-toe”, I fear that NGTOW (Nazis Going Their Own Way), is a phrase that steers too close to sounding like something Anglin would enjoy saying.

OTOH, you could then just ask them why they can’t say “Brazil nut” like a civilized person.

5 years ago

I know i shouldn’t, and I don’t, expect rationality or a coherent thought or notion from Nazi’s and their ilk.

But this is a whole other level. I mean Nazi’a usually have some kind of line of logic. Granted it’s not a rational, moral or stable or even sensible kind of logic, and it’s broken, conspiratorial, authoritative and malevolently murderous logic…. but it has at least some kind of logic that and morbidly followed even despite said logic not being worth a damn or worth having…

But clearly this is where we gaze into an abyss of madness. This is the sort of thing that would unnerve and baffle Cthulhu.

5 years ago

Having sex is overrated and mostly boring.


Ur doin it rong.

5 years ago

Is Anglin still living in hiding, to avoid court cases? I can see how that might make it hard for him to find a partner, even if you ignore the whole awful personality thing.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ ariblester

Yes, but imagine how much more Hitler could have accomplished if Eva Braun wasn’t there to hold him back

I’ve seen incels argue, I’m not convinced in jest, that everything was going fine for Hitler until he married Ava; and that she was the one who drove him to suicide.

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
5 years ago

So, when pick up artists get to a certain age the women they could reasonably impress with their sex skills are turned off by their age. And the women who wouldn’t be turned off by their age would very likely expect more sex skills than a pick up artist has to offer. Word travels.

And when older pick up artists notice that the women they can’t get laid any more they go the sour grape route. Or turn religious fundie.

Is that how it works?

Happy cat
Happy cat
5 years ago

I don’t think women want to have sex with him, either.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

[W]hat does she demand in return?

Your human soul.

Ha. The joke’s on the woman. A Nazi has no soul, human or otherwise.

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