By David Futrelle
Incels are breaking new ground in the arena of being oppressed.
![[Blackpill] if a female escapes an eye contact with you while talking, then It's over
doomed 7
Joined:Jul 13, 2019
Today at 11:28 AM
yes, she feels disgusted and want to leave the shit out asap because you're a subhuman incel. you should know it's over if a female ever done that, movimg her eye balls around but your face.
we are doomed.](https://i0.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/g8y9u0obpiho.png?fit=600%2C506)
Elsewhere on the front page of Incels.co today:
![[Discussion] Do women quite literally lack introspection?](https://i1.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/g8iy9uohpio.png?fit=600%2C156)
Uh, fellas ….?
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Thank you for once again, coming in to shit on everyone who isn’t like you. Have a nice day.
I think we’re about to get another lecture about how just plain awful we are for talking about ablism and our own struggles with social cues. Why can’t we just be like everyone else damnint! obviously we’re just lazy and stupid for not learning it ourselves. I’m really starting to feel like C4twoman is one of those people who us the R word when they mean something is stupid and dumb and see’s nothing wrong with that. Anyone with a disorder should just do yoga or exercise enough and try a little bit harder till their disorder just magically goes away! I might not understand eye contact but I can see where this is going a mile away because I’ve struggles with people like c4twoman my entire life.
Yeah, I think I’ve seen enough of c4twoman to know what’s going on. I did my best to try and preemptively stop the lecture, and since she hasn’t responded since, maybe it worked.
There also to much of a coward to actually @ someone because they know their passive aggressive speech would become personal attacks and then David could band them. Last time they did this to me was when I shared my views on circumcision. They had to attack me for it and completely missed the part where I stated that because of what other commenters have told me I’ve since changed my view. That’s been sticking with me evertime I see their username. If your going to be an a ablisit asshole at least don’t be a passive aggressive coward about it. I’m very angry right now so that’s coming out.
Or maybe the neurotypicals make it awkward by forcing something uncomfortable onto others when there’s no need? I’ve never heard a neurotypical person describe any discomfort from lack of eye contact, just more difficulty reading someone. And neuroatypical folks tend to try and meet neurotypical folks more than halfway, so we’re already making an effort to make eye contact that feels uncomfortable to us, but when we need to break away they make it awkward instead of coming the rest of the way to meet us somewhere in the middle.
/end rant
Oh no kupo. Don’t you know it causes neurotypicals physical pain to even consider slightly accommodating a non neurotypicals. That’s why we should all bend over backwards till we break to make sure no neurotypicals is uncomfortable by us existing even a little. In fact we should be rotting away in an asylums somewhere so none of those “normal” people even have to look at us. I’m sure c4twoman would love that option a lot more.
I would also like to point out that my constant staring is not a “habit” it’s a function of my adhd causing my auto processing to be such shit that I need to constantly watch people’s faces to make it easier to know what the fuck there saying. It also makes it impossible to follow a conversation if i have to copy neurtypical people’s social cues because I have to physical and constantly remind myself to “now blink, now look somewhere else” instead of actually focus on what their saying. Which by the way is much more rude if the person your trying to have a conversation with reliaze you aren’t actually listening because your trying to perform some stupid and pointless social cue that everyone could just move past.
I have seen this. It’s rather rare, thankfully, but unfortunately a lot of people do take issue with my lack of eye contact. When I was in school, I was constantly getting in trouble for staring off into space despite understanding the lessons fully and participating when needed. Never mind that I already knew 90% of the material before, but that’s another story.
I have the same experience in conversation. I have tested this in myself and I recall things way better when I’m not devoting brainpower to social cues.
I have similar, but I need to look at mouths because I’m hard-of-hearing and need the combination of audio and visual cues to make out what people are saying. With audio alone it takes me longer to process and I’ll sometimes understand what was said a few seconds later, which really confuses people. I learned pretty young to stop asking people to repeat themselves because they’ll get extremely angry and offended by that, and it’s pretty unpredictable when they will or won’t.
I get the understanding then a few seconds after they say it as well. Unfortunately my impulse control is about next to nothing so I always say what? And then when their repeating themselves I interrupt then half way through to anwser them. This is also another reason why it is difficult to make friends.
My auto processing is actually so bad it was screwing up my development as a kid. My parents had to take me to speech therapists and to get me tested to see if I could hear or not because of how bad it was affecting my speech development. Surprise surprise I can hear just find. I just can’t understand what your saying to me.
I have to watch Netflix and YouTube with subtitles or else I have no idea whats going on. It annoys my friends because I will watch dubed anmie with subtitles because I can’t read and watch what’s happening in a sense at the same time. So if I hear something I didn’t understand ill back up to read what was said so I can understand better.
I actually like talking with deaf people or hard at hearing people better then people who can hear. Sign language is so much easier for me. Plus like you kupo they stare like I do to be able to help figure out what is going on.
I used to do that – say what and then interrupt to respond ?. I’ve just trained myself not to say what anymore. Sometimes I pretend to hear if it seems like it was a throwaway comment, but that gets me in trouble if I misinterpret the correct response. Oh well.
I call it the brain lag. I really am trying to stop it but I just can’t help it. And evertime i do it I’m like “I’m sorry. I know that was incredibly rude. Please don’t hate me”
I also have volume control issues. Another reason my parents thought I couldn’t hear because when I do talk I scream at people
So do I, apparently. Though the only person who has ever complained about this is my mother, so maybe she just has extra sensitive hearing. She might also have some sort of misophonia, as she can’t stand concerts or other events with music, and can’t focus when there is any sound.
The only way I’m even aware of it is because of my mom lol. She has a hand single to tell me to lower my voice. I had to teach it to my aunt when I spent more time around her because I can never tell when I’m screaming at people. My friends with ADHD do the same thing as well so that makes me feel better that it’s part of that. Two things that actually take mental work to control and be aware of
1. volume
2. blinking
There is this one another thing I do that weirds people out and it might just be me but if I pick up an object and it has “the feel” then I need to rub it against my face. specifically my lips. I have several necklaces that I own simply because they had “the feel” that I rub against my skin multiple times a day.
I struggle with eye contact sometimes because I tend to just want to please people. I mean not everyone but it’s just how I am. It’s good because of my job and how much Iove it but I learned that people like me can be taken advantage of and that’s why I work really hard to learn stand up for myself at times when I should.
So I tend to look right at someone when they’re talking to me or if I think they want to so they know I’m listening and sometimes that seems like I’m staring.
It’s easier at my work because there I know what I’m supposed to do and everyone is expecting it. Sometimes the structure helps and I feel more free. That’s one reason I love my boss so much. She gives me a space to be who I am and help her business at the same time.
Lainy, I’m sorry that people have sometimes made things hard for you but you sound really nice.
Thanks David and everyone for letting me comment here.
Okay, so apparently we can add “stare at people for uncomfortable lengths of time while in conversation and insist you do likewise” to the list of reasons these people can’t get a date.