creepy empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny playing the victim self-hatred

Incels now oppressed by women breaking eye contact with them

She’s just not that into you

By David Futrelle

Incels are breaking new ground in the arena of being oppressed.

[Blackpill] if a female escapes an eye contact with you while talking, then It's over
doomed 7

Joined:Jul 13, 2019
Today at 11:28 AM
yes, she feels disgusted and want to leave the shit out asap because you're a subhuman incel. you should know it's over if a female ever done that, movimg her eye balls around but your face. 
we are doomed.

Elsewhere on the front page of today:

[Discussion] Do women quite literally lack introspection?

Uh, fellas ….?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

The part where it says “movimg [sic] her eye balls around but your face.” made me picture a woman removing her eyes and waving them around someone’s face. Eww.

5 years ago

Not making eye contact with someone staring you is oppression? Okay. Every interaction is now a staring contest. First one to blink is the oppressor.

5 years ago

I have a habit of staring at people and not blinking while I talk to them. Or spacing out in the direction that someone is sitting so I look like I’m staring at them. Both of them make people uncomfortable because I don’t understand the social thing of making eye contact at all. I’ll make you have a staring contest with me random stranger, right now. And i’ll fucking win. And yes, I have prescription eye drops I need to use multiple times a day because I blink far less then a human should lol.

16 Cats and Counting
16 Cats and Counting
5 years ago

So women lack introspection according to some of the most clueless, self-absorbed dudes in the world! I’d point out the irony but that would pretty useless as Incels also lack that trait as well.

5 years ago


I have a habit of staring at people and not blinking while I talk to them. Or spacing out in the direction that someone is sitting so I look like I’m staring at them. Both of them make people uncomfortable because I don’t understand the social thing of making eye contact at all.

I’ve never quite understood the social need for eye contact either. I don’t usually make eye contact with people because I’m on the spectrum. Instead I tend to stare off into space over a person’s shoulder.

5 years ago

Naglfar wrote:

…made me picture a woman removing her eyes and waving them around someone’s face.

Like The Visual Eye from The Tick

“Rockets from their sockets!”

5 years ago

Did anyone else read the rest of the thread? It gets worse. One says that they can’t make eye contact with women because it feels like “eating their rotten soul.” Then another advises staring at women to creep them out.

5 years ago

Naglfar wrote:

Then another advises staring at women to creep them out.

Yep, it’s definitely the wrist circumference that turns women off of incels, absolutely no doubt about it.

I mean, who wouldn’t want to date someone who intentionally tries to creep them out?

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
5 years ago

Buddy, women don’t make eye contact with you because women have learned the very hard way that according to certain men, any positive interaction no matter how trivial, any eye contact with them must mean that the woman is DTF with them. Regardless of whatever she was actually trying to communicate or imply in said interaction.

When they’re told otherwise, these same men tend to take it very poorly. Sometimes lethally so.

The fact that a woman is refusing to make eye contact with you should be both an indictment of society for making that a learned behavior for her and a major indication that her Creep-O-Meter is making like a Geiger counter inside Chernobyl in regards to you, but I doubt you’re capable of that kind of introspection or self-awareness.

5 years ago

I used to wear a big sunhat so no-one could make eye contact with me. Do I get double opression points?

5 years ago

…am I the only one who considers prolonged eye contact a threat?

Knitting Cat Lady
Knitting Cat Lady
5 years ago

Aspie here.

I don’t do eye contact.

I do forehead contact!

@WMDKitty: You’re not.

Incels: Go fuck yourselves.

5 years ago

@ WMDKitty

No you aren’t. At the schools I went to, longer ago than I care to remember, too many kids took prolonged eye contact as a challenge to a fight. The result has been a lifelong habit of trying to avoid prolonged eye contact. Then in more recent years add ‘Parkinson’s mask’ to the mix…

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
5 years ago

By the way, in case anyone was wondering about the Arabic tagline of this dude: it says something like “my dick in you, my dick in her[?][1], my dick in them[2], teeee heeee”

[1] This is presumably a misspelled “her”; could also be “me”, misspelled or colloquial, but that makes less sense in this context.
[2] Using the feminine form of the pronoun.

What a charmer!

5 years ago

(apologies — slightly off-topic)

I recently moved to Stockholm. Here they say that if anyone makes eye-contact with you in public, they’re either drunk, crazy, or American.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

I appreciate this website’s graphic: a poor, lonely guy kicks a rock. It totally distracts me from the fact that these guys enjoy characterizing women in vile ways and making threats against women’s lives.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago


I have that habit while walking, unfortunately, of just spacing out with my eyes going in a direction and relying on peripheral vision to get me through. It got me in trouble once with the caretaker of a young woman with cerebral palsy in a wheelchair going the other way, who told me fiercely not to stare: I was ten steps past before I even realised she had been talking to me at all, because I had just been spacing thinking about exams, not actual staring and registering anything. I try to be more careful after that, but I reckon I’m probably not very successful around exam time…

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago


When I visited Norway, they had a similar saying. Three times, someone actually crossed the street because I said hello.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
5 years ago

Just realised I made a slight mistranslation and wanted to correct it:
The first pronoun is “you” singular (presumably femininine, but can’t tell in writing). The third pronoun is “you” plural-feminine.
The rest, and the general sentiment, remain the same.

I wonder why he went for the Arabic, at all. Doesn’t seem like an obvious choice, since most of the regulars there wouldn’t be able to read it (and judging by the spelling mistake he is likely not an Arabic speaker himself), so what is it about? Is it a racist thing? It’s probably a racist thing, isn’t it?

5 years ago

Penny Psmith wrote on
August 26, 2019 at 5:33 am:

Just realised I made a slight mistranslation and wanted to correct it:

The first pronoun is “you” singular (presumably femininine, but can’t tell in writing). The third pronoun is “you” plural-feminine.

The rest, and the general sentiment, remain the same.

I wonder why he went for the Arabic, at all. Doesn’t seem like an obvious choice, since most of the regulars there wouldn’t be able to read it (and judging by the spelling mistake he is likely not an Arabic speaker himself), so what is it about? Is it a racist thing? It’s probably a racist thing, isn’t it?

He’s apparently a medical student in Syria:

don’t wanna brag or anything but belive it or not, i really was a high iq +120 kid, probably dropped +20 iq points because of the environment I’m living in. imagine, dad threatened me with a knife today and no fucking shit i can do because 3rd world shithole, streets are unironically peaceful for me tho i live in syria. a war zone.
ty for the reply brother

5 years ago

Er, just realized I didn’t provide the quote (form the same thread I linked earlier) where he says that he’s a medical student:

truly under below life style. really really hate family and just started to wagecuck so i escape home.
+ planned to live in street
+ planned to drop out medical field college to stay wagecuck cuz poor [n-word-with-an-r]

I’m one step forward the rope. can’t fucking cope no more.
anyone else? please share. we -most of us- have no one but this forum..

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
5 years ago

Huh. Well, that explains the Arabic (except for the misspelling, but we all make mistakes). Thanks for finding that info.

As someone noted in a different post that included an incel from Saudi Arabia, seems that even in countries without all those Western Progressive values incels keep whining about how women don’t just give them sex. It’s almost as if the problem is with them!

Buttercup Q. Skullpants

I feel like the OP is leaving out some important details. Such as how, immediately prior to eye contact being broken, he was droning about how femoids aren’t really human and have rotted demon souls.

5 years ago

@Buttercup Q Skullpants
That is what another poster said, but the point stands that if someone hates women that much, why do they want eye contact with them?
I usually don’t make eye contact as mentioned before, but I definitely don’t want eye contact with incels. Projection is strong with these folks.

5 years ago

Yep, it’s definitely the wrist circumference that turns women off of incels, absolutely no doubt about it.

I once asked my wife what she thought of my wrist circumference. She claimed she hadn’t a clue, but I suspect that this was a distraction tactic to hide the fact that I’d stumbled upon the truth, which is that if my wrist circumference had been even a couple of millimetres less… well, our kids wouldn’t exist.

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