By David Futrelle
I recently appeared on the Australian radio show Stop Everything to talk about the poisonous legacy of Gamergate. (You can listen to the archived episode here.) So I thought I would expand a little on some of the notes I made for myself before doing the show, and get into a little more detail on some issues I wasn’t able to talk about during the show itself.
It’s been five years since the supposed movement for “ethics in gaming journalism” began in the form of a harassment campaign against game developer Zoe Quinn. The movement, such as it was, faded out some time ago. But its unfortunate legacies live on.
So how did Gamergate poison online discourse? Let me count (some of) the ways.
One: It turned political and cultural warfare into a game.
You may remember the infamous — and much mocked — copypasta that made its way around the internet in the days of Gamergate.
They targeted gamers.
We’re a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. …
These people … think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We’ve been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. …
Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature … this is just another boss fight.
Like most people who read this overblown rant at the time– and this is a drastically shortened version — I laughed. But it turns out that people who treat cultural warfare as a game to grind away at turn out to be remarkably … persistent adversaries. Something to (sadly) keep in mind the next time you’re swarmed by sockpuppets on Twitter.
Two: Gamergate weaponized lying and bad-faith arguments, helping prepare the way for our current, and seemingly endless, “post-truth information warfare,” to borrow a phrase from New Yotk Times writer Charlie Warzel.
As Warzel points out in his recent overview of Gamergate and its legacy, the movement began with a lie — with easily disproven allegations that Zoe Quinn slept with a journalist to get a good review for one of her games. (The guy in question never reviewed her game.) And it thrived by portraying itself, dishonestly, as some sort of campaign for “ethics in gaming journalism,” when in fact it was little more than a harassment campaign writ large, an online lynch mob with memes.
Three: it helped to further blur the line between politics and harassment.
While Gamergate, in theory, was a crusade to improve game journalism ethics and, more broadly, to rid the game world of the allegedly sinister influence of so-called Social Justice Warriors, in practice it was a harassment campaign aimed mostly at a small number of women who had offended self-described Gamers in various ways.
Obviously, Gamergate didn’t invent the online pileon, or smear campaigns in general, but it did make these strategies central to a certain kind of reactionary cultural politics. It’s a small step from attacking Zoe Quinn for her alleged Crimes Against Gaming to attacking Brie Larson for her cultural crime of portraying a comic book superhero while female.
And you can see the legacies of Gamergate clearly in the online, er, actvism of reactionary disinformation warriors like Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec who have launched sometimes remarkably successful smear campaigns against political foes ranging from Hillary Clinton to John Podesta. It’s hard to imagine Pizzagate and QAnon taking off as they have without Gamergate.
Four: It weaponized white male nostalgia for a past that never was.
Gamergaters regularly hearkened back to what they saw as a lost utopia – the days when gaming was allegedly a “safe space” for (mostly white) male geeks ostracized by the larger society. Never mind that girls and women (and people of color) have always been a large part of the gaming world. Never mind that putting playable female characters in some video games is hardly a threat to any male gamer (and one of the most pathetic things for grown men to become exercised over).
Five: It created a new and potentially lucrative career path for right-wing ideologues and grifters.
Who could have predicted that a weird, fringe movement as Gamergate could make so many media careers? Well, Milo Yiannopoulos, for one, and a whole host of rising YouTube stars like Carl “Sargon of Akkad” Benjamin. These new “harassment influencers” — to borrow the language of Syracuse researcher Whitney Phillips — lived lavishly on the Gamergate dole, and helped to inspire a new generation of right-wing grifters. Gamergate also helped to revitalize the flagging career of old-school ideological hacks like think-tanker Christina Hoff Sommers, who reinvented herself as the not-quite-hip-but-trying “Based Mom.”
Six: It opened the door for fascism.
In 1995, writer Umberto Eco sketched out what he saw as the essential characteristics of “Eternal Fascism.” Gamergate ticked off almost every box on Eco’s 14-point list. It was at the very least a fascist movement in embryo.
Like the original fascists, Gamergaters were driven by personal and social frustrations. They were obsessed with what Eco called “the cult of tradition” (in this case, white male nostalgia); with the “fear of difference” (in this case especially the feat of the female other); “with “the rejection of modernism (or in this case postmodernism); with the notion of “life as permanent warfare” (“they targeted gamers”).
Gamergaters worshiped “action for action’s sake.” They were forever in motion, constantly on the lookout for things to be ostentatiously offended by. They were obsessed with conspiracies, and in retrospect it seems all too obvious that they were primed to go from imagining games journalist plots to embracing outright antisemitism and the mythical notion of a Jewish scheme to lead the west into “degeneracy” through so-called “Cultural Marxism.”
I could keep going, but you get the point: Gamergate was, in its very essence, a deeply fascistic movement. It helped to bring about the revival of fascism in American and world politics today, and gave the new fascists many helpful techniques to use in promoting their brand of hate.
Gamergate takes Karl Marx’s famous pronouncement on history repeating itself and turns it on its head: It began as a farce, at least for those who were not its direct victims — but its legacy has been one of outright tragedy.
NOTE: I did a somewhat more extensive catalog of the ways Donald Trump matches up with Eco’s 14 points here. It’s a little outdated in terms of examples (I wrote it just after the 2016 election) but its general points still stand.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I think it’s less that Gamergate poisoned culture than it was the canary in the coal mine. A combination of capitalism failing everyone but the billionaires and the rise of various social justice movements created an ideal environment for disaffected white males to become reactionaries and GG was one of the early manifestations of that. It was like a harbinger.
I haven’t refreshed the page in about an hour, so sorry if I’m repeating a point already made.
ETA: Never mind. First!
GamerGate may have been a symptom rather than the root, but I think it also created its own weather system that put Trump in office. The alt right would not have taken hold the same way if not for GamerGate putting key figures on the map and normalizing the shit they do.
Blizzard Entertainment is hoping to capitalize on all this nostalgia wankery. World of Warcraft Classic goes live in a few days. It’s a re-release of the game as it was from the start 15 years ago, before a decade and a half of mechanics changes and expansions.
A lot of gamers are excited to recapture the feel of that time, but I think they’re going to be very disappointed. Early MMOs were dependent on community and cooperation to make up for what games lacked in mechanics. And while the MMO community was fairly toxic 15 years ago, it’s far, far worse now.
What the nostalgia wankers want to get back is something they destroyed themselves without even realizing.
Yeah, it’s kind of a vicious cycle where one shitty thing enables another.
I’m not sure how accurate it is to say that gamergate is dead when the kotakuinaction subreddit is still encouraging harassment campaigns. Most of them might have moved on to other hate groups, but there still is a gamergate
Correction mine. 😉
@A. Noyd:
And their tears will be delicious.
I’m not gonna bother reading most of this. GamerGate happened in reaction to feminists coming in and attacking gamers first. It was a reaction to both ethics and censorship in the entertainment industry. Why do people like yourself keep on bringing it all up again 5 years later anyway? Are you trying to prove something? That you won the argument?
Hmm. If it looks like a…

Oh look a remnant.
Well, it sure didn’t take long for a GGer to burst on in here with an “actually, it’s about ethics in games journalism!”
To bad that argument was debunked almost instantly with those damning IRC logs.
I’m not gonna bother responding to this over and over again, but I supported GamerGate because of the push for censorship on gaming that was happening at the time. Whether it had been the right wing or left wing trying to push censorship, I would have been against them. Y’all are literally making this about politics, and I’ve seen it over and over again with you people. I honestly don’t care about a controversy that happened 5 years ago anyway, I have nothing to prove.
No, I’m betting you’re going to respond a few more times.
Somehow I don’t recall feminists attacking gamers at all. GamerGaters are the ones who sent death threats and doxxed people, not the other way around.
Then stop giving the same response over and over again.
Who exactly is censoring video games? Last I checked, there is no censorship of video games.
Evidently you do care. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be wasting your time here.
An actual photo of Jim I found using a search engine:
Shorter Jim:
That’s why you responded within a couple of hours like you were stalking Google looking for new posts about GG.
I sometimes wonder how these trolls don’t get tired of repeated searches. Don’t they have jobs or lives or something better to do?
I admit though, there have been a lot of GG related posts on WHTM in the past few weeks. Can we go back to talking about incels, or semen retainers, or TERFs, or something else?
O/T: Apparently TERFs want people to stop calling them cis because they think it’s a sexist insult that implies traditional gender roles. It’s obviously not, but it seems odd, seeing as TERFs tend to like traditional gender roles, seeing how much they dislike butch cis women or effeminate cis men.
@WWTH and Naglfar
Tim was at least lurking here waiting for Dave to post sometime he could get get outraged about.
How, really, is it possible to self own that badly. I mean, ell oh fucking ell, Jim might even be so stupid as to actually have convinced himself that the way to not care about something is to wander around the internet commenting about that something whenever it pops up in conversation, but…
Never mind, tho’, Jim. Imma let you finish. What were you going to say?
And yet you’ve already responded over this once. And, oh look, you’ve responded over again!
I’m sorry, but just seeing it like this, it makes me think of something that someone who is really in touch with his or her inner slut would want to stick to the roof of their mouth as soon as they get their braces off.
Delurking again, as I am a casual gamer.
One of the funnier aspects about this (to me) is angry GamerGate dudes seem to pointedly ignore is the existence and sheer success of very inclusive games. Specifically, look at the Borderlands series. It’s one of the most successful game franchises out there, and perhaps the most inclusive set of games as well.
You have characters of every race, gender, and orientation. Take Axton, who looks like your typical, macho soldier. He was originally planned to be straight, but an error in his dialogue mechanics had him hitting on male and female characters. Instead of fixing the mechanics, the creators said “You know what? Axton is bisexual. It’s cannon.”
Then there are the Sirens, human women with incredible powers. The previous Sirens have pretty much be thin white chicks, absolute badasses to be sure, but very much designed to be the conventional “hot chicks”. The newest Siren? An Indian woman (as much as someone can be from India on Pandora) who is a massive brawler and looks like she could put Wonder Woman in the ground.
So yeah, do you want a 13 year old girl who is a demolitions expert? How about a bartender/weapons expert/fighting arena owner who loves being sexy but isn’t a sex object? Or a gay big game hunter who is also a scholar and gentleman? Borderlands has em all and more, with some of the best subversive humor you could ask for. And its taking in all the money, and I do mean ALL the money. So all these dudes whining about games being “ruined” are just…wrong.
I’m not a gamer so I don’t know much about gaming, but this Borderlands game sounds interesting. I might add that in the same vein, the people who complain about cinema becoming too diverse ignore the fact that the more recent, more inclusive films like Black Panther or Avengers: Endgame are grossing new records.
It just doesn’t make sense to me to say that becoming diverse and inclusive somehow damages things. That is completely at odds to reality, but then again, when have reactionaries ever cared about reality?
Eh I don’t agree that conspiracy theories like qanon never would’ve happened without GG, I think Alex Jones more then anyone else influenced that kind of thinking and he was well known years before GG happened.
I think gossip sites like TMZ was where all this crap started, I saw way more vile crap in the comments section of say a Lindsay Lohan story then I ever saw on twitter using the GG hashtag(not there weren’t assholes using using it, but they came off as posers compared to the truly vile shitheads i’d encountered on gossip sites).
Re: semen retainers, my understanding is that most attorneys prefer monetary payment. But maybe nofap lawyers accept liquid gold. Or bitsplooge.
Are you that annoying kid in history class who rolls their eyes and sighs every time slavery, genocide, and the Holocaust come up, and makes everyone else wonder why you’re so personally invested in suppressing the discussion?