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I’m still here, just taking a break

Hey, everyone. I’m still here. I’m just taking a break. Sometimes I need to step back and clear my head of the usual manosphere nonsense for a few days. But I’ll be back soon.

In the meantime, here are some funny things from the Twitter? (And feel free to consider this an open thread.)
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Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

Enjoy your break; you deserve it!

And trawling through all the stuff you do for this blog; you no doubt need it.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

“usual” manoaphere nonsense…?

Frankly, I find it to be… highly unusual….

5 years ago

So, I don’t watch reality TV, but a few weeks back Libby Anne shared some clips from The Bachelorette, and they’re a pretty perfect example of male entitlement mixed with religiosity. This guy has stalker written all over him.

5 years ago

David, thanks for all you do. Wishing you a restful break.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

David, I hope you’re feeling well. Thanks for your devotion to spreading the news about awful people. We need to know.

5 years ago

I almost never comment, but I do read faithfully, and I appreciate all you do. I hope this break is good for your mind and body. I’m fostering a pair of ridiculously adorable puppies for a week. If a picture or two would further your recovery, just say so.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

The TikTok is wonderful. I just showed it to my boyfriend, and we laughed and laughed. We have an orange cat, and orange cats are famously, shall we say, spirited.

Half an hour ago, I told him to put his paw down. That’s the cat, not my boyfriend. Often when I speak to him he’s got his paw up, just a little bit, to let me know that he’ll kill me if he has to. I told him to put his paw down and he did. His previous kitty dad told us that this cat was a very smart boy. I went in the other room to tell my boyfriend what the cat had done, but I whispered it so the cat wouldn’t know I was talking about him. But maybe he also has supersonic hearing.

Rx: Many, many studies have shown that the photos of pups would help David tremendously.

5 years ago

His previous kitty dad told us that this cat was a very smart boy.

When I was a kid we had three(!) marmalade cats of various shades and behaviours. The youngest one was the smartest one, though. My mum went into the living room one morning to investigate some unusual noises. There was Nicky – misbehaving as expected. She spoke sharply to him to stop it. And he went into that crouching, bottom up, Ima gonna pounce on something right now posture with a bit of a nasty gleam in his eye. She knew him, she said “Don’t you dare bite me.”

So he bit the leg of the piano stool instead.

She had to go and sit down in the kitchen she was laughing so hard.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago


Yeep, tried to watch the clips, was too painful. Read the transcript instead. Go Hannah!


Kat is correct. 97% of scientists have reached a consensus on the issue, pups have a beneficial impact on David’s health and well-being.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago


And he went into that crouching, bottom up, Ima gonna pounce on something right now posture with a bit of a nasty gleam in his eye. She knew him, she said “Don’t you dare bite me.”

That story was too funny.

Our cat threatens to bite me or scratch me all the time. When we first got him, he did it a lot. Thank goodness he pulled his punches, but it still hurt.

He still threatens me but it’s mostly symbolic. Not completely, though. Ouch.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

I’m fostering a pair of ridiculously adorable puppies for a week. If a picture or two would further your recovery, just say so.

I don’t know about David, but I’m having a sort of rough week, so I’d appreciate pups!

I’m hoping the rough week passes though. I’ve just gotten all the angry callers at work the past two days for some reason. Otherwise, things are going well. I’ve officially gone from contractor to real employee as of Tuesday and the benefits are at least seemingly good. You never know about insurance until you have to actually use it though. Plus, I got a raise. So that’s always nice!

5 years ago

Hope you get better

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
Glad to hear you got a raise!


Mother said:
Oogly I really disappointed in you now. Tell me one reason that why would I need to supporting you? You don’t even show me that you’re listening to one thing I said

Tired of this new home already. Why do I even bother?

5 years ago

Rest up!

We fellow Chicagoans have already joined you in resting up!

Weather is horrid. For those who can’t experience this – it’s been hotter than hell + 90% humidity. 100% today. Like a sauna out there.

Which will sap the energy right out of you. The air is like *soup*.

Fans, cool air, rest.

Congrats on the NYT citation also! 🙂

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Hugs, Oogly. I’m sorry you’re not getting the support you need.

Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
Bananananana dakry: Short-Haired, Fat, and Deranged
5 years ago


Northern Illinois expatriate. I know of what you speak. The Midwest is hell in summer. Chicago doubly so.

5 years ago

Enjoy your break. I give you My permission to make it as long as you need.

I’m a bit in awe of people, like you and many others, who spend the day looking at the worst things on the internet. You must have very thick skin. I have to avoid certain media if I want to keep a minimum of inner peace.

5 years ago

Take a brain-bleach vacay as often as you need. The Internet just lost Melissa McEwan of Shakesville due to how much stress, strain, and outright trauma her job caused her. (She is alive and well, healing, in fact from her daily grind as writer and editor of all things SJW at her site, Shakesville.)

Dealing with shitheads of all kinds, including our current so-called president, no doubt takes its toll. Be well, hug kitties, feed kitties, play with kitties, get away with as much as the kitties will allow in order to feel back up to your whole self.

5 years ago

Wishing you rest, recovery, a mental pillow-fort and plenty of cats to re-charge your reserves of fortitude and cattitude, David. Thank you for everything you do here.

Amy E
Amy E
5 years ago

Have a wonderful break!

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Some days, you just need to sit and do nothing. Preferably with a kitty sitting on you.

5 years ago

Echoing all the others who want you to take care of yourself. The shit you deal with is toxic and soul-destroying.
Speaking for myself, the brain bleach of puppies, kitties, etc., is always appreciated.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

For legal buffs; Court of Appeal has today upheld local authorities’ right to impose Public Spaces Protection Orders near abortion providers.

That’s a mechanism that stops people approaching people using the facilities; and any form of protest or picketing.

5 years ago

Self-care is important. I can relate: yesterday, I suddenly came down with dizziness and body aches and an ever so slight stuffy nose. I suspect it’s yet another summer cold (I had one in July), but this feels different than my usual cold symptoms. For me, colds always start in the throat and end in the nose, occasionally with the body aches, but this was immediate body aches that just left me feeling warped and loopy.

Ugh, and with the boss on vacation, I’m in charge, so no chance of time off.

Ah well, at least it’s relatively quiet.

5 years ago

Bella and Brownie, our foster puppies, at the link:

5 years ago

Hey, everyone, I’m here to shill my WHTM Quote Helper again, now on version 1.4.3:


A userscript (or bookmarklet) that adds a “Quote” button to the bottom of every comment that pastes a timestamped and linked copy of the comment you’re quoting into the Reply box. Gracefully handles formatting, links, emoji, images, YouTube embeds, and nested blockquotes. Beat the blockquote mammoth!

Also adds a Search icon next to everyone’s username that searches this site for that username using Google’s site: option. Useful for confirming the bona fides of posters.

Also adds a strikeout button to the formatting toolbar. I see no problem with this!


On Greasyfork as a Userscript:
(You’ll have to create a Greasyfork account to install it, because it’s a script for a site with “adult content”. C’est la vie.)

On Pastebin (Oh yes, it’s useful for more than doxxing!) as a Bookmarklet:

Known Bugs

Do not quote your own posts when the edit timer is still ticking down. The script enters an infinite loop.


Initial Release

Change to code to handle <p> tags more gracefully

Improved the handling of <br> tags and newlines

Added strikeout button to formatting bar

Added Search button next to usernames

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