"noodlewhores" creepy cuckolding empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture sexual exploitation

Incel says: Moving to Thailand for sex is a hassle. So seek out poor and/or vulnerable women closer to home!

Have you considered starting a cult?

By David Futrelle

Western incels often fantasize about solving their no-one-wants-to-have-sex-with-them problem by moving to Southeast Asia where, they assume, they’ll have their pick of attractive, extremely impoverished young women ripe for sexual exploitation.

Incels tend to put it a little less delicately. “It seems that, if you’re white,” one prolific commenter called RegisterUserName wrote recently, “the only way you can ascend is through going to Asia and fucking some noodlewhore who’s desperate for a green cardĀ … .”

But carrying out this plan would involve moving to, or at the very least visiting, a country far from home, and competing with other Westerners who might be more handsome or at least less objectionable as a person than you, and so for most incels this fantasy remains just that.

But RegisterUserName has some up with some ideas as to how he and his incel colleagues can find similarly poor and/or vulnerable women out there without even leaving their hometowns.

“[W]hen you can’t get what you want with mainstream methods,” he wrote in a recent post, “you have to think outside the box to solutions that have a greater chance of working.”

His suggestions?

Join a 12-step group like “Alcoholics Anonymous or one of those circle meetings to find someone in a rough patch in life.”

Get yourself admitted to a mental hospital so you could “find some crazy bird.”

Start a cult. This might be a bit tricky, as RegisterUserName notes, because you’d “have to be able to be very charismatic and preferably not a turbomanlet.” But if you can pull it off, he continues, you could fill the cult with “girls [who] could be anywhere from 16 (depending on age of consent; obviously don’t break the law) to around 25 or so)” and find yourself your very own Squeaky Fromme.

Join a cult. If actually starting a cult would be too much work, you can always try

Cultmaxxing by leeching on someone else’s cult and finding [a] wife, but be careful that a fellow incel hasn’t made it into a sex cult where he fucks your wife

Exploit homeless girls. RegisterUserName has a somewhat elaborate fantasy of “saving” some homeless teenager, who can’t help but feel so grateful that she “repays” you, her savior, with sex

and then they fall in love with you or something … you gotta have your own house and stuff, preferably be able to fulfill a father like role because she probably had circumstances which led to her never having anyone to be a father … . I think I like this one the most because … you’re actually helping someone so it’s the most morally acceptable … .

Sexual exploitation isn’t “helping,” dude.

Only one of RegisterUserName’s suggestions doesn’t involve exploiting a desperately poor or otherwise vulnerable women. But it does require you commit a violent assault. Yes, we’re talking about the time-honored mating strategy of beating up some cute girl’s boyfriend.

Fight girls’ boyfriends and try to hit on them after. You see all those stories man you never know. (Works best if you’re young, tall, good fighting success. You can snag teenage girls depending on laws in your area so from around 16-25 where they might just get turned on by it and are drunk and are angry at their boyfriends, but it probably won’t be a long term thing ever because, I mean, come on, it’s the type of girl to leave her boyfriend for an ugly subhuman because he got beat up)

As it turns out, RegisterUderName isn’t the only one with fantasies of explaoiting vulnderable girls and women. One of the other commenters, apparently writing from Saudi Arabia, explained that he had

considered … hiring a live in maid and hope she will fuck me to keep her job but thatā€™s nearly impossible to do in Saudi Arabia or dealing drugs and hope one of the tweakers will suck my dick for some drugs but I donā€™t know anyone to buy drugs from and selling drugs has death penalty here and Iā€™m not ready to die yet.

You know, fellas, maybe if you weren’t the sort of guys who spend your days fantasizing about ruthlessly exploiting desperate women for sex you might be able to get a date with an actual willing woman.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago


You’re aware that your previous posts are visible, right? Here’s where you said that:

It used to be possible for men to spend much of the day apart from women and thus drop pretence. We have yet to discover a way to have women in the workforce without imposing the same social restrictions on men there as exist elsewhere. Maybe segregation at work would be the answer.

I’ll even provide a link:

5 years ago

Richard wrote:

You are describing a US phenomenon- the religious right. In Europe God is a social democrat but according to the media He votes Republican in the USA. I have never met any of the attitudes you describe. I am sure they exist but I suspect they are largely an invention of the leftist media. They enjoy a freak show after all.

[Emphasis mine]

And as usual, you would be wrong.

Maybe you should meet some Christians in real life rather than reading about them from the rabidly hateful leftist media? At present you sound like a bigot.

I live in Florida, so Iā€™m surrounded by Christians, many of whom hold views even more regressive than the ones Alexis mentioned, and they are more than willing to share those views with everyone in earshot. You should hear the vehemence with which they support LGBTQI folkā€™s individualism and nonconformity. And donā€™t get me started on their admiration for the individuality of other ethnic groups….

As I keep noting, you really donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about.

At all.

5 years ago


we all choose the animals that suit us best.

So if we all can choose animals that suit us best, wouldnā€™t that defeat the idea of one concrete human nature? Whatā€™s to stop me from choosing dolphins and someone else from choosing ostriches? They are very different, but if we can all pick the animals that suit us best, we can each choose animals that suit our individual nature? This is great! Now we can all coexist with our different natures.

If the right is so much about individual freedom, riddle me this: Why is the right home to so many white supremacists, who have turned conformity into an enforced worldview? For some reason nobody on the right can give me a straight answer on this one, and most conservatives seem to have a very hard time condemning it. While weā€™re on the subject, if the right loves individual freedom why is it so opposed to LGBTQIPAN+ rights?

5 years ago

Also, because I loves me a good self-own:

Richard wrote:

Why is it that so few on the left can be civil in debate do you think?

Could it be the weakness of the arguments?


Richard also wrote:


G. All penguins are blue!

R. No. I just saw a black and white one.

G. You did not, you ignorant fool! Penguins are defined as blue flightless birds.

[Emphasis mine]


I am shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here…and that you arenā€™t capable of making a coherent analogy.

5 years ago

Richard: So Peterson uses his lack of understanding of evolutionary biology to get invited on shows where he can demonstrate that he also doesnā€™t understand philosophy and history (and possibly psychology outside of his narrow specialty)?

Sounds like a great plan.

5 years ago

Itā€™s worked out pretty well for him, despite the obvious flaws, simply because most people donā€™t understand those things either and he says what they want to hear.

5 years ago

Iā€™m amused by Richardā€™s assertion that leftists like bonobos because they donā€™t pair-bond, (which is why the leftists spent a generation fighting for the right of gay people to marry) and the right likes chimpanzees because, er, I dunno. They donā€™t pair-bond either, and the main differences seem to be that they spend more time bullying each other than fucking. Also they raid their neighbors and kill and eat their babies. Better stick with the lobsters.
As to observing Christianity, where do you think leftists come from? I was born into a white-flight suburb in the Midwest. I was raised in Sunday schools and bible camp. Everything mentioned here Iā€™ve seen in the wild and frequently more than once. Few people are more terrified of personal freedom than conservatives. It frightens them if someone is different. I had an aunt snatch her baby out of my arms and run screaming from the house, because I had put on a slightly darker red nail polish than was common. Theyā€™re conformists who deeply desire to be told what to do by a big, bulling authority.

5 years ago


I understand your desire to be independent. Presumably this also involves childlessness?

The point of all this is not to force women into dependency- it is to ensure children are supported and women are not abandoned. We live in such an upside down world that some very bad people have convinced us that this is a bad thing.

What? Like, seriously, WHAT?
Oh, do you think that I’m a woman? Or that I want to have children?
Because that is a hard NO to either.
And yeah, this “think about them children!” crap is all cute and distracting, but speaking form expierience: It’s better to have no mother/father at home than to have a shit mother/father at home. Some people are bad parents and guess what: Better they get the boot and the remaining family is still supported. I know, that doesn’t fit the world that never was, you champion.

Fortunately I had the gift of introspection. I realised my problem was not women but the notion that the value of a man is exclusively defined through women. It is quite possible for a man to have value without being in a relationship

This is the most hilarious series of sentences in the history of mankind. No, mate, your issue is with women. You That is pretty obvious from all the condescension, the fact that you want them out of the workplace, how you blame them for causing men pain (spoiler, that’s usually other men) and you go so far as to compare a movement that exists to empower women to the fucking Nazis. Dude, the reason why women don’t like you is because you’re vile. And of course, you pull the wristcell-defense and blame everything but your own vile personality.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

It is quite possible for a man to have value without being in a relationship

No one here disputes this, but if you have to denigrate women in order to feel worthwhile, then we’ve got a problem.

For example, why are you proposing to segregate women in the workplace (which amounts to exclusion, given the importance of networking, mentoring, and face-to-face interaction in career development), when it’s obviously the distractible, easily led astray men who have the problem?

I’d be curious to hear you answer this in a way that doesn’t presuppose that women are inherently inferior and less valuable as employees, and that doesn’t rely on evo-pop-psych shibboleths that “only men are providers”. In this day and age, in this economy, women are also providers, and you know it. It’s a rare family that can get by on one income.

5 years ago

I realised my problem was not women but the notion that the value of a man is exclusively defined through women. It is quite possible for a man to have value without being in a relationship

That is some fine projection right there.

5 years ago

Didn’t you know it’s women’s faults for having cleavage at men? /s

5 years ago

@Buttercup, kupo
Well, for any men who are too distracted itā€™s not hard to make a blindfold. Or, you know, develop self-control.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
5 years ago

The biggest shock for me with that link was when I was hovering over it and saw 2019/08 in the URL. It just goes to show how mainstream and pervasive some of the ideas mocked on this blog still are, even if they’re not quite as extreme as presented here.

Also I kind of thought it was clear that I was talking about a Richard I know in meatspace. I’d actually kind of forgotten that multiple people have posted in these comment sections as “Richard”. And I’m not wholly sure why, but this current Richard reminds me specifically of Mr. Satan.

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

And Iā€™m not wholly sure why, but this current Richard reminds me specifically of Mr. Satan.

Dude’s a buffoon and always trying to take credit for saving the world when Goku (and friends) was/were the real hero(s)!

5 years ago

I find socialisation arguments to be a cop out. It allows us to ignore the evidence before our eyes and to imagine a changed human being (new Soviet Man?) if only people were conditioned by some authoritarian but benign state authority. This has not worked out well in the past.

However, you want enforced monogamy

JP is right that enforced monogamy would cure the problem of unmarried men

and are open to the possibility of criminal charges for sex outside of marriage

Sex outside of marriage would have to shamed very harshly. Hopefully criminal sanctions would not be needed.

even though being obedient to the state is bad

(Feminists) are also suspicious of individualism. We should desire nothing more than to be obedient to the state and to receive the minimum dole in return.

because right now, without state suport, being a good man doesn’t pay.

Being a good man would pay once again.

In short, you want a authoritarian yet benign state authority to give you your minumum dole of one woman.

I’d suggest you think about this, but it’s quite clear why you chose this philosophy:

it saves so much hard thinking

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

Succinct summary, nicely done.

(Stopwatch at the ready, now how long ’til howls of ‘out of context!!!111!!! I wonder?)

5 years ago

Thank you!

I would guess less time than it takes my chihuahua to react to a suspicious dry leaf.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
5 years ago

Recently I was at a cottage and a weirdly shaped dry leaf started moving on the floor like some kind of insect. Definitely creeped me out a little.


I think also it’s just the whole premise of him being simultaneously so obviously out of his element and so confident and assured of his increasingly strained assessments of the situations he’s in. Then there’s the public at large having such an awful memory of a lot of past events in the series for his narrative to be even a little plausible. Previous villains’ antics over just 15 years or so have been, as a Team Four Star gag put it, “lost and forgotten to time.” It perhaps has as much to say about today as it did about the early 90s, maybe more.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

I am worried about the way civil discourse is going. When I disagree with a leftist I am immediately told I must be all sorts of things and this cuts off further discussion. They cannot hear me and I worry about a future civil war if some way of talking is not found.

I have a video tribute to poor Richard’s plight.

Richard is right, guys. The world today is just like the Handman’s tale. It’s chilling!

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

@An Impish Pepper
It’s funny watching him get caught flat-footed and have to make something up on the spot. It is occasionally grating though.

Mr. Satan gets knocked into a sheer cliff a few hundred metres away
Woops! Lost my footing, that doesn’t count as getting knocked out of the ring right?


5 years ago

WWTH: Love it!

Without it they would have to settle with Nigel from accounts who at least has a good wage.

Why, in that grim world, I might be in accounts too, and make more than Nigel!

Oh, wait, that part’s already true.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee
5 years ago

I’ll try again to get it to embed

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

This is only tangentially related to anything via ole JP, but we’re mostly talking about a troll anyway, so… I think it’s hilarious that (medium spoilers coming up) the Earth Wu in Netflix’s Wu Assassins is the spitting image of Jordan Peterson and has got a head full of apocalyptic survivalist man garbage (and is a serial killer, you figure that out on the first time you see him, hardly a spoiler) and lives near a town of racists. Like they had to have made him look like JP on purpose, I did a spit take when I saw him.

Also I’m embarrassed I didn’t know about the Geary Act before that show, but you live and learn.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago


I bet Richard is a senior VP with some female colleagues. šŸ™ Truly sad times to be a man in this world.

5 years ago

I’m really enjoying the detailed instructions on folding a bandanna