"noodlewhores" creepy cuckolding empathy deficit entitled babies incels men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny rape culture sexual exploitation

Incel says: Moving to Thailand for sex is a hassle. So seek out poor and/or vulnerable women closer to home!

Have you considered starting a cult?

By David Futrelle

Western incels often fantasize about solving their no-one-wants-to-have-sex-with-them problem by moving to Southeast Asia where, they assume, they’ll have their pick of attractive, extremely impoverished young women ripe for sexual exploitation.

Incels tend to put it a little less delicately. “It seems that, if you’re white,” one prolific commenter called RegisterUserName wrote recently, “the only way you can ascend is through going to Asia and fucking some noodlewhore who’s desperate for a green card … .”

But carrying out this plan would involve moving to, or at the very least visiting, a country far from home, and competing with other Westerners who might be more handsome or at least less objectionable as a person than you, and so for most incels this fantasy remains just that.

But RegisterUserName has some up with some ideas as to how he and his incel colleagues can find similarly poor and/or vulnerable women out there without even leaving their hometowns.

“[W]hen you can’t get what you want with mainstream methods,” he wrote in a recent post, “you have to think outside the box to solutions that have a greater chance of working.”

His suggestions?

Join a 12-step group like “Alcoholics Anonymous or one of those circle meetings to find someone in a rough patch in life.”

Get yourself admitted to a mental hospital so you could “find some crazy bird.”

Start a cult. This might be a bit tricky, as RegisterUserName notes, because you’d “have to be able to be very charismatic and preferably not a turbomanlet.” But if you can pull it off, he continues, you could fill the cult with “girls [who] could be anywhere from 16 (depending on age of consent; obviously don’t break the law) to around 25 or so)” and find yourself your very own Squeaky Fromme.

Join a cult. If actually starting a cult would be too much work, you can always try

Cultmaxxing by leeching on someone else’s cult and finding [a] wife, but be careful that a fellow incel hasn’t made it into a sex cult where he fucks your wife

Exploit homeless girls. RegisterUserName has a somewhat elaborate fantasy of “saving” some homeless teenager, who can’t help but feel so grateful that she “repays” you, her savior, with sex

and then they fall in love with you or something … you gotta have your own house and stuff, preferably be able to fulfill a father like role because she probably had circumstances which led to her never having anyone to be a father … . I think I like this one the most because … you’re actually helping someone so it’s the most morally acceptable … .

Sexual exploitation isn’t “helping,” dude.

Only one of RegisterUserName’s suggestions doesn’t involve exploiting a desperately poor or otherwise vulnerable women. But it does require you commit a violent assault. Yes, we’re talking about the time-honored mating strategy of beating up some cute girl’s boyfriend.

Fight girls’ boyfriends and try to hit on them after. You see all those stories man you never know. (Works best if you’re young, tall, good fighting success. You can snag teenage girls depending on laws in your area so from around 16-25 where they might just get turned on by it and are drunk and are angry at their boyfriends, but it probably won’t be a long term thing ever because, I mean, come on, it’s the type of girl to leave her boyfriend for an ugly subhuman because he got beat up)

As it turns out, RegisterUderName isn’t the only one with fantasies of explaoiting vulnderable girls and women. One of the other commenters, apparently writing from Saudi Arabia, explained that he had

considered … hiring a live in maid and hope she will fuck me to keep her job but that’s nearly impossible to do in Saudi Arabia or dealing drugs and hope one of the tweakers will suck my dick for some drugs but I don’t know anyone to buy drugs from and selling drugs has death penalty here and I’m not ready to die yet.

You know, fellas, maybe if you weren’t the sort of guys who spend your days fantasizing about ruthlessly exploiting desperate women for sex you might be able to get a date with an actual willing woman.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago


I’ve never really understood the whole lobster thing.


Do you want 7000 Peterson stans all arriving and yapping “Context!” like a flock of particularly dim seagulls?

5 years ago

“No! You don’t want to eat me! I ate something that made me die in a terribly painful fashion, see? It was AWFUL and DRAMATIC and TERRIBLE! I’m dead! Dead, I tell you! Dead!”

Animals that use incredibly dramatic techniques to try to trick you are great.

I also really like killdeer, which are a species of bird that fake having a broken wing to try to lure you away from their nest. I get subjected to this act sometimes because my job necessitates me walking around stormwater managment ponds, which is where they like to nest. This little bird will come charging out of the reeds to chirp at me and dramatically drag its wing behind it as it scurries away in front of me. Then the second I’m considered far away enough from the nest, it will ‘magically’ heal itself and fly off. I always get the feeling that they’re going:

“Oh no, I am dreadfully injured and easy prey, it is all that I can do to drag myself away in a COMPLETELY UNSUSPICIOUS direction, dear me, I am certain to be captured and devoured any moment now– AHAHA I FOOLED YOU, CHUMP!”

Sometimes they’ll do it to me twice, because I need to walk back past the nest when I’m done my work.

5 years ago

Sorry. I meant it in a mocking way, and didn’t think it would have that effect. I didn’t mean to summon Peterson stans. Sorry for any damage I may have caused.

5 years ago

@Contrapangloss: it’s an entirely believable performance! Does it finish by yelling “a plague on both your houses,” or is it more of a “flights of angels sing thee to thy rest” snake?

5 years ago

Catalpa: killdeer make me uncomfortable because I know their nests are hard to spot. So if there’s one flapping its single wing 20’ to my right… am I about to walk into a nest? I’d never forgive myself for stomping over a bunch of eggs.

An Impish Pepper
An Impish Pepper
5 years ago

The more I see right-wingers try to talk about Hitler, the more I feel like they fundamentally disagree solely with the fact that he said bad things about Jewish people, and maybe the fact that he got impatient and got them killed directly. Nearly everything else about the Third Reich they seem completely fine with.

Side note: I know a Richard who’s a lot like this, but I know that this isn’t the same Richard because that Richard is a virulently homophobic King James only-ist.

5 years ago

Lainy: if you want to explore how playing with your fear of falling is fun, try rock climbing.

Most (not all) gyms have a welcoming community, and bouldering can be done solo.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago

Who was it here recently who pointed out that the correct answer to anyone preaching lobsters is to ask why we shouldn’t follow the natural instincts of our close cousins the bonobos instead?

5 years ago

Catalpa: killdeer make me uncomfortable because I know their nests are hard to spot. So if there’s one flapping its single wing 20’ to my right… am I about to walk into a nest? I’d never forgive myself for stomping over a bunch of eggs.

That’s fair. Though if you are worried about stumbling into a nest, heading in the direction of wherever the killdeer is should steer you away from it.

Alexis Filth
Alexis Filth
5 years ago


I’m very much a layperson but iirc it developed because we used to sleep in trees to hide from predators and the falling instinct would wake us up if we started to roll off the branch.

Re: The incels in this thread.

I’m a nonbinary trans person with bad eyesight, a bad back and features that are generally described as “distinctive” more than any actual compliment yet I’m not only married and have been with the same person for nearly 20 years but have 2 kids. By incel logic this is impossible and I ought to be still in the closet and bitterly whining about evil females with the rest of you chuds instead of having more and wilder sex than y’all incels see in porn.

Alexis Filth
Alexis Filth
5 years ago

You seem to be of the school of “state my opinions as facts and if I do so confidently enough they’ll become so”.

Now, I’ll ask a few right v left questions, just to pass the time you understand.

Since you claim the Left is about conformity and the Right about individualism, would you mind telling me which group throws a hissy fit if a retail employee says “happy holidays” instead of merry Christmas?

In that same vein, is it the right or the left that gets mad if individual sports players choose to kneel for the national anthem?

Remind me again whether it’s the right or the left that destroyed their Keurig coffee makers, Nike shoes, Gillette razors & Dixie Chicks CDs because those people/ companies expressed a view that didn’t adhere to their sharply defined and arbitrary worldview?

Was it the right or the left that insisted “if you’re not with us, you’re with the terrorists” when it came to opinions about the Iraq war?

Do tell, was it the right wing that protested president Obama deporting record numbers of undocumented immigrants? I mean, according to your assertion about the left it couldn’t possibly have been leftists protesting Obama, surely.

Who is it again that gets bent all the way out of shape if a man wears makeup? I mean according to your claims it must br left with our need for conformity and soul crushing sameness. The right would never try and stamp out an individual’s desire to dress how they like, correct?

I mean I could go on but we all know you’re gonna respond with some disingenuous babble that uses flowery structure to say nothing of substance so why bother, I’m just typing until I’m done on the crapper, which, coincidentally is where all your views belong.

5 years ago

@rabbid rabbit

The answer of course is that we all choose the animals that suit us best. Bonobos suit the left because they do not pair bond and the left like to believe all this sort of thing is socially conditioned. If you are on the right you prefer chimpanzees (a closer relative) but I am not at all sure science is in the driving seat here whatever your choice.

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

Re: Hognose Snake

That snake is the best animal on this blog since the peacock spider.

Re: This guy Richard

There was a dude on here a while back that used to mess up people’s names similarly to this fella, after he stopped arguing and went down to 1-sentence posts that were basically either non sequiturs or ad hominems. Was that this same guy or is that a typical thing trolls do around here?

5 years ago

@alexis filth

You were doing quite well prior to that obscene rant at the end. Why is it that so few on the left can be civil in debate do you think?

Could it be the weakness of the arguments?

You are describing a US phenomenon- the religious right. In Europe God is a social democrat but according to the media He votes Republican in the USA. I have never met any of the attitudes you describe. I am sure they exist but I suspect they are largely an invention of the leftist media. They enjoy a freak show after all.

Maybe you should meet some Christians in real life rather than reading about them from the rabidly hateful leftist media? At present you sound like a bigot.

All the best. R

5 years ago

@an impish pepper

Well done. I have been told here that I must be like the other Richard simply because I do not hate men. You read my posts before reading my mind which is refreshing!

I am worried about the way civil discourse is going. When I disagree with a leftist I am immediately told I must be all sorts of things and this cuts off further discussion. They cannot hear me and I worry about a future civil war if some way of talking is not found.

5 years ago


Men like you make me glad I can legally drink in 22 hours.

5 years ago

Richard can you go your own way and leave us the hell alone. Why is it you dudes never to anywhere but feminist spaces to complain about women not doing what you want. When I didn’t want to be around men I avoid them like they were on fire. You could do that. I perfure it if you did that.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago


Why is it that so few on the left can be civil in debate do you think?

Aren’t you funny. Not 24 hours ago, you said this to me:

Try not breathing for a bit. In five minutes you will either discover that your instinct to breathe is stronger than your university professors would have you believe- or you will be unconscious.

How many other lies have they told you?

5 years ago


There was no disrespect there. You are the victim of misinformation- not the original creator of it.

Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
Kat, ambassador of the feminist government in exile
5 years ago

I’m convinced that Sack, who confines himself to one brief argument — David is fat, etc., so he must be wrong — and Richard — outlaw adultery, good men, instinct, Hitler, human nature, romance!!!, blah, blah, blah — are the same guy.

What is a Sack without its Richard?

What is a ball sack without its dick?

5 years ago

Richard wrote on
August 17, 2019 at 2:31 am:

I am worried about the way civil discourse is going. When I disagree with a leftist I am immediately told I must be all sorts of things and this cuts off further discussion. They cannot hear me and I worry about a future civil war if some way of talking is not found.

I didn’t assume anything of you beyond what you have said yourself in your comments. In response, you only bother to read the first paragraph, if even that, of my replies to you, and go on arguing as if I didn’t try to engage you in good faith.

You’re right about having to find some way of talking, because what you’re doing right now is not it.

Good bye.

Signed, a “male feminist” from “the left”

5 years ago

@ kat

How would you ever know as you have clearly never read my posts?

5 years ago

Richard wrote on
August 17, 2019 at 2:31 am:

I am worried about the way civil discourse is going. When I disagree with a leftist I am immediately told I must be all sorts of things and this cuts off further discussion. They cannot hear me and I worry about a future civil war if some way of talking is not found.

I didn’t assume anything of you beyond what you have said yourself in your comments. I have been trying to engage with your ideas honestly, and yet I get the impression that you are ignoring anything that is inconvenient to your arguments, that you don’t already have a ready-made answer to swat away. That to me does not strike me as engaging in good faith. You are here not to discuss, but to win.

You’re right about having to find some way of talking, because what you’re doing right now is not it.

5 years ago


You claim that the right wing is the defender of individual freedom and choice, yet you advocate for removing women from the workforce. Surely if individuality and choice were important to you, then men and women should be free to work with whomever they please?

5 years ago


When did I say that? I did not. The problem is you have been told in advance what I ‘really’ mean and so you cannot hear what I am saying…