By David Futrelle
Western incels often fantasize about solving their no-one-wants-to-have-sex-with-them problem by moving to Southeast Asia where, they assume, they’ll have their pick of attractive, extremely impoverished young women ripe for sexual exploitation.
Incels tend to put it a little less delicately. “It seems that, if you’re white,” one prolific Incels.co commenter called RegisterUserName wrote recently, “the only way you can ascend is through going to Asia and fucking some noodlewhore who’s desperate for a green card … .”
But carrying out this plan would involve moving to, or at the very least visiting, a country far from home, and competing with other Westerners who might be more handsome or at least less objectionable as a person than you, and so for most incels this fantasy remains just that.
But RegisterUserName has some up with some ideas as to how he and his incel colleagues can find similarly poor and/or vulnerable women out there without even leaving their hometowns.
“[W]hen you can’t get what you want with mainstream methods,” he wrote in a recent post, “you have to think outside the box to solutions that have a greater chance of working.”
His suggestions?
Join a 12-step group like “Alcoholics Anonymous or one of those circle meetings to find someone in a rough patch in life.”
Get yourself admitted to a mental hospital so you could “find some crazy bird.”
Start a cult. This might be a bit tricky, as RegisterUserName notes, because you’d “have to be able to be very charismatic and preferably not a turbomanlet.” But if you can pull it off, he continues, you could fill the cult with “girls [who] could be anywhere from 16 (depending on age of consent; obviously don’t break the law) to around 25 or so)” and find yourself your very own Squeaky Fromme.
Join a cult. If actually starting a cult would be too much work, you can always try
Cultmaxxing by leeching on someone else’s cult and finding [a] wife, but be careful that a fellow incel hasn’t made it into a sex cult where he fucks your wife
Exploit homeless girls. RegisterUserName has a somewhat elaborate fantasy of “saving” some homeless teenager, who can’t help but feel so grateful that she “repays” you, her savior, with sex
and then they fall in love with you or something … you gotta have your own house and stuff, preferably be able to fulfill a father like role because she probably had circumstances which led to her never having anyone to be a father … . I think I like this one the most because … you’re actually helping someone so it’s the most morally acceptable … .
Sexual exploitation isn’t “helping,” dude.
Only one of RegisterUserName’s suggestions doesn’t involve exploiting a desperately poor or otherwise vulnerable women. But it does require you commit a violent assault. Yes, we’re talking about the time-honored mating strategy of beating up some cute girl’s boyfriend.
Fight girls’ boyfriends and try to hit on them after. You see all those stories man you never know. (Works best if you’re young, tall, good fighting success. You can snag teenage girls depending on laws in your area so from around 16-25 where they might just get turned on by it and are drunk and are angry at their boyfriends, but it probably won’t be a long term thing ever because, I mean, come on, it’s the type of girl to leave her boyfriend for an ugly subhuman because he got beat up)
As it turns out, RegisterUderName isn’t the only one with fantasies of explaoiting vulnderable girls and women. One of the other commenters, apparently writing from Saudi Arabia, explained that he had
considered … hiring a live in maid and hope she will fuck me to keep her job but that’s nearly impossible to do in Saudi Arabia or dealing drugs and hope one of the tweakers will suck my dick for some drugs but I don’t know anyone to buy drugs from and selling drugs has death penalty here and I’m not ready to die yet.
You know, fellas, maybe if you weren’t the sort of guys who spend your days fantasizing about ruthlessly exploiting desperate women for sex you might be able to get a date with an actual willing woman.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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I notice that none of these goons has thought of the most obvious solution (that doesn’t require not being scum): Prostitutes.
I doubt it’s going to fit their skewed perspectives, but if all they want is sex then they should just consider looking into that. Of course it also implies they’re actually willing to spend money on it, and I get the feeling they don’t want to do that.
Wow, what a peach this incel is! Of all those options, perhaps a cult would work best for him – his own, of course. If he makes all the unfortunate women and girls his ” plural wives”, he can set up his own alternate universe in the desert or someplace in the rural Midwest. Worked for Warren Jeffs for awhile, at least until Texas threw him in prison.
They probably don’t want to pay for prostitutes because they think they’re entitled to sex and that paying for it defeats the purpose.
The biggest hitch to their cult plan is that incels don’t strike me as the kinds of people who would be any good at organizing a cult. Or the kind of charismatic leader that would make people want to join.
Whaaat? You don’t think people who call Asian women noodlewhores or plan to take advantage of mentally ill women or think that the most moral approach to obtaining sex involves a father figure and his daughter figure (ignoring all the other kinds of advantage-taking in that scenario) make good charismatic leaders? Whyever not?!
Incels are loser permavirgins who are overweight, jobless shut-ins.
Sounds a lot like one David Futrelle.
Hello again from the west side of Chicago.
We Americans, with eastern relatives, have a few bones to pick with the SA guy.
Yeah, you think you can manipulate weak and submissive women there? Princess Ameerah would say otherwise.
We all here, Americans, have MENA ancestors. Mid East, North Africa. Our one friend here was born in Egypt. And I am saying, you surely do not want to tangle with an Egyptian.
Yeah, NO, asshole. And we stand with our sisters there. All eastern lands are making great strides toward democracy and equality for women. It is the backward thinking people who are falling behind.
@ Sad Sack
Just can’t get rid of the bad penny, can we? Change the record dude, it’s boring now.
@ Everyone else re the incel.
Incitement to assault as a dating strategy?
Colour me surprised. Hope he gets locked up before doing any physical harm.
And the type of people who run cults don’t tolerate people trying to use their cults for personal gain. After all, that’s their job.
Don’t cross SE Asian women. She Who Must Be Obeyed and pretty much every other Filipina I’ve encountered would have that incel’s nuts for ear rings, figuratively speaking.
@ Sack
Look, if you have to be “a thing” now, can you at least be an interesting thing? Cause you’re not making us angry or upset or offended. You’re just boring.
I..is that what you call your partner or something? Yikes.
@ kupo
Yes, my wife. Nicest person I know around here where I live, but very firm on what she wants and believes in, and doesn’t suffer fools or arseholes gladly.
“Turbomanlet”? Charles Manson was like three feet tall.
This incel inadvertently refuted Jordan Peterson with his post. He implies he’s in
the Republic of GileadSaudi Arabia, complete with “enforced monogamy”, so apparently “enforced monogamy” doesn’t actually prevent inceldom from happening to manlets and canthaltiltcels and wristcels and what-have-you after all, contrary to what Peterson’s been burbling.Oops. 🙂
Uh…”all those stories”? What stories? Sure, there’s a trope about women gravitating towards winners of fights/physical challenges, but a) don’t judge real life just by fairy tales, because people are often pretty shallow in fairy tales, and b) those aren’t about someone coming out of nowhere and beating up the guy a woman’s dating.
I just thought of 5 reactions a woman might have to that situation:
1) Hit you
2) Yell at you
3) Call for help and get others around her involved
4) Call the cops
5) Run away
…I could go on, but I don’t think “Get ista-horny for you” would be anywhere on my “likely to happen” list.
I read this stuff and simply cannot imagine what someone’s mother did to them to result in this.
Well, there was the second Def Jam fighting game for the PS2, where you do just that to “acquire” your love interest. And, um… Charles Atlas ads?
That’s all I’ve got.
Seriously…. if some dude tried to beat up my fiancĂ© the last thing I would is get horny. I’d probably pepper spray them or call the police. Which ever I would think is the fastest way to help him. These guys are so devoid from reality, I don’t even know what solar system they think their in right now. Like why would I even want to be anywhere near the person who tries to hurt the person I love most.
…I’ve seen that hentai manga.
Let’s not blame parents for someone being an asshole, okay.
Hilarious assumption that they would a) be able to beat someone up and b) the girlfriend of the victim of this unprovoked attack would love them for it.
I’m not glorifying a capability for physical violence here but I’m fairly confident that most incels couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag.
Attack my boyfriend and I’ll cut your stinky little dick off. Or shoot you. Whichever.
Most women judge men by their capacity for violence (I want a man to protect me). We should not judge them for this as it is a rational desire that is hard wired. What I judge is women who set their boyfriends on innocent men just to see a little blood.
If it is “hard wired”, it is by definition not guided by reason, and therefore is not rational. Also, your core premise is flawed. Try again.
The active ingredient here is monogamy. JP is right that enforced monogamy would cure the problem of unmarried men- provided they were good providers and all round decent people of course.
Unfortunately Saudi chads can have four wives so the problem is not solved.