The New York Times has a fascinating collection of articles today on the fifth anniversary of the start of GamerGate, and how that media ethics crusade mob harassment campaign put in place a sort of template for the culture wars of the past several years, “jump[ing] out of the obscure fever swamps of the internet and into mainstream consciousness.”
I’m quoted in Charlie Warzel’s overview, examining the ways that GamerGate helped to channel the inchoate white male angst of 4chan and gamer culture into a reactionary political crusade that continued long after the #GamerGate hashtag itself died, and that created a whole new class of “harassment influencers” who profited off the mob.
One of the media entities that exploited the GamerGate mob most effectively was, of course. Breitbart. Wurzel writes:
Breitbart’s coverage elevated Gamergate across a growing far-right media ecosystem, which drew attention from the mainstream press, who viewed the entire conflict as an online circus with endless carnival barkers. “It didn’t help that these people are, in addition to their harassing, always embroiled in their own personal dramas,” David Futrelle, a Chicago writer who covered Gamergate extensively for his blog, We Hunted The Mammoth, told me. In other words, they weren’t just pundits, they were characters. “That outrageousness made them irresistible to media,” he said. It was this attention — from influencers and the press — that cemented the status of Gamergate.
Warzel’s piece is well worth a read, as are the other pieces in the package.
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It was only the compliments. She stopped complimenting me, and I just couldn’t take it. 🙁 That’s also why I stopped talking to Surplus. Boy howdy, I need me some compliments, I can’t take other people’s problems.
@Big Titty Demon
I’m sorry for my clumsy wording. I didn’t actually intend to imply that you only like people when they compliment you, although I can see how I did exactly that; all I meant was that was your previous interaction with Stacey was in regards to that compliment and it seemed friendly enough. I was surprised when your very next comment took a completely different tone.
I’m not sure what you are intending to convey by mentioning Surplus. Do you think I am sympathetic to him the way I am to Stacey? Or are you implying the two of them are similar in some way?
I have a leather skirt that zips up completely in the front. I wear it with black leggings. When I wear it out and I eat something, yes I normally take it off to dust it off when there is crumbs all over it. Stacy even said she was wearing something under the skirt so it’s not like she just stripped down to panties right there in the restaurants. When you like things that are tight and a particular style like that, Sometimes you have to clean them off differently. Just because something doesn’t match your box on what a woman should do or be, doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
Bevel is one of the positions you put your ankle in. I grew up with it being called winged foot because of how it makes you position your feet, but it is about your ankles more then your feet. If you don’t position your ankle right you will end up getting it twisted. This is also the position that can cause sickling. Which is the lovely thing that happened to ballet or showgirl dancers when our feet started to be mishappened. After almost 16 years, My feet are this way and it does help play into my fear of feet. If that helps at all.
Your style sounds so exciting and artistic and creative! I do love reading your posts and am so sorry for all that you have had to put it with from jerks out there too.
I do love wearing tight clothes but part of that is because I like playing with color and contour in how my body looks. I do have several bottoms that are like bikini cut bottoms (not actual bathing suits but like a workout bottom made of a stretchy form fitting material) that I do wear over tights with nothing else over the bottom. So if you just glanced at me maybe you’d think for a second that they’re panties and nothing else but they’re not. I really like how the contours of that part of my figure look that way which is what I keep in mind when I coordinate that look with how I’m standing.
That’s all part of my art and creativity! And I am very lucky that I get paid to create my looks that I do but *my* creativity and thought do go into it!
I know it’s revealing and risque but that’s not something you can separate from the art. I *choose* to resist those who would have me separate it and that is my act of resistance! I express myself that way at work and in other places where I know I’m welcomed to do that.
This isn’t any old restaurant and is a coffee shop right by our salon and the manager and baristas know who I am and what I do. I’m lucky for them and love them, surprised jerks here and there aside.
From what you say they would probably love your individuality and style by the way!
Hugs for being so sweet!
@Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
I like how you use the canvas metaphor!
Thank you for not only the support but for sharing!
I am sorry you had a rough childhood. I hope you never feel any shame about liking the feel of security from tight clothing. (I know your mentioning those two things together doesn’t mean that you do feel shame and that you might have been just expressing). I wear leotards and bodysuits with tights a lot because of the look but I really love the feel too, especially the security.
A lot of the looks I create aren’t something I can be in all day though! It’s sometimes just not practical. But that’s ok though. Sometimes it’s worth it. It takes SO much prep to get into full latex and then once I’m in I can only take it about two hours before just being tired having to go to the bathroom. But just to get to create that image even for a little while is worth it.
I think it’s nice to enjoy clothes however you like or if they’re not important that beautiful too as long as one is happy and secure and safe.
*guilty look* Ok, I’m sorry too. I could have been less sarcastic. My next comment took a different tone because, to my view, the interaction proceeded thusly: Stacey made a comment complaining of having been blamed for existing and having a body, and stated she stood up for herself. She apologised for writing the complaint, and both prefaced it and closed it with a compliment to everyone. I had no prior history with her, and since this is a board where people have names like Big Titty Demon, I ignored that her name was Stacey Smarty Pants and took the comment on face value. I tried to be reassuring about any worry about right to post by being flattered by the comments, since I know what it’s like to genuinely feel worried about if it is ok to post something. I tried to be comforting of her upset by relating my own experience and encouraging her to post more if she so chose. I said standing up for yourself is a big deal. I was encouraging, as the rest of you were and are.
Then she did choose to post more. She chose to troll.
Now when she chooses to troll like that, and yes, I still think it’s a troll (even moreso now that Lainy said “so it’s not like she just stripped down to panties” and Stacey hastened to assure us that yes, it is exactly like she stripped to panties but that’s the art of it), well, that’s up to her. If she hadn’t specifically tagged me, I might not have said anything. I might have just rolled my eyes and walked away. But she specifically acknowledged me, she tagged me and thanked me for being kind and nice, so she knew I was trying to be, she knew I was trying to have empathy and relate—and I’d said I sometimes get shaken having to stand up for myself. I showed vulnerability. To get metaphorically slapped down by a troll. That’s why I’m upset. (Well, was, I’m being a bit dramatic now, because I like to write emotionally. Now I just think it’s a bit darkly humorous and eye-opening.)
Regarding Surplus in the other comment, I only meant to sarcastically point out I do not, in fact, need compliments to keep engaging with people and their problems, as I still talk to Surplus and try to do the best I can. I am not prepared to comment on whether or not I think you are sympathetic to him (not a cop-out, I just really don’t know because my memory banks don’t have the data and I don’t have Ariblester’s widget working to search the comments yet XD ). Since I think Surplus is genuine as the day is long and Stacey is a troll, I do not believe they are similar in any way.
I’m sorry if that’s more detail than you wanted, but I don’t actually want to have a bone between us. I think you’re generally A-ok and we don’t have to have the same opinion on Stacy; I’m not here to convince, only explain my reaction. There’s much to be said for the generosity of spirit on this board, welcoming everyone that wants to be welcome.
Me too <3 thanks for being super cool about it.
@Big Titty Demon
I’m still not sure how what she’s doing is trolling. If she were a troll, I would imagine we’d see more errors, and there’d be a gotcha somewhere. I don’t see a gotcha, and going off of previous posts Stacy has made, I don’t see any real reason to doubt her legitimacy.
I admire your generosity of spirit and good faith. You possess both in greater quantities than I, and that is no bad thing. I don’t seek to change your opinion.
There is zero evidence of this. And some of us recognized her and remembered her talking about her salon job in the past. I remember her being conflicted before about bring a feminist but also working in a salon and taking a lot of pride in her style (I hope I’m remembering the details correctly, please let me know if I’m wrong, Stacy!).
That’s not what she said at all. Why are you so determined to find malice?
so….you’re angry she replied directly to you when you also engaged with her, and because she thanked you for being kind?? WTH?
The bottom l was talking about definitely aren’t panties. It’s a race brief that I modified to wear as style piece rather than like for track, which what it’s originally for. It was an Asics Top Impact race brief that I first had altered professionally so the seat wasn’t as full (looks so cool! Not good enough at sewing to do *that* myself yet but I am learning!) and then I died it black so you can’t really see the Asics logo and tell what it was originally. It’s snug, and on purpose because I am using it to create contour over my tights but it’s not panties.
Not explaining because I think I have to defend myself but I am really proud of the work I did just to get such a basic but important piece.
I didn’t even have that on the other day. The base of the outfit that day was a leotard, like I said.
Yes what you remember is true Kupo, thank you for being so supportive and for remembering. You’re awesome and I love your posts.
I have so many things I could say to you, but, you know, I have it on reliable authority from a thread involving you that when someone says they don’t want to debate more, as I have twice, it’s bad form to try and keep it going. I tried to answer Viscaria’s question, and disengage. I tried to disengage with Naglfar without answering.
I’m gonna ignore your misreading, be it either accidental or purposeful, and disengage. I am disengaging. It’s bad form for you to keep poking now, when I’m tired of fighting, according to anon and yourself. Stop. Poking.
@Big Titty Demon
That is easily the nicest thing anyone’s said to me today. Thank you.
I will respectfully agree to disagree regarding Stacy, and shall now discontinue the topic. May there not be any ill will between us.
I did not interpret your responses as not wanting to debate more, which is probably my bad as I don’t always pick up subtle hints. I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable by responding to you.
I was mistaken for a troll when I first started to comment here. mainly my fault because I tried to talk about russophobia in a time I should not try to talk about it which made me seem to be a “Russian bot”. so I just want to say welcome Stacy! you sound cool and like the kind of people I follow on Instagram for fashion. do you know Erin Micklow? not personally but know about her? she makes her own clothes and dresses with liotards and tights and things like that. she is quite punk which is what I thought about when I read your complaint.
I understand that people are wary of trolls or potential trolls but there are many different kinds of people who use different ways of speaking and have different things they love and I think if someone is not directly trying to hurt or “gotchya” then its difficult to prove and also they are harmless. unless of course they hurt someone with ignorance becuase ignorance is not an excuse.
Thanks for the kind words! I’m glad you like the canvas metaphor!
Yeah, a lot of my looks aren’t meant to be worn all day either. I alternate a lot during the day between workout wear and way more dressy stuff.
Awww, thank you SO much for the sweet words and the welcome! I remember your posts and enjoy reading them!
I’m sorry that some people think I’m a troll but I don’t know what else to say. and even if they do I still think they are intelligent and like reading their posts but I promise I will be respectful. I don’t know what else to say and just I want everyone to have a nice time and don’t want to stir up drama. I wasn’t sure if I should keep posting here because of that but when you wrote that it meant a lot so I did. Thank you for the sweetness!
If I did know you all in person and you included me and if it was ok with everybody I would try to be the one who brings everyone a snack or something to drink and makes sure you are all comfortable sitting or standing or whatever you want and just wishing everyone a nice time and would enjoy just listening.
Awww, thank you SO much for the sweet words and the welcome! I remember your posts and enjoy reading them!
I’m sorry that some people think I’m a troll but I don’t know what else to say. and even if they do I still think they are intelligent and like reading their posts but I promise I will be respectful. I don’t know what else to say and just I want everyone to have a nice time and don’t want to stir up drama. I wasn’t sure if I should keep posting here because of that but when you wrote that it meant a lot so I did. Thank you for the sweetness!
If I did know you all in person I would try to be the one who brings everyone a drink and makes sure you are all comfortable sitting or standing or whatever you want and just wishing everyone a nice time and would enjoy just listening.
Yes, you remembered right that I do struggle sometimes with my working in the beauty industry when patriarchy and a lot of asshole men push that women who don’t look some certain way that they could never be anyway are worthless because they don’t meet that impossible standard. I do sometimes feel conflicted about that but decided that my style is my creativity and a woman’s creativity is her power and I want to claim mine.
You are so kind and so intelligent and I appreciate you.
Yes, you remembered right that I do struggle sometimes with my working in the beauty industry when patriarchy and a lot of asshole men push that women who don’t look some certain way that they could never be anyway are worthless because they don’t meet that impossible standard. I do sometimes feel conflicted about that but decided that my style is my creativity and a woman’s creativity is her power and I want to claim mine.
You are so kind and so intelligent and I appreciate you.
@Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Oh, I know! I love workout clothes too and a lot of my pieces started as workout clothes that I had altered (or that I did something to!)
Like in one of the outfits that I was talking about the bottom was an running bun (track brief) that I had altered so the seat wasn’t as full. It was an InSport that I died after I had it altered so you couldn’t see the logo.
I wear it over tights because I like the contour that it helps create visually over that part of my body when worn as just that with nothing else except that over the tights, though I do accent that with a snazzy belt sometimes.
I like the material and it’s very comfortable and snug and moves with me because it’s made to do that as a track brief/running bun. So that’s definitely not panties and is an entirely different piece of clothing than underwear.
I know you and Crys (to a lesser extent) are getting a little “worked over” for your suspicions regarding Stacey, so I just wanted to reassure you that you two aren’t the only ones skeptical of Stacey. They tripped a number of my red-flag troll alarms with their initial post and the continuing saccharine responses and gassing on about their “art” are giving me a veritable blizzard of douche chills.
And before I become the next heretic on the pyre, I’ll say that just about all the artists I’ve met in my life can be divided into two groups: the group that are truly expressing themselves through their art, and the group that are expressing themselves by constantly and pretentiously talking about their “art”, context or relevance notwithstanding.
Yeah, this is probably going to be an unpopular take. So be it. I’m too fucking old to give a tinker’s damn at this point.
There’s no ill will. I meant what I said about your good faith; we disagree because my life experience has taught me to be suspicious, or as kupo phrases it, to seek malice, but you have never been anything but a gentleperson to me. I can recognise when another person has qualities I lack. 🙂
I debated with myself whether or not I should say anything here, but on the assumption of good faith I think I will.
It was not that you responded. I would have deflected the same way I did with Naglfar. It was that you responded to the exact admission that I feel uncomfortable standing up for myself, when I am holding a minority opinion in a thread on a board where the opinions of people do matter to me and no less than ten people have already expressed that they strongly disagree with me, and you took a very aggressive stance, accusing me of poor character and even cursing at me (albeit in acronyms).
I will not be browbeaten into changing my opinion, especially by a partial quote.
Going forward, you all may hold your own opinion of Stacey, I will hold mine, and it need not be a problem, since the issue only arose because I had never interacted with her before and I felt trolled interacting with what I perceive as a troll. If I no longer interact, there will be no issue and everyone can be happy.
@Wandering Jewterus
Being honest, I hope I can soon get to the point of being too old to give a tinker’s damn. It would save me a lot of hassle. 😀 Right now I take meds to try and help me approximate it.