alpha males beta males chad thundercock Dunning–Kruger effect hetsplaining homophobia incels lesbians don't real men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny reddit that's completely wrong

Incels continue to be baffled by lesbians, refuse to believe they exist

That’s what you think, lady!

By David Futrelle

Today’s insight into lesbianism comes from the Braincels subreddit, where the regulars believe that lesbianism is just a “meme,” and that there are literally no women in the world who would prefer the touch of a woman, however lovely, to the sexual attentions of a beefy Chad.

Some incels have clearly thought this whole theory through in a bit more detail than most of their peers. Like, for example, this dude:

they're also still obviously attracted to men. lesbianism is just extreme degeneracy, when a girl has been alpha widowed and finds 'beta comfort' in her female friends instead of a beta male and they twist that need into a perversion, desperately trying to replace that lost chad intimacy with her new comfort provider. of course women cannot actually perform this role like a beta male can, so she ends up becoming even more mentally unsound and that's why all lesbian relationships are a fraudulent disaster.. they are trying to force something that is unnatural.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say that none of that is correct.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering, an “alpha widow” is a lady who has previously gotten it on with some alpha Chad and who therefore can never against be satisfied with betas of any gender. I’m going to go out on a limb again and say that this isn’t really a thing either.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

As a lesbian myself, I can vouch that this is TOTALLY true.


Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
5 years ago

I literally can’t imagine any of my lesbian friends in relationships with men.

5 years ago

Yeah, well I don’t think women exist. It’s all an elaborate prank the Normies™ are pulling on incels to make them dwell on their inability to get something that isn’t actually real.

5 years ago

I find it strange that most people are willing to cut off half their potential dating pool. Asexuals are at least easier to understand than monosexuals.

But, ya know, I find it even stranger that there are people who don’t accept that others with different needs and preferences exist. It’s like, if I were straight, and I believed that since I’m not into women, nobody is… so therefore all men are really gay. That would clearly be not correct.

5 years ago

With so many Manospherians and other assholes around, sometimes I wonder why every woman isn’t a lesbian.

5 years ago


I find it strange that most people are willing to cut off half their potential dating pool.

I’ve kind of wondered about this too. When I was younger, before I really understood sexuality at all (it’s not like I understand it fully now either) I was somewhat confused that most people were attracted to one gender or the other while I was into both/all. Apparently most people aren’t pansexual (though I would imagine that more people are bi/pan than the number that are out currently).

5 years ago

I find it strange that most people are willing to cut off half their potential dating pool. Asexuals are at least easier to understand than monosexuals.

It’s not a choice. How are we having to explain this still in 2019??

5 years ago

Isn’t the inability to grasp how other people’s sexuality works a good part of the reason why incels are incels to begin with?

5 years ago

The existence of straight women is proof sexuality is not a choice

5 years ago

Excuse me, but what collapsed and condemned sewage system on fire did these guys get this from?


5 years ago

@kupo, Bakunin
I’m not implying that people choose sexualities and I understand that it’s not a choice and that none are inherently better or worse than others. I was simply reflecting on a naïve thing I used to think that mirrored Snowberry’s comment. I’m sorry if I have offended anyone.

5 years ago

fwiw, I didn’t have any issue with your comment.

5 years ago

@Vaiyt their ‘ignorance ‘ is more about feeding their aggrieved entitlement and ‘victimhood ‘ than a poor grasp on sexuality and relationships.

5 years ago

Okay, sorry, I didn’t mean to imply it was a choice. I meant that it feels like one from my perspective because it *would* be a choice on my part (and a pointlessly limiting one) but intellectually, of course I know it’s not. The part with alternate-reality-straight-me deciding that men must be gay was supposed to hint at how stupidly wrong it would be to think like that for real, but it probably would have been better to state that clearly. Particularly since we’re discussing incels who think everyone’s really their warped idea of straightness deep down, but can choose to opt out of it anyway if one’s reproductive options are poor? Which is basically God making a burrito he can’t eat but eating it anyway, for whatever sense that makes.

varalys the dark
5 years ago

I mean I’m a “disaster lesbian” as the term goes. But not because I was ruined by a gigachad in my youth. Incels… bless.

5 years ago

I guess this guy’s never heard of gold-star lesbians.

Mabret the Virile Maiden
Mabret the Virile Maiden
5 years ago

There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in manospherian philosophy.

5 years ago

Once again, I’m reminded of an obnoxious mansplainer who used to be my sister’s boyfriend, and who was of the opinion that lesbians are gay because they’re “hardcore”, as in “haven’t been fucked hard enough by some shitty dude (like me)”.

I use the past tense for a reason, obvs.

5 years ago


The existence of straight women is proof sexuality is not a choice

I needed that. Thanks!

5 years ago

there are literally no women in the world who would prefer the touch of a woman, however lovely, to the sexual attentions of a beefy Chad.

So guys who can’t get a date think Women who prefer Women can be brought around by an Alpha Guy?
But if they can’t get dates and Beta guys can then just what do they call themselves? losers?
These guys obviously don’t get out much have they ever met a Lesbian Couple?
These guys have never been in love, and well are they capable of falling in love? It should have happened to them at least once by now if they got working hormones and have had some social contact with a female.
If you have been in love you can recognize sometimes when other people are in love Straight or LGBT you see someone is in love with someone else you move on and don’t waste your time.

5 years ago

How does being dumped by an alpha male make these women want to drive Subarus?

5 years ago

Define Alpha male and why would an Alpha give Women more intimacy?
Alpha leader, dominant is my understanding of the term, wether its Genghis Khan or Napoleon both had lots of Women besides their wives.

Intimate close, you feel for that person, you would sacrifice for that person and they would do the same for you thats how you build trust.
Sure people cheat and couples decide wether to work through it and stay together or split.
But Alphas are Man Whores cheating multiple times just means you don’t care about your partners feelings therefore you’re not intimate, in love.

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
5 years ago


Of course they’ve never been in love. To love, you need to consider someone else’s needs and happiness to be as important as your own – to be an integral part in your own happiness.
These guys are not able to see beyond their own skulls (and those skulls are firmly up their asses, further inhibiting view). How could they love another person, when they only see other people as things?

5 years ago

I know these guys don’t like women (understatement), but they do claim to fancy them – why would it be such a leap of faith to imagine other women might too?

Penny Psmith
Penny Psmith
5 years ago

(Also, regarding ThingsComeUndone’s second post: I don’t think alphas need to come into it; they’re more or less an incel invention anyway.)

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