By David Futrelle
It’s Friday, which means it’s time for some BAD SCENCE from the manosphere.
Actually, I have never before specified Friday as a day for bad science, but humor me this once, because I found some pretty, pretty bad science in the Men Going Their Own Way subreddit, and I’m going to share it with you.
It seems the fellas were discussing the alleged tendency of women to “scream and yell at the top of their lungs anytime something [bad] happens.” And one of the regulars — a wise fellow in the 12th grade — offered a detailed explanation, which basically boiled down to “women get headaches when they have to logic.”
Take it away, PrinceRaj53!
As much “demeaning” or “misommistic” it sounds, but the truth is: logical evaluation in a situation is exhausting for women.
And apparently correctly spelling “misogynistic” is exhausting for men, or at least for the Men Going Their Own Way variety.
Men rely primarily on logical reasoning, whereas women rely primarily on emotional reasoning. …
For Men- “if it works, do it” (doesn’t care how it will feel)
For Women- “if it feels good do it” (or avoids bad feelings)
Yes, I’m sure that explains why so many men keep throwing such EXTREMELY LOGICAL fits every time a movie comes out featuring a woman as an action hero.
Now, women aren’t children, if we see it from a general perspective, right? However, in reality, women are grown up children who pretend to be adults while their actual actions and words remain the same as a child’s (I think the same about weak blue pilled males as well).
Dude, I don’t even pretend to be an adult.
A woman can handle more information and logic than a 4 year old, sure. But in general, a woman doesn’t really want to and most of the times can’t go beyond a certain point. My sincere belief is it gives them a physical head ache, just like when I study a new subject in my school with intensity(I’m in 12th, so for me the literature subjects are like this).
All the new information, focus, and logic caused mental fatigue and the occasional head ache in the female mind. Sure, these things are helpful in that they create new neural pathways and learning, but it does mentally hurt. Women aren’t equipped to handle this well.
Uh, there are no pain receptors in the brain. You don’t feel anything when your brain creates new neural pathways. Headaches are centered in blood vessels, nerves and muscles outside the brain. Stress can cause headaches, but thinking logically doesn’t.
Your best approach is to use an analogy or story if you really want to get your point across,just like you would do with a child. Bonus points if it’s a real life story about something that happened to her.
For example, you might say “hey, remember when that idiot on the internet tried to tell you that women get headaches from thinking logically?”
He then offers an example of how to use a story rather than logic to outwit a female in this TOTALLY REALISTIC EXAMPLE of a conversation with a women about circumcision.
Her : “Hey! I got my kid circumcised!”
You : “You got your kid circumcised but thought that neutering your dog was mutilation. Both are cutting of the penis. Both against their individual will. Both cause the body parts to work differently and influence the sexual experience of the individual. Do you see how illogical your reasoning is?”
DO NOT do this. Just no. This will not go well, and will end up with more screaming and yelling, nothing else.
To be fair, I’m pretty sure any parent might scream and yell if they told you something about their baby and you responded by trying to outwit them logically.
Instead of that, do the following in such a situation (I am using this as an example) :
Her : “Hey! I got my kid circumcised!”
You : “Oh yeah? Huh. Cool.”
Wait a few minutes.
You : “Remember when you told me you thought neutering your dog was mutilation?”
Her :“Yes. What?”
You : “Just checking.”
Do this.
Yeah, women LOVE THAT SHIT. As ZZ Top once sang, or might have, if they had seen this post, “every girl crazy ’bout a passive-aggressive man.”
She’ll be confused for a bit. But she’ll recognize the interaction as having some sort of clear subtext. She may brush it off in the moment. But she’ll definitely think about it later. Just pass small packets of thoughts to her brain instead of going “direct to the point”.
She’ll have to make her own connections to the similarities in order to figure out the riddle. This will get the point across, and since it was done in a calm manner she can’t come at you yelling her head off. Women actually respect men who do this instead of going “direct cold hard”.
Thanks for you hard-won, mature wisdom on women, Mr. 12th Grader.
Now, lets recall a time in which you were exhausted by a woman’s emotional manipulation. Since we aren’t as emotionally oriented as them, we become exhausted by feeling lots of different emotions …
This is how women feel when a situation like you mentioned happens, they yell and scream because it gives them a mental headache.
What exactly is a “mental headache?”
She doesn’t necessarily want to fix things, not at all. She just wants to feel like creating drama to have the inherent feeling that she is right and special.
Or maybe she’s just annoyed that you’re a smug mansplaining asshole?
Use your logic to come to a conclusion, but once you are there, don’t state it as cold, hard fact, just pass it as a packet of thought to her mind indirectly. Let her figure out how to connect the dots. State the road, she’ll just follow because her hamster will stop spinning.
I’m a little baffled by the quick succession of metaphors here. Can someone draw me a diagram?
No, seriously, someone draw me a diagram, because right now I’m feeling like this little guy:

Have a good weekend, and don’t think too much!
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Who the fuck believes getting a dog fixed is mutilation. Fix your animals. Shelters are to over populated. Literally the only people I have ever met that won’t get male animals fixed have been men because they get all wincey at the idea of it. One of them being my grandfather which is why ever male cat they ever had ran away.
He’s right about one thing, though. Adult women are grown-up children. So are all adults. That’s literally what an adult is.
Also, I can think of a lot more people who would be in favour of neutering their dogs and not circumcising their children than the other way around, but maybe that’s just me.
Personally, I appreciate Mr. 12thGrader’s admission that too many feels make his head hurt and he is ill-equipped to understand or respond constructively to having emotions.
Edit: I first read it as “off”, but even “of” doesn’t make sense because neutering is cutting the testicles, not the penis.
There are people with a penis that choose to get circumcised for what ever reason as well. Be that medical, religious, all sort of things. It be kind of weird if someone went up to them and told them their doing self mutilation. Kind of like those people who try to tell you piercings are mutilations, even though piercings don’t have any medical benefits.
I noticed that too. I’ll make sure to dumb down anything I say to manosphere idiots, because this OP sounds a lot like projection.
Come to think of it, the fact that manospherians get headaches when thinking too much explains a lot…
I’ve never gotten a headache from thinking too much. I do, however, get a lot headaches when I’m really tired, but I think that’s normal.
A friend of mine refused to get their dog neutered and soon regretted that decision. Unneutered male dogs are a nightmare.
My current dog (see avatar image) is female and spayed, so this isn’t really a problem for me.
I don’t have any qualms about circumcision, but I don’t think anyone really publicly brags about circumcising their kids. I mean, maybe it’s just that I don’t really talk about people’s children’s genitals much, but I’ve never once heard anyone publicly tell me or anyone else whether they chose to circumcise their child. Or themself, for that matter.
I haven’t heard anyone call piercings mutilation, but I’ve heard transphobes call genital surgery mutilation. Of course, they were bigots and so they only say that because it serves their political platform.
Then there are the intactivists, who do call circumcision mutilation. They are the only people I’ve ever seen publicly talk about circumcision.
Kupo, you mean there are aspects of understanding that the 12th grade galaxy-brain OP *doesn’t understand*?!
It are unpossible!
Two things: 1) neutering a dog does not involve any “mutilation of the penis”. The vet doesn’t touch the penis in order to neuter the dog. The balls are removed, not the penis. 2) I used to train dogs & we routinely recommended spaying & neutering pet dogs. Women usually listened to our spiel & said, “yes, that makes sense”. Men were the ones who got all upset about having their male dogs neutered. In fact, one guy got so excited, I told him that I wasn’t suggesting neutering HIM, just his dog.
Did he watch this, I wonder?
I don’t know anyone who discusses their kids’ circumcision status either. With regards to my son, my husband and I talked about it with each other and our pediatrician, but that’s it. All 4 of my kids’ grandparents have changed diapers, so they’d know which option we went with, but we’ve never talked about it. It would be hugely weird to mention offhand to an acquaintance.
I had a general discussion on the topic with a close friend once, because she was pregnant with a boy and she and her husband didn’t agree on whether to circumcise or not. I don’t know what they finally ended up doing though.
As others have pointed out, it’s not a common thing for women to believe that neutering a dog is mutilation. Everyone I know has their pets fixed. In fact, reputable shelters in my area won’t even adopt out a pet until they’ve spayed or neutered them. Both my cats were spayed or neutered by the Animal Humane Society before I adopted them.
And yeah, this guy does not know how circumcision or neutering works at all.
Emotional manipulation is not being emotional. It’s a cold and calculated behavior. When someone is being emotionally manipulative, they are faking or exaggerating emotion to play on their target’s emotions and elicit an emotional response. If women were emotional and illogical creatures, we wouldn’t be able to emotionally manipulate men. If men were cold and rational and never act based on emotion, they couldn’t be emotionally manipulated. This master of logic really didn’t think his argument through very well.
I read that as “don’t drink too much” and was all
I feel very emotionally manipulated right now.
Ahh, to be a 17-year-old boy and 110% sure you are an expert on everything, because you’re already a mature grown-up.
We’re all dumbasses at that age, but the Internet lets teenage dumbasses gather together and convince themselves they’re the Council of Elders.
Since the OP would consider me a “blue-pilled male,” I must be a child. But the joke’s on him! Child-me could only DREAM of having the awesome G.I. Joe collection that Adult-me has acquired! I have twelve different versions of Snake Eyes alone!
@Amy E
My thoughts immediately went to that sketch as well.
Am I missing something here? If men just logic and don’t care how it feels, why don’t they just keep wanking into an old gym sock instead of women? It doesn’t matter how it feels and it’s more practical am I right?
As some one who played with GI.Joes as a kid all I can same is cool. Do you ever watch the youtube channel Toy Galaxy ?
@Naglfar: She’s darling. Husky? (I can’t rule out malamute from the eensie picture on the phone.)
Where I work currently has six unclaimed dogs, available for adoption. Please, for the love of doG, spay or neuter.
Ok so the irresponsible pet ownership is concerning but all I can think is: dude if you get headaches when reading a lot you really need to get your eyes checked.
And then maybe once that problem is solved you can read literally anything other than the MGTOW subreddit and realize why you’re an idiot.
It’s (almost) always a good time for a funny story from Sir Patrick Stewart.
(This one makes me feel a little better about being misled by statuary into believing penises were leaf-shaped.)
I thought that too much thinking caused the womb to shrivel up. Now I have to worry about headaches too?
Things that give me headaches:
Really loud noises, with long durations
Flickering Fluorescent Lights From Hell
Too much screen-time
Too little caffiene
Too much caffiene
People who think they know literally everything but really, really don’t
Strong floral scents
Axe body spray
Things that don’t me headaches:
Reading paper books
Reading technical manuals
Assembling furniture
Doing stress/strain and failure analysis
Math in general
People who know more about a field of study/work than I do correcting my assumptions
Dog dander
I must be womaning wrong. If any of you know the proper return address, I’ll mail in my bonbons, fainting couch, and scented candles ASAP.
It’s not just women. Anyone would get a headache from trying to deal with manospherian “logic”
Sorry dude, your thought-packet TTL has decremented to 0. Your data has expired and will be discarded.

“My head hurts. It must be women’s fault for being so damn stupid”
This is a high schooler? You’re grounded, young man. No Internet for six months, and a good smack upside the head for good measure.