By David Futrelle
Pop quiz! Which of the following statements did “Crying Nazi” Chris Cantwell post online several days ago?
This one:
Another mass shooting? This is tragic. When will we finally do the right thing, and get rid of the Jews who cause all of this suffering?
Or this one?
I am only a struggling artist, and a despised political minority. I have, in the course of my intellectual journey, and artistic expression, made countless regrettable statements which I never planned on having read back to me in a courtroom. Once upon a time, I expected obedience to the law would avoid such outcomes. Vilifying me is an easy thing to do, even when I have the opportunity to respond, and deprived of this capacity, I am but a sitting duck. So my cries for justice, however loud they may be to my own ears, are drowned out by more powerful forces.
Scroll down for the answer!
Trick question! He posted both, because that’s the sort of person Cantwell is.
The voluble antisemite — a former A Voice for Men contributor who gained infamy as the “crying Nazi” for a video he made after Charlottesville — can’t seem to stop making awful comments … and then wallowing in self-pity when these comments cause him problems.
The first comment I quoted was one of many awful and vaguely threatening comments he regularly makes on Telegram, the favorite social media app of terrible people who’ve been banned pretty much everywhere else, even Gab.
The second comment was from a long post on his website offering his legal response to a motion accusing him of threatening one of the lawyers handling a lawsuit against him and others for Charlottesville. (The comment in question, which Cantwell insists was not threatening at all: “After this stupid k*ke whore loses this fraudulent lawsuit, we’re going to have a lot of fucking fun with her.”)
Elsewhere in his rambling response, Cantwell moans about how unfair it is that his lawyers have dropped him because a) he keeps saying terrible things and b) he hasn’t been paying them.
My attorneys wish to withdraw from this case, and I don’t blame them. I’d like to do the same. Since the financial industry has destroyed my business by depriving me, without explanation, of the ability to process payments, and even squashed a second business of mine which I launched hoping to overcome that unlawful discrimination, I am unable to compensate them. …
I would take issue with their description of me having made no effort to pay, however. I’m not living it up behind the scenes, refusing to pay for their services while enjoying other luxuries. I have struggled to pay my rent, my electric, my car payment, and the insurance for that car. I have no health insurance. I have stopped paying my credit cards. I have cut every expense I could, while scrambling to find new avenues of earning. …
After two years of relentless struggle, I am exhausted, broke, and frankly, lacking faith in justice. And so, I present myself as a beaten man, who is not guilty of the crimes alleged in the complaint before this court. I beg for justice, deeply skeptical of its supply, and await in despair whatever impositions may come of the injustice I have for so long struggled against, seemingly, to no avail.
Poor fella!
Here, by the way, is a photo of that poor fella taken during the Charlotteswille protests — a photo he used to promote his online radio show. (In case you’re wondering, he’s the one doing the spraying.

H/T — @EmilyGorcenski on Twitter, who highlighted Cantwell’s self-pitying comments (and posted the picture above) in a recent thread.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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@ Vicky P
Thank you for posting that. I found it quite heartwarming in a schadenfreude sort of way. Also, I’m meant to be writing an article about disciplinary consequences at work for political activity outside work. So that gives me some references.
@ Alan
Glad to be of assistance!
What a piece of shit this guy is. Dude literally promotes the violent deportation of citizens from this nation, no doubt with the wholesale liquidation and redistribution of all of their material possessions to the burgeoning white ethnostate, then he turns around and talks about how *he* can’t get any justice.
Yeah “vilifying you is easy to do” when you’re an actual effing VILLAIN.