
So Stefan Molyneux is a slam poet now, apparently

snap snap snap snap

By David Futrelle

Racist Dingus Stefan Molyneux

has started to write

most of his tweets like this

for some reason.

I can only conclude that the far-right YouTube philosopher blabber has become a slam poet. And who are we to judge? Who amongst us has not written bad poetry at some point in our lives?

So put on some Charlie Parker and enjoy these recent, er, works by Stef. I’ve taken the liberties of giving them titles.


“Free Riders”


“Without kids”

“2000 New Babies”


Wow. That’s some of the whitest slam poetry I’ve ever seen. .

Actually, I take that back. While it’s the most white supremacist slam poetry I’ve ever seen, this little performance is at least one more white.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago“>

Yeah, he has or had a wife,and she appears to be near as awful a person as he is

If I bolloxed up the above link, the article is also linked on the first footnote of his wikipedia page- which I presume he or both edited selectively

I also seem to remaber reading somewhere that they have a daughter- poor kid

5 years ago


Stefan Molyneux

Is deliberately saying stuff

He thinks will be controversial

As outrage bait

At this point

Because all he wants

Is people

To pay attention to him

And it’s working

5 years ago

Why exactly would Molyneux think that 50% of his audience are women? Does he believe that all groups break down precisely according to the general population?

I wonder if, as a white guy who will never have children (because I don’t want any), I infuriate or relive Molyneux.

On the one hand, I’m obviously not doing my Duty to The White Race.

But on the other, I’m mostly Irish, so my whiteness may still not be valid for some of them.

Plus, according to Ancestry, I’m 10% North African, so if I did reproduce they would probably count it as contributing to White Genocide, and would prefer that my impure bloodline die with me.

5 years ago


I don’t think that antisemitism in the US is widesprayed enough to rise to a point where it becomes oppressive. Jews don’t have problems securing employments, housing, education, political representation and key positions of power anymore. They do are the target of more racial hatred than white people in general, but I don’t think it can considered oppressive since it’s not constant enough. For orthodox communities, it might be a different story, but they represent only a fraction of the overall jewish population of in the US. Facing racism or sexism doesn’t make you oppressed. All groups have faced at least once of discrimination of that nature at some point, but only some of them have suffered of them at a level and consistence that makes it oppression.

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

Facing racism or sexism doesn’t make you oppressed.

If it’s institutionalized it sure as hell does.

5 years ago

@ Maggie and Catalpa

I can really make them spin. While I had two lovely white sons, ALL of my four grandchildren, as well as my great grandson, would not qualify as “white” by assholes like the OP.

Also? Some of that stuff would give a Vogon a run for their money.

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me,
With crinkly bindlewurdles,mashurbitries.
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don’t!

Compared to his festering word-vomit, it does have a certain charm…

5 years ago


All groups have faced at least once of discrimination of that nature at some point, but only some of them have suffered of them at a level and consistence that makes it oppression.

So at what “level” does it become oppression?

Is there like a points system or something?

Once a group hits 1000 they qualify as oppressed, but if their score falls below that they aren’t any more?

Do you automatically lose points over time, so that oppression that was strongest 80 years ago doesn’t count any more?

Or do you have to have your score re-evaluated every year based on that year’s events alone, and anything from earlier doesn’t count?

Inquiring minds want to know.

5 years ago

I would suspect that if Molyneux’s women readers are higher than a few percent, then most of them are hate-readers or outrage-readers or bigot-watchers etc. who are more inclined to do the opposite of his suggestions, if they’re influenced at all.

5 years ago

Thanks Hexum7 for doing better research than I did I guess there might be someone for anyone still what kind of pervert listens to his wife’s therapy sessions?
I understand crimes of money listening to teenagers therapy is sad, trying to get them to join your blog while they are in therapy I’m sure violates some ethical rule.

5 years ago

I was thinking somewhat the same thing re: what level it becomes oppression. I’m just tired of this conversation where I have to explain that yes, Jews are more privileged than other groups, but we still face antisemitism and discrimination in a way that no other ‘white’ ethnic group does. Anti-Irish and anti-Italian prejudice definitely existed at one point, but I cannot think of any cases of anti-Irish or anti-Italian hate crimes or politicians in the past few decades in America, while antisemitic hate crimes are at an all time high.
I’m also not a fan of any efforts to quantify oppression as a number, since oppression is rather complicated.

Regarding Molyneux: he seems to have some sort of cult, where he convinces listeners of his podcast to only trust him and to cut all ties with their families. Yup, sounds like a cult to me.

5 years ago


To answer your question, if we make abstraction of the obvious facetiousness of the framming, I would say yes. There is a form of “level”.

Usually, historians and sociologists will use measures like pay gaps, level of incarceration, discrimination-by-law (as in enforced by the law), victimization rates, religiously motivated discrimination, education gap, media representation, etc. as barometers to assess the level of discrimination of a group of person. Since American Jews are doing very well compared to the average of other groups, we can’t really say they are oppressed.

5 years ago

@ Elessar

I was thinking of William Topaz McGonagall. At least his stuff is (unintentionally) hilarious when compared to Steve Food – Blender’s. (Hurries off to look up Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings.)

5 years ago


Found this:

An excerpt, quoted on the linked page:

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool.
They lay. They rotted. They turned
Around occasionally.
Bits of flesh dropped off them from
Time to time.:And sank into the pool’s mire.
They also smelt a great deal.

5 years ago

Since I listened to the first broadcast of Hitchhiker’s, I won’t be having this “Paula” nonsense. The writer of the worst poetry in the universe was Paul Neil Milne Johnstone.

5 years ago

White males were disproportionately drafted for both the World Wars.

For WW2 at least (I’m less familiar with the history of ww1, but I don’t doubt these particular issues were pretty much the same back then, too), it will come as a surprise to basically no-one that the allied nations were pretty fucking racist. When you consider everyone who isn’t a white man to be stupid, lazy and untrustworthy, and when you couldn’t have mixed units because of how goddamn racist your conscripts are, you’re gonna bias your drafting policies.

This isn’t oppression of the white man. It is contempt towards everyone else.

5 years ago

I love the troll trying to claim Jews don’t qualify for the oppression olympics. The choice of metrics to “measure oppression” are telling, as the majority of them are either directly measuring wealth or factors determined primarily by wealth.

Setting aside how that is particularly problematic when being used to dismiss Jewish suffering, doing ok in capitalist systems doesn’t mean you aren’t being oppressed.

5 years ago

I’m not trying to create any sort of oppression olympics, but I do agree with your statement that it seems like metrics have been picked interestingly. Antisemitism is complex, and is on the rise.
I also think it’s telling that the original mention was placed in the same sentence that described other groups that face little or no bias today. For example, in America it has been decades since there was any substantial bias against Irish, Italians, or Poles, and it seems like this sentence was specifically constructed to act as though antisemitism is the same way. Think about it—at Charlottesville the neo-Nazis were chanting “Jews will not replace us,” not “Irish will not replace us” or “Italians will not replace us.”

So, epronovost, how many more synagogue shootings need to happen before I qualify for your oppression index? How many more holocaust deniers need to be elected to public office? I’m just wondering. Obviously, I don’t want to be oppressed, but I’m a little bit frustrated that you are denying antisemitism in America.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

I doubt anyone who isn’t already tradcon is “rethinking family priorities” based on the tweets of someone who can only express their thoughts in short, simple phrases. Apparently he thinks he’s a hypnotist.

That’s your future

Without kids.

So, having kids doesn’t age you, and somehow children magically protect against divorce and death. And those kids will never leave home and move far away. And they will have the time, desire, and financial means to fully support you in your old age, even while they’re paying off college loans and dealing with their own careers and families.

Meanwhile, middle-aged men can waltz on to Tindr at any time, select the 20-something woman of their choice, and have an instant family. Men never age, and they’re universally rich by age 60. Large numbers of 25 year old women on Tindr are willing to pretend to be turned on by back ailments and fiber supplements in exchange for that sweet, sweet cash.

This isn’t poetry, it’s science fiction. Minus the science part.

Steven I Dutch
Steven I Dutch
5 years ago

Reminds me of a Pearls Before Swine where Rat is saying: “I hate my neighbor. I wish he would die. He’s a blight on humanity.”

Wild applause, and someone hands him a trophy.
“What’s this for?”
“Winning the poetry slam.”
“Poetry slam? I thought this was a city council meeting.”

Later, talking ruefully to Pig, he says “Then they took my trophy away.”

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

There was a time in


life when I thought that poe

etry could be well suited to

describing the human condition

Stefan the moly nooooooo

has changed my perc


E.T.A.: oh, god I forgot to put a space between each line… I

surrender my avante-gard…


Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

Interesting… I wonder if Gerry Trudeau has a resentment against A.O.C… ??

5 years ago

The if you want company have babies thing is really weird. I love babies. I want to have at least two. I have very strong maternal instincts and my fiance has really strong parental instincts. But a baby is not someone you get company from. Sierously a baby is something you nurture and love. But someone who can’t even hold up their own head is not really good company for an adult.

In fact a lot of new mothers feel isolated and alone after giving birth which is why there are a lot of mom groups people form because a baby just doesn’t cut it for company. Besides by the age kids start getting actually cool to hang out with and do something with they turn into little jerks because of all the hormones and shit. At that point you just got keep loving them and supporting them while hoping that they’ll grow out of the jerk stage.

5 years ago

@Weird Eddie
Garry Trudeau is an old white man, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he has resentment for progressives like AOC. AFAIK he’s not a dirtbag the way Scott Adams is, at least.

5 years ago


My father is 63 years old. I love him dearly, he’s always been a wonderful father to my brother and I. But he really doesn’t like tattoos. One of those stupid generation things. One day we were in the car and he was telling me how I was going to regret the tattoos I already have and so will my brother because, and these are his word “they won’t look good on you when your older” now I have heard him say this many times.

This time he said it I finally lost my temper and said back to him “no one looks good naked when their old dad. Tattoos or not no one wants to see you naked when your old”. And he was really shocked by this. I mean for a 60 year old man I’m sure my dad looks just fine but the idea of young people not finding him attractive was a shock to him actually. I found it really funny.