
So Stefan Molyneux is a slam poet now, apparently

snap snap snap snap

By David Futrelle

Racist Dingus Stefan Molyneux

has started to write

most of his tweets like this

for some reason.

I can only conclude that the far-right YouTube philosopher blabber has become a slam poet. And who are we to judge? Who amongst us has not written bad poetry at some point in our lives?

So put on some Charlie Parker and enjoy these recent, er, works by Stef. I’ve taken the liberties of giving them titles.


“Free Riders”


“Without kids”

“2000 New Babies”


Wow. That’s some of the whitest slam poetry I’ve ever seen. .

Actually, I take that back. While it’s the most white supremacist slam poetry I’ve ever seen, this little performance is at least one more white.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

White’s were drafted for ww2, but not disproportionally. Blacks were drafted disproportionally for both ww2 and particularly for Vietnam.

“White oppression” always ends up sounding like “waaaa, they won’t let meeeeee”

5 years ago

That 10% figure is wildly optimistic on his part, and it’s quite revealing. He massively over-estimates his persuasiveness.

5 years ago

Stefan Molyneux

You cult leading piece of shit

Go fuck yourself now

This is the worst poetry I’ve seen. Makes those MRA poets from a while ago look like Shakespeare.

5 years ago

White men caused both world wars. If they didn’t want to be drafted, they could easily have avoided doing that.

5 years ago

He also overestimates how many of his Twitter followers are women. The actual figure is probably closer to 5% and that’s generous.

5 years ago

Your twitterpated
isn’t convincing
any woman.
Most of them
are only hate-
reading you.
The rest don’t count.
(because they’re your senile
elderly aunts)

I would suggest
that you go
but that
is a fate that even
your piehole
doesn’t deserve.

So just put a crusty sock in it already.

5 years ago

Does this guy know what oppression is supposed to mean? It’s used when people impose their decisions, beliefs or values on you and you don’t have a say in it or, at the very least, can’t prevent them from imposing such thing on you no matter what you do.

White men can’t be oppressed by the draft since white men invented the draft and placed themselves as the sort of people that could be drafted on their own volition. When the world wars happened, there was a vote on the draft. This vote was held by white masculine politician (overwhelminingly so) elected by white masculine citizens (overwhelmingly so). In fact, famously, one of the very few voices opposed to the draft at that time, was the only female politician of the country. Feminists organisations of the time were also opposed to the war. Having bad stuff happen to you because you wanted them to happen isn’t oppression, neither are white men oppressed by phenomenon outside of anybody’s control like the weather.

If hte guy wanted to talk about the oppression of white men in America, he could have mentionned the case of the Irish, of the Jews, of the Polish, of the Italians or of the Catholics. These people were oppressed at some point in the US history despite the fact that they were white people. No longuer is it the case, but still, it did happen.

5 years ago

Wait, isn’t this the same dipshit who insisted that women should not breed children because they are too stupid not to choose assholes as fathers (so it’s women’s fault, not the asshole fathers’ that the world doesn’t bow down before his putrid brilliance)

5 years ago

I see he is giving Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings a run for her money.

5 years ago

I challenge your assertion that Jews are no longer oppressed. There may be fewer federal laws that oppress Jews, but as white supremacists have demonstrated since the election, antisemitism is alive and well in America.

Sheila Crosby
5 years ago

He doesn’t have a whole lot of imagination, does he? Apparently there are only two possibilities: dating or kids.

In real life you can have kids and wind up single and lonely through death or divorce. You can be blissfully married without kids. You can be asexual and have a great time with friends. You can have a great time on your own.

Also, my son has his own life to live. He is not going to be responsible for keeping me company.

5 years ago


5 years ago


There may be fewer federal laws that oppress Jews, but as white supremacists have demonstrated since the election, antisemitism is alive and well in America.

AFAIK there were never any federal laws that were specifically antisemitic (as opposed to discrimination against religious minorities generally) with the possible exception of an interwar immigration act. Traditionally, antisemitism in the US has been a private affair: restricted housing covenants, hiring discrimination, university admission quotas (the SATs were invented to keep Jews out of college), etc. All of which is formally illegal nowadays, but I’m not aware of any studies on how much it still goes on. Based on my knowledge of the degree to which the laws in question help black folks… let’s just say I’m not optimistic.

5 years ago

I do not mean to minimize suffering of other groups. You are correct in that other groups such as African Americans have faced much greater oppression. The purpose of my comment was not to try to claim greatest oppression, but was simply to suggest that antisemitism is not a thing of the past, seeing as the comment I was responding to seemed to imply that. I am sorry if what I wrote was interpreted otherwise, as that was not my intention.

5 years ago


Nah, just pedantry/clarification. American bigotry is a very complex and repulsive topic :p. Like I said, I’m not aware of any current efforts to measure the amount of ‘soft’ antisemitism that occurs in the US today, but I expect it’s more than most gentiles would guess by a fair margin.

5 years ago

Sometimes I need a pick-me-up, and I do find it gratifying to remember that I infuriate white supremacists by being a lily-white woman who will never have children.

My aroace self also finds their pathetic little “you’ll never have a man to love you” threats hilarious.

5 years ago

Does Stefan Molyneux have a day job? Or does some Right Wing Billionaire pay him to say stupid stuff? For a guy who writes so much about family I find nothing about him having a family on Wikipedia.

I thought we had gotten past the days when Virgin Catholic priests gave sex ed lectures 🙂

Moon Custafer
Moon Custafer
5 years ago

I’m confused by the logic of the “post an aged-up photo of yourself in Tindr and that’s your future without kids” one. I assume even Molyneux isn’t crass enough to be suggesting I commit incest, so is he saying I’d have an easier time getting dates as a seventy-five-year-old with kids than one without? Are my kids going to set me up with their friends’ parents? Or is is this just “you won’t be getting any sex/romance either way but at least you’ll have offspring to fuss over as consolation?”

5 years ago

ThingsComeUndone: I assumed he has not had children because of his apparent obsession with white women who choose not to have children.

He definitely seems to be the kind of man who thinks that his experience is the definitive experience.

Where did my Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings comment go?!

5 years ago

Moon Custafer: I interpret it as him assuming that women who do not have children will never have a fulfilling LTR as who the hell would want to be in an LTR with the kind of selfish bitch who doesn’t want kids?! ?

And also his view on what women might do with their lives is so limited that he cannot conceive of the many other activities, interests and pursuits an older woman might engage in apart from obsessing over her children and grandchildren. ?

ThingsCome Undone
ThingsCome Undone
5 years ago

White males were disproportionately drafted for both the World Wars.

Really per capita as a percent of population or is he talking total numbers?
One problem with his numbers is

Hispanic Americans, also referred to as Latinos, served in all elements of the American armed forces in the war. They fought in every major American battle in the war. Between 400,000 and 500,000 Hispanic Americans served in the U.S. Armed Forces during World War II, out of a total of 16,000,000,[1][2] constituting 3.1% to 3.2% of the U.S. Armed Forces. The exact number is unknown as, at the time, Hispanics were not tabulated separately, but were generally included in the general white population census count.

The US government was counting Hispanics as White I am quite sure Stefan Molyneux did not.

5 years ago


Sometimes I need a pick-me-up, and I do find it gratifying to remember that I infuriate white supremacists by being a lily-white woman who will never have children.

Also, as a fellow white-genocider, I find the quarterly payment from Soros comes in quite handy.

5 years ago

The Twitter’s grow fullsome
With Alt right wankers…
Great are their delusions of
Unwarranted Self Importance.

5 years ago

He definitely seems to be the kind of man who thinks that his experience is the definitive experience.

Ellesar I agree but this is so illogical he thinks his lack ? of experience is the definitive experience??
Also it takes 2 to tango him and the rest of the Incels always blame Women for why they are not getting laid they never look in the mirror.
I’m sorry but Guys who whine don’t get any unless they are rich like Trump and they only get gold diggers.
Guys who whine about not getting laid get extra loser points, guys who are angry at Women don’t even get sympathy F$#%S.

Austin George Loomis
5 years ago

@Ellesar: glad I’m not the only one who thought of the worst poet in the entire multi-dimensional infinity of Creation.

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