UPDATE: Now there has been a second mass shooting in less than 24 hours, In Dayton Ohio, leaving nine dead. Shooter was wearing body armor.
Another mass shooter, this time in and around a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. Reliable information is hard to come by at this early stage but we know that the shooting suspect is in custody and that there have been 20 fatalities.
The shooter left behind a manifesto, posted shortly before the shooting on 8chan. He said he was inspired by the Christchurch shooter, and declared that his attack was “a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”
Post your thoughts and any reliable information you have in the thread below. No trolls.
UPDATE: Updated with # of fatalities and a few changes in wording about the manifesto allegedly written by the shooter.
UPDATE 2: Updated with news of the Dayton shooting and to make clear that the el paso manifesto has been definitively tied to the alleged shooter.
8chan was at LONG LAST dropped by cloudflare.
It took way too much time. But at least some small victories happen despite the governement being on the side of the murderers.
Seems like the Dayton shooter was a fucking incel.
Why am I not surprised? We need to treat incels as the terrorism threat they are and work on deradicalization. And no, “enforced monogamy” is not the solution. The solution is reducing the aggrieved entitlement and toxic masculinity that produced these groups.
Two points in that Yahoo report concerning details of the incident stand out:
1) the presence of presumably uniformed armed police (‘good guys with guns’) did nothing to dissuade the shooter (As they would not have done for anyone factoring in suicide by cop as the final detail of their atrocity)
2) the shooter was apparently fatally shot by said police in under one minute after he opened fire. But this was still enough time for him to gun down nine people and presumably injure several more.
The fact that the ammosexual element will doubtless find ways to excuse this only further convinces me that they are a death cult.
Not gonna happen unfortunately, not while these motherfuckers are in power. Fascism in America is accelerating, alongside Trump’s narrative. As a matter of fact, didn’t he purposefully shut down the department of DHS which collected intelligence on White Supremacists for the FBI right before the Christchurch massacre?
And just recently Facebook decided that “incel” is a slur and is banning people and pages over it. The Left needs to start organizing now and protesting everywhere, before it’s too late.
That Rivera quote,
is a pretty good indicator at a major reason that conservatives refuse to do anything to prevent mass shootings. It isn’t just the gun manufacturer lobby or the murder-binky collectors. It’s that by creating an environment of fear over unpredictable but inevtitable violence, people will be begging for a police state the likes of which would make Stalin sit up in his grave.
Note that this security theater for mass shooters never involves policing the potential mass shooters (white men), but their potential victims (everybody). That’s not an accident.
@Diego Duarte
Incel is a slur now? That makes absolutely no sense. I don’t use Facebook, but calling the actual names of various right wing militant groups slurs to shut down criticism is the definition of censorship.
Another day, another case of conservative hypocrisy. We do need to organize if we want any hope of surviving the next few years.
@Naglfar, they’ve considered “TERF” a slur for a while now, so why not? -__- Calling out hate is the same as calling people hateful terms, apparently. Or actually worse, really, because they’re fine with the privileged people attacking oppressed people as “freedom of speech.” That’s why complaining about white men gets me a 30 day ban but reporting someone for saying women need to be raped does not “violate community standards.”
Incel is a slur? But… that’s what they call themselves. What terrorist-enabling BS.
At the very least they consider it “harassment” and “bullying”. I was an admin at “What in the 9th circle of incel hell is this bullshit?” and we got Zucc’ed over it. Initially we thought it was a post that didn’t cover up the name of an asshole, but when we remade the group it got insta Zucc’ed.
It wasn’t until the personal bans came that we realized it was because the word “incel” had been banned.
I was aware that TERF was now considered a slur, which similarly makes no sense. I recall white supremacists used to be fond of saying that calling them racists “derailed the conversation” because they didn’t like being called out for what they were. Now, calling bullshit out for what it is gets you banned. Is social media actively trying to curate hate groups? What’s next, “racist” and “misogynist” being considered slurs?
As well, regarding the TERF thing, it seems that a lot of TERFs claim that it is a slur (old TERF troll Sly Fawkes said this shortly before being banned), even though it is not a slur but a label for a reactionary form of hate. I haven’t even heard any incels claim that incel is a slur though.
I know, it makes no sense, but when has that ever stopped a policy?
Paul Waldman has a very disturbing but interesting piece in the Washington Post this morning: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2019/08/05/how-trumps-biggest-broken-promise-will-make-white-supremacist-terrorism-even-worse/?utm_term=.8d6767d04f51
In part: “It’s hard to overstate the symbolic importance that last part [“Build the Wall”] had for many Trump supporters, even if it was preposterous from the beginning. The idea of forcing Mexico to pay for the wall was about dominance, restoring our dignity by humiliating our neighbor to the south. This was the beating heart of what Trump promised, especially to white men who felt the world had shoved them aside: not just practical results but also a restoration of strength and stature.
And if you were one of those men, what do you see around you? You might love Trump for the things he says, but you might also come to believe he has failed you.
America has not been cleansed. The wall is not built, and Mexico has paid for nothing. There are no fewer immigrants in the United States than there were in 2016. Trump has not stopped the “invasion” or the “infestation”; instead, on an almost daily basis, he tells us it’s getting worse. Muslims are still here; a few of them are even in Congress. Women keep occupying more positions of prominence, and insisting that men be held to account for behavior that once was seen as their privilege. The clock Trump promised to wind back to a time when America was great has stubbornly continued to tick into the future.”
I am not sure what will lead to more White MALE Supremacist killings — Trump winning in 2020 or Trump losing in 2020. But I’m pretty sure that the death toll will be in the thousands. Trump represents — in the minds of his supporters — the last chance to preserve the United States as a bastion of white male dominance. They see a diverse society as an unmitigated horror. It is toxic masculinity at its very worst.
I think the fundamental problem is the old masculine role model is almost dead but far too many men have not been able to find another model that allows them to fit into the society that is in the process of being born. They are trying to play the game by the old rules that they were taught and are frustrated and angry that they no longer win the rewards they were taught to expect. If you have been taught to believe that white men are the natural dominators of society, and you are not dominant, it’s difficult not to see that as an injustice or a consequence of one’s own inadequacy — things that people tend to react badly to, and male people often with violence. Our society has undergone huge changes in the 70+ years I’ve been alive and many people just don’t adapt well.
And once again our politicians fall back on blaming video games, because that’s the only thing they’re good for.
My, I didn’t know this was still 1999.
I just find it hypocritical that people say that we shouldn’t blame guns, yet make no qualms in blaming something that has not been found to create mass murderers. I think we know that they know what the real problem is and will not address it to not lose their racist base.
Vote them out I say, we still got about a year.
You don’t. The escalation in Trump’s policies, the dismantling of institutions, the arrest and attempted deportation of US citizens, his transformation over the past couple of weeks (into an even more open racist) are all the telltale signs that he is getting ready to embrace open fascism.
There is a strong likelihood that he might come up with some bullshit to indefinitely “postpone” the elections, or just declare them null and void if he loses. For those of us who have dealt with or lived under dictatorships the signs are there.
He is escalating, dangerously fast now. The elections are not a guarantee, he needs to be protested, he needs to be impeached, while you still have the chance.
@Diego Duarte well, if that’s the case it was already too late when Trump got elected because if he gets impeached we’ll just have the theocrat Pense to replace him (am I correct on that one?) who might actually follow the Handmaid’s Tale as an instruction manual, not to mention he might continue the president’s fascism.
Guess I’ll renounce my citizenship and self-deport then, although one can fear that a fascist USA will just invade its neighbors to finish the job the original fascists couldn’t.
If Trump gets impeached, can’t he just refuse to leave office? If he can postpone or cancel elections, what’s stopping him from refusing to accept impeachment?
Check this article, it’s really spot-on
It speaks to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, and Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who tried to blame the shootings on violent video games
Impeachment doesn’t necessarily lead to removal from office. But I’d like to see us draw that line in the sand.
I don’t think Trump would resign, unless he can frame resignation as some sort of victory, kinda like what Sarah Palin did when she decided to quit being Alaska’s governor. I’m not sure what such a framing would be, but I bet Trump could come up with one, especially if someone could nudge him in the proper direction. Who that someone would be, I have no idea.
@Naglfar ditto that, if all of that is true then it’s too late, we should all flee from this country while we still have a chance just like the Jews who managed to cross the Atlantic when they had time.
But if it isn’t then I’ll just stand by my resolution to vote.
If Pence orders the Secret Service to throw him out, then he definitely can’t. I’m not sure about otherwise. I suspect that Pence *would* do that if he absolutely refused to leave, because Trump is an obstacle to his vision of Theocracy. I would not, however, be surprised if Pence arranged for him to get out of the country so he can’t be tried for state-level financial crimes out of some sort of “respect”, since only Governors can issue pardons for those.
@Victorious Parasol
I think he would repeatedly refuse to resign, then turn it into a rallying cry for his supporters. “No resignation!” they would shout at his rallies.
I somewhat doubt Pence would do that. He says God wants him to be VP, so he’ll try to stay there rather than build his theocracy as President. Pence is likely worse than Trump because he might actually know how to get a BS theocratic fascist agenda through.
Most of the Jews who tried to come to America before the war were turned away, so that might not be the best analogy.
I do worry about political violence before the 2020 election, since Trump has made it clear that he condones militant white supremacist terrorism. And then when violence breaks out, he’ll blame it on the left.
I think the House Sergeant-at-Arms arrests him… but that’s based on memory which is specious at best….
We do need to research this, not because he will be impeached (since there is less than zero chance he would be convicted) but because on the odd chance he is defeated in 2020, I’m 99.999% certain he will refuse to leave office.
@Naglfar true, there aren’t alot of successful examples to compare to, if any.
If we’re to assume the worst, we’re screwed unless revolution is organized now, it might be our only chance in stopping fascism for sure. I doubt that’ll happen so you can stick with what I said earlier.
If the terror attack manages to finally discourage immigrants from coming in, the president and the alt-right got what they wanted and it’s proof that ruling by force and terror always works, short term at least.
So – Daily Stormer and 8Chan are offline. Will anyone host them again? I hope not, but not holding my breath.