UPDATE: Now there has been a second mass shooting in less than 24 hours, In Dayton Ohio, leaving nine dead. Shooter was wearing body armor.
Another mass shooter, this time in and around a Walmart in El Paso, Texas. Reliable information is hard to come by at this early stage but we know that the shooting suspect is in custody and that there have been 20 fatalities.
The shooter left behind a manifesto, posted shortly before the shooting on 8chan. He said he was inspired by the Christchurch shooter, and declared that his attack was “a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas.”
Post your thoughts and any reliable information you have in the thread below. No trolls.
UPDATE: Updated with # of fatalities and a few changes in wording about the manifesto allegedly written by the shooter.
UPDATE 2: Updated with news of the Dayton shooting and to make clear that the el paso manifesto has been definitively tied to the alleged shooter.
This is a no troll open thread, if you haven’t noticed. If you’re going to be like this, do it somewhere that isn’t about serious topics.
Emailed David re: Pyxxxie.
Thanks. I was just thinking about doing that myself, but wasn’t sure if anyone else had already.
Pyxxxie is banned, and I deleted that last wildly inappropriate comment.
I only came back to check, this hits home so hard. It’s also terrifying that my hometown will become a target of more terrorists if sites like 8chan don’t get taken down alongside the gun cult, to think that more outsiders are trying to come to kill us all for being born in the wrong side of the river.
All I have to say is #impeachTrump and death to the Republican Party
Again, thanks for your thoughts but I’ll keep reminding people that the only way we’ll get out of this dark age is if we use our right to vote.
@Nequam most of the stores in the area sell firearms if I remember correctly, I’ve only been in that particular store once or twice so I don’t remember coming across that section. But again it proves that the good guy with a gun is complete BS.
Since Trump got elected I feared I’d get gunned down by Neo-Nazis (I may look somewhat white but my weird accent and name give it away, I learned the hard way), it seems that feared day has come and I may not have much of an option but get a gun if things keep getting worse. Many of the people I know already have guns, this being Texas and all. I didn’t leave nearby Juárez for this, and I’m sure most of my Mexican compatriots feel safer there right now however violent it is.
I was having a conversation with someone much older than I am when I was doing business there and he told me something that should shame all Americans, that is regardless of how many problems Mexico may have he still doesn’t like the Gringos on the north because America is the most ignorant place on Earth and his son who lives there can confirm it.
@Naglfar at least Sandy Hook and most shootings back then were done by people who seriously needed mental health access instead of guns.
This, however, shows that mass shootings are changing on motive and now you can fear more shitstains who read the manifesto can come to try to finish the job. The alt-right may be diminishing but it’s turned more unstable and violent (come to think of it, that’s more or less the same reason why the Mexican mafia on the other side has caused so many deaths too) and we all have to watch out for it. I’ll be pissed even more if the shitstain was an incel so I’ll have to go back to r/inceltears to see what that community finds, maybe something about latinas for sure and I dread to think we’re now in their radar too.
@Aleph Mostly I was thinking “Just how fucked up would it be if this particular Walmart helped him stock up on ammo?”
@Aleph: could you please not equate mass shootings and mental illness?
Mass shootings always have been a entitled white guy thing, not a mental illness thing.
The good news: the alt-right blew its shot at mainstream credibility. Between the Charlottesville riot and the disgrace of leading figures like Richard Spencer, Matthew Heimbach, and Milo Yiannopolous, tech companies and financial backers wanted nothing to do with them and cut them off, and they’ve started shrinking back to the irrelevant goons they used to be. Many of the hangers-on have drifted into other movements (the Yang Gang, for instance) or given up on politics entirely.
The bad news: the diehard core of the movement, after seeing their shot at respectability backfire on them, has grown radicalized. Three to five years ago, the alt-right cared a lot about “optics”, trying to be seen as ordinary, patriotic Americans who were just standing up for their way of life. After Charlottesville, they desperately tried to spin what happened as an accident caused by the behavior of the counter-protesters rather than a deliberate attack, and they routinely bought into “false flag” conspiracy theories about mass shootings and the like, especially when they were carried out by far-right radicals. Now, they outright celebrate mass shooters as role models and claim that working within “the system” will accomplish nothing; only an armed, violent revolution, The Turner Diaries-style, will save the white race.
In short, they’re doomed in the long run, and risk dragging the GOP down with them. (Good riddance.) In the ’70s, the far-left’s turn towards Maoism and guerrilla resistance didn’t bring the revolution to Western shores; instead, it drove broad swaths of American society, including people who might’ve otherwise been sympathetic to left-wing ideas (from factory workers to the urban intelligentsia), into the waiting arms of Ronald Reagan, leaving the Democrats and their working-class base in the wilderness for a generation. The same thing is happening now in the other direction. White suburban voters who, since the ’50s, had happily lined up behind the Republicans broke hard for the Democrats in the last several years, such that onetime conservative-leaning states like California and New Jersey are now hostile territory for the GOP. The more the far-right continues to embrace and celebrate terrorism, and the more the GOP continues to carry water for them and make excuses for them rather than repudiate their worldview, the more we’ll see the GOP turn into a fringe hangout of unreconstructed edgelords and internet trolls whose political base is marginalized in mainstream discourse.
Incel ?? maybe I leave it to the experts here
No its about Love or at least Lust 🙂 but selfish is an interesting choice of words others make choices he implies by the word selfish that they are turning him down because they are getting a better deal.
He feels abandoned by the team.
Good fucking riddance.
@Knitting the Cat Lady my apologies if I was demonizing mental illness by equating it to mass shootings.
@Kavin R. True, but how many people (especially minorities) will have to die before that happens or anyone does something about the guns? Glorious indeed will be the day the Republican Party finally dies, but I fear it’ll try to bring as many people down as possible before that happens.
Regarding violent white supremacists, didn’t this country have a similar problem back in the 90’s which led to the Oklahoma City bombing?
I think we just scored a terrible new first: two mass shootings in one day.
Multiple people reportedly shot in Dayton, Ohio
Even while people are trying to come to terms with El Paso, this happens.
Psychotic Trumpists should be regarded as terrorists, surely? No ifs, no buts.
I’m from the U.K. by the way. I’m fairly certain that if public ownership of firearms was as widespread here as it is Stateside, we would have seen multiple deranged Brexit supporters committing similar acts.
@wwth Thank you for the hamsters. I needed them.
My brother moved from England to El Paso to be with his wife after a right-wing swing prohibited married couples, with one partner from outside of the EU, to live together in this country if they didn’t earn enough. A pathetic attempt to reduce immigration pre-Brexit vote to appease xenophobes and racists. Now their city has been targeted due to, in part, deliberate inflammation of anti-immigrant rhetoric by US “politicians”. I feel like we are going down a hugely dangerous path.
Now 9 more people have been killed, in Dayton Ohio. I updated the post. I seriously can’t handle this. What the fuck.
my sentiments in all of this are perhaps important to share in my own defense as I have had dark fantasies about hurting republicans and for it was accused of being the “Next elliott rodgers” yet that was 4 weeks ago after I made a video Endorsing Cap and trade in oregon and I got into a debate With Rural Oregonians where I told them that IDGAF about rural oregon because the voters there never care about anything except when it personally effects them so in a way I’m all in favor of Cap and trade if for nothing more than to hit them in the pocket book for only getting involved when they had skin in the game and I was bombarded by people speaking out in favor of the 3%ers and the right wing militias in this country because I told them I had voted straight ticket blue and knew it was only a matter of time if I kept the pressure on the government that I’d prevail and get my way with the Shifting Demographics America is undergoing and they basically threatened to launch 11 different kinds of terrorist attacks on Portland in the event that happened….
I made YouTube videos , a few weeks prior to the one endorsing cap and trade I made this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHGEDFM0Hsk
along with a few others on the topic
but anyways the reaction I got was largely “Soyboy” “Beta” “cuck’
“Were firing the ovens up for you.””
And after this… this round of shootings the only thing I’m thinking is people are people…
I don’t understand why so many people hate others when they’ve done NOTHING to them at all this way… it’s just completely baffling…
I can’t process this at all… I don’t understand… I always hated republicans but never to the extent that I’d start shooting them….
… I just don’t get it. I don’t get how you could be filled with so much hatred especially when these marginalized people did nothing to them really it’s just blind unreasoning hatred based on NOTHING…
Why? just why?
No words. Just sorrow 🙁
The NRA needs to be considered a terrorist group. If a foreign government was sending weapons to Americans, we would call it terrorism. Now, we need to apply the same standards to a domestic group that makes it possible for fascists to get assault rifles and kill innocent people. The real threat was always white supremacists, Trump and friends just picked scapegoats to distract us. My hope is that soon any remaining Republicans that aren’t white supremacists glee the party and vote Democratic in 2020, but I’m a little worried about how many Republicans that aren’t at least sympathetic to white supremacists are left. Almost all the Republicans I know (mostly old relatives) are beginning to sound more and more racist.
It horrifies me that this can now be a twice-daily occurrence. We are failing ourselves and failing the children of the future when we don’t fix the problems that make shootings possible. It is very clear that for this and other recent shootings, it has nothing to do with mental health and everything to do with Nazi ideas becoming respectable and even endorsed by politicians. The only solution is a desperate push to move fascism back underground and deradicalize millions of would-be terrorists before they become violent.
I think we should stop publishing anything even remotely related to mass shooters. No names, no manifestos, no nothing. No fame. Maybe then these pathetic little man-children from killing people for their 15 minutes of fame. The El Paso shooter’s manifesto is one of the most disgusting, vile things I have ever had the misfortune to read. It was like a racist train wreck.
The only thing going through my mind at the moment is a simple question:
How many years will it be before two mass shootings a day is the new normal? Ten years? Five?
Fucking thought and prayers….
I’m going to be sick. The day after this shooting, an article from a right-wing publication claims that the left needs to “reel in the excess of the trans movement.” The article appears to be about Jessica Yaniv, but regardless of what it is about, it seems very hypocritical to claim that the left has excess issues when left wing activists haven’t killed anyone in years (and as far as I know trans activists haven’t killed anyone ever) and right wing terrorists commit 2 shootings a day.
So, right wing, you want to talk about controlling excesses? Not sure you’re the ones who should be talking here. We’ll talk about Yaniv (I don’t know the full story) after you stop producing radical Nazi terrorists.
This is Jordan Peterson’s thing: claim the left needs to watch its fringe when the right is actively producing terrorists. It’s a diversion tactic.