By David Futrelle
Can “Gender Critical” feminists — a.k.a. TERFs — talk about anything without turning the discussion into an excuse to bash trans women?
I was browsing through the Gender Critical feminism subreddit — Reddit’s main hangout for Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminists —
and ran across a discussion of the ever-more-extreme nature of online porn.
“Stuff from 10 years was your soft porn – missionary, blowjobs, and sure, male orientated but the female had some sort of pleasure at least,” wrote a commenter called DetectiveSpaghetti.
These days the dark stuff (the hardcore youd find ONLY if you really wanted to find) its everywhere. Anal sex, face-fucking, its the norm not the exception. Its disgusting
I don’t doubt that porn is getting more extreme, but anal sex? People have been putting things in their butts for thousands of years, and I’m pretty sure that there were plenty of anal sex videos readily available ten years ago.
Someone called DowntownOrange replied:
Yeah, I went to see what they had in some supposedly soft core/female-oriented category and one of the first vids was something like “skinny teen gets her ***** destroyed by 5 big guys”
She followed up with more results from her, er, research:
I just went to pornhub again to check what they called it and the category name is “romantic”, the first vid is called “Giving her good dick after falling on her Ass In night club”, the third one is “I suck him in the public pool shower and he cums all over me”. Incredible.
She’s got a point, or at least half of one, in that not all of the titles in the “romantic” category are particularly romantic in nature. I just went and browsed the first couple of pages of “romantic” results on PornHub and the titles listed ranged from “Couple have romantic sex” and “Passionate couple falls in love having sex” to slightly-less-romantic-sounding titles like “30-year-old Slav very much asked to work on her fat ass” (huh?) and “Romantic sex leaves her showered in …” well, you get the idea.
It’s at this point the discussion got a little weird.
There’s a separate one “popular with women” that apparently shows the vids that “real women” watch the most. I do wonder how many of those “real women” have dicks though, skewing the results, considering TiMs are obsessed with porn…
Yep, she’s accusing trans women of messing up the video recommendations for cis women with their (presumably) degenerate tastes in porn. (A TIM, or Trans-Identified Male, is deliberately misgendered TERFspeak for trans women.)
I went and looked at the “popular with women” section of PornHub too, and honestly the only particularly weird video I noticed involved someone called Miss Banana taking something called the “Fire Noodle Challenge while getting Fucked.”
I don’t know if it was cis or trans women (or both groups working together) who got that video onto the front page of the “popular with women” category, but I can report that Miss Banana did in fact manage to eat the entire bowl.
Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.
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Oh yes, and many of them really hate it if you used non vanilla sex with a partner you trust to become desensitized to triggers. Let me explain, I don’t want to be choked. I have no desire to be choked, there has never been anything is a sexy way wanting to be choked before or after my assault. What I did want was to not freak out with things touching my neck. That way I can wear and do things like wear a choker, Get my hair done, have hands near my throat. I used to not be able to do any of that.
With partners that I trust I’ve been able to slowly desensitize myself to the feeling of having my neck touch. I did this but starting out with small feather like touches, moving up to cupping my throat during sex, not choking, just holding it light with no more pressure then what a necklace would give. I can now get my hair done, wear chokers. And it wasn’t until avengers infinity wars came out that I really got to see how much better I am. I used to have such horrible panic attacks when I would see choking or strangling in a movie. So many tv shows and movies just have random throat grabbing for no reason and it would set me off horribly. What they did to Loki at the start of infinity wars sucked because they killed my favorite character in the way that I’m most terrified of dying, but I didn’t have a panic attack.
It was the first time I didn’t have a panic attack and go right back to that horrible moment in my life. I had a horrible knot in my stomach but I didn’t have to run out of the theater to vomit. I didn’t shake, I didn’t struggle to breath, it was a huge moment for me. I still think I owe much of this to me working and replacing the painful memory of the choking with much more pleasurable, trusting moments. It’s one last thing for my trauma to rule my life.