bad history crackpottery empathy deficit entitled babies incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny racism white dudes comparing themselves to slaves

Incel logic: Black men “should be thankful for slavery” because their ancestors were bred for strength

This was good for black men, according to incels

By David Futrelle

Incels have a lot of opinions about slavery, mostly unburdened by even the tiniest understanding of history.

When they’re not comparing themselves to slaves, or getting mad at how easy they think female slaves had it, incels are stewing in resentment at dudes who are descendants of slaves for (allegedly) hoarding all the Stacies for themselves.

Indeed, some incels have squeezed their heads so far up their own asses on the whole slavery thing that they’ve somehow managed to convince themselves that slavery was a wonderful thing to happen to black people. Maybe not so great at the time, but great for black men today. Or at the very least for that subset of black men who qualify as “Tyrones,” the racist term incels use to signify black “Chads,” or alpha males.

[Serious] Most American Tyrone's should be thankful for slavery

Subhuman Filth
JoinedMar 11, 2018
Jun 1, 2018
They are the strong descendants of blacks that were specifically bred for strength and size. @Tellem-T would be and example of this. Although I suspect he had a white ancestor along the way because he has white features. 

Most black incels here are either majorly unlucky or the descendants of non physical working blacks. 

If only white people had specifically bred themselves for strength and size there would be a lot less incels today.

I would type out a long response to this but I think this brief video sums it all up more succinctly than I ever could.

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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5 years ago

Once again, it’s blindingly obvious why nobody’s interested in these guys. It’s not their looks (average), their height (also average) or their wrist size (very average). It’s their fuckheadedness! Who the hell wants a fascistic, misogynous conspiracy mumbler who thinks black men were “bred” for their strength and virility in the slave era…and that this hideous rapey fuckery was GOOD for black folks somehow?

BTW, it’s not as if there aren’t any short black men around. Pygmies, for example…although they weren’t terribly common among those who were kidnapped and enslaved, I’ll give these bozos that. Guess there are also advantages to being small and delicate of physique…even if one happens to be black and male!

5 years ago

BTW, it’s not as if there aren’t any short black men around. Pygmies, for example…although they weren’t terribly common among those who were kidnapped and enslaved, I’ll give these bozos that. Guess there are also advantages to being small and delicate of physique…even if one happens to be black and male!

More an accident of geography. The slave trade was entirely a West African thing, and enslaved Africans came from what’s now Guinea, Nigeria, Niger, and parts of neighboring countries. The Saan peoples, often described as ‘pygmies’, live in Southern Africa, their territories beginning some 4000 miles from the Slave Coast.

5 years ago

@Snowberry (re incel psuedo logic& mating instincts):
How ’bout “sexual agency for me but not for thee”?

5 years ago

@Naglfar (re attraction):
I’m attracted 2 the person. Race and gender are secondary 2 me.

Just my 2 cents.

Frederic Christie
5 years ago

I love how these self-immolated human garbage fires don’t understand compound interest. Even if slavery meant that black men today were twice as strong on average (and it is just awesome that they rhetorically obliterate black women – not misogynists these clever boys!), that would be as nothing compared to blacks having 12% of the nations wealth instead of 1%.