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Incel calls for alliance with trans women because they’re “the ugliest trucels there are”

Cat: Not impressed with incel l logic

By David Futrelle

Incels talk a lot of shit about trans women, and trans folks in general, so I was a little perplexed when I recently ran across one incel Redditor seriously proposing that “trans people and incels should be allies.”

I was less perplexed when I saw the, er, reasoning behind his proposal, which was the same old incel song in a new key. Essentially, he thinks that trans folks are the only group of people as ugly as incels, so why not team up?

“Trans people are in one particular way the ugliest trucels there are,” writes future_serial_cryer.

They have the literal opposite dimorphic attributes needed for attractiveness. They have an insanely high suicide rate, and have always been intensely mocked in the public sphere. If I had the choice, I’d rather be my short ugly self rather than trans.

Well, I suppose you have to give him some tiny bit of credit for briefly transcending his incel narcissism and at least acknowledging that incels aren’t the only group of people who ever suffer.

The one thing they have going for them is their sexuality also tends to be nuked so they gather in LGBT groups and have sex with each other. It’s the ideal situation really, proper looks-matching.

Ok, you can almost hear his incel comrades ask, but what about the hot transes? You know, like Contrapoints, and the sexy trans women in the porn we jerk off to while crying?

That doesn’t mean there aren’t attractive trans people. Bone structure is bone structure after all, so you get ones like Contrapoints who can have a good life elevated above those who look like men in wigs.

But the main reason that incels and trans women should unite, he suggests, is that they share the same futile obsession: getting validation from cis Stacies:

the majority of online trans people are mtf, and all of them are desperate to be validated as women. cis women hold the key to that castle so in turn the mtfs become slaves, indebted to slave away online defending women and femininity in an attempt to mentally get a good boy ticket to the girls club.

So in closing I’d say I do criticise incels who mock how trans women look, because it’s one group we can actually punch down on in looks. But on the other hand to mtfs I’d say this: Deep down you and I both know that our life struggles have more in common than anything youself and cis women face.

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Cryer’s colleagues in the Braincels subreddit don’t find even his deeply transphobic argument persuasive.

“Trannies are failed incels,” writes someone called isolationtoolong.

They can’t have a girl, they punish themselves by becoming a girl themselves. No, we can never be allied.

Another commenter is mad that trans Stacies don’t pay any more attention to him than regular cis Stacies.

“The good looking trannies are for Chad only too bro,” complains OSRobo.

I’ve been rejected by trannies on dating websites. They probably wouldn’t even pass in real life. I’ll form an alliance with them when they actually start fucking me

So I guess that’s never going to happen, huh?

Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Battering Lamb
Battering Lamb
5 years ago

I find it highly amusing that they use Contrapoints’ bone structure as an argument for inborn beauty when… She had a video where she talked about having gotten FFS (and specifically mentioned having various bones reduced/amplified) and how she felt she was still not very beautiful, but it was better than before.

It’s almost like they didn’t even pay attention to what she was saying. Imagine my shock.

Not to mention how much effort she puts into her looks (not judging). I think it was the same video where she displays how her make-up schedule works with a before and after.

I mean, I’m pretty sure Incels also believe makeup is evil, right?

5 years ago

@Lukas Xavier
Some of the incels have suggested that already, I just don’t believe any have followed through. It appears that they have some strange belief that if they somehow become gay that women will want them suddenly. Sorry incels, but angry misogynistic gay men are just as unappealing as angry misogynistic straight men.

Regarding ContraPoints and bone structure:
Something I hadn’t noticed before but stuck out to me upon watching the video was how much incel logic on bones sounds very similar to 19th century eugenicists. Not really a surprise, and I would imagine that these folks probably took inspiration from those eugenicists.

@Battering Lamb
They do seem to think makeup is evil, and I highly doubt they would ever watch a ContraPoints video anyway. Too unwilling to hear anyone who disagrees with them.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Men (and not just incels) don’t seem to quite grasp how much effort and product it takes to look “naturally beautiful.”

5 years ago

This is a bit ot but I’m deeply disturbed by it. So I went to a small high school. There were only 46 people in my graduating class and we were one of the larger classes in the school. One of the guys from my graduating class was the sad incel type all through high school but he was more their stereotype of an incel. He wasn’t attractive (at least not to me), he was odd, had poor fashion sense, and didn’t have any friends really because of his behavior. As someone who struggled to make friends because of my lack of awareness with social boundaries that I struggle with because if my adhd (among other reasons) I felt sorry for this guy. He set off my creep bells a lot because of something about him but i wasn’t going to judge because I often did that to other people without meaning to. A lot of times I stare off into the distance not realizing I’m actually staring at someone and then continue to stare at them for several minutes without blinking. So I made points to sit with this guy when he was alone at lunch, or on the bus. Things like that. Never really talked because he didn’t have much to say to me and at the time I was still really bad at talking to others. Okay so here we go. Graduated two years ago. Guy flew out way into left field. Started preaching on fb how we were in the end times and a bunch of weird crap. Now here is what’s bothering me

Warning. Talking about rape and incest.
Dude just got locked up for repeatingly raping his sister and for attempted rape of his mother. His sister might be pregnant and she’s only 13 or so. There is a pit in my stomach and I feel nausea. I had this guy following me around for a year and made a point to talk to him despite my own creep meter going into the red zone for some reason. If anyone reads this and ever doubts your creep meter. Don’t do it. Trust it.

5 years ago

Dalillama wrote on
July 27, 2019 at 11:36 pm:

@Prith Kdar

I haven’t. Is there a transcript available?

Hope this works

Mabret (née Laugher at Bigots)
Mabret (née Laugher at Bigots)
5 years ago

I’d rather live as a man for the rest of my life than ally with incels.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


Jeebus. I know I sometimes set off people’s creep meters when I was in high school, and to be honest I probably sometimes still do, so the expected thing would be for me to go on a #NotAllCreeps rant, but not being an incel, that’s not my reaction at all. Actual reaction: you have every right to be disturbed by that (and the fact you made a point to sit with him and so on means you’re clearly a better person than I am). It’s not quite finding out that the charming fellow who worked with you at the call center was Ted Bundy, but it’s in the same general area.

I went to a relatively small school as well. Ever since I started researching CSA and found out what the statistics were, I’ve been unable not to think back to school and wonder just who was being victimized. What I’ve never had to wonder, or never thought of wondering, was who might be/have been a perpetrator.

No idea what else to say. I hope for the sister’s sake that she lives somewhere she can easily get an abortion if necessary.

5 years ago

Fuck, these incels wish I’d give them the time of day, let alone team up.

Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
Sylvia Daniella Foxglove
5 years ago

Hell no. I as a proud trans woman would rather choke on Jordan Peterson than ally with a single incel. That’s just ducking gross… And sorry incle losers, I’m married to a cis woman…. We have nothing in common with you trashcels…. Just ewwwww

5 years ago


Holy crap, that is AWFUL. Couldn’t agree more about listening to your inner creep alarm. That thing is there for a reason!

5 years ago

I’ll form an alliance with them when they actually start fucking me

I only wish that the incels would apply this logic to everyone. Including other incels. That way they’d stay away from each other and stop reinforcing the toxic shit that they’re all stewing in.

5 years ago


It feels like that tbh. I have no idea when his abuse of his sister started. He could have been doing this well before she hit puberty when I was trying to make him feel less lonely. The idea of that makes my skin crawl. Tbh I stopped trying to be friends with him after he brought me a rabbit skull for one of my art projects. I made this really huge one using the bones of animals that were road kill to make a statement about the impact humans have on the environment. The rabbit skull was cracked down the middle and he had cleaned it for me very well so I didn’t have to.

So at first I was excited. It looked like a really good piece to put in the center of my project. I asked him what road he got it from and then he told me he didn’t get it from a road. He killed a rabbit for me to give me the skull for the project. Now again I live out in the middle of no where Kansas, A lot of the boys hunt. A lot of the boys killed animals for sports. I was the girl who picked up dead animals to turn them into art. But I was horrified that he would kill an animal and I gave it back telling him that not what my project was for. He really became the outcast after that because at the point he scared off the creepy goth girl who hangs out in cemeteries. Literally until now I’ve never told this story to anyone because I had convinced myself that I was being to sensitive about the head bashed in rabbit because growing up I had seen my father kill animals that he considered pest with no problems like possums and armadillo.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


OK, yes, your creep meter is absolutely fine. The worst thing is that from a certain angle, you can imagine he thought it was a really sweet gesture. (No, I am not biased because of my name and the fact it was a rabbit skull.)

Secondly, that sounds like a really cool piece of art. Are there photos?

5 years ago


Yeah there are pictures on my old camera sim card thing. I have no idea how to upload them to this website. Another commenter here tried to explain it to me once but I couldn’t figure it out. I have a mountain of photos I’ve been meaning to get printed out into physical photos that I can put into a photo album, but at the end of the day I look at it and it just looks like a bunch of work. Then I end up with no motivation to do it so I put it off and then pile of photos just gets bigger because I keep adding more to it. There is 6 years worth of photos I need to get developed.

I’m also sure he thought it was a really good gift to get me, but the whole point of me piece was to put a visual physical death tole on how humans effect the environment. I didn’t want someone to go out there and purposely add onto that death tole just to become a part of my project.

4 years ago

Speaking as a transgender woman, I would rather die a virgin than drop my panties for these incel trash. It’s funny cuz most of these freaks are virgins and I lost my virginity 2 years ago. Besides. I have a girlfriend. She thinks Im hot and that’s what I care about. We’re both trans. That’s 2 less trans ppl available to strip for these losers. #IncelShame #TransPride