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Bishop: Pregnant women turn their babies gay by having anal sex | Brand New Ugly

The anal sex understander has logged on

Hey, vagina-havers! If you don’t want your babies to turn gay, don’t have butt sex when you’re pregnant!

That, at least, is the advice being given by the Bishop of Morphou Neophytos. In a speech last month, the Cyprus Mail reports, the bishop said that homosexuality “is a problem, which is usually transmitted by parents to the child,” and that the method of transmission, or at least one method, can be found in the fundament.

The problem, as the bishop sees it, doesn’t seem to be the anal sex itself, but the pregnant woman’s enjoyment of it. As the Mail explained his logic, the gay transmission

occurs when the couple has sex while the woman is pregnant, and the sex is “unnatural,” as he characterised anal sex.

The bishop said that when the woman enjoys anal sex, “a desire is created, which is then transmitted to the unborn child.”

It’s not clear how this applies to lesbians, bisexuals, gay men who don’t happen to enjoy anal sex, straight dudes who like getting pegged, or to the real world in general.

Brand New Ugly highlights stories that are emblematic of the political and social ugliness of Trump’s America — or, in this case, Cyprus. Send tips to dfutrelle at gmail dot com.

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Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

Lysenkoism is alive and well.

5 years ago

Well that’s a new one. What if you have anal sex but not with a real penis. Like if your partner uses a toy on you.

5 years ago

This Bishop probably doesn’t know that anal toys exist, so he probably didn’t think of that.

This is probably the weirdest piece of advice I have heard anyone give expectant parents. Also, even if anal sex by parents did cause children to be born gay, why would enjoyment have anything to do with it? Not all gay or bi people like anal sex, and plenty of straight people do.

5 years ago

What if you have anal sex but not with a real penis. Like if your partner uses a toy on you.

That’s how you get sexbot fans.

5 years ago


This Bishop probably doesn’t know that anal toys exist, so he probably didn’t think of that.

Someone should bring the existence of baby Jesus butt plugs to his attention.

5 years ago

The irony of this is that this bishop is of Greek origin, and anal sex between hetero’s is also known as Greek Style!

So according to his theory being gay (male presumably) is much more common where hetero anal sex is also more common, ie communities where female ‘virginity’ is highly prized and contraception is not allowed. Ultra conservative religious communities in fact!

Obviously I know that anal sex is common elsewhere, but I have read of the ‘need’ for anal sex for these reasons.

Malice W Underland
Malice W Underland
5 years ago

I’m assuming that if you enjoy cunnilingus while pregnant, it turns your baby into a lesbian. Also, if you enjoy wearing a collar during sex, your baby turns into a litter of puppies. And if you enjoy sex in the shower, congratulations: you’re going to give birth to a mass of archaea that normally lives near hydrothermal vents.

5 years ago

It isn’t just in Greece that the ultra religious end up having unprotected anal to “preserve virginity.” It happens in America as well, and presumably other places. There’s even a name for it.

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

a desire is created, which is then transmitted to the unborn child

I craved burritos and P.G. Wodehouse novels when I was pregnant, but so far have failed to transmit either of those desires to my progeny.

5 years ago

If your partner has a Prince Albert, do you give birth to an iron miner?

If his or her genitals have a lot of hair, a furry?

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


And if the partner then shaves their pubic hair, will the next child not be a furry, or will it be a furry anyway because cosmetic alterations don’t count?

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Malice W Underland,

Perfect! If I ever have an unwanted pregnancy and abortion is outlawed in the states, I’ll just have sex while wearing one of those cat ear headbands and give birth to kittens instead of a baby!

Bookworm in hijab
Bookworm in hijab
5 years ago

give birth to kittens instead of a baby


5 years ago

@weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

5 years ago

I’ll just have sex while wearing one of those cat ear headbands and give birth to kittens instead of a baby!

Careful, that’s actually how you end up with an otaku kid.

5 years ago


On that subject…

Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago

@Allandrel Ah, yes. 😀

5 years ago

Why are so many people concerned with another person’s sex life? You do you, and whoever else you wanna do, too.

Note: With consent, of course.

5 years ago

Puppy play during pregnancy can turn your children into puppies, but it needs to be done in a really consistent fashion. Otherwise, you get shapeshifters.

(parenting clip compilation from the werewolf romance anime Wolf Children)

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
5 years ago

It’s the same logic as the sideshow owner’s explanation for Joseph Merrick’s appearance.

5 years ago

If this is true, then my informal survey tells me that the next generation is going to be like 50% gay. It’ll be fun.

5 years ago

This is the kind of thing you’d expect from a guy who has never had sex.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago


That sounds like virgin-shaming. Please don’t.

5 years ago

Thanks for calling that out. It seems like a lot of people, often even those who claim to be sex positive, don’t notice or turn a blind eye to virgin shaming.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


Also, he’s a bishop of the Orthodox church, where priests can marry. Though he’s also a monk, so he’s most likely not married; but even in that case, nothing says he never had sex before getting ordained.

@Mexican Hot Chocolate:

It’s a well-known fact (or was for centuries) that pregnant women should avoid looking at disturbing things for fear the fetus will take on its characteristics.