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What is “Globohomo?” A comprehensive guide to the alt-right’s new obsession, with tweets

Gay Atlas, deadlifting the earth

By David Futrelle

If you’ve spent any time arguing with right-wing trolls online, you’ve probably encountered the alt-right’s new favorite buzzword (that isn’t really a word): “globohomo.” And you may have found yourself wondering: What on earth is a globohomo, anyway, and why are right-wingers so mad about it?

The term has been floating about for several years now; I first encountered it way back in 2016 on the blog of everyone’s favorite racist pickup artist, Heartiste, and our old friend fiend Roosh V is fond of it as well. But it’s gained popularity in the last year or so, serving as a sort of catch-all replacement for the term “white genocide” for some of the people who, well, used to use the term “white genocide” all the time.

Ostensibly, “globohomo” is short for “global homogenization,” a an alleged vast conspiracy to destroy “traditional” culture and values and replace them with a sort of global (naturally) corporate uniculture.

But it’s rarely used in this way, at least not exactly. For those who’ve seized upon the term, “globo” means “globalist” and therefore Jews; while “homo” (the suffix) means, well, “homo” (the slur). (Some, evidently worried that “globohomo” isn’t gay-sounding enough, add “gayplex” to it — “globohomo gayplex.”)

And so “globohomo” has come to mean something like “the global homosexual/Jewish conspiracy to degenerate our culture up real good with drag queens and anal sex and possibly Ben Shapiro.”

If that definition seems a bit incoherently exapansive, that’s because the trolls who’ve embraced the term are using it as an all-purpose epithet. Perhaps the only way to truly define “globohomo” is to see how people (and I use that term lightly) are using it on, for example, Twitter.

Here are just a few of the things that right-wing trolls think are a part of the “globohomo” agenda.


Actual LGBTQ people:

LGBTQ people “indoctrinating” children by existing:

Butt sex, literal and figurative:


Crossdressing in libraries, specifically

Trans women:

Music videos:

The Cats movie trailer:



Mountain Dew:

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and/or “poopdick.”

Rainbow flags:

Soy (but of course):

Forced bug-eating?

White genocide:

Christian genocide:

Donald Trump?

Ivanka Trump:

Ben Shapiro!?

Jim Bowie
Replying to 
Ben Shapiro is NOT alt right. He is far left. He supports globohomo, globalism, endless wars, political censorship etc. Shapiro = ANTIFA

And then there’s this. Apparently the evil Jews who run Globohomo really don’t like … Game Theory?

Any questions?

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5 years ago

ReductiveChaos wrote on
July 24, 2019 at 10:09 pm:

“Global homogenization”, roughly as defined solely in the quote in the post (the “full” definition has some much more problematic parts), is essentially the same as cultural hegemony in Marxist traditions. The term is also used by a lot of modern sociology and some political science outside Marxist traditions, too. It is very commonly used in reference to capitalist societies (where the “goal” is broadly considered to be a consumer/pro-corporate culture), but can be easily used in description of almost any society with structural power differentials.

That all said, I’m not sure that I trust Urban Dictionary, from late 2018, in defining anything about the origin of “globohomo” (especially not in a definition that also refers to “sexual degeneracy”). I’m going to guess that was an intentionally false etymology to try and sell the word as something more mainstream than being a fever-dream conspiracy ostensibly about gay Jews.

I’m also a little amused they chose to deflect using an essentially Marxist interpretation of culture, when that sort typically think “cultural Marxism” is a thing.

I don’t think that Marxists have a monopoly on the phrase “in a capitalist society, whomever controls the capital gets to dictate the means to which it is put, and the ends to which it is directed, up to and including the influencing of culture itself” (i.e. “money talks”) ?

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
5 years ago

@Crip Dyke
Kudos for your “Ya Got Trouble” parody!

5 years ago

This is a “tag yourself” kind of post.

5 years ago


(but not bugs, because UGH),

No lobster? No crab puffs, or shrimp cocktails or crawdad gumbo?* Anyway, what is or isn’t a valid source of animal protein is heavily culturally dependent; there’s plenty of folks who fry grasshoppers, stew ants, and otherwise consume all manner of creepy crawlies. Famously, snails are part of many traditional French cuisines (IMO they taste like a garlic-butter condom, but my feelings are obviously not universal)

*Fair disclosure, I won’t eat any of those things myself, but it’s pretty common to do so in the Anglosphere.

Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

Tech site Ars Technica have done some articles on edible insects (and arachnids), like this one. At least when it’s roast tarantula for Sunday lunch, everyone stands a chance of getting a leg ?

5 years ago


This is a “tag yourself” kind of post.

I’m a soy processing vessel.

Anti-vegans can be weird.

5 years ago

I won’t be watching the Cats video, but I’ll eagerly await the resulting Lindsay Ellis reactions.

5 years ago


I’m for sure the globohomo. At least I like to think that I am. Its me being aggressive during pride month.

5 years ago

I mostly know that phrase from Heartiste. From the way he uses it, I never expected that it mean “global homogenization” at all. It’s all “gay men rule the world and want to teach your kids sodomy!”

5 years ago

Somewhat OT, but still related to the site. Like a dummy, I went into the incels’ forums completely unprepared, and I’m just curious, does it ever end with the incels? I mean, as far as everything to do with the hatred and self-centeredness? I know I should be used to this by now (I’ve been lurking here for a few years now), but this still horrifies and amazes me…

5 years ago

Snowberry – same. The places (or people) I’ve seen it used, I’d always assumed it were the official title page of the gay agenda.

(Which always reminds me of those trapper keeper things with unicorns on them. My mind is a very strange and shallow pool.)

Buttercup Q. Skullpants
Buttercup Q. Skullpants
5 years ago

It’s funny when people who complain endlessly about diversity also maintain that homogenization is bad.

They’re glomohobos too. It’s just that they’re pushing a different vision of sameness.

5 years ago

While we’re loosely on Ben Shapiro, this is a fairly thorough dismantling. It is quite long though.

5 years ago

“Globohomo” feels like part of an alt-right Newspeak. I can imagine someone in a MAGA hat and sporting a Pepe pin pointing at a Pride parade and shouting “DOUBLEPLUSUNGOOD GLOBOHOMO!”

5 years ago

If the “Jews” are involved in any if this (which I highly doubt), wouldn’t that make this “Shlomo Globohomo” agenda?

Or did the “ultimate wrong” doofuses just miss the obvious?

I know, I know–I’ll close the door behind me on my way out.

5 years ago

LaserJay wrote on
July 25, 2019 at 5:25 am:

Somewhat OT, but still related to the site. Like a dummy, I went into the incels’ forums completely unprepared, and I’m just curious, does it ever end with the incels? I mean, as far as everything to do with the hatred and self-centeredness? I know I should be used to this by now (I’ve been lurking here for a few years now), but this still horrifies and amazes me…

(link to incels dot co that didn’t show up in the original comment; it is titled “Women Below 55 Should Kill Themselves”)

Short answer, no. Long answer is that the community is toxic to its core and is a bucket of crabs, so there’s no end to it. Any attempts at self-improvement or moving beyond their fixation on sexual conquests are derided as “cope” (i.e. mere coping mechanisms), and “rope” (i.e. suicide) is frequently mentioned alongside, because there is no “hope” for them. “Hatefuel” is a thing that they actively seek out to validate their loathing (both of themselves and women).

5 years ago

So… this isn’t a secret Canadian plot to globalize our nomenclature for homo milk?

Joking aside, given how juvenile the internet discourse is, I don’t see these guys using it as some kind of not-so-clever code word for the kind of globalization that distributes the same bland consumerist monoculture we’re all inundated with. I always took it to mean “Jews making people gay (read: degenerate)”.

5 years ago

ObSidJag wrote on
July 25, 2019 at 9:22 am:

If the “Jews” are involved in any if this (which I highly doubt), wouldn’t that make this “Shlomo Globohomo” agenda?

Or did the “ultimate wrong” doofuses just miss the obvious?

I know, I know–I’ll close the door behind me on my way out.

You see, if a dogwhistle can be heard by humans, then it’s just a whistle.

Katamount wrote on
July 25, 2019 at 9:42 am:

So… this isn’t a secret Canadian plot to globalize our nomenclature for homo milk?

Joking aside, given how juvenile the internet discourse is, I don’t see these guys using it as some kind of not-so-clever code word for the kind of globalization that distributes the same bland consumerist monoculture we’re all inundated with. I always took it to mean “Jews making people gay (read: degenerate)”.

Depends on how many layers of irony you want to hide your power level under, I guess (and yes, I know I’ve mixed metaphors).

5 years ago

Your use of the words “hope”, “cope”, and “rope” inspired me to write a limerick about incels.

Took away their own hope
And couldn’t cope
They ranted online
Far from benign
And finally took to the rope

Yes, it’s awful, but it’s what came to mind.

Like Ariblester already mentioned, incels are quite easily some of the worst people you will find online. They claim to be about self-improvement and self-help, but I can’t see any way that stewing in more misogyny helps or improves them. They go into downward spirals and everything just gets worse. I am told that it is hard to escape.
I obviously was never an incel, but I do know what it is like to have depression. There were days when I would wake up and just think about how I was always going to be lost and alone, and that I would never do anything worth doing. Depression is awful, and one thing that always makes it worse is spiraling, which is what incels do. I think many of these incels could be saved if they had proper mental health help, but seeing as a) they refuse all treatment and b) there is still a stigma that prevents many people from getting help with mental health issues, that seems unlikely. Which is unfortunate, because I really think many of these people could be treated, and if they aren’t they end up becoming incel “saints” and killing people.

5 years ago


Somewhat OT, but still related to the site. Like a dummy, I went into the incels’ forums completely unprepared, and I’m just curious, does it ever end with the incels? I mean, as far as everything to do with the hatred and self-centeredness?

We’ve occasionally heard from people who’ve recovered from inceldom. So it does happen, despite their community making it difficult. And I’d guess that most ex-incels won’t admit that they were ever part of that scene, because that’s pretty shameful. So I suspect that escape is more common than one would think.

5 years ago

@LaserJay, Moggie
I recall this post about escape, but that’s all I’ve seen. You’re probably right that more people escape. If so, I would be curious to know how they move on with their lives. I’ve read articles and confessions from former white supremacists and I imagine that there are a lot of parallels between leaving the white supremacist movement and escaping from inceldom/the MRM as a whole.

Any former incels here? No judgement, just curious.

5 years ago

RE: Eating bugs. I’ve watched some videos on how to prepare cicadas for eating, and I’m tempted to try it someday. The cicada patties look particularly tempting to me.

Alt-righters, just opt out of the things you disapprove of. It’s so much easier that way. Geez.

5 years ago

What a wonderful phrase
It means socialistic sodomy
For all of your days!

With proud perverts marching in parade
We got marching bands
Families in grandstands
And cultural ruin to be made!

5 years ago

Very revealing self-own by the manospherian whose reaction to a politician’s standing up for a woman’s right to choose an abortion is “globohomo wants you childless”.

Could not have made it plainer that these guys know they haven’t a chance of reproducing with a woman who actually wants to bear their children. What fatherhood means to them is to somehow get some woman unwillingly pregnant and then prevent her from terminating the pregnancy.

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


Anti-vegans can be weird.

I really don’t get that one. I mean, I’m a meat eater, and I’ll own up to the fact that I’ve made fun of vegans in the past. And yes, the pushy ones can be annoying. Mostly, though, I can’t get over people caring quite so much. So they don’t eat certain things. So what?

What I mostly don’t get about this one, though, is eating the squirrels raw. That just seems risky. I don’t know whether squirrel is one of those meats it’s safe to eat rare or not (all I know is that apparently you can just just a recipe for chicken), but who the hell knows what you could catch off them?