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What is “Globohomo?” A comprehensive guide to the alt-right’s new obsession, with tweets

Gay Atlas, deadlifting the earth

By David Futrelle

If you’ve spent any time arguing with right-wing trolls online, you’ve probably encountered the alt-right’s new favorite buzzword (that isn’t really a word): “globohomo.” And you may have found yourself wondering: What on earth is a globohomo, anyway, and why are right-wingers so mad about it?

The term has been floating about for several years now; I first encountered it way back in 2016 on the blog of everyone’s favorite racist pickup artist, Heartiste, and our old friend fiend Roosh V is fond of it as well. But it’s gained popularity in the last year or so, serving as a sort of catch-all replacement for the term “white genocide” for some of the people who, well, used to use the term “white genocide” all the time.

Ostensibly, “globohomo” is short for “global homogenization,” a an alleged vast conspiracy to destroy “traditional” culture and values and replace them with a sort of global (naturally) corporate uniculture.

But it’s rarely used in this way, at least not exactly. For those who’ve seized upon the term, “globo” means “globalist” and therefore Jews; while “homo” (the suffix) means, well, “homo” (the slur). (Some, evidently worried that “globohomo” isn’t gay-sounding enough, add “gayplex” to it — “globohomo gayplex.”)

And so “globohomo” has come to mean something like “the global homosexual/Jewish conspiracy to degenerate our culture up real good with drag queens and anal sex and possibly Ben Shapiro.”

If that definition seems a bit incoherently exapansive, that’s because the trolls who’ve embraced the term are using it as an all-purpose epithet. Perhaps the only way to truly define “globohomo” is to see how people (and I use that term lightly) are using it on, for example, Twitter.

Here are just a few of the things that right-wing trolls think are a part of the “globohomo” agenda.


Actual LGBTQ people:

LGBTQ people “indoctrinating” children by existing:

Butt sex, literal and figurative:


Crossdressing in libraries, specifically

Trans women:

Music videos:

The Cats movie trailer:



Mountain Dew:

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization and/or “poopdick.”

Rainbow flags:

Soy (but of course):

Forced bug-eating?

White genocide:

Christian genocide:

Donald Trump?

Ivanka Trump:

Ben Shapiro!?

Jim Bowie
Replying to 
Ben Shapiro is NOT alt right. He is far left. He supports globohomo, globalism, endless wars, political censorship etc. Shapiro = ANTIFA

And then there’s this. Apparently the evil Jews who run Globohomo really don’t like … Game Theory?

Any questions?

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Cat Mara
Cat Mara
5 years ago

(Watches Cats trailer)

Fuh… fuh… fire kill it with fire ?

We’re pinheads now
We are not whole
We’re pinheads all

(with apologies to DEVO)

globohomo wants you childless,

living in crates

and eating bugs

while you masturbate and zonk out to a screen

This is different to the lifestyle of an average inhabitant of the manosphere how exactly? Masturbation, eating garbage, and an unhealthy obsession with certain entertainment franchises seem to be their defining traits AFAICT

5 years ago

Okay, I guess. Meet the new conspiracy, same as the old conspiracy.

5 years ago

Aaah! They figured out our plan! What on earth shall we do next? /s
All joking aside, I am actually scared right now. Hate crimes have been on the rise since the 2016 election, and I’m a little worried about the attacks that may occur on Jews and LGBTQIPAN+ people if the alt-right has a new take on an old conspiracy theory about these two groups. Delusional beliefs like this do have real-world consequences, as shown by the Pizzagate shooter and the various incel terrorists. I’m fearing for my safety, and the safety of friends who are in these communities.

5 years ago

Atlas sauntered.

5 years ago

All I can think of is, once again, “Globo Humpin’ Homo Babe” – I mean, “Hobo Humpin’ Slobo Babe.”

5 years ago

Can anyone tell me what ‘anti-game theory’ in the last tweet is? ?

5 years ago

@CatMara For many of them, “GloboHomo” (or whatever conspiracy) is the reason that they are all alone, obsessing over media, eating garbage, and resorting to masturbation. Really they want to identify some external and singular entity that is causing all of these problems. Many of them imagine they would be living the ideal responsible married life described by 1950s nostalgia is it were not for (insert lefty boogeyman here).

I think global racial homogeneity is mean to serve as a metaphor for the world where racial distinctions are less important and “Judge them by the content of their character, not by the color of their skin”. Similarly “White Genocide” (the elimination of white people) maybe is meant as a metaphor for the elimination of white privilege. There’s no logical, moral justification for racism, so they have to transform the end of racism into something where it makes sense to fear it.

Progressive: “I want to end racism!”
Reaction: “You want to end all of the races?! OMGWTFBBQ!?”

Mexican Hot Chocolate
Mexican Hot Chocolate
5 years ago

‘Cause god forbid the LGBTQ community want the same acceptance, respect, and dignity that white, cishet men take for granted.

5 years ago

I love how the one guy accuses Ben Shapiro of being a leftist for supporting endless wars and political censorship, two things the left has traditionally been strongly opposed to.

5 years ago

Well, Ben Shapiro says the Nazis were leftists, so there’s a kind of twisted justice to claiming he’s on the far left.

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

Wow, does Ben Shapiro know he’s part of Antifa? I mean, it’s obvious that Antifa doesn’t know or else he’d be kicked out.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

What on earth is a globohomo, anyway, and why are right-wingers so mad about it?

A spherical map of the earth that only fucks other spherical maps of the earth?

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

@Crip Dyke:

Yes! I think that’s exactly what it is!

Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

What on earth is a globohomo

It’s when bioluminescent avant-garde people cut the lawn.

5 years ago

Ellesar wrote on
July 24, 2019 at 3:56 pm:

Can anyone tell me what ‘anti-game theory’ in the last tweet is? ?

The idea that the world isn’t a zero-sum game, where one side can only win at the other’s expense. The author of that tweet is saying that since “The Jews” are (in his mind) preaching the idea that the world isn’t zero-sum, while simultaneously pursuing a zero-sum win in relation to all other sides (i.e. all the other ‘races’, probably), the world should push back by adopting “nationalism”, by which I assume he means ethnostates.

Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Music videos are nonstop degenerate globohomo shit now. I haven’t seen a single one that I’d be okay with my kids watching in years.

Anyone who came of age in the MTV era has to be perplexed and grossed out when they see what we have now.

I wonder what’s changed in 30 years?

Have you heard the music kids are listening to these days?
I’m gonna be perfectly frank. Would ya like to know what kinda conversation goes on while they’re loafin’ around that X-Box?
They’re tryin’ out Bevo, tryin’ out Cubebs, tryin’ out Tailor Mades like cigarette fiends! And braggin’ all about how they’re gonna cover up a tell-tale breath with Altoids.

One fine night, they log out of X-Box Live, headin’ for the rave at the warehouse! Libertine men and scarlet women! And Hip-hop! Shameless music that’ll grab your son and your daughter with the arms of a jungle animal instinct!


Friends, the idle brain is the devil’s playground!

Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
5 years ago

It’s when bioluminescent avant-garde people cut the lawn.


5 years ago

Speaking of protesting the soygenda, check this out. If eating raw game to own the love catches on, stage 1 takes care of itself and we won’t have to lift a finger. They probably won’t notice brainworms anyway

5 years ago

I did a game theory course. One thing you learn is that not all games are zero sum.

Also how to win at nim.

Still trying to work out how nim figures into the globohomo agenda.

5 years ago

We have to give them Cats the film. It is big splashy musical by a Webber and 5 weeks of cocaine fueled workshopping. And has Ian McKellen in it

(the movie is probably awful because the show is but the trailer looks good to me).

As a person who used game theory in my MA thesis I am dying to know what Bader thinks game theory is.

5 years ago

“Global homogenization”, roughly as defined solely in the quote in the post (the “full” definition has some much more problematic parts), is essentially the same as cultural hegemony in Marxist traditions. The term is also used by a lot of modern sociology and some political science outside Marxist traditions, too. It is very commonly used in reference to capitalist societies (where the “goal” is broadly considered to be a consumer/pro-corporate culture), but can be easily used in description of almost any society with structural power differentials.

That all said, I’m not sure that I trust Urban Dictionary, from late 2018, in defining anything about the origin of “globohomo” (especially not in a definition that also refers to “sexual degeneracy”). I’m going to guess that was an intentionally false etymology to try and sell the word as something more mainstream than being a fever-dream conspiracy ostensibly about gay Jews.

I’m also a little amused they chose to deflect using an essentially Marxist interpretation of culture, when that sort typically think “cultural Marxism” is a thing.

5 years ago

Crikey. These Joo folks are pretty versatile. 20+ years ago they were arm-in-arm, lock-step with Freemasons and the dreaded communists. Sometimes they even allowed the frightful feminists to join in for a while.

They now seem to have carelessly abandoned their former besties and, after brief dalliances with the UN and the Illuminati, have cosied up to the gay community.

I suspect that, a decade or so from now, they also will have been left in the dust and a new ‘alliance’ will be with … whomever is designated as the worst of the worst fantastical boogeymen of the moment. Buuuut, the evil complicity of joooos in making random people’s lives unbearable will never go away.

I’m glad not to live in the fevered minds of these bozos. How on earth can you live day after day fussing and fuming over nonsensical shit like this?

Lukas Xavier
Lukas Xavier
5 years ago

Im 22 years old and even I remember people defending Globohomo with “They arent going to indoctrinate your kids.”
Well here come the fags..doing exactly what they said they wouldn’t.

But the article is about parents choosing for themselves what they’re okay with their children seeing, and being okay with them seeing a gay pride parade.

If the parents are making their own call about how to raise their children, isn’t that the exact opposite of “indoctrination”? Are parents being forced to bring their children to Pride?

So much of this seems to come down to the notion: “Those people are different from me and it makes me mad!”

5 years ago

globohomo wants you childless,

living in crates

and eating bugs

while you masturbate and zonk out to a screen

Well, I got one out of four. But I don’t give a shit about “globohomo” and what they ostensibly want. I’m childless because I want to be, period. Also, I live in a house, eat omnivorously (but not bugs, because UGH), and haven’t masturbated or zonked out to a screen in quite some time, because that gets boring after a while.

(Also, as an aside, this latest and silliest transparent effort on the part of white supremacy to take over the world and remake it, globally-homogeneously, in their own white self-image, is hilarious…because once again, it shows how much more these guys obsess over gay sex than anyone actually having it.)

5 years ago

Ah, this is why I still check in here every so often. Gotta keep up with the weird new bargle-jargon.

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