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Reddit misogynists blame Jews for Lady Thor, predict imminent collapse of civilization

The real agenda?

By David Futrelle

I guess I owe an apology to Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way. In the past I have suggested that MGTOWs spend all day every day talking shit about the women they’ve supposedly declared their complete independence from.

Turns out this isn’t completely accurate. Sometimes they (and/or the white supremacists who are trying to recruit in MGTOW spacees) also talk shit about Teh Jews, blaming them for (among other things) putting too many ladies into superhero movies. Oh, sorry, not Teh Jews — the (not so) mysterious “(((They))).”

In a post on the MGTOW subreddit yesterday, a Redditor called WW2Pics suggested that the casting of a “5 ft 3 Jewish Woman” — Natalie Portman — as Thor in the upcoming movie Thor: Love and Thunder was a sign that “they” are “going for the Jugular” in the culture wars.

He found a lot of support for this theory.

“Can the agenda get anymore obvious?” agreed someone called unkn0wnbyte.

A black woman is the new James Bond, Thor is going to be played by a Jewish woman, and the first LGBTQ superhero will make its debut

Someone calling himself heightdiscrimination explained further:

The agenda is social engineering and I think that they believe that if they push it long enough and hard enough, that eventually they will win out and awakened people will just back down out of fatigue, demoralization and fear of being labelled.

And the evil (((they))) don’t even care if they lose money in the process by alienating whiny white fanboys.

“[T]he agenda must be pushed at all costs is my guess,” WW2Pics declared.

It’s like porn, they’re losing massive amounts of money by making high quality HD content free on sites like Pornhub so why do they do it??

Another commenter, who is definitely not a sockpuppet of one of the previous commenters, asserted that

It’s all about the agenda and social engineering. They can print up all the money in the world so P&L isn’t really a concern for them.

TIL that the Federal Reserve regularly prints up bales of money that they deliver directly to porn and movie producers.

If anyone had missed the point of all this dogwhistling, yet another commenter suggested that Hollywood was white male genociding him.

Fuck Marvel for fucking up my heritage. Even before they made him into a woman, they made the fucking god of thunder, look like some whiney little bitch. Fucking shitty franchise.

Not content with attacking (((them))) for fucking with Norse mythology,, GemStarCN21 managed to work a famous Greek mythological figure (and her vagina) into the mix.

The song of the ages i.e. the cycle of civilizations has to run it’s course in my view. We’ve allowed Pandora to spread her legs and open her box to everyone, there’s no coming(phrasing) back from that.

So Pandora’s “box” is her vagina? That seems a rather, er, reductive reading of the myth. Also, in the original mythology, her box not only wasn’t her vagina; but it also wasn’t even a box. (It was a jar.) Can’t believe anyone would tamper with myth like this GenSTar dude.

Women wield too much power today; they are holding on to it, want it all and also want everything else; as we see with Thor.

It will only get worse until something big, unexpected and earth shattering happens, then we’ll have a reset.

Well, to be fair, we do seem to be well on our way to a civilization-challenging if not civilization-destroying climate catastrophe. But I’m pretty sure that doesn’t have much to do with women having too much power — or with Natalie Portman being cast as a comic-book version of Thor.

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5 years ago

Beyond Ocean wrote on
July 23, 2019 at 3:23 am:

These guys apparently don’t know that their comic heroes wouldn’t exist without Jews.

No, you see, this is a deep conspiracy. They created the comics to hook in generations of unsuspecting Aryan boys, only to eighty years later spring the trap and commence the Human Femininity Project.

Ah, who am I kidding. Somebody probably already believes this and it’s both depressing and disgusting.

AFAIK, the Grand Conspiracy is basically world domination (so that they are free to carry out assorted unholy/evil things), enacted by weakening the White race through genetic means (such as race-mixing), as well as planting doubt in the individual’s White man’s mind (e.g. via the questioning of one’s sexual orientation, gender, etc.), as well as sowing division in the wider White societies by seeding different ideologies (such as communism and capitalism), aided by their control of the mass media and global capital.

So, yeah. They can readily believe your scenario.

(Now that I’ve listed it out, it honestly sounds like how some Evangelicals describe the Antichrist. Huh.)

5 years ago

This thread is so funny. Good antidote against what inspired it.


“It’s the end of the world as we know it … and I feel fine”

5 years ago

So the plan is-
1 Make Thor a lady
2 ???
3 ???
Not even as coherent as the underpant gnomes.

And the jews have had 5000 years to get this whole world domination thing sorted, you have to think they aren’t really trying that hard.

5 years ago

So, okay. Hollywood is going to destroy the world, right?

Isn’t that something most of these guys look forward to? Once Western civilization falls, they get to set up their little fortresses and the FEEEEEEEEEEMALES will flock to them for protection, offering nookie and other goodies?

Of course, it’s a lot easier to complain than it is to set up a little fortress and get all your logistic ducks in a row.

These apocalypse fantasies always reminds me of this meme;comment image

Anyway, Is there something they haven’t blamed on the Jews yet? Will they blame the Jews for the extinction of the dinosaurs next?

5 years ago

I got some trouble posting the image in my previous comment, any tips on how to avoid it in the future?

Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
5 years ago

“Oh, man, those perfidious J00z are ruining the legacy of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby!!!!”

That works even better if you use their birth names, Stanley Leiber and Jacob Kurtzberg.

5 years ago

@Ariblester’s 1st comment:
so when can we expect the Spanish Inquisition (complete with Michael Palin)?

5 years ago

@Beyond Ocean:

No, you see, this is a deep conspiracy. They created the comics to hook in generations of unsuspecting Aryan boys, only to eighty years later spring the trap and commence the Human Femininity Project.

brb, photoshopping Natalie Portman into Gendo Ikari pose

5 years ago

Scanisaurus wrote on
July 23, 2019 at 5:22 am:

I got some trouble posting the image in my previous comment, any tips on how to avoid it in the future?

Trying it out:


It’s probably the image host preventing image hot linking. Find another hosting service that has the same image, I’m afraid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

5 years ago

ObSidJag wrote on
July 23, 2019 at 6:56 am:

@Ariblester’s 1st comment:

so when can we expect the Spanish Inquisition (complete with Michael Palin)?

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition. (Yes, the emphasis is deliberately on the wrong word.)

Violet The Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
Violet The Vile, Moonbat Screech Junky
5 years ago

Really sorry for OT……but if there’s one place in the world I can shout BORIS JOHNSON! FUCKING WHY?? BORIS JOHNSON! WHAT’S HAPPENING TO MY COUNTRY?? it’s here.

I am really, really, very depressed right now. Fucking minted Bullingdon Club bastard who has never been out of London, deciding my future over champagne. Oh yeah actually my country is exactly the same as it always was, isn’t it?

Pretty soon there will be a meeting between Boris and Trump, a meeting of the weird-haired bigots, and they are going to love each other so much. Boris basically is the UK version of Trump, it’s just we prefer a self-styled funny toff to a self-styled man of the people.

I want to lock myself in my wardrobe and stay there

Sorry for derail

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Kimtsu;

Apparently when traditional societal biases adversely affect him personally… then they are bad and need to be denounced as unjust “discrimination”.

yeah, they do that a lot….

@ Crip Dyke;

Soon we’ll have women triple Os, and 0007 will have the right to Bobbitt at will!

… “bob it”… not “Bobbit”, “BOB IT” as in “… shorter’n the tail on a pit bull terrier….”

🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

5 years ago

Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson. Fuck. Well, if there’s any upside to this, it’s that his multi-decade grift is coming to an end. His “amiable buffoon” act is incompatible with being PM, and his laziness, dishonesty, and belief that he can “wing it” through any situation are going to be in the spotlight as never before. How long will his explicable popularity survive this? Maybe he’ll be wearing the mantle of “worst PM ever” as early as November.

5 years ago

In addition to WW2P’s other issues, if you are talking about a civilization-ending catastrophe involving Thor, and don’t call it Ragnarok, you have no credibility to claim someone else is ruining your cultural heritage.

5 years ago

@ Violet @ Moggie

Right there with you. I’m going to spend this afternoon cuddling my dogs.

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

With the EU referendum, then Trump, now Boris; it feels like the UK and US are in some sort of ‘shooting yourselves in the foot’ bidding war!

5 years ago

Alan Robertshaw wrote:

With the EU referendum, then Trump, now Boris; it feels like the UK and US are in some sort of ‘shooting yourselves in the foot’ bidding war!

America: Hold my beer…

(…god, I really wish I was kidding…)

5 years ago

Too many people are taking Williamson, of all people, way too seriously for you to be joking.

5 years ago

I present you this comic book panel featuring Thor (and Loki) without comment:

comment image

5 years ago

@Weird Eddie

… “bob it”… not “Bobbit”, “BOB IT” as in “… shorter’n the tail on a pit bull terrier….”

Uh, maybe I missed a joke or reference here, but I’m pretty certain that bobbitt is the correct term.

See also: John and Lorena Bobbitt (CW: rape and mutilation).

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago

Will they blame the Jews for the extinction of the dinosaurs next?

Not on “the jews”. Just on Rivka. Fucking Rivka, never knows when to leave asteroids well enough alone.

5 years ago

I might be being too sensitive about this, but could we please not make Bobbit jokes? I was pretty young when all that blew up and remember hearing the jokes everywhere. Later when I learned more about the situation and what happened to her, I felt sick at how Lorena had been turned into a punchline.

Mrs Morley
Mrs Morley
5 years ago

If we Jews were so good at world domination I think the world would be a very different place. (And a damn sight easier on us.)

Jenora Feuer
Jenora Feuer
5 years ago

Granted, the big news up here about Marvel superhero movies has been Canadian actor Simu Liu cast as Marvel’s first Chinese superhero, Shang-Chi, and there’s been a LOT of talk about representation and ‘people who look like me’. Along with comments about the Chinese market being a big thing in Hollywood right now.

Other folks have been talking about the second phase of the MCU being a lot more focused on the modern Marvel era with more diverse characters, and both this and a woman taking on the ‘thunder god’ mantle are part of that.

Wonder if ‘Ironheart’ will be next for Marvel. That will be at least as much of a twofer for the whinebros as the 007 announcement…

Big Titty Demon
Big Titty Demon
5 years ago

@Violet, @Moggie

I checked WHTM before checking the news this morning, buuuut I can tell what I’m going to find. My deepest condolences. Welcome to the troll apocalypse.

I honestly can’t decide which one is worse.