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Reddit misogynists blame Jews for Lady Thor, predict imminent collapse of civilization

The real agenda?

By David Futrelle

I guess I owe an apology to Reddit’s contingent of Men Going Their Own Way. In the past I have suggested that MGTOWs spend all day every day talking shit about the women they’ve supposedly declared their complete independence from.

Turns out this isn’t completely accurate. Sometimes they (and/or the white supremacists who are trying to recruit in MGTOW spacees) also talk shit about Teh Jews, blaming them for (among other things) putting too many ladies into superhero movies. Oh, sorry, not Teh Jews — the (not so) mysterious “(((They))).”

In a post on the MGTOW subreddit yesterday, a Redditor called WW2Pics suggested that the casting of a “5 ft 3 Jewish Woman” — Natalie Portman — as Thor in the upcoming movie Thor: Love and Thunder was a sign that “they” are “going for the Jugular” in the culture wars.

He found a lot of support for this theory.

“Can the agenda get anymore obvious?” agreed someone called unkn0wnbyte.

A black woman is the new James Bond, Thor is going to be played by a Jewish woman, and the first LGBTQ superhero will make its debut

Someone calling himself heightdiscrimination explained further:

The agenda is social engineering and I think that they believe that if they push it long enough and hard enough, that eventually they will win out and awakened people will just back down out of fatigue, demoralization and fear of being labelled.

And the evil (((they))) don’t even care if they lose money in the process by alienating whiny white fanboys.

“[T]he agenda must be pushed at all costs is my guess,” WW2Pics declared.

It’s like porn, they’re losing massive amounts of money by making high quality HD content free on sites like Pornhub so why do they do it??

Another commenter, who is definitely not a sockpuppet of one of the previous commenters, asserted that

It’s all about the agenda and social engineering. They can print up all the money in the world so P&L isn’t really a concern for them.

TIL that the Federal Reserve regularly prints up bales of money that they deliver directly to porn and movie producers.

If anyone had missed the point of all this dogwhistling, yet another commenter suggested that Hollywood was white male genociding him.

Fuck Marvel for fucking up my heritage. Even before they made him into a woman, they made the fucking god of thunder, look like some whiney little bitch. Fucking shitty franchise.

Not content with attacking (((them))) for fucking with Norse mythology,, GemStarCN21 managed to work a famous Greek mythological figure (and her vagina) into the mix.

The song of the ages i.e. the cycle of civilizations has to run it’s course in my view. We’ve allowed Pandora to spread her legs and open her box to everyone, there’s no coming(phrasing) back from that.

So Pandora’s “box” is her vagina? That seems a rather, er, reductive reading of the myth. Also, in the original mythology, her box not only wasn’t her vagina; but it also wasn’t even a box. (It was a jar.) Can’t believe anyone would tamper with myth like this GenSTar dude.

Women wield too much power today; they are holding on to it, want it all and also want everything else; as we see with Thor.

It will only get worse until something big, unexpected and earth shattering happens, then we’ll have a reset.

Well, to be fair, we do seem to be well on our way to a civilization-challenging if not civilization-destroying climate catastrophe. But I’m pretty sure that doesn’t have much to do with women having too much power — or with Natalie Portman being cast as a comic-book version of Thor.

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5 years ago

Excuse me, David. Need to make a correction: We (((Yids))) call it ‘going for the (((Jewgular.)))’

Get your terminology right!


Fishy Goat
Fishy Goat
5 years ago

Well, to be fair, we do seem to be well on our way to a civilization-challenging if not civilization-destroying climate catastrophe.

But Dave, that’s a Chinese Hoax! The Cheetolini said so!! So it must be troooooo!!

Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
Turan, Emissary of the Fly World
5 years ago

I might as well point out that Lashana Lynch is playing the new 007, not the new James Bond. She gets the designation after Bond resigns. I think we can safely assume that he will return to the job and reclaim the label early in the movie (probably after Lynch’s character is killed).

5 years ago

Fuck Marvel for fucking up my heritage. Even before they made him into a woman, they made the fucking god of thunder, look like some whiney little bitch. Fucking shitty franchise.

Narrator: Bro Thor was not some whiny little bitch. Rowr.

5 years ago

Well I for one am well existed for this movie. Natalie Portman is a queen.

tim gueguen
5 years ago

Why do I suspect WW2Pics favours the pictures that involve Nazis?

tim gueguen
5 years ago

These guys apparently don’t know that their comic heroes wouldn’t exist without Jews. Joe Shuster and Jerry Siegel created Superman. Joe Simon and Jack Kirby created Captain America, and 20 years later Kirby teamed up with Stan Lee to create most of the core characters of Marvel Comics., with Lee creating several others with other members of the Marvel staff. They were all Jewish, as were other well known industry figures such as long serving DC editor Julius Schwartz and artist Gil Kane.

5 years ago

Well that was an escalation “Female Thor therefore end of the world.”

5 years ago

I had a bet going with one of my friends whether it would be this or “Valkyrie is gay/bi” that MRAssholes (and those adjacent to them) and/or right-wingers would whine about first. Guess I win…

Victorious Parasol
Victorious Parasol
5 years ago

So, okay. Hollywood is going to destroy the world, right?

Isn’t that something most of these guys look forward to? Once Western civilization falls, they get to set up their little fortresses and the FEEEEEEEEEEMALES will flock to them for protection, offering nookie and other goodies?

Of course, it’s a lot easier to complain than it is to set up a little fortress and get all your logistic ducks in a row.

weirwoodtreehugger: chief manatee

Ah. I knew they’d get around to the anti-Semitism eventually.

5 years ago

Something tells me this GIF is going to see quite a bit of use in the near future.

5 years ago

For someone with the username “heightdiscrimination” to be complaining about increased racial/gender/identity/etc. diversity as “social engineering” is an absolutely textbook example of double standards.

Apparently when traditional societal biases adversely affect him personally as (presumably) a short man, then they are bad and need to be denounced as unjust “discrimination”.

But when traditional societal biases adversely affect, say, female or nonwhite or LGBTQ people, then they’re okay, and pushing back against them is undesirable “social engineering”.

5 years ago

If I hear one more of these morons whining about “a black woman being Bond” I will lose it!

Not only are they bigoted they are incorrect bigots. She isn’t going to be Bond. She just has the 007 designation which he lost when he retired.

The film will still have Daniel Craig front and centre as Bond!

Alan Robertshaw
Alan Robertshaw
5 years ago

@ Steph

She isn’t going to be Bond. She just has the 007 designation which he lost when he retired.

If they want to annoy everybody, and why not, they should take the opportunity to canonise the ‘James Bond is a codename’ theory; so by the end of the film Lashana Lynch is Bond.

5 years ago

As a Jew, every time I read stuff about conspiratorial antisemitism I am both annoyed (at the obvious bigotry) but also kind of flattered. For a group that makes up 0.2% of the world’s population, everyone sure thinks we have a lot of power. In a way, it makes me feel emboldened that I am supposedly part of a conspiracy that controls all the money. Any other Jews feel the same way?

@Alan Robertshaw
That would be a great idea. Makes bigots heads explode and could add some long-needed variety to the series.

5 years ago

If they want to annoy everybody, and why not, they should take the opportunity to canonise the ‘James Bond is a codename’ theory…

I dunno, they tried that in the 1963 Casino Royale film and it seems like most people would rather forget that one.

5 years ago

Oh, man, those perfidious J00z are ruining the legacy of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby!!!!

Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
Nikki the Bluth Wannabe
5 years ago

It took them a full day to remember the antiSemitism? That’s gotta be some sort of record!

5 years ago


She isn’t going to be Bond. She just has the 007 designation which he lost when he retired.

Yeah, but remember what the ’00’ prefix means: a licence to kill. Seems it’s that which appeals to a lot of viewers: the fantasy of being officially allowed to murder. But if you hand that right to a woman, what happens to the male viewer’s fantasy? Why, if women were allowed to kill men, who knows what might happen!

5 years ago

“It’s like porn, they’re losing massive amounts of money …”

Five of the top 10 highest grossing movies are Marvel.
No.1 is Avengers: Endgame; followed by such hairy-chested flics as Avatar and Titanic.
Star Wars: The Force Awakens (the one the MGTOWs were complaining about for being feminist) is#4.
I’m sure these guys could tell Hollywood how it’s done

5 years ago

Today I learned that The Jews don’t care about money, if the latest conspiracy theory requires them not to. Truly they are the most flexible of secret overlords. We are in good hands.

Beyond Ocean
Beyond Ocean
5 years ago

These guys apparently don’t know that their comic heroes wouldn’t exist without Jews.

No, you see, this is a deep conspiracy. They created the comics to hook in generations of unsuspecting Aryan boys, only to eighty years later spring the trap and commence the Human Femininity Project.

Ah, who am I kidding. Somebody probably already believes this and it’s both depressing and disgusting.

Crip Dyke
Crip Dyke
5 years ago


Yeah, but remember what the ’00’ prefix means: a licence to kill. Seems it’s that which appeals to a lot of viewers: the fantasy of being officially allowed to murder. But if you hand that right to a woman, what happens to the male viewer’s fantasy? Why, if women were allowed to kill men, who knows what might happen!

Exactly. Soon we’ll have women triple Os, and 0007 will have the right to Bobbitt at will!

5 years ago

Amtep wrote on
July 23, 2019 at 2:14 am:

Today I learned that The Jews don’t care about money, if the latest conspiracy theory requires them not to. Truly they are the most flexible of secret overlords. We are in good hands.

Their chief priority is money… money and white genocide… their two chief priorities are money and white genocide… and child sacrifice… their three priorities are money and white genocide and child sacrifice… and control of the mass media… oh, bloody hell.

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