By David Futrelle
You can always count on the dude who calls himself One Angry Gamer to have a highly nuanced reaction to developments in the gaming and comics worlds. For example, take his reaction to the news yesterday that the upcoming Thor: Love and Thunder movie will feature Natalie Portman — a LADY — as none other than Thor himherself.
“This is the kind of news that strips the threads away from the very fabric of your soul,” he declared in a post on his One Angry Gamer site, really leaning hard on that fabric metaphor. “As always, Marvel is moving the dial ever further Left.”
Well, not that much further left, in that Portman played Man Thor’s gal pal in several past films, and that there already has been a series of comics in which Thor was a lady. But as One Angry Gamer sees it, those comics sucked and the movie will too:
For those of you unfamiliar with the Female Thor, it was as bad as everyone said it was, laced with the sort of propaganda that the Marvel comics have become infamous for … and included blatant agitprop such as Jane sharing an interracial kiss with Falcon after beating up some “racist” agitators.
But it didn’t end there… Jane ended up sleeping with the Falcon later on.
Oh my goodness, the comic book characters are miscegenating!
It’s the sort of thing that makes you sick to your stomach; churning your insides with a nausea-inducing swirl, as if you were butter in a theki.
If interracial sex makes you feel like butter in a sort of centrifuge used ito churn butter in Nepal, you might just be a teensy weensy bit of a racist.
“But it gets worse,” the Angry Gamer continued.
There were misandrist threads throughout the female Thor run, including one where a female villain refused to let another male villain fight female Thor out of “respect” for what she was doing. This is not even a joke.
Er. what? I’m having a hard time even parsing what exactly he’s mad at here.
But wait… it gets even worse!
According to ScreenRant’s tweets, actress Tessa Thompson said that as the new king of Asgard, the Valkyrie has to find a queen, since she’s obviously a lesbian!
I had to stand up and then sit down for a moment.
It’s a lot to take in. It’s like a hammer to the gut.
By Grabthar’s hammer, what a dingus.
If the news that a character in a comic book movie might be lesbian hits you “like a hammer to the gut,” you may be taking comic book movies just a teensy bit too seriously. And also you pretty definitely are a huge homophobe.
But it turns out Mr. Angry Gamer is just getting warmed up.
Starring [sic] at the floor, I began to realize that whatever good the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought to the world would be undone by the heathens of Hollywood.
Whatever memories or joy that you thought you could embrace from the previous three phases of storytelling, are gone.
Your joy is being systematically erased by the diversity agenda, and Phase 4 will taint these legacy characters… forever.
Ah bloo bloo bloo.
I wish there were words that could express the sadness that envelops my heart, to see Marvel wielding an axe of destruction for which all that you loved will be torn asunder and ripped apart like a pig’s intestines in a slaughter house; all for the sake of brainwashing the masses with their agenda.
Angry Gamer dude really loves working those metaphors, huh?
But there are no words… just bleakness and the realization that cultural entertainment is on the cusp of crumbling due to these degenerates.
Ah, I was waiting for him to work the word “degenerate” in there somehow, as if anyone had any doubts about his basically fascist sensibilities.
Anyhoo, after the Nazi dogwhistling, our Angry Gamer boi predicts the end of the world:
The end is nigh, and it will be ushered in with trends, claps, and applause.
The San Diego Comic-Con was the messenger of Armageddon, and you get to stand at ground zero to witness the complete and utter annihilation of comic-book movie culture.
Take some deep breaths, dude, you’re losing it. I don’t think even fans of Bewitched in the 1960s were this upset when they replaced Darrin with a whole other Darrin without saying a word.
We Hunted the Mammoth relies entirely on readers like you for its survival. If you appreciate our work, please send a few bucks our way! Thanks!
Probably rather well, that’s fairly high grade stuff, rather explains the high-grade concern trolling earlier. Younger me would be rather impressed.
@Jesalin, Goddess of Lust & Pleasure
I’ve never made any assumptions on your real-life behavior outside this thread, this just feels like a straight-up personal attack.
I have, my problem is that you keep insisting that I don’t, so let me ask you three honest questions;
How can I do anything in good faith to you if every single thing I say gets me accused of being dishonest?
How can anyone disagree with you without you accusing them of being a dishonest troll?
And how can anyone initially disagreeing with you change their mind on one point after seeing a different argument than the first one without being accused of trying to manipulate people?
I see what you are trying to do; you are trying to make things “right”, to no longer feel like you are disliked just for having opinions. But please realize that a large part of the hostility you are perceiving is because you have already worn down the commenters’ patience, and they are pissed. That is not a judgement on you as a person; we are all humans, with finite reserves of patience.
There is no possible way this ends well if you continue. Come back to this discussion once you feel that it no longer gives you negative emotions. Take as long as you need.
I have nothing but contempt for your behavior on this thread. I can only hope that this has been such an unpleasant experience for you that you’ll think twice before you pull this crap again.
Throw your pity party somewhere else.
Yeah, I know. That’s why it’s such a shock that it’s not working here. I’ve had too much experience with it at this point in my life to have any patience with it.
Thank you for being so understanding.
Yeah, I can see that and I don’t want to argue anymore, so I take my leave.
@Hippodameia, Jesalin
I’m wondering if we should just ignore her if she doesn’t stick the flounce. She made it clear in the other thread she’s going to hold us responsible for whatever feelings she has over us calling out her shitty behavior. Manipulative af.
But I wasn’t done. 🙁
But my feelings!! You owe me!!!!!!
@Kupo, she’s shitting on another thread? Fuck. I hope she’s at least not back to That Series She Didn’t Like.
I also want to say that the smack down you delivered here yesterday was so perfect it should be written in gold on marble and flanked by eternal flames.
I’m speaking from experience; I took a break of a few months from this blog’s comments section because I needed to get my head straight, and I think that it’s helped me personally.
I think that is an uncharitable reading of her comment. It takes god-tier amounts of self-awareness to not feel shitty when being called out, and it is no crime to admit that sometimes we just can’t do that. You see DARVO, I see genuine confusion. I honesty believe that she wants to do right by everyone, and that disengaging is a step in the right direction.
And, unfair though it may seem after you’ve spent so much time engaging with her, she does not owe you her attention. Let her step back.
Aww, thanks. ?
It was over in the incel vs TERF thread. Started as language policing us for using the ter TERF ?.
You’ll forgive me for calling abusive behavior what it is. It doesn’t have to be intentional to be abusive.
It’s this comment specifically that @kupo is referring to, if you want to read it:
Edit timer ran out, but I wanted to add that I understand that it’s hard not to feel shitty about being called out, I’ve explained that to Scanisaurus multiple times with personal examples, all I asked her to do was not take those feelings out on us and she refused because she feels like it’s our fault she’s upset.
Fair enough, but one doesn’t “accidentally” flounce.
Yes, I can appreciate that it is frustrating to be talking past a person, but I don’t think that she was necessarily in a headspace where she could process it. Hence my advice to her to disengage.
@Ariblester – Can’t speak for kupo, but speaking for myself… It wasn’t just *one comment*.
Fair point. I meant that that comment I linked to was the one @kupo was referring to in relation to this “flounce”, which was posted in the other thread.
(I think we’re talking about the same comment from @kupo?)
I’m not calling the flounce abusive???
I’m talking about how I asked her to stop making threads about how she feels about being called out and she refuses because she feels like we made her upset so we have to deal with her emotions as a result of that.
Have you ever been in an emotionally abusive relationship? Because the way she’s acting right now feels like that. You have to walk on eggshells and never tell the other person when they hurt you because they’ll erupt in an emotional response that can range from sad to angry but the key is they make you responsible for it.
Oh no, I’m sorry! I really didn’t mean it that way and should have read the room better before I posted.
Okay, I totally misread the message of your comment. I apologize, and I hear you. I thank my stars that I’ve never been in an abusive relationship; that does sound like a crushing experience, and I can see how this situation is alike. Thank you for helping me to understand.
No harm, no foul.
I try to stay out of threads with her in it after her and I got into when she started to compare women who like to be submissive in bdsm, to little girls who don’t like the color pink. I pointed out to her that it sounded a lot like she was saying that grown women don’t actually know what they like because we’re brainwashed by the misogyny into liking or not liking somethings. Then she got all defensive but kept bringing up the same point again and again but with different wording. I can’t debate with people like that. It makes me start grinding my teeth.
I really don’t wan’t to look like I’m playing any tricks here after I’d said I’d leave, and maybe it was a mistake by me to go back here one last time just to look at the responses I’d get when I said I was leaving.
I just want to say I had no idea people still held grudges for the things I’d said back then and I’m sorry. If my behavior came across as manipulative, I didn’t mean to and I’m sorry. I’ve dealt with guilt inducing and emotionally manipulative behavior myself and if you think me trying break away from these feelings is hurting yours, I’ll do my best to stop.
Lainy, I’m sorry I made a shitty comparison back then, I’ve felt bad about it too but I didn’t realize you took it that hard and if I could undo that I would, I’m sorry if I made you stay out of topics because of me, and if I’m making you uncomfortable I won’t post any responses to your comments or argue against you in the future.
As for everyone else, I don’t want to bother you anymore either. At this point, I don’t know what else I can do that won’t make things worse, so I’ll leave and this time, I promise that I won’t be back or post any more responses here, and I will not post anymore words on this blog until I am certain my depression is gone and I won’t let any feelings of anger or sadness get the better of me. It will probably take a long time, or it will never go away fully, but either way I’ll leave now.
I wish any harsh feelings against me could leave when I do, but I know I don’t have any right to ask you of it, and I won’t be back to argue here if they don’t.
I don’t wish to be mean but I have been run out of many feminist spaces because of the really horrible ideas of Submissive women in Bdsm. This is one of those blogs where I was hoping not to find it. It made upset and uncomfortable enough that I am wary about engaging with you in other threads.
Thanks for the link to the other thread – I see she was doing exactly the same thing.
And she’s still not taking any responsibility for her behavior, but maybe at least she’s gone now? I can hope.
I haven’t commented on this issue before because Scanisaurus’ behavior reminds me far too much of my mother for me to come at it dispassionately.
When someone calls you out on hurtful behavior, and your response is to make it all about how that is hurting YOUR feelings… yeah, that’s not cool.
Let’s just say there’s a reason that I identified so hard with Elsa in Frozen:
“Don’t let them in
Don’t let them see
Be the good girl you always have to be
Conceal, don’t feel
Don’t let them know”