cis-splaining incels irony alert men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny quiz reddit TERFs transmisogyny transphobia

Quiz: Who said it, incel or TERF?

By David Futrelle

So yesterday, I was poking around in the Braincels subreddit, Reddit’s main hangout for incels, and was struck by how often the regulars there discuss trans women.

Some incels like to fantasize about solving their particular difficulty — their “involuntary” celibacy — by hooking up with “traps” (their favorite transphobic term for young trans hotties). But most of the time they’re as straightfowardly hateful towards trans women as any TERF (Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist).

Indeed, I was struck by how remarkably similar incels and TERFs sound when they talk about trans women (both generally ignore trans men). So much so that I decided to make this quiz.

[os-widget path=”/davidfutrelle/who-said-it-incel-or-terf”]

I don’t know about you, but I found these very hard to distinguish from one another, to the point that I had to check and doublecheck each quote to make sure which subreddit it came from, even though I was the one choosing the quotes.

So what does this mean? Partly, the quotes sound similar because, well, this is what transphobic hate sounds like. But in other cases it seems as though the incels have picked up certain TERF talking points from reading, or reading about, TERFs.

If you consider yourself a feminist, but your thoughts on trans women are virtually identical to the raging misogynists and ignorant anti-feminists who make up the incel movement, well, maybe you’re not as much of a feminist as you think.

Sources for quotes: Question 1: GenderCritical, Braincels. Question 2: GC, Braincels. Question 3: Braincels, GC. Question 4: Braincels, GC.

H/T — Reddit’s Advanced Search

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5 years ago

I had a suite mate in college who was transitioning from female to male. We did not know this at the time. He was outed during winter break and it was handled very poorly. He left that semester and I never saw him again. This was mid 70’s and at a somewhat liberal university.

5 years ago

Cis woman here, popping up her cis head to say that cis is not a slur. It’s just the opposite of trans. Which these FARTy fools might realize if they’d ever taken Latin at any level.

And on that note, maybe it’s time to make school Latin mandatory again.

Also, @Ariblester: Maybe “fauxminists”? That’s what I’d call ’em.

5 years ago

4 correct: You’re like a freaking incel/TERF differentiation genius. Which is sort of sad.

I came here to have a good time and I’m feeling so attacked right now :<

Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
5 years ago

Brace yourselves. The National Weather service is predicting massive flooding along all major rivers due to a sudden influx of right-wing tears at this announcement:

5 years ago

@Surplus to Requirements, Observer of the Vast Blight-Wing Enstupidation
I love this

The title looks straight out of a hair metal album.

5 years ago

The Captain and I each got 2/4. This quiz is really hard!

Rabid Rabbit
Rabid Rabbit
5 years ago


Cis woman here, popping up her cis head to say that cis is not a slur. It’s just the opposite of trans. Which these FARTy fools might realize if they’d ever taken Latin at any level.

It would also require them to realize that “trans” isn’t a slur, so I don’t think knowing Latin’s going to help.

5 years ago

Ugh. Got 4/4.
I mainly decided by typos and weird punctuation….

That being said, to chime in on the cis-as-a-slur-thing… I can understand a little bit where that comes from, because I ran across “all cis-people are fucking scum” yesterday once again.
There’s a subset of trans people and their allies that go banding around comments like that at the slightest perceived sleight (in this case, the bwa-sub not agreeing that a trans woman(!) explaining what being mtf means with “born male and then realizing you’re female” instead of saying amab is bad women’s anatomy and then not agreeing that being trans magically changes your biological makeup. Oh, and they had that discussion and cursed at… An agender person.) and sometimes that feels like cis is almost a slur.

That being said – just because a tiny group of people acts like something is a slur does not define it as such. Some people use trans or gay like it is a slur and well, they’re not. And cis isn’t a slur because a group of idiots doesn’t get to decide what a slur is. Society would have to use it that way for a while with majorly negative connotation and society just…. Doesn’t.

It’s a descriptor. Just like trans is. And both shouldn’t hold any information about a person’s worth.

Feminism-supporting Skeptic
Feminism-supporting Skeptic
5 years ago

The first question was easy, the incel was doing his typical incelery (is that a word?) writing a fanfiction that they were imagining in their head.

The second question has the incel describing a complex situation into a simplified, strawman worldview.
The third question is the same as the second.

The fourth actually trips me up.

Overall a funny little joke test.

5 years ago

4/4 good answers.

My working hypothesis is that TERFs are very invested in looking traditionally feminine, and picked the answer that would have been uttered by a female villain in a movie.

I guess it’s a bit sad that it work.

5 years ago

Can we just admit that Twitter is run by bad people.

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Bina;

Maybe “fauxminists”? That’s what I’d call ’em

I love it!

Speaking of “love” (and thunder)… I gotta qualify this, as I don’t wanna end up on a Marvel Fan Mob’s pitchfork….

I have some vision deterioration (macular “hole”, to be specific) in one eye, n the other has been damaged since forever, so my vision is blurry…. When I saw the splash of the Thor: Love and Thunder movie, well, between my bad vision and the colors of the graphic, I saw Thor: Love Thunder… AND THOUGHT IT WAS A PORN PARODY….

5 years ago

@Weird Eddie:

RE: Electronics. No, you don’t. My sister-in-law holds that record. I don’t know how she does it. I believe she emits a force field that causes electronics to go haywire.

My spouse then winds up trying to fix them for her.

5 years ago

Absolutely identical. I could swear the same person wrote all of the quotes. But TERFs are “””feminists.”””

Some incels like to fantasize about solving their particular difficulty — their “involuntary” celibacy — by hooking up with “traps” (their favorite transphobic term for young trans hotties).

Why would trans women want to get with their misogynistic asses any more than cis women do?

Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
Weird (and tired of trumplings) Eddie
5 years ago

@ Dormouse:

It’s eerie when the single most common response from tech support is, “I’ve never seen that happen before…!”

5 years ago

I got 0, but I also didn’t know which one I was guessing for.

5 years ago

Anyone ever notice that when TERFs do talk about trans men it’s always “their teenage girls who hate being a girl so much because of Misogyny that they want to become boys” Like the only Trans men in their minds are 15 year olds. They never can even think of trans men being adults for some reason.

5 years ago


I think that’s a common problem for many trans men. Somehow people staunchly refuse to see them as adults. Even “allies” often end up infantilizing them. It’s pretty infuriating.

5 years ago


One consistency in TERFS/SWERFS/BERFS/etc. that I’ve noticed is that they resist knowledge in favor of theory.

They work out the theoretical nature of something (trans* people, porn, etc.) and latch onto that as The True Nature of Things, avoiding any exposure to facts because those might conflict with Theory.

One memorable example of this was a SWERF who explained who she had worked out how All Porn Is Rape, based on a completely imaginary idea of how the porn industry worked that did not resemble reality in the slightest. But it worked for the needs of her Theory, therefore it was correct and she did not need to do any of that pointless research.

Hey, ignoring facts in favor of an imaginary Way Things Are that supports their bigotries… no wonder it’s so hard to tell TERFS and incels apart.

5 years ago


Anyone ever notice that when TERFs do talk about trans men it’s always “their teenage girls who hate being a girl so much because of Misogyny that they want to become boys” Like the only Trans men in their minds are 15 year olds. They never can even think of trans men being adults for some reason.

Yup. To FARTs, the only mature individual is one who is willing to hammer themselves down to fit the procrustean bed of cis-ness. If a young person comes out as trans, that person must thus be immature and/or “heteronormative” and/or a “gender trender”. A young trans guy, then, would be a self-hating childish lesbian trying to be cool, not a teenager with a thoughtful and realistic assessment of himself as male-assigned-female-at-birth.

On the other hand, FARTs think a trans woman is either a self-hating effeminate gay male, or else a straight man trying to insert his perverse, unwanted penis-energy into female-only spaces. They don’t understand, or don’t WANT to understand, that trans lesbians (and asexuals, etc.) actually exist, and are not a sexual threat to anyone. The few actual trans women they’re willing to accept (grudgingly, kinda-sorta) are those who’ve already gone the full surgical route. But they still won’t accept them as real, actual, no-questions-asked WOMEN. Apparently a transsexual who’s had all her genitalia remodeled is somewhat (with a whole slew of conditions and asterisks attached) legit, but a transgender person who has, for whatever reason, not had all the surgeries, isn’t

…buuuut they’re not willing to concede that gender-confirming medical treatment is an effective treatment to gender dysphoria, either. THAT problem is just all in the poor deluded “trans-identified” dears’ heads, and if they really wanted to deal with it correctly, they should just accept themselves as persons of their immutable, birth-assigned sex, and stop seeking confirmation…

And they think we’re weirdos for simply accepting trans people for whoever they tell us they are?

And they call themselves “radical”?

5 years ago

I don’t understand how we’re supposed to take the quiz. We’re supposed to be guessing whether an incel or a TERF said it, but each question is just choosing between two different quotes?

Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
Yutolia the Laissez-Fairy Pronoun Boner
5 years ago

@ribblefizz: the directions aren’t very clear. I think the ones that just say question in the headline are the ones aimed at terfs.

epitome of incomprehensibility

@Lainy, Bina – well said. Plus, trans men can be gay, bi, or ace, etc., like anyone else, so it doesn’t make sense that they’d all be “self-hating lesbians” or whatever the TERFS think.

@ribblefizz – I did this yesterday and I also missed what the question was! I looked and it DOES say “For each question, pick which of the two answers came from the Braincels subreddit” but maybe I just didn’t notice it before.

Alexis Filth
Alexis Filth
5 years ago

I got all 4 right because I have to put up with TERFs a lot on Twitter and because I research incels for fun guessing games on my podcast, The Violet Wanderers (all trans hosted comedy podcast).

Beyond Ocean
Beyond Ocean
5 years ago

1/4. Welp.

I guess I gave FARTs too much credit and attributed the more obviously crass and blatant statements to incels.

The first one would trip me up anytime, though. The fuck are incels suddenly concerned about women’s spaces now?

And I hope this is a more appropriate thread for this…

@Rhuu, can I again ask about the purported effort of TERFs to de-legitimize ace people in the LGBT+ community?

I’m not asking this out of pure curiosity. I’m asexual myself, and I’m yet to see anything like this in the wild, so I would like to know what to watch out for.