By David Futrelle
Attention vagina people! Turns out your regular vagina processes are disrupting the efficiency and well-being of everyone you work with, in that every time Aunt Shark Week stops by for a visit you get all crabby and start fights with everyone else.
That is, in any case, the worry of one Reddit dude — who has, happily for us, provided a solution to this problem: Have working women (sorry, “females”) wear some sort of LED device to warn everyone else they’re on the rag! Or maybe, like, a red necklace?

Foadsf, well aware that his idea probably wouldn’t go over too well with anyone, not just the “females,” posted it in the Unpopular Opinion subreddit, where it proved so unpopular with the subreddit’s mods that it was quickly deleted. (I found a screenshot in the NotHowGirlsWork subreddit and tracked down the original.)
I’m thinking of getting a t-shirt made to express my solidarity. I mean, as a cis dude I don’t get periods, but there are certainly days when I’m in a terrible mood. A t-shirt with some helpful slogan like “I’ve got a case of the grumpies,” or “Havin’ a cranky one!” could do wonders for office morale here at the Mammoth Institute, or at least it could if my co-workers weren’t just a couple of cats who cannot, as far as I can tell, read.

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That is absolutely what he intended, and he’s confirmed this many times in interviews.
It’s always baffled me that so many people initially miss what to me is very very obvious satire in Verhoeven’s films (let’s face it, he’s hardly subtle), and since he grew up in Nazi-occupied Holland he’s experienced first-hand what it’s like living in a Fascist society and with all the trappings of that (relentless propaganda, etc.).
It’s also worth noting that the film always had a much more positive critical reception in Europe, where I suspect we were more instinctively in tune with the more explicitly anti-American elements – we didn’t need the shock of 9/11 and its aftermath to retrospectively explain where Verhoeven was coming from as we were already more than used to the idea of the US steaming in, blowing things up and leaving the newly-broken countries that they’d invaded to pick up the pieces.
On a happy Heinlein note: I first read about waterbeds in a Heinlein novel, I think it was Stranger in a Strange Land, and I bought one the day I left home, and am still sleeping on it more than forty years later. Well the frame is the same, I have had three different mattresses in it. (Bit like the 500 year old broom that has had three new sticks and four new broom heads, but still…)
Speaking of racism,
David, you’ve probably seen this, since I assume you follow Talia Lavin’s Twitter, but just in case
Stephen Molyneux no longer thinks anti-Semitism is bad because Jewish people are not fighting anti-white racism.
Heinlein is popularly credited with inventing the modern waterbed, or at least designing it; he never built one, but the specifications he wrote up are pretty much the ones that were made a few years after he described it.
I meant fascism in my earlier comment, but racism works too.
Among enslaved women at certain courts, the women’s ankles were tattooed with dates of their periods, when their owner had raped them, birthdates of their children, etc.
Gor wasn’t a documentary series.
No idea what Gor is, @Pie. Is it something to do with the televisual device? I don’t have one.
But history: I read a lot of it.
I’ve never read them, but apparently Gor is a series of fantasy novels taking place on a world where men are Men and (most) women are slaves (and happy to be enslaved, as is the Natural Way). I am given to understand that it is widely regarded as terrible thinly-veiled smut. Female slaves are usually branded, though not quite in the way you describe.
David, you are dangerously wrong. Your cats can read; they just pretend they can’t so they can use their reading ability against you at the most convenient time.