By David Futrelle
In the Kotaku in Action subreddit , where GamerGate never died (it just smells that way), the regulars are getting mad that the community manager for the game Total War: Three Kingdoms objected to some “sexy mods” that horny gamers had come up with.
Naturally, the regulars in KiA have figured out the real reason that women are annoyed by female game characters with massive two-dimensional gazongas: they’re just jealous. According to the OP:
![THOT_Analytica[S] 67 points 23 hours ago
The female community manager in this case is acting as a gatekeeper for male attention. It's a personal insult to her that men care more about fictional women which she can't compete with than about her and her feelings. This is what happens when a female is given a position of power, she will abuse her power for her own interests.](https://i1.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/cfutgivyhbolnk.png?fit=600%2C294)
And the peanut gallery agrees:
![genuseacc 230 points 1 day ago
I'm starting to believe when women flip out about this kind of stuff it's because their lizard brain is low key jealous of the chars and drawings and fears the competition or some other atavic instinct like that.
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[–]TonyTGD"I, Dracula." 150 points 1 day ago
To most women attention is a finite resource. If men give attention to computer women then there is less potential attention for them to receive.](https://i1.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/8gy90uhi-jo.png?fit=600%2C447)
It’s all very scientific, according to this guy who can’t type properly.

I can relate. I was going to major in anyhropology in college, until they told me that wasn’t even a word.
But it’s good to know that dudes who rarely if ever speak to actual human women have them all figured out so well.
H/T — Twitter’s Shitty Gamer Takes
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I am absolutely fine with getting no attention from the men who frequent KiA.
1. I don’t think they have much contact with humans. At all. No matter the gender.
I’m a hermit as well, mind you, but I go to work and do music stuff, so I interact with people in meat space on a daily basis. I don’t much like it, but at least someone would notice if I vanished.
2. As someone with huge 3D gazongas I have to say that they’re way more trouble than they’re worth. Boob sweat is icky, bras cost an arm and a leg, and way too many men talk to my boobs. I also move around a lot when I sleep and pinching a nipple when rolling over is agony.
3. Pretending to be smart by using big words really doesn’t work when you can’t spell them. Which also is an indication that you probably don’t know what they mean.
4. And we’re not afraid of competition by video game characters. We’re just tired of being bombarded by images like this all day, every day.
@Knitting Cat Lady
You have no idea how thrilled I was to find a bra that
A) comes in my size
B) has no underwire to poke me all day
C) rarely cuts into my sides
D) is cotton, therefore both comfy and moisture-wicking
E) doesn’t give me uniboob
F) is affordable (well, under $50, which is as affordable as bras get)
Fuck it, there’s a sale, gonna buy another one.
“I’d have loved to have gone to college, but they’d have presented ideas which challenged my preconceptions, and that just won’t do.”
It appears that HonkHonkberg probably wouldn’t have done well in college.
Just wanted to say that I love the bit in the beginning : “…GamerGate never died (it just smells that way)”
Two dimensional animated characters that have no free will and can’t object to them continue to be their ideal woman.
To be anything different is to be so far out of their comfort zone that all they can do is speculate wildly about those mysterious creatures known as “actual people.” Of course they think real women are a bloodthirsty alien brood set on destroying them and twisting their “culture” into some abhorrent abomination (read: inclusive and not demeaning.) How dare women object to horny men reimagining the few female characters in video games into sex objects.
From what I learn from the Internet, only left and liberal views are to be challenged on college. You also have to be triggered and spoken down to as much as possible.
Who produces these magical unicorn bras?!
It’s funny that HonkHonkberg thinks that academia is “dominated by lysenkoist progressive ideology” and wants to studio (I assume) evolutionary psychology. A lot of evopsych stuff seems sort of like Lysenkoism to me.
Oops, edit function didn’t appear. That studio was of course supposed to be study.
Then why is he so obsessed with animated women? Last I checked, video game and anime tits can’t help these dudes reproduce.
HonkHonkberg’s objection to academia isn’t exactly what they says it is. They could study evolutionary anthropology regardless of whether academia is dominated by lysolkeneticist prosnotty ideology…. But what they want is to present THEIR ideas about the subject without fear of criticism.
This is rampant in dogmatic circles, and the objection always boils down to “… they don’t AGREE WITH ME!!! CENSORSHIP!!!”
@ wwth:
I read this and my brain fell out and rolled on the floor laughing its reptilian cortex off!!!
@wwth I’m sure someplace out there is some guy that thinks Weird Science is a documentary, not an ’80s comedy. His video game hottie is going to pop out of his computer any day now.
I’m going to go out on something of a limb and suggest that when he says academia is “dominated by lysenkoist progressive ideology” what he means is it’s dominated by politically correct progressive idealogy.” Because I’m struggling to figure out how the statement could otherwise be perceived as true, even by Gaters.
Which of course never happens when a man is given a position of power. Ever.
(I’m sure they would add that only feeeemales are given positions of power, men earn theirs, something that feeemales are incapable of.)
@ Lineata:
A huge majority of gaters, indeed, most dogmatist conservatives, hold that “science sez what they say it sez.” HonkHonkUpALoogie’s study of evolutionary anthropology would undoubtedly show that all the gender roles that misogynists love and cherish actually WERE encoded into our genetics “on th’ African savanna” and the Lysenkoists are denying science when they say otherwise.
so… in observance of the wisdom that “it’s never too late to learn”….
Listening to Pandora, “60’s Folk Music” channel, they spun a mid-1960s tune called “A Well-Respected Man”… looking at Google for some guidance towards the lyrics… I discovered the song was NOT by The Beatles, as I’d always believed, but instead by the Kinks….
On one hand, sexy costumes, whether real-life or avatar, can be a valid form of self-expression.
On the other hand, they’ve been too often used as an invalid form of other-expression.
On one hand, people should be able to play games the way they want to, even if it’s not for the best reasons.
On the other hand, extra-skimpy bikini armor in a semi-realistic battle game based on an actual historical era would wreck the experience for a lot of the other players. (I would presume. Not a gamer.)
Cool, so, I’m just wasting time trying to understand based on what Lysenkoism might *actually* mean?
But I am only a young girl and know little of the ways of…genetics.
David has been know to have a way with words, and that parenthetical bit is a beautiful one.
And what a smell it is! The sour smell of unwashed armpits, stale Cheesy-Poofs and rancid Monster energy drink… excuse me, (ulp), I gotta go ?
So he’s also a goddam nazi? What a shock.
Lane Bryant. This bra, specifically: https://cacique.lanebryant.com/cotton-unlined-no-wire-bra/prd-353787#color/0000087762
Those do look comfy and they seem to be on sale for only $19.99. They don’t have my band size though. I’m a 36H. I wonder if a 38G would work?
You could check if they have a store near you and try it on (I passed by one today and they were advertising the sale, so it’s not restricted to online). They do returns but you have to pay return shipping.