By David Futrelle
In the Kotaku in Action subreddit , where GamerGate never died (it just smells that way), the regulars are getting mad that the community manager for the game Total War: Three Kingdoms objected to some “sexy mods” that horny gamers had come up with.
Naturally, the regulars in KiA have figured out the real reason that women are annoyed by female game characters with massive two-dimensional gazongas: they’re just jealous. According to the OP:
![THOT_Analytica[S] 67 points 23 hours ago
The female community manager in this case is acting as a gatekeeper for male attention. It's a personal insult to her that men care more about fictional women which she can't compete with than about her and her feelings. This is what happens when a female is given a position of power, she will abuse her power for her own interests.](https://i1.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/cfutgivyhbolnk.png?fit=600%2C294)
And the peanut gallery agrees:
![genuseacc 230 points 1 day ago
I'm starting to believe when women flip out about this kind of stuff it's because their lizard brain is low key jealous of the chars and drawings and fears the competition or some other atavic instinct like that.
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[–]TonyTGD"I, Dracula." 150 points 1 day ago
To most women attention is a finite resource. If men give attention to computer women then there is less potential attention for them to receive.](https://i1.wp.com/www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/8gy90uhi-jo.png?fit=600%2C447)
It’s all very scientific, according to this guy who can’t type properly.

I can relate. I was going to major in anyhropology in college, until they told me that wasn’t even a word.
But it’s good to know that dudes who rarely if ever speak to actual human women have them all figured out so well.
H/T — Twitter’s Shitty Gamer Takes
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Small breasted women and men may not understand the importance of a good bra to those of us who have what Bette Midler called “great big knockers” (try to find the song, on Art or Bust–Bette is a well endowed girl herself and she understands–that whole concert was amazing).
It took me a long time to succumb to sense, but I finally decided to try actually measuring myself and bought a bra that I thought was WAY too big. That was partly because it was much bigger than the bras you can find in the stores.
So it turns out I needed to RTFM (Read the Fucking Manual). It fit perfectly. It’s comfortable. It, as the old commercial goes, lifts and separates, and there is no bloody goddamned fucking wire.
So you live and learn.
Maidenform is my personal favorite brand of bras. They do have wires but their so padded around the wires you don’t really notice them. They also have some pretty styles and matching panties that are a nice breathable cotton. Keep in mind I only have I only have 36c cup breast. I know their are bigger sizes but I’m not sure how big they go up to.
Anyone want to place bets on whether Honk even knows who Lysenko was?
I hate wearing a bra, despite being well endowed. First thing I do after work is take it off and sling shot it across the room. I get rashes from the lower band and straps – freaky skin.
I don’t know if they are UK only but bravissimo is great and they have some bras that go up to a K cup. and I got a comfortable sports bra there as a 32E.
Snowberry: I’m not familiar with Total War’s mod setup but typically, players can share mods in two ways: via some easy to use interface in the game, maintained by the game developer; and via their own web pages, which will require slightly more technical skill for other players to install.
The game developer can of course curate the list that’s offered on their own platform. They can’t do anything about the open web.
So, as usual, the cry for “freedom of speech” is really a cry for compelled speech from any curated space for user-generated content.
Do these guys also get annoyed at art galleries?
In my experience, yes
That’s what was making my head hurt.
I am never envious that someone else’s boobs are LARGER than mine. I could do with mine being MUCH smaller.
Also, one problem with videogame boobs is that they don’t obey the freaking laws of physics, the gal at the top being a really great example of that. Even fake boobs aren’t gonna make cleavage without something pressing them together, and pasties (even diamond shaped ones) don’t do that.
It is really really distracting when you know how boobs DO work to see them in some game where every other part of the physics is super realistic yet the boobs are antigrav boobs. Definitely breaks immersion.
(Aside from the greater problem of objectification, of course. I just thought I’d mention it because even if you were an antifeminist jerk, there are other reasons to argue against this sort of thing too.)
Well, I bet soon enough the igno-right will be ranting that academia is controlled by Cultural Lysenkoism.
Pretty sure he intended to major in “Any Derpology”, given his considerable talent for derp.
This is similar to the “Fake Geek Girl” scare that pre-dates gamergate and if anything was worse. Geeky guys complained of non-Geek girls who would pretend to be part of the Geek community in order the harvest the attention of Geek guys. A lot of the language carried the assumption that women NEED male attention and will come up with various evil schemes to get it. It seemed to be part of a larger anxiety that conventionally attractive people would invade Geek spaces and push out the traditionally Geeky guys. These men see Geek spaces as a refuge for unattractive men first and foremost.
“Lysenkoism” really confused me until I googled it. “Rejection of Genetics” immediately showed up, but regardless of the actual meaning the guy clearly means rejection of the biology inspired justification of traditional gender thinking. Feminists generally seem to reject outright the notion that evolution could influence psychology. I would recommend “Sex at Dawn” by Christoper Ryan & Cacilda Jetha, which starts with the same premise but arrives at a very different conclusion. A different way to disprove that particular evolutionary narrative.
As someone who plays a fair amount of Total War, why the hell would you want a sexy mod for it in the first place? The whole point is that it’s supposed to realistic and detailed. If you want sexy fantasy armor go play WoW or something, I guess.
I was struck by how TonyTGD seems to think that attention is actually an unlimited resource. I guess he thinks all men are Dr. Manhattan or something.
I feel like these dudes should just go and play Dynasty Warriors if they want ridiculously over-the-top costumes in a Three Kingdoms setting.
I approve of mocking these guys, but HonkHonberg’s version of “anthropology” probably does not deserve the scorn it gets here. When you misspell a long word by only one letter, and the wrong letter that you used is next to the right one on the keyboard, then that should be presumed a simple typing error (compounded by a failure to proofread) rather than a display of ignorance.
On the other hand, his use of “with” when he means “wish” is just weird. “S” and “t” are not near each other on the keyboard, so he had to make a special effort to get that wrong.
I think Lysenkoism is the original example of political correctness (the real kind, not the fake boogeyman that rightist blowhards get worked up about). Lysenko was supported by the state, and his theories about agriculture were promoted as a wholesome alternative to degenerate western science. So his theories were *politically* correct, even when they were not *factually* correct. It was also not politically correct to say that millions of people died in the resulting famine. Lysenkoism was right so that could not have happened. Anyone who says otherwise is questioning the political authorities.
This whole thing is a feature of authoritarian regimes. We see it writ large in the Trump administration: it is politically correct to say that climate change is a hoax and that burning as much coal and oil as we can will make everyone happier and wealthier. And it will be politically incorrect to say that millions of people died because of it. Climate change is a hoax so that could not have happened.