NOTE: See note at the end of the post for an important clarification.
By David Futrelle
Yesterday morning, a middle-aged man in a Long Island Bagel Boss shop launched into an abusive, if sometimes barely coherent, tirade after he became convinced that a young woman working there was smirking at his short stature. His meltdown was caught on video, and quickly went viral.
“Why is it ok for women to say ‘oh you’re five feet?’ on dating sites ‘you should be dead’ THAT’S OK?!” you can hear him yell furiously in the video, gesticulating wildly. When another patron asks him who
at the bagel shop said that to him, he responds that
women in general have said it on dating sites. You think I’m making that shit up? Everywhere I go it’s the same fucking smirk, with the biting lip.
After he gets in the face of several male bagel shop patrons and challenging them to fight, one of them throws him to the ground and holds him down. A second video, apparently taken shortly afterwards, captures the man, now back on his feet, continuing his tirade against the shop’s female staffers until he is finally led from the shop.
Viewers of the video quickly labeled the man an incel. And so did incels themselves, with the regulars on the Incels.co forums
dubbing him St. Bagelcel — and hailing him as a new incel icon.
He’s “the hero us manlets need and deserve,” gushed someone called ManletHalfCurry.
Others went further. He “was speaking truth that is never spoken about the suffering of manlets,” wrote someone called ScornedStoic. “He’s our prophet.”
“He is my god now.,” declared desperatecel178.
The Incels regulars were somewhat less positive about the man who jumped their new hero. ScornedStoic let loose with this fantasy of extreme violence:
I want the guy who tackled him to have his nails pulled out and forcibly castrated with zero anesthetic, then his teeth ripped out.
Fuck him, burn him alive.
Others wished that their new hero had pulled out a gun and shot his assailant. “Guy should have put a bullet in that tallfag,” wrote Shigechi.
Others held out hope that “the next time” their new hero would carry out a massacre in the style of Elliot Rodger, who famously became an incel martyr after murdering six in Isla Vista California in 2014 in what he deemed his “day of retribution” against the women of the world.
“I hope he take it a step furthER next time,” wrote Insomniac, the capitalized “ER” a reference to Rodger. “It’s not worth living that short,” added Evildoer. “i hope he goes ER and revenges all these who mocked him.”
CLARIFICATION: This post originally discussed the video of a YouTuber who claimed he was the man in the store. Since then the real “Bagel Boss guy” has come forward and it appears to be a different guy, one with a long history of similar public confrontations, many of which he himself filmed and put online on his own YouTube channel.
UPDATE: I reworded the first paragraph to make clear that it was his perception that he was being mocked for his height; other witnesses say the woman working there merely smiled at him.
H/T — Thanks to everyone who sent me the Bagel Boss videos.
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@ Aaron:
Tomás de Torquemada was probably a sincere believer, too…
Yes, I’m sure. What’s your point? Cruise is not in a comparable position, and Scientology, for all its flaws, is not engaging in a genocidal inquisition.
(And by that implied logic, you could argue that anyone in a position of authority in any religion is morally abhorrent. If that is in fact your view, that’s fine: it’s not an entirely indefensible one. But it puts Cruise in a great deal of company.)
I’ve noted before my opinion that the primary reason the plantation owners of the U.S. South joined (and largely financed) the Revolution was because they felt themselves to be Barons and were annoyed that the crown wasn’t acknowledging that title and authority. They were never really on board with the whole ‘democracy’ idea, but they figured that if the revolution won, they could quickly subvert anything set up and be the new nobles. And if not, it was mostly other people’s kids dying in the fighting anyway.
@People who responded to Tom Cruise question
Ok, yep, slave labor is pretty shitty.
I understand your point, but true believing does not excuse benefiting from known slave labor.
Mainstream religions pretty much all have problematic aspects to them, but aren’t all bad. Scientology is not a mainstream religion. It is a cult. The abuse of its members, including the children, the slave labor, and the financial extortion they engage in is very well documented. Not to mention the disappearance of Shelley Miscavige, wife of David Miscavige, who runs the organization and is Cruise’s BFF. It does not matter if he’s a true believer. He is very much complicit in the crimes and abuse Scientology commits.
*raises hand*
How did we go from Bagel Guy to defending Scientology?
Bagel guy -> short guys -> Tom Cruise -> Scientology.
But I don’t think there was any defense of Scientology, even from Aaron. He defended the sincerity of Tom Cruise’s behavior and belief, but not Scientology.
Dude has an interview with Inside Edition today, (found through a post on Unilad) where the interviewer is a woman who is significantly taller than he was. He ended the interview almost immediately, stating he didn’t like the interviewer, though she had done nothing I could determine to elicit that response.
Wow, so he’s discriminating against her based solely on her height. What a fucking surprise.
It’s always projection with these assholes….
@gaebolga: notice the privilege.
You subconsciously or consciously judge me for my height? You are bad. Even if you have said nothing to suggest that. Even if you are just smiling. Or just interviewing me.
I openly, consciously assume that your height means that you can’t do your job? I’m okay. I’m not a bigot. I can use the fundamental attribution error.
Obviously this is not news but that is what the incels are actually defending. The privilege to be shitty and awful and have it cost them nothing. And the right to take away everyone else’s ability to fight back.
Incels, MRAs, Nazis, ‘anti-PC’ folks, ‘race realists,’ TERFs, etc…
This is almost a fill-in-the-blank true statement regarding bigots
Men: women should smile more.
Also men:
@Mary Buttress
@Mary Buttress
You have no links? You’re just a concern troll who was passing through?